Can QT open a Linux terminal and then write into it? - linux

I can open a terminal by doing this from my QT code:
QProcess process;
But then I can't figure out how to write commands to it?
I need to do that because I want my app to ssh an equipment and then write commands once logged in and see the output.
I'm open to other solutions too!

QProcess has a write command, but you don't want to be calling waitForFinished.
QProcess proc;
proc.write(someData, dataSize);
If you want response from the terminal, connect a slot to the readyRead() signal
// Qt 5 syntax
connect(proc &QProcess::readyRead, this, &MyClass::readData());
Then call one of the read functions, such as readAll() from your readData slot function.


Groovy lanaguge - How to destroy/switch to an application

I'm using the groovy language in robotic application (RPA Express). I can not figure out how to do two things in the groovy language.
I start an application with these command:
def proc = new ProcessBuilder( args )
Process process = proc.start()
My questions are:
How do I close this application? (I want to close the application at the end of the script)?
How do I switch to this application window? (I want to be sure the application window is always focused)?
Both depend on the OS.
You need to invoke a kill task command to kill the process by its pid (e.g. kill on Linux). As Joachim mentions in the comments, Process has destroy() and destroyForcibly().
You need to use the window manager API to focus the window of the given pid you want.

How do you "launch" a Windows protocol from Python?

We have a python script that needs to trigger the open of the Microsoft Store. We believe that the easiest way to do that is to use the ms-windows-store:// protocol.
We're currently doing that like this
import subprocess
ret =["start", "ms-windows-store://pdp/?ProductId=9WZDNCRFHVJL"], shell=True)
Is that the recommended way to do this? I'm not sure if using start is correct here, or if there's something better?
Use os.startfile("ms-windows-store://pdp/?ProductId=9WZDNCRFHVJL"). This calls WINAPI ShellExecuteW directly. If you use subprocess, you have the expense of starting a child process. Plus CMD's start command will first search PATH to find a file that it can execute. Presuming nothing is found (and nothing likely will be, given this name), it hands the request off to ShellExecuteExW to let the OS shell handle it.

How to completely exit a running asyncio script in python3

I'm working on a server bot in python3 (using asyncio), and I would like to incorporate an update function for collaborators to instantly test their contributions. It is hosted on a VPS that I access via ssh. I run the process in tmux and it is often difficult for other contributors to relaunch the script once they have made a commit, etc. I'm very new to python, and I just use what I can find. So far I have used subprocess.Popen to run git pull, but I have no way for it to automatically restart the script.
Is there any way to terminate a running asyncio loop (ideally without errors) and restart it again?
You can not start a event loop stopped by event_loop.stop()
And in order to incorporate the changes you have to restart the script anyways (some methods might not exist on the objects you have, etc.)
I would recommend something like:
async def git_tracker():
# check for changes in version control, maybe wait for a sync point and then:
This raises SystemExit, but despite that exits the program cleanly.
And around the python $ a while true; do git pull && python $ ; done
This is (as far as I know) the simplest approach to solve your problem.
For your use case, to stay on the safe side, you would probably need to kill the process and relaunch it.
See also: Restart process on file change in Linux
As a necromancer, I thought I give an up-to-date solution which we use in our UNIX system.
Using the os.execl function you can tell python to replace the current process with a new one:
These functions all execute a new program, replacing the current process; they do not return. On Unix, the new executable is loaded into the current process, and will have the same process id as the caller. Errors will be reported as OSError exceptions.
In our case, we have a bash script which executes the killall python3.7, sending the SIGTERM signal to our python apps which in turn listen to it via the signal module and gracefully shutdown:
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
The script than starts the apps in background and finishes.
Note that killall python3.7 will send SIGTERM signal to every python3.7 process!
When we need to restart we jus rune the following command:
os.execl("./", '')
The first parameter is the path to the file and the second is the name of the process.

QProcess runs process but readAll returns nothing

I am trying to start a QProcess by
QProcess process= new QProcess();
It starts successfully and I can see the output in the Qt Creator's log window. But when I try to read it from the program using process.readAll(), nothing was read. But when I try to do something like
process.start("echo Print this message");
then process.readAll() returns "Print this message".
Can anybody help me why this happens and how can I get that work. I am trying to make a simple IDE with it.
You're reading from the process's standard output channel, but your process outputs on the standard error channel. You need to read both. You also have the option of merging them. See QProcess documentation - read it and make sure you understand it. Edit your question to ask for clarification if anything is unclear.

mfc how to write commands in command window

I need to write some commands in command window using C++ code. How to implement it. I have tried with CreateProcess function but it seems some wrong in it. Please refer my code below:
STARTUPINFO sInfo = {0};
sInfo.cb = sizeof(sInfo);
It opens the command window successfully. My doubt is how to write command through code in it.
First thing, you need not to create a separate process just to write text output to a console window.
It depends what and how you want to write. You may create a console application itself, or create a console itself, and attach to the current process. You need to use pipes for the same and redirect the output to given pipe (i.e. send data to pipe). At the other end of pipe, you will read the text/buffer and render the output wherever you would like to.
These articles may help:
Console Output from GUI program
Real time Console Output redirection
Since your question is not very clear, this is just assumption.
Or, are you playing with the console itself - like changing colors, dimension etc?
