Errors when execute `yo angular appname` in the VirtualBox Guest OS Shared Folder - node.js

I am using VirtualBox 4.2.8 and running inside Mac OS X 10.7.5 as the Host OS.
My guest OS is Ubuntu 12.10 64 bit.
My development work is essentially in a Shared Folder between the Host and Guest OS.
I have successfully installed npm, nodejs, yeoman, and the angular-generator.
I was attempting yo angular appname when I come across a list of errors such as:
Error: ENOENT, lstat ...
What do I do to resolve them?

The problem is basically because yo angular appname will attempt to create symlinks.
There is an issue with creating symlinks inside SharedFolders for VirtualBox VMs.
The solution is that
a) make sure you are running Linux variant as Host OS (Mac, Linux, etc)
b) Shut down your VM.
c) run the following command in your host OS terminal.
VBoxManage setextradata VMNAME VBoxInternal2/SharedFoldersEnableSymlinksCreate/SHAREDFOLDERNAME 1
where you need to replace VMNAME and SHAREDFOLDERNAME
d) now re-run the VM and execute the yo angular appname. If need be remove any previously created files and folders by your previous yo angular appname command before re-running it.


How can I access my WSL2 files from my natively installed Ubuntu?

I'm really new to Ubuntu and WSL.
My problem is simple: I want to access from Ubuntu which I have installed in my computer (dual boot alongside with Windows) to my WSL2 filesystem that I have in Windows. I located a file named ext4.vhdx which I suppose is my entire wsl drive, but I'm not really sure, it is in
I'm currently into web development and I want to share that environment within WSL2 and Ubuntu, I noticed that using the linux fs is way faster than windows fs and it works better with things like watchers. So, is it possible?
I'm currently running Windows 10 19041 (2004), Ubuntu LTS 20.04
I've also encountered similar issues when doing this WSL Ubuntu sharing thing, and I've finally found a solution on the internet that works out perfectly.
Reference Link:
So basically these are the steps,
First of all, the WSL's "ext4.vhdx" file should be accessible inside your Ubuntu system (So you must mount your windows drive inside your linux OS)
Install libguestfs-tools package with APT
And finally just create a folder and guestmount the drive with following commands.
$ sudo mkdir -p /mnt/wsl
$ sudo guestmount -o allow_other \
--add /mnt/c/Users/username/AppData/Local/Packages/CanonicalGroupLimited.UbuntuonWindows_79rhkp1fndgsc/LocalState/ext4.vhdx \
-i /mnt/wsl
And done! Hope this would solve your problem. :)

Paste to virtual terminal

In a Ubuntu host system I have installed qemu and created a virtual machine with CentOS. The CentOS installation does not have an X server, just a virtual terminal. I would like to be able to copy strings from the host system to the virtual terminal of the virtual machine.
What I found so far is the suggestion to install spice-vdagent. If I understand correctly however, spice-vdagent requires an X server, which I don't have installed.
So, how can I paste strings to the virtual terminal (if possible at all)?
You have to enable clipboard in your virtual machine manager software (VirtualBox or VmWare).
In Vbox you have to install Guest Additions iso. In VmWare you have to enable it in the virtual machine's options.
Run your Vm and run next command:
# yum install spice-vdagent
# chkconfig --add spice-vdagentd
# service spice-vdagentd start

installing loadrunner on linux

i have Linux red hat installed on my system as virtual machine
i have already installed Load runner community edition on my windows host and i want to install it on Linux guest virtual machine
i red the guide bu got so lost with first 4 steps .. changing directory especially .. how and where to i have to change it ? i need alot of explain on this step
Kill any Load Runner agent process that may be running on the machine. Type:
cd /opt/HP/HP_LoadGenerator/bin;./m_daemon_setup -kill;su -;
Change to super user.
If you have an earlier version of the load generator installed on the machine, you must first
uninstall it. Type:
cd /opt/HP/HP_LoadGenerator/;cd _HP_LoadGenerator_Installation/;sh ./Change_HP_
Change directory to //InstData/Linux/VM. The is any path that contains the Web_Installers folder, for example /tmp/Web_
Installers. Copy the installation folder to this location

DockerToolbox-1.12.2 - Windows 7 - Error: connect ENOENT //./pipe/docker_engine

I have installed DockerToolbox-1.12.2.exe in Windows 7 from link. After installation, if I try to launch Kitamatic, I am getting
Error: connect ENOENT //./pipe/docker_engine.
I have tried RETRY SETUP and USE VIRTUALBOX options available, but didn't helped much. Can anyone suggest, how to proceed?
Because on Windows 7, docker is not supported native. So, you must have Virtual Box installed on your machine. If it is not already installed, you can re-run the docker toolbox installer, it asks you to install the Oracle VirtualBox with installation.
If it is already installed on your machine, open it and check if there is any default VM created in it and what is the error you are facing when you click on Use VirtualBox?

vmware player unable to start services in kubuntu

my environment:
kubuntu : 3.2.0-generic-pae
vmware player: VMware-Player-4.0.4-744019.i386.bundle
And i have been installed it.
$sh VMware-Player-4.0.4-744019.i386.bundle
I have a problem, when i launch "menu->system->VMware Player"
it launch a window and start compiling:
[ok] Virtual Machine Monitor
[failed] Virtual Network Device
[ok] VMware Blocking Filesystem
[ok] Virtual Machine Communication Interface
[ok] VMCI Sockets
[result fail]Starting Vmare Services
See log file /tmp/vmware-root/modconfig-2722.log for detail
from log file:
[msg.dictionary.load.openFailed] Cannot open file "/usr/lib/vmware/settings":
No such file or directory.
[msg.dictionary.load.openFailed] Cannot open file "/root/.vmware/config":
No such file or directory.
[msg.dictionary.load.openFailed] Cannot open file "/root/.vmware/preferences"
No such file or directory.
Failed to find /lib/modules/preferred/build/include/linux/version.h
Failed to compile module vmnet!
Could some people tell me what's wrong ?
I suppose that there are no linux headers installed on your machine, that is why it is impossible to build the vmnet module. You must install headers and then try once again.
Ok, I've had the same problem this evening when upgrading from 4.0.3 to 4.0.4. What I've found to work is to first download the patch from this VMWare community thread -
Unzip it and then open the in gedit. There will be three lines at the top that read:
You have to change the plreqver=4.0.2 to plreqver=4.0.4
Then, open your terminal and run
sudo ./
As a side note, keep that file handy, because I found that I had to do the same thing when upgrading from 4.0.2 to 4.0.3 in Ubuntu 12.04. However, when you try the same again in the next upgrade (e.g. change the plreqver to 4.0.5 and run the script), it will say that the file is already patched and it won't work.
To get around this, you need to go to the "/usr/lib/vmware/modules/source/" folder, find the hidden file called ".patched", and delete it (easiest option is to "sudo nautilus" in terminal and hunt through the folder structure). Then it thinks that it hasn't been patched and does the process again.
Hope this gets your VMWare back up and running.
