Use perl to send AT commands to modem - linux

I have a embedded linux box with perl 5.10 and a GSM modem attached.
I have written a simple perl script to read/write AT commands through the modems device file (/dev/ttyACM0).
If i write a simle command like "ATZ\r" to the modem and wait for a response I receive very odd data like "\n\n\nATZ\n\n0\n\nOK\n\n\n\n\nATZ\n\n\n\n..." and the data keeps coming in. It almost seems like the response is garbled up with other data.
I would expect something like "ATZ\nOK\n" (if echo is enabled).
If i send the "ATZ" command manually with e.g. minicom everything works as expected.
This leads me to think it might be some kind of perl buffering issue, but that's only guessing.
I open the device in perl like this (I do not have Device::Serialport on my embedded linux perl installation):
open(FH, "+<", "/dev/ttyACM0") or die "Failed to open com port $comport";
and read the response one byte at a time with:
while(1) {
my $response;
read(FH, $response, 1);
printf("hex response '0x%02X'\n", ord $response);
Am I missing some initialization or something else to get this right?

I don't think you need the while loop. This code should send the ATZ command, wait for the response, then print the response:
open(FH, "+>", "/dev/ttyACM0") or die "Failed to open com port $comport";
print FH ("ATZ\n");
$R = <FH>;
print $R;

It may be something to do with truncation. Try changing "+>" into "+<".
Or it may be something to do with buffering, try unbuffering output after your open():
select((select(FH), $| = 1)[0]);

Thanks for your answer. Although not the explicit answer to my question it certainly brought me on the right track.
As noted by mti2935 this was indeed not a perl problem, but a mere tty configuration problem.
Using the "stty" command with the following parameters set my serial port in the "expected" mode:
-opost: Disable all output postprocessing
-crnl: Do not translate CR to NL
-onlcr: Do not translate NL to CR NL
-echo: Do not echo input (having this echo enabled and echo on the modem itself gave me double echoes resulting in odd behaviour in my script)
It is also possible to use the combination setting "raw" to set all these parameters the correct way.


Suppressing output after SSH to another server

When I SSH to another server thare are some blurbs of text that always outputs when you log in. (wheather its SSH or just logging in to its own session)
"Authentification banner" is what it prints out every time i either scp a file over or SSH into it.
My code iterates thru a list of servers and sends a file, each time it does that it outputs a lot of text id like to suppress.
This code loops thru each server printing out what its doing.
for(my $j=0; $j < $#servName+1; $j++)
print "\n\nSending file: $fileToTransfer to \n$servName[$j]:$targetLocation\n\n";
my $sendCommand = `scp $fileToTransfer $servName[$j]:$targetLocation`;
print $sendCommand;
But then it comes out like this:
Sending file: /JacobsScripts/ to
Welcome authorized users. This system is company
property and unauthorized access or use is prohibited
and may subject you to discipline, civil suit or
criminal prosecution. To the extent permitted by law,
system use and information may be monitored, recorded
or disclosed. Using this system constitutes your
consent to do so. You also agree to comply with applicable
company procedures for system use and the protection of
sensitive (including export controlled) data.
Sending file: /JacobsScripts/ to
Welcome authorized users. This system is company
property and unauthorized access or use is prohibited
and may subject you to discipline, civil suit or
criminal prosecution. To the extent permitted by law,
system use and information may be monitored, recorded
or disclosed. Using this system constitutes your
consent to do so. You also agree to comply with applicable
company procedures for system use and the protection of
sensitive (including export controlled) data.
I havent tried much, i saw a few forums that mention taking the output into a file and then delete it but idk if thatll work for my situation.
NOTE   This answer assumes that on the system in question the ssh/scp messages go to STDERR stream (or perhaps even directly to /dev/tty)†, like they do on some systems I test with -- thus the question.
If not, then ikegami's answer of course takes care of it: just don't print the captured STDOUT. But even in that case, I also think that all ways shown here are better for capturing output (except for the one involving the shell), specially when both streams are needed.
These prints can be suppressed by configuring the server, or perhaps via a .hushlogin file, but then that clearly depends on the server management.
Otherwise, yes you can redirect standard streams to files or, better yet, to variables, what makes the overall management easier.
Using IPC::Run
use IPC::Run qw(run);
my ($file, $servName, $targetLocation) = ...
my #cmd = ("scp", $file, $servName, $targetLocation);
run \#cmd, '1>', \my $out, '2>', \my $err;
# Or redirect both to one variable
# run \#cmd, '>&', \my $out_err;
This mighty and rounded library allows great control over the external processes it runs; it provides almost a mini shell.
Or using the far simpler, and very handy Capture::Tiny
use Capture::Tiny qw(capture);
my ($out, $err, $exit) = capture { system #cmd };
Here output can be merged using capture_merged. Working with this library is also clearly superior to builtins (qx, system, pipe-open).
In both cases then inspect $out and $err variables, what is far less cut-and-dry as error messages depend on your system. For some errors the library routines die/croak but for some others they don't but merely print to STDERR. It is probably more reliable to use other tools that libraries provide for detecting errors.
The ssh/scp "normal" (non-error) messages may print to either STDERR or STDOUT stream, or may even go directly to /dev/tty,† so can be mixed with error messages.
Given that the intent seems to be to intersperse these scp commands with other prints then I'd recommend either of these two ways over the others below.
Another option, which I consider least satisfactory overall, is to use the shell to redirect output in the command itself, either to separate files
my ($out_file, $err_file) = ...
system("#cmd 2> $err_file 1> $out_file" ) == 0
or die "system(#cmd...) error: $?"; # see "system" in perldoc
or, perhaps for convenience, both streams can go to one file
system("#cmd > $out_err_file 2>&1" ) == 0 or die $?;
Then inspect files for errors and remove if there is nothing remarkable. Or, shell redirections can be used like in the question but to capture all output
my $out_and_err = qx(#cmd 2>&1);
Then examine the (possibly multiline) variable for errors.
Or, instead of dealing with individual commands we can redirect streams themselves to files for a duration of a larger part of the program
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature 'say';
# Save filehandles ('dup' them) so to be able to reopen later
open my $saveout, ">&STDOUT" or die "Can't dup STDOUT: $!";
open my $saveerr, ">&STDERR" or die "Can't dup STDERR: $!";#]]
my ($outf, $errf) = qw(stdout.txt stderr.txt);
open *STDOUT, ">", $outf or die "Can't redirect STDOUT to $outf: $!";
open *STDERR, ">", $errf or die "Can't redirect STDERR to $errf: $!";
my ($file, $servName, $targetLocation) = ...
my #cmd = ("scp", $file, $servName, $targetLocation);
system(#cmd) == 0
or die "system(#cmd) error: $?"; # see "system" in perldoc
# Restore standard streams when needed for normal output
open STDOUT, '>&', $saveout or die "Can't reopen STDOUT: $!";
open STDERR, '>&', $saveerr or die "Can't reopen STDERR: $!";
# Examine what's in the files (errors?)
I use system instead of qx (operator form of backticks) since there is no need for output from scp. Most of this is covered in open, and search SO for specifics.
It'd be nice to be able to reopen streams to variables but that doesn't work here
† This is even prescribed ("allowed") by POSIX
In each process, a synonym for the controlling terminal associated with the process group of that process, if any. It is useful for programs or shell procedures that wish to be sure of writing messages to or reading data from the terminal no matter how output has been redirected. It can also be used for applications that demand the name of a file for output, when typed output is desired and it is tiresome to find out what terminal is currently in use.
Courtesy of this superuser post, which has a substiantial discussion.
You are capturing the text, then printing it out using print $sendCommand;. You could simply remove that statement.

