How do i join custom object to a string - string

I want to test paths exist. I've written the following script but i cant add string to custom object. This is the offending line $DesktopCheck = | $FName + "\desktop". How do i add the string "desktop" to custom object $fname?
$FoldNames = dir \\server\RedirectedFolders | Select-Object fullname
foreach ($FName in $FoldNames)
$DesktopCheck = | $FName + "\desktop"
Test-Path $DesktopCheck

Use Join-Path for constructing paths. It helps avoiding headaches caused by having to keep track of leading/trailing backslashes. I would also recommend using the option -LiteralPath unless you need wildcards/patterns in the match. Try this:
dir \\server\RedirectedFolders | % {
Test-Path -LiteralPath (Join-Path $_.FullName "desktop")

Try this:
$FoldNames = dir \\server\RedirectedFolders | Select-Object -ExpandProperty fullname
foreach ($FName in $FoldNames)
Join-Path -Path $FName -ChildPath '\desktop'
Test-Path $DesktopCheck


How to use dash or hyphen to join a string array in Powershell

I wrote code like this:
$count = 0
$path = "C:\Videos\"
$oldvids = Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Include *.* -Recurse
foreach ($oldvid in $oldvids) {
$curpath = $oldvid.DirectoryName
$name = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($oldvid)
$names = $name.Split(" - ")
$names[0] = ""
$metadata_title = $names -join "-"
$ext = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($oldvid)
if ($name.StartsWith("new_") -eq $false)
$newvid = $curpath + "/new_" + $name + ".mp4"
if ([System.IO.File]::Exists($newvid) -eq $false)
Write-Output $metadata_title
But this code causes a file name like this:
Chapter 1 - New Video
to become:
Chapter 1---New Video
How can I make sure a single - is actually only one? Do I have to escape it?
The idea is to eliminate first part of the file names, so from:
01 - Chapter 1 - Video 1
Chapter 1 - Video 1
So I wanted to split using " - " and then join everything back without the first element in the split array.
Looking at your example and your explanation of changing metadata with ffmpeg on each file, I guess this is what you need:
$count = 0
$path = 'C:\Videos'
# get a list of old video files (these do not start with 'new_')
$oldvids = Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Filter *.mp4 -File -Recurse |
Where-Object { $_.Name -notmatch '^new_' }
foreach ($oldvid in $oldvids) {
# if the file is called 'C:\Videos\01 - Chapter 1 - Video 1.mp4'
$tempName = $oldvid.Name -replace '^\d+\s*-\s*(.+)', 'new_$1' # --> new_Chapter 1 - Video 1.mp4
# or do
# $tempName = 'new_' + ($oldvid.Name -split '-', 2)[-1].Trim() # --> new_Chapter 1 - Video 1.mp4
# or
# $tempName = $oldvid.Name -replace '^\d+\s*-\s*', 'new_' # --> new_Chapter 1 - Video 1.mp4
# combine the current file path with the temporary name
$outputFile = Join-Path -Path $oldvid.DirectoryName -ChildPath $tempName
# next do your ffmpeg command to change metadata
# for input you use $oldvid.FullName and for output you use $outputFile
Write-Host "Updated file $($oldvid.Name) as $tempName"
# when done with ffmpeg, delete the original (or for safety move it to somewhere else)
Write-Host "Deleting file '$($oldvid.Name)'"
$oldvid | Remove-Item -WhatIf
# and rename the updated file by removing the 'new_' part from its name
$newName = ($tempName -replace '^new_').Trim()
Write-Host "Renaming updated file to '$newName'"
$tempName | Rename-Item -NewName $newName
# all done, proceed with the next file
Note: I have added switch -WhatIf to the Remove-Item line. This is a safety measure that will only display what file would be deleted without actually deleting it.
If you are sure the correct file should be deleted, then remove that -WhatIf switch so the original file gets destroyed after maipulating it with ffmpeg.
As per your comment, to send items to the Recycle bin instead of destroying them like Remove-Item does, here's two ways of achieving that:
Method 1: Use COM
function RemoveTo-RecycleBin {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
begin {
$shell = New-Object -ComObject 'Shell.Application'
$Recycler = $Shell.NameSpace(0xa)
process {
foreach ($item in $Path) {
end {
# clean-up the used COM objects
$null = [System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($Recycler)
$null = [System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($shell)
$null = [System.GC]::Collect()
$null = [System.GC]::WaitForPendingFinalizers()
# usage example, remove all files from the D:\Test directory
Get-ChildItem -Path 'D:\Test' -Filter '*.*' -File | RemoveTo-RecycleBin
# usage example, remove all files and subdirectories from the D:\Test directory
Get-ChildItem -Path 'D:\Test' | RemoveTo-RecycleBin
Method 2: Use the Microsoft.VisualBasic assembly
function RemoveTo-RecycleBin {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
begin {
Add-Type -AssemblyName Microsoft.VisualBasic
$showUI = if ($ShowConfirmationDialog) { 'AllDialogs' } else { 'OnlyErrorDialogs' }
process {
foreach ($item in $Path) {
Write-Host $item
# detect if this is a file or a directory
if ((Get-Item -Path $item) -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]) {
# first parameter: the absolute full path
# second parameter: one of Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.UIOption values: OnlyErrorDialogs or AllDialogs
# third parameter: one of Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.RecycleOption values: DeletePermanently or SendToRecycleBin
[Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.FileSystem]::DeleteDirectory($item, $showUI, 'SendToRecycleBin')
else {
# first parameter: the absolute full path and file name
# second parameter: one of Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.UIOption values: OnlyErrorDialogs or AllDialogs
# third parameter: one of Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.RecycleOption values: DeletePermanently or SendToRecycleBin
[Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.FileSystem]::DeleteFile($item,$showUI, 'SendToRecycleBin')
# usage example, remove all files from the D:\Test directory
Get-ChildItem -Path 'D:\Test' -Filter '*.*' -File | RemoveTo-RecycleBin
# usage example, remove all files and subdirectories from the D:\Test directory
Get-ChildItem -Path 'D:\Test' | RemoveTo-RecycleBin
Just choose any of the above functions, put it on top of your script and then change line
$oldvid | Remove-Item -WhatIf
$oldvid | RemoveTo-RecycleBin

