Yii layout managing for different user roles - layout

How to set different layouts for all controllers and actions in Yii app, for different user roles. For example, if user is a client, set the layout1, else if company - layout2.
In what place should I place this logic. Thanks!

The controller's beforeAction method is a good place to do this -- you can apply the logic to one controller only or all of them (inside the base controller class) and the action itself can choose to override the preselected layout if needed.

Imho, custom filter is a best option


Orchard CMS - How to use html.action on views of admin pages? Common view for more admin pages

I need to use one common view(custom extends form needed for administration all my widgets) for more admin pages(EditorTemplates/Parts) of Orchard CMS.
So I tried #Html.Action with err:
The controller for path '/Alanis.Orchard/Admin/Widgets/EditWidget/5' was not found or does not implement IController.
Than tried prepare some helper to App_Code, but not found problem.
What is the best practicies to use one view for common code in more admin pages?
Thanks for any help.
You probably forgot to specify the area. Add an area parameter, with the name of the module as the area name.

Getting ViewModelReference in another ViewModel

We have an application wich has a typical Master/Detail view. The master view displays a list of ticket titles and if you click on a ticket title you see a view with the ticket details.
The master view has a model wich is a list of "ticket" objects each containing more information about a specific ticket. We bound a handler on click which basically instantiates a new detail view and displays it. This works fine, except that we have to give all the config values as primitive data types to the constructor (we know we can't use objects when instantiating)
We thought about another way to do this but couldn't get it working. In the Init() (of the detail view model) we only pass the ID (of the clicked ticket) and wanted to use Mvx.Resolve to get the master view model. So question one would be, can you fetch arbitrary view models inside other view models?
A second idea would be write a base view model class from which all view models in our app inherit, which registers the view model on instantiation to a service so that you can call that service and fetch the view model from anywhere (mediator pattern). Would that be against the framework?
An answer that I have found is "use messages" but to me it seems sort of bulky, at least how I understood this. The detail view model would have to send a message to the master view model "Ok I'm ready now" and then the master view model would say "Alright, heres the configuration".
So to sum up the questions:
Is it possible to fetch certain view models from the framework inside other view models?
Would implementing this by hand be against the framework?
Did we understand the message approach correctly and if no, what would be a more lightweight/generic way of doing it?
Cheers and thanks
Usually when I have to share data across View Models, I use a Service to manage it. The service is typically injected via IoC.
I treat View Models as a mediator between the Services and the View. Most of my logic is stored in the Service. The only things I have in the View Model are properties for data binding, commands that dispatch to a service, and other presentation level concerns.
For your scenario, I would have the MasterViewModel pass an identifier to the DetailViewModel, where it will ask the ConfigurationService for the configuration by id.
Hope this helps.

How entities could be connected with each other inside the domain?

Let's assume there are two domain entities:
UserImages with methods addNewImage(), removeImage($imageId), getImages($from, $count).
UserProfile with fields name, age, mainImageId, etc.
Following functionality is desired inside the domain: when application layer calls UserImages -> addNewImage(), UserProfile -> mainImageId is set automatically in case it was empty.
So, what is the best way and best place to implement an in-domain over-entity business logic? Domain events with observing services, referencing special services from the entities, or somewhat else?
I create all the entities using a some kind of factory, i.e.
$userImages = Domain::userImages($userId); // getting an instance of UserImages
$newImageId = $userImages -> addNewImage(); // adding a new image
I also should mention that I will have a lot of logic like described above in my project.
Thank you very much for help!
First off, as specified in your other question, UserImages is not itself an entity. Instead, there is likely an entity called UserImage which refers to a user's image, singular. A UserImageRepository can then provide access to all images associated with a user, using pagination where necessary.
Now, the use case is:
When a new user image is added, if a user's profile image is not set,
set it to the added image.
The term when indicates a domain event. In this case, the event is UserImageAdded. The bold if and the subsequent set represent the desired behavior in response to the event.
To implement this use case, an event must be published when a user image is added and a handler implementing the desired behavior must be subscribed to this event. This linked domain events article provides a sample implementation in C#, however the concept can be easily ported to PHP. Overall, the required components are:
An application service which handles the adding of user images. This service will publish the event.
A domain event publisher which is called by the application service and allows decoupling of publishers from subscribers.
A domain event handler which handles the UserImageAdded event and invokes the desired behavior.
User sounds like Aggregate for me (it's difficult to give you an opinion without context :) ), but it can solve your problem.
If Profil and Images are differents bounded context, may be you can use Domain events (it's helpful for cross bounded context communication)

Liferay: Hiding the Login Portlet for logged in users

I'd like to to hide the in-built "Sign-in" portlet for users that have logged in.
How do I set permissions to achieve this?
Liferay uses RBAC permission model, which probably won't allow you to achieve this through permissions. This is because it's utterly illogical to deprave a system role from a permission granted to a guest.
Consider some other options, from the top of my head:
Create a layout-template which show or hides some portlet column depending on whether current user is not guest (not entirely sure if this will be that easy as it depends on which variables exactly are available in layout-template velocity environment)
Wrap sign-in portlet in another portlet
Simply hook sign-in portlet's JSP
Javascript maybe? Probably the easiest solution, not the best though
Another way of achieving this is to create a public page which contains the Login portlet, let's say the page is called Login (this page and it's portlet should be viewable by guests).
Next, create another page and call this Welcome. Put some portlets on it for logged in users to see. The page should preferably private, however if it's public ensure you change permissions so guests can't see portlets etc..
Now go to Control Panel > Portal > Portal Settings and modify the Navigation links (hover over the question mark icon for informative tooltips explaining what each link does).
Here is an example, following on from what I've mentioned above with the Login and Welcome pages:
Simples! No code modifications or custom themes!
Liferay adds the signed-in class to your <body> element. If you can live with it being available in HTML, but just not shown, add
.signed-in .portlet_login {
or similar to your theme or the login-portlet's look&feel advanced styling.
You can render/not render many things based on $is_signed_in check in Theme VM files.
is_signed_in will be true for logged in users and false otherwise.
Some examples are below from portal_vm.vm
#if($permissionChecker.isOmniadmin()== true)
$theme.include($themeServletContext, "/jsp/someJsp.jsp")

How do you implement users and group security in a web application?

using php if that matters.
If you create a website that has users and groups. Where do you put this in the web application? Do you just put a function at the top of every page (pseudo):
if someone is in a group then they can see this page
if someone is in this group they can see this button
That sure seems wrong. I wouldn't want to edit the web app code just to change who can see what group-wise. I'm not sure what I should do or how to implement something like this.
In MySQL, I always create these 4 tables: users, user_groups, permissions and user_groups_permissions which are linked using Foreign Keys.
So, user A can be in a user group B, which this user group permissions are in user_groups_permissions.
Now, I just do a INNER JOIN on this 4 tables (or better, three: users, user_groups_permissions and permissions), the results are permissions that user have. all we need is selecting permissions.key by INNER JOIN.
Now, before processing request, I need to check that Client::has_permissin('send_post') returns true or not. And better, also on top of each user-group-related function.
Note: Client is a class that loads all user permissions just one time, before processing request, and then uses that permissions for whole request-life-time, without needing to access to database several times in that request. Use static methods and $permissions property for this class so you never need to send it's object over your applications classes/methods/functions :)
You can have a utility function which takes user id and group code and return true or false.
You can use that utility function as pseudo at the top of each page and the same function also be used to hide or show sections in your page.
If your web application is in MVC, embed user authorization logic in your controller.