alsa: How to programmatically find if a device is busy/in use using it name and without opening it

We have a Linux device which has a speaker and MIC devices. These devices are shared among different modules - example a VOIP call can use speaker, a hazard Warning system can use speaker, a Voice prompt can use a speaker etc:
There seems to be a function in ALSA which uses pcm to provide the status.
int snd_pcm_status (snd_pcm_t * pcm, snd_pcm_status_t * status)
However the *pcm is returned by snd_pcm_open. We do not want to open the device as we would like to know the status of the device using its "name"
Alsa API is here
How can we check if a resource/device is busy without opening it and using its name?
The same information for playback stream X of device Y on card Z is available in the file /proc/asound/cardZ/pcmYp/subX/status; when the device is not open, it just says "closed".
Please note that you cannot use this information to decide if you can open the device, because some other process could have openend it just after you've read this information. The only way to check if you can open it is to actually try.
Though it requires /dev/dsp, this seems to work:
## If the speaker is not used by any, returns 0, and prints "free"
## Otherwise, returns 1 and prints "not free"
iExit (){
trap '' 0
exit $1
iCatch (){
# The speaker is already in use
echo not free
iExit 1
trap iCatch 0
exec 3>&1 1>/dev/dsp
# If the execution reaches here, the speaker is not used by any
# Otherwise, it's catched by iCatch
exec 1>&3
echo free
iExit 0
} 2>/dev/null
Without PulseAudio, it seems on some PC only one output is accepted at one time; on others simultaneous playbacks are allowed. But even in the latter case, the above code works.
NB: The above code does not work with bash; for bash, simply use if/else rather than trap.
NB 2: /dev/dsp may be lacking depending on the kernel configuration.

Linux serial port listener and interpreter?