Powershell get infos about files and try to Export them

I try do write a script where i can choose a folder and powershell shows me the Name, Size,.... of all the files in that folder. After that powershell should export the Informations in a Excel Table.
But im stuck and dont know what to do :C
Here is my code that i tried to build
Function Get-Folder($initialDirectory)
$foldername = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog
$foldername.Description = "Select a folder"
$foldername.rootfolder = "MyComputer"
if($foldername.ShowDialog() -eq "OK")
$folder += $foldername.SelectedPath
return $folder
$a = Get-Folder
$folder = $a
Get-ChildItem -Path $folder | SELECT Name, #{Name="Size In KB";Expression={$_.Length / 1Kb}}, Attributes, LastaccessTime, #{n='Owner';e={(get-acl $_.Fullname).Owner}}| Format-Table -AutoSize
Export-Csv "C:\Users\DZimmermann\Desktop\Test.csv" -Delimiter ";" -Append
As commented, using Format-Table -AutoSize simply outputs the info in a table format to console. It returns nothing, so there is nothing to write in the csv file..
Doing like this will create the CSV file and writes the info in there:
Get-ChildItem -Path $folder |
Select-Object Name,
#{Name="Size In KB";Expression={$_.Length / 1Kb}},
Attributes, LastaccessTime,
#{n='Owner';e={(get-acl $_.Fullname).Owner}} |
Export-Csv "C:\Users\DZimmermann\Desktop\Test.csv" -Delimiter ";"
This will not get you the info on screen. If you also want that, capture the result in a variable first:
$result = Get-ChildItem -Path $folder |
Select-Object Name,
#{Name="Size In KB";Expression={$_.Length / 1Kb}},
Attributes, LastaccessTime,
#{n='Owner';e={(get-acl $_.Fullname).Owner}}
#output on screen
$result | Format-Table -AutoSize
# write the CSV file:
$result | Export-Csv "C:\Users\DZimmermann\Desktop\Test.csv" -Delimiter ";"
P.S. judging by the title of this question, I think you only want info about Files, not Directories..
If that is the case, add -File switch to the Get-ChildItem cmdlet (for PS 3 and up). For PS versions below 3 use
Get-ChildItem -Path $folder | Where-Object { !$_.PSIsContainer }

How can I modify this PowerShell script to continue looking for one string after another?

I want this power shell script to search for the occurrence of multiple strings, one after the other, and to append the results in a .txt file.
Currently I am specifying the string that I want to look for, waiting for the script to finish looking for that string and transferring the results into a spreadsheet. This is taking a lot of time as I have to keep specifying the string I want to look for, especially since there are well over 100 that I need to look for.
Set-StrictMode -Version latest
$path = "C:\Users\username\Documents\FileName"
$files = Get-Childitem $path -Include *.docx,*.doc,*.ppt, *.xls,
*.xlsx, *.pptx, *.eap -Recurse | Where-Object { !($_.psiscontainer) }
$output =
$application = New-Object -comobject word.application
$application.visible = $False
$findtext = "First_String"
Function getStringMatch
# Loop through all *.doc files in the $path directory
Foreach ($file In $files)
$document = $$file.FullName,$false,$true)
$range = $document.content
$wordFound = $range.find.execute($findText)
"$file.fullname has found the string called $findText and it is
$wordfound" | Out-File $output -Append
This script will look for 'First_String' successfully, I was hoping to be able to specify 'Second_String', 'Third_String' etc rather than replace First_String every time.
As an alternative to the suggestion from #Mathias, you could use Regex to query the document text instead.
Read the context of the document as a string $text = $document.content.text and then use Select-String $findtext -AllMatches to evaluate the matches with $findtext as string representation of a regular expression instead.
# pipe delimited string as a regular expression
$findtext = "First_String|Second_String|Third_String"
Function getStringMatch
# Loop through all *.doc files in the $path directory
Foreach ($file In $files)
$document = $$file.FullName,$false,$true)
$text = $document.content.text
$result = $text | Select-String $findtext -AllMatches
"$file.fullname has found the strings called $($result.Matches.Value) at indexes $($result.Matches.Index)" | Out-File $output -Append
Note that if you're trying find strings that do have reserved regex character, you'll need to escape them first

