Stopping or restarting networking results in GUI changes - linux

I've observed this behaviour in both Linux Mint 15 and 16 Cinnamon on the same machine. When I use service to stop networking, like so
sudo service networking stop or restart
it's like the GUI becomes more "basic." I'm new to Linux, so forgive my ignorance, but it seems like there's another window manager on top of a more barebones one, and for some reason that process is stopped when I stop networking.
I can restart or stop network-manager without any GUI changes, and it results in my networking being reset or stopped. Why can't I mess with networking?

Maby this will help?
sudo service network-manager stop
sudo rm /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state
sudo service network-manager start


Ubuntu 18.04 Server Beta 2 - restart / reboot not working

I have a fresh install of 18.04 SERVER installed on an Advantech SBC. 16.04 Server was working find but on 18.04 Server when I do a:
sudo shutdown -r now
The system starts the shutdown but stops with the last status line:
[ OK ] Stopped LVM2 metadata daemon.
I've tried some different bios configurations with power management but I can't seem to get it to restart. Only option at that point is to physically kill power and power up.
Anyone seen this? Any ideas on what to try?
On my SBC setting the South Bridge USB Configuration for Windows 8.x compatibility resolved this issue. Seems that the V4.15 kernel interactions with hardware are different enough to have caused this problem.

Create shell script to reboot linux in case of incorrect shutdown

I have Raspbian Jessie 8 running in a Raspberry Pi 3. There are 3 JavaScript services that are automatically started by PM2.
However, if the Raspberry is shutdown incorrectly, e.g., if the energy cable is removed, the services don't start.
They only start automatically if the Raspberry is shutdown properly, e.g., using sudo reboot.
I need a shell script that checks if the Raspberry was incorrectly shutdown and, if it was, to be rebooted using sudo reboot.
I saw here and here how to create a simple reboot script and here how to check if a service is running, but found nothing on how to check for an improper shutdown. Can anyone tell me how?
You can always put your services start in the legacy startup-file /etc/rc.local that is a shell script called as the very last thing in the startup. Make sure its executable.

How to make mongodb service not start automatically in ubuntu 15.10 desktop?

I installed mongodb by Ubuntu Software Center in ubuntu 15.10 desktop. Service Mongodb starts automatically every time when I boot my laptop. Because it is not in the server edition os, so I want to start or stop the service manually, like sudo sevice mongodb start/stop.
I've tied to comment # start on runlevel [2345] in /etc/init/mongodb.conf, and remove all *mongo* from all /etc/rc*.d/.
The service still starts automatically.
So, please help me.
This should do it:
sudo update-rc.d mongodb disable
This should work for Ubuntu 16.04. Not sure if 15.10 was still using upstart or not.
For more information, the same question has been asked over AskUbuntu, check the other answers there for more information.

Run a program as a service on Debian/Linux

I have an older jetty server I want to turn into as a service on a Debian OS. It should start automatic each time I restart the computer.
Manually I start the server with the two following commands:
root#myserver:/# cd /opt/jdk/jetty
root#myserver:/opt/jdk/jetty# java jetty
Anyone know how to do this ?
If you want to start any program on booting you can add that entry in rc.local.
java /opt/jdk/jetty/jetty
It will start on reboot

Screen tool on Galileo

I have compiled and installed screen tool on Galileo running on Yocto.
When I run the tool everything is OK, I can create many sessions. However when I close the terminal all my sessions are closed (when I do "screen -ls" from other terminal there are no sockets). This is not happening in any other Linux distribution.
Are you running screen from inside a ssh connection? There was a bug in earlier releases of the devkit where on disconnect systemd killed all processes started by the daemon, which isn't what you want. This has been fixed so upgrading your image should be sufficient.
If you can't get the upgrade, the fix is to add "KillMode=process" to the end of /lib/systemd/system/ssh#.service.