I'm using a serial device for a project, and what I'm trying to accomplish PC side, is listening for a command sent by the serial device, interpreting the query, running some code depending on the query, and transmitting back the result.
To be honest I tried out using PHP as the listener, and it works, unfortunately the infinite loop required to make the script act as a receiver, loads the CPU to 25%. So it's not really the best option.
I'm using cygwin right now, I'd like to create a bash script using linux native commands.
I can receive data by using:
cat /dev/ttyS2
And send a response with:
echo "command to send" > /dev/ttyS2
My question is, how do I make an automated listener to be able to receive and send data? The main issue I have, is actually how do I stop the cat /dev/ttyS2 command once information was received, put it into a variable which then I could compare with a switch, or a series of if else then blocks. Afterwards send back a response and start the cycle all over again?
Is this not what you're looking for?
while read -r line < /dev/ttyS2; do
# $line is the line read, do something with it
# which produces $result
echo $result > /dev/ttyS2
It's possible that reopening the serial device on every line has some side-effect, in which case you could try:
while read -r line; do
# $line is the line read, do something with it
# which produces $result
echo $result > /dev/ttyS2
done < /dev/ttyS2
You could also move the output redirection, but I suspect you will have to turn off stdout buffering.
To remain fairly system independent, use a cross platform programming language: like Python, use a cross platform serial library like : pySerial and do the processing inside a script. I have used pySerial and I could run the script cross platform with almost no changes in source code. By using BASH you're limiting yourself a fair little.
If you use right tools, it is possible to actually have your CPU usage to be exactly 0 when your device does not have any output.
To accomplish this, you should use some higher level language (Perl, Python, C/C++ would do, but not bash) and use select loop on top of file handle of your serial device. This is an example for Perl, but you can use any other language as long as it has support for select() syscall.
I would recommend to use C/C++ with Qt 5.1.1, it's really easy and if you are familiar with the framework it'll be a piece of cake!!!
Here you can find more information and here more helpful examples, give it a try,
it's really pain free!! Also you can develop on win and then port your code to linux...straight forward.
Declare an object like this:
QSerialPort mPort; //remember to #include <QtSerialPort/QSerialPort>
//also add QT += serialport to your .pro file
Then add this code:
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent)
this->label->setText(tr("unable to open port, %1").arg(mPort.error()));
void MainWindow::sendData()
QByteArray data = lineEdit->text().toLatin1();
this->label->setText(tr("port closed %1").arg( mPort.error()));
void MainWindow::readData()
QString newData;
int bread=0;
while(bread < mPort.bytesAvailable() ){
newData += mPort.readAll();
this->textEdit->insertPlainText("\n" + newData);

How can I tell if no arguments have been given and nothing is coming in on stdin?

I'd like a Perl script that I'm writing to display a help message if it receives no input.
How can I tell if nothing is coming in on stdin?
if (#ARGV == 0 && -t STDIN && -t STDERR) {
print STDERR "$0: WARNING: reading input from keyboard, type ^D for EOF, ^C to intr.\n";
$#ARGV contains the number of arguments.
You might also find this perldoc FAQ useful for checking whether there is any input from the keyboard:
If you are talking about input from STDIN, you can check if the variable is equal to the empty string (after removing the CR/LF). For example:
my $myInput = <STDIN>;
if ($myInput eq "")
print "Error! You didn't submit any data!\n";
However, as #thnee says, if you are checking for the arguments passed in via command line, you should use $#ARGV.
For example:
if ($#ARGV == -1)
print "Error! No input arguments entered!\n";
It's possible to check if something has come in on STDIN (using a nonblocking read, select or ioctl FIONREAD), but it's impossible to check if something is coming in on stdin, since it hasn't happened yet.
Impossibility aside, you're asking to break convention. For example, take cat, perl, sort, etc, etc. If you provide no arguments, they'll happily wait on STDIN until you provide what they need.
The user knows to use man tool or tool --help to get info.

DTMF monitoring via multimon, awk and espeak

How to listen to the spoken DTMD digit every time the sound card capture one?
The objective is radio controlling my pc and interfaces activities dialing dtmf tones via a hand-held transceiver.
I used multimon to hear DTMF tones
I tried to use awk to filter digits and proceed accordingly.
For example, if I key "0" from the radio the system must reboot, etc, but first confirming the operation. " The computer will reboot, send # to confirm"...
I tried to use espeak for a voice confirmation to the remote radio.
The radio connected to the pc soundcard receives the commands and transmits the responses.
I do not simply know how to nest multimon within awk within espeak.
Multimon itself doesnt let me do anything with its stdout because its running ( do not terminate after hearing a digit, which is indeed right).
It would be extremely helpful if I knew how to just speak each digit, without exiting the natural multimon loop.
Say, multimon -a DTMF | awk'{print}' espeak -stdin
If this simply worked!
Is it possible to do? Any help wellcome.
3 years passed and still no advance in linux DTMF decoding.
Once I didnt see any DTMF Radio Controlling project in Linux, I plan to publish this shall I can solve this issue.
Thanks / Mario/ sao paulo brazil
I believe that my answer is out of date and perhaps you have found how to solve this.
I faced the same issue and figured out that the problem is in multimon. When you pipe the stdout from multimon to another program, multimon does not flush the verbose output properly.
Try to patch and recompile multimon, adding a "fflush(stdout);", like this:
(unixinput.c , around line 71 )
void verbprintf(int verb_level, const char *fmt, ...)
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
if (verb_level <= verbose_level) {
vfprintf(stdout, fmt, args);
fflush(stdout); //ADD THIS LINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Best regards,
You can use the system() function to launch espeak from your awk script.
#OP, i am not clear about your question, but seeing that system() interests you, here's how you call external command in awk
multimon -a DTMF | awk '{
cmd="espeak "$0 #$0 comes from the multimon output