Renaming many folders in PowerShell

I have over 1000+ files that have to be renamed.
The first set folder and/or files are grouped by location, so the first four characters are the same for each file; there are four-five different locations. I need to delete the first few characters of the folder's name.
Old File: ABC_Doe, Jane
New File: Doe, Jane
any suggestions as to the quickest way to carry this out?
I've tried all of the following:
1st Attempt
$a = Get-ChildItem C:\example
$b = Where-Object {$ -like “*ABC_*”}
$cmdlet_name = “Rename-Item”
$d = (cmdlet_name $a $b)
invoke-expression $d
2nd Attempt
$e = Get-ChildItem C:\example
$f = $e.TrimStart (“ABC_”)
3rd Attempt
Rename-Item -{$ -like “*ASD*”, “”}
Try this, get all child items (files only), remove abc_ by replacing them (with nothing) and rename each file. To rename files in sub-directories add the -Recurse switch to the Get-ChildItem command:
Get-ChildItem c:\example -Filter ABC_* | Where-Object {!$_.PSIsContainer} | Rename-Item -NewName { ($_.BaseName -replace '^ABC_') + $_.Extension }
Actually, this should work as well and is much shorter (no need to append the file extension cause renaming is performed on the file name).
Get-ChildItem c:\example -Filter ABC_* | Where-Object {!$_.PSIsContainer} | Rename-Item -NewName { $_.Name -replace '^ABC_' }
get-childItem ABC_* | rename-item -newname { $ -replace 'ABC_','' }
Source: get-help rename-item -full

Powershell filter a List by Name and Date

I need a bit of help... I'm new to powershell and i want to Filter a List (csv). I would love to remove all lines with certain names in it. and cut the list down to the last month. In the script you can see how far i got till now.
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true,HelpMessage="Enter CSV path(s)")]
[String[]]$Path = $null
if($Path -eq $null) {
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
$Dialog = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog
$Dialog.InitialDirectory = "$InitialDirectory"
$Dialog.Title = "Select CSV File(s)"
$Dialog.Filter = "CSV File(s)|*.csv"
$Result = $Dialog.ShowDialog()
if($Result -eq 'OK') {
Try {
$Path = $Dialog.FileNames
Catch {
$Path = $null
else {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Notice: No file(s) selected."
$info=Import-Csv "$path" -Delimiter ';'
$info | Get-Member
$info | Format-Table
as you can see i tryed to link the path to a filebrowser.
For the purposes of discussion, I will assume that the full pathname of the CSV is in the variable $InputPath, and that you want to write the result to a CSV file whose full pathname is in the variable $OutputPath. I will also assume that the CSV file contains a column named 'Name', and that the value from the Name column that you want to exclude is in the variable $ExcludedName. Given that, you can simply do
Import-CSV -Path $InputPath | Where-Object {$_.Name -ne $ExcludedName} | Export-CSV -Path $OutputPath -NoTypeInformation
You can do this by my code,but dont forget that first row must contains names of column and delimiter must be ';' and $nameslist is array of names that you need delete:
$info=Import-Csv "D:\testdir\file2.csv" -Delimiter ';'
foreach($i in $info){
if($nameslist -contains $i.Name){
$i|Export-Csv -Path "D:\testdir\file1.csv" -Delimiter ';' -NoTypeInformation -Force -Encoding UTF8 -Append
Try this:
$data = Import-Csv "Path" | Select-Object * -ExcludeProperty Names
$data | export-csv "Path" -Notype
This will cut the column names.
Try it first without using a function:
Import-Csv <Filename> | Where-Object {$_.<FieldName> -notlike "*<Value>*"}
Also, you might consider something like this:
param (
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, HelpMessage = "Enter CSV path(s)")]
[String[]]$Path = $(
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
$DialogProperties = #{
Title = 'Select CSV File(s)'
Filter = 'CSV File(s)|*.csv'
Multiselect = $True
$Dialog = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog -Property $DialogProperties
If ($Result -eq 'OK') {
$Path = $Dialog.FileNames
} Else {
Write-Error 'Notice: No file(s) selected.'
Process {
ForEach ($PathItem in $Path) {
Import-Csv $PathItem | Where-Object { $_.Name -notlike "*NotThisOne*" }
