I am using phonegap build 2.9 and 3.1 and ipad mini 7.04
{ alert('success');},function () { alert('fail'); },{selector:'date'});
in Android
when I set selector "date", it will alert "success"
when I set selector "time", it will alert "fail"
when I set selector "date and time", it will alert "fail"
in iOS
when I set selector "date", it will also alert "fail"
when I set selector "time", it will alert "fail"
when I set selector "date and time", it will alert "fail"
Why is it that setting "date" will be "success" in Android, but "date" will "fail" in iOS?
Is it possible to get which cell the right-click context menu is performed with rowContextMenu?
rowContextMenu gives the data for all cells in the row, but I have not found how to get which cell the action happens.
Using contextMenu could be an option, but I want to build the columns-setup serverside as json and load the columns with
Setting columns contextmenu as a function is not a valid json,
columns": [
{ "title": "", "field": "age", "sorter": "string", "headerSort": false, "contextMenu": cellContextMenu}
And setting the "contextMenu" as a "string" fails with: error: "Uncaught TypeError: o.forEach is not a function"
columns": [
{ "title": "", "field": "age", "sorter": "string", "headerSort": false, "contextMenu": "cellContextMenu"}
Any tips on getting which cell the menu is trigged with rowContextMenu?
Or is there maybe a different/better solution builtin in Tabulator?
Reason for building the column setup serverside is that I want to have different context menu based on type of cell-data, and it will vary based on selection by user.
If you want to get the cell that is being clicked on then you need to use the Cell Context Menu instead as this is passed the cell component that has been clicked.
You would then need to assign the menu per cell but this is easy if you define it as an array outside the table and then reference it on each column definition using the contextMenu property:
//define cell context menu
var cellContextMenu = [
label:"Reset Value",
action:function(e, cell){
//add header menu in column definition
var table = new Tabulator("#example-table", {
{title:"Name", field:"name",contextMenu:cellContextMenu},
{title:"Age", field:"age",contextMenu:cellContextMenu},
{title:"Address", field:"address",contextMenu:cellContextMenu},
I am working on fluxstore WooCommerce app on Android Studio
So I want to change categories and add my own category icons.
(FROM SOURCE CODE because the Flutter inspector is taking too much time to load I waits the debuggingprocess to finish like an hour!)
go to lib/config/config_X.json (X is the language)
Under the HorizonLayout, you can change the categories and the icon; ie:
"category": Category ID (u can get from the url: th tagID),
"image": "the url or the path to your local icon",
"colors": [
"originalColor": false
Hi I have a question how to get the values from list in a select option.
I have this array
"C_ID": "Item044",
"Descripcion": "Item 1",
"ID": "044"
"C_ID": "Item045",
"Descripcion": "Item 2 ,
"ID": "045"
"C_ID": "Item046",
"Descripcion": "Item 4",
"ID": "046"
"C_ID": "Item047",
"Descripcion": "Item 5",
"ID": "047"
and I get this values in a select option with NgFor but I need when selected for example Item 1 get the ID and C_ID in a input text automatic
and I get this values in a select option with NgFor but I need when selected for example Item 1 get the ID and C_ID in a input text automatic
Wire an ng model to the select input. And then wire the backed field to the input. Now when the select changes the input text should change.
Scenario trying to achieve :
When user says "approvals" bot has to talk to api/webhook and response with a list with title and small description
Title 1
Title 2
and the user will click select anyone out of it.
Integration type : Website integration
I would like to use nodejs to use as webhook v2 and is there any sample specific to the this .
I saw in v1 webhook there is just a option to send one text as reply . I dont know maybe it supports in v2 can anyone share some sample and information
return res.json({
speech: 'text',
displayText: 'title',
source: 'getevents'
You can use Quick Replies Message Object in V1.
