Workflow for compiling and installing software with Puppet - puppet

I need to manually compile and install FFMPEG as one of my dependencies using Puppet manifests. I want to do this myself to customize the configuration of FFMPEG to the needs of my project.
I'm not sure as to how to structure the entire process with classes. The logic should go something like this:
If /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg doesn't exist, compile:
Install build dependencies from apt-get.
Create a directory for the library sources /tmp/ffmpeg
Download and compile the Yasm assembler
Make Install
Download and compile x264
Clone the source.
Make Install
Download and compile fdk-aac:
I can easily branch all of these out into their own modules and declare them as dependencies of FFMPEG, that's not the problem.
My main problem is understanding how to do the whole download/extract/compile process for each module only if it's not already present on the system.
How do I structure my classes to only act if the software is not already installed?

Regardless of how you go about it, you need a way to check whether your custom installation has been installed.
Common methods include
checking a file and running a command only if it is not present:
running a command only if another command returns 0: (alternatively, the unless attribute)


Create a ready to use install package on linux with cmake or gcc, including shred dependencies

I have completed a small project that uses several libraries. the CMakeList.txt looks like this:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5)
project(tf_ct_log C)
include_directories(include /usr/local/include/hiredis /usr/include/openssl)
set(HDR include/ct_logger.h)
add_executable(tf_ct_logger src/main.c src/ct_logger.c ${HDR})
find_package(OpenSSL REQUIRED)
find_package(Threads REQUIRED)
find_library(PostgreSQL REQUIRED)
find_library(jansson REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(tf_ct_logger OpenSSL::SSL jansson pthread pq)
I would like to be able to build a package that can be installed in another machine, without downloading any dependencies. with ldd, I 've got all dependencies of the application and copied those files ( into a subdirectory deps in my project. How can I create that package using those dependencies so that the end user will just use the object files of my project along with the dependencies libraries to create the executable?
It gets really hairy real quick when you need to create a native package for multiple flavors of installers (Debian, RH, Arch, etc.), especially if customization is involved.
If you just need a clean reproducible to get it on a box and run -- I would strongly suggest looking towards packaging it as a Docker container.
You start from some lightweight Linux distro container (Alpine is the latest trend), derive it into one with C and C++ runtime and anything else you depend on and call this "my prod container". From that you derive one with C++ compiler and debugger installed and call it "my dev container".
We actually wrote a little memo a while back, while making our open source hobby usable for others.
You will probably still need to clean up your CMake file to an extent that the "install" target works (mine is here).
I may have not expressed myself correctly. I just wanted to compile and build executables from my project, then find a way to copy it on another machine without having to install all dependencies before running the app.
The solution I found (with the help of a more experienced developer) was as follows:
1- Get all dependencies using ldd
2- Copy dependencies in a directory dependencies
3- On the target environment, copy content of dependencies into /usr/local/lib/myapp/
4- On the target environment, goto /etc/
5- create the file myapp.conf with one line in it: /usr/local/lib/myapp
6- run ldconfig
Then, the executable I created on my development machine runs here smoothly!
Of course all the steps I described up there must be listed in a script for automation

How to properly build package from sources

I'm using ubuntu 18.04.
I want to modify and build a project and install it as a package. For example gstreamer1.5.
So I clone repo, modify code and use ./ and make install in project folder. Why don't I see it in apt list then? Also there is no files in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gstreamer-1.5/.
The reason why I want it to behave as the original package is becase I want to build another project that uses it (kurento media server). So I just want to remove some plugins I don't need that use another packages as deps I cannot use.
apt list is from the Linux distribution. You custom made things won't appear there magically.
If you make install from your custom tree your libraries and plugins will land in /usr/local/lib/.. (note the local path). You may have some control over it by setting the prefix path. Just be careful you don't break you system by overwriting with broken libraries.

Why is "autoreconf" not used often?

I am newbie of Autotools. From my understanding, one would use the following basic steps to build software using Autotools:
autoreconf --install
However, I noticed that most open source software packages (on Linux) does not need the 1st step. Most of the time they just need step 2 and 3 to build. It seems that they already are packaged with a I am wondering why? Do they manually code the, or does the software developer use autoreconf to generate the before creating the software package?
The software developer who creates the tarball (or who checks out the sources from a version control system) will usually invoke autoreconf from a script called or which may do other stuff. autoreconf might be invoked by Makefile as well (like when has changed).
Most users will never need to run autoreconf, even those who are making some modifications to source (e.g. patches). Only those who need to make modifications to the package itself (making changes to and/or will need autoreconf.
Running autoreconf requires having the correct version of autotools installed already. This leads to a chicken-and-egg problem -- how do you get autotools installed in the first place? It also adds an extra dependency that most end-users don't really need.
As a result, most packagers run autoreconf before producing the source tarballs that they distribute. This means that if you download such a tarball, you can configure and build it without needing to install autotools first.

Building library from source files in Unix-like OS

When building any library from sources files, is it possible to set the place where I want it to be installed? I have read about some prefix flag, but I was wondering if all aplications have that flag.
For instance, I was building OpenCV from sources and when I made make && make install the contents where installed in /usr/local/opencv but what If I want it to be installed in /other/place/opencv?
If I follow you correctly, that stuff is done during the configure phase with something like:
$ ./configure --prefix=/other/place/opencv
If the project doesn't have a configure script then it's a case of editing the Makefile directly.

Building rpm, overriding _topdir, but getting BuildRequires deps?

I have a libfoo-devel rpm that I can create, using the trick to override _topdir. Now I want to build a package "bar" which has a BuildRequires 'libfoo-devel". I can't seem to find the Right Way to get access to the contents of libfoo-devel without having to install it on the build host. How should I be doing it?
My build and target distros are both SuSE.
I prefer solutions that don't require mock, since I believe SuSE does not include it in its stock repo.
Subsequent EDIT:
I believe that the answer I seek is in the build package. Perhaps it's SuSE's answer to mock? Or it's the distributed version of the oBS service?
build is a tool to build SuSE Linux
RPMs in a safe and clean way. build
will install a minimal SuSE Linux as
build system into some directory and
will chroot to this system to compile
the package. This way you don't risk
to corrupt your working system (due to
a broken spec file for example), even
if the package does not use BuildRoot.
build searches the spec file for a
BuildRequires: line; if such a line is
found, all the specified rpms are
installed. Otherwise a selection of
default packages are used. Note that
build doesn't automatically resolve
missing dependencies, so the specified
rpms have to be sufficient for the
Note that if you really don't need libfoo-devel installed to build package bar the most sensible alternative would be to remove libfoo-devel from the BuildRequires directive (and maybe put the requirement where it belongs).
However, if you cannot do that for some reason, create a "development" rpm database. Basically it involves using rpm --initdb --root /path/to/fake/root. Then populate it with all of the "target packages" of your standard distro installation.
That's a lot of rpm --install --root /path/to/fake/root --justdb package-name.rpm commands, but maybe you can figure out a way to copy over your /var/lib/rpm/* database files and use those as a starting point. Once you have the alternative rpm database, you can fake the installation of the libfoo-devel package with a --justdb option. Then you'll be home free on the actual rpm build.
If neither mock nor the openSUSE Build Service are a viable choice then you will have to buckle down and install the package, either directly or in a chroot; the package provides files that the SRPM packager has decided are required to build, and hence is in the BuildRequires tag.