Just reply the following:
'messages': [
'type': 2,
'platform': 'line',
'title': 'title',
'replies': [
'select one',
'select one',
In Dialogflow webhook it defines the JSON payload format when Google Actions invokes your fulfilment through Dialogflow v2. So dialogflow natively doesn't support list rich responses, one needs to apply the JSON code equipped from google actions
Here is the sample code for the list template
"messages": [
"items": [
"description": "Item One Description",
"image": {
"url": "http://imageOneUrl.com"
"accessibilityText": "Image description for screen readers"
"optionInfo": {
"key": "itemOne",
"synonyms": [
"thing one",
"object one"
"title": "Item One"
"description": "Item Two Description",
"image": {
"url": "http://imageTwoUrl.com"
"accessibilityText": "Image description for screen readers"
"optionInfo": {
"key": "itemTwo",
"synonyms": [
"thing two",
"object two"
"title": "Item Two"
"platform": "google",
"title": "Title",
"type": "list_card"
You can find out more from this source link ,
And a tutorial on how to implement this using fulfilment webhook can be found here
But if you want to avoid this hassle, you can integrate dialogflow with some third-party application such as Kommunicate to build every rich message. Where they have the means to implement rich messages using custom payload Dialogflow and Google Assistant and Kommunicate supports all types of rich messages like buttons, links, images to card carousel etc and provide sample codes for the same. For more detailed information you check this article
Disclaimer: I work for Kommunicate
I have been working on making the applicationLayout Custom Control more dynamic, so I can more build and extend Xpages apps more easily.
To that end I am now using the switch facet, which helps immensely.
I also want to soft code the Application Links, Title Links, and Navigation Entries.
I think I can build a data structure in which I just put the values I want and the majority of the app layout is loaded from this.
So I will have an array of appliances in a scope variable, like so:
“App 1”, “App 2”,”App 3” etc.
Then for the Title’s I will have to have something like this:
“App 1”,”Title Bar 1”,”Title Bar 2”,”Title Bar 3”,
“App 2”,”Title Bar 1”,”Title Bar 2”,”Title Bar 3”,”Title Bar 4"
“App 2”,”Title Bar 1”,
So the first Application Link will three title bars, the second 4, etc.
Then for the nav:
“App 1”,”Title Bar 1”,”Nav 1,”Nav 2"
“App 1”,”Title Bar 1”,”Nav 1,”Nav 2”,”Nav 3"
and so on.
If I do this then it will be very easy I think to layout an app.
My question is what data structure is best to use? And should I use three arrays or on 3-dimensial array?
Knut's answer is great, but I cannot seem to loop through the array.
var lenArr:Integer = sessionScope.apps.length;
for (i=0; i < lenArr;++i)
When I do a length on the session.Scope variable it returns a 3, but when I loop through the array it returns null when i=2. There are only 2 items in my array, at least there should be. Here is my code for the sessionScope.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xp:this.afterPageLoad><![CDATA[#{javascript:sessionScope.apps =
{ app: "xpApp1",
titleBars: [
{titleBar: "ccApp1Title1",
navs: ["ccNavApp11Title1Nav1"]
{titleBar: "ccApp1Title1",
navs: ["ccNavApp11Title1Nav2"]
{ app: "xpApp2",
titleBars: [
{titleBar: "ccApp2Title1",
navs: ["ccNavApp21Title1Nav1"]
{titleBar: "ccApp2Title2",
navs: ["ccNavApp21Title2Nav1"]
{titleBar: "ccApp2Title3",
navs: ["ccNavApp21Title3Nav1"]
//Now set the selected values
sessionScope.appSelected = "xpApp1";
sessionScope.titleSelected = "ccApp1Title1";
sessionScope.navSelected = "ccNavApp11Title1Nav1";
var uAgent = context.getUserAgent().getUserAgent();
if((uAgent.match("iPhone") !== null || param.platform=="iphone") ||
(uAgent.match("Android") !== null || param.platform=="android") ||
uAgent.match("iPad") !== null){
context.redirectToPage("/mobile.xsp", true);
context.redirectToPage("/xpApp1.xsp", true);
} }]]></xp:this.afterPageLoad>
What am I doing wrong?
Use JavaScript's arrays and objects to define your application structure
sessionScope.apps =
{ app: "App 1",
titleBars: [
{titleBar: "Title Bar 1",
navs: ["Nav 1", "Nav 2", "Nav 3"]
{titleBar: "Title Bar 2",
navs: ["Nav 4", "Nav 5", "Nav 6"]
{ app: "App 2",
titleBars: [
{titleBar: "Title Bar 3",
navs: ["Nav 31", "Nav 32", "Nav 33"]
{titleBar: "Title Bar 4",
navs: ["Nav 41", "Nav 42"]
You can access the first app with
the first app's first titleBar with
and first app's first titleBar's second nav with
Use a for loop or forEach to get all elements of an array.