Update nodejs in cygwin - node.js

Sometime back I've installed nodejs via cygwin which shows me the version 0.4.12 when I do node -v in bash.
Recently I've installed nodejs with the window installer which shows me the version 0.10.20 in window command prompt.
My Problem is I'm using Claymate for GumbyFramework in cygwin and it requires nodejs version above 0.8.0. How can I update the Nodejs in cygwin to the latest version?
Btw I'm using Windows Vista OS.
Pls. help!! Thanks in Advance..

Please know that Cygwin is not a supported platform. There would be a node version which would break things for you. The latest version that compiles natively on Cygwin is 0.4.12. Though the wiki page mentions some people had success building Node.js 0.10 on MinGW+MSYS. Try the following instructions : http://opensourcepack.blogspot.co.uk/2013/06/nodejs-with-posix-path-support.html

Don't mess with compile on Windows. You may want to just replace the old version Node.exe file with the newer Node.exe file on disk. You should be able to find the Cygwin folders within Windows explorer. You can search the entire disk, in windows not cygwin, for the file name node.exe. You should see the node.exe windows is finding, and the one cygwin is finding, under the cygwin folders.
Rename the cygwin node.exe and copy in the newer node.exe. Now, you nay get an issue with npm, in which case you may want to try the same thing with the npm folder.
I know cygwin isnt officially supported, but when you get it installed correctly it works.


ng commands always return "This: not found" on Windows WSL 2

I'm new on Angular, and I'm not able to run ng commands on WSL version 2.
I installed Angular CLI running:
npm install -g #angular/cli
After that I created a new npm project folder and a package.json running:
npm init
But every ng command returns:
/mnt/c/Users/xxxxxx/AppData/Roaming/npm/node_modules/node/bin/node: 1: This: not found`
I installed Node.js on Windows with an executable (so under PowerShell, everything works as expected). Am I wrong with this?
I installed Node.js on Windows with an executable before (so on PowerShell works), am I wrong with this?
Not, necessarily "wrong", but it's likely part of the problem. But you are certainly correct to question it and provide it as a critical detail in your post!
While WSL can launch Windows executables, keep in mind that those Windows executables (npm in this case) typically only understand Windows paths, processes, environment variables, etc.
npm on the Windows version of Node is a bit unusual, thought. It provides a Bash shell script, which is actually what is being called when you run npm under WSL. That shell script was originally designed for Cygwin and Git Bash, but I see that Node recently added checks in it for WSL as well. Before that, even (the Windows version of) npm itself would have issues under WSL.
But regardless of whether they've fixed npm to work under WSL, then you run into the next level of issues since Angular hasn't modified ng to detect when it is running under WSL.
Without having dug into the source code, ng is going to see that it is running under the Windows version of Node and try to use Windows tools and paths. In my test under WSL (using the Windows version of Node/npm), what seems to happen is that ng new project tries to start CMD.exe. Since it is running under the Windows version of Node, it naturally assumes that CMD.exe is available.
And it is, but starting CMD.exe from inside WSL will attempt to start in a UNC path (\\wsl$\<distroname>\path\to\current\project\dir or \\wsl.localhost\...). CMD doesn't support UNC paths, so it defaults to the Windows directory itself, and I get:
EPERM: operation not permitted, mkdir 'C:\Windows\project'
While you are getting a different error, to be sure, it's almost certainly related to this root issue.
To make a long story longer, see my advice in the question, How to organize programming languages and libraries in WSL and Windows 10.
To summarize it, when using development tools, either:
Use the Windows version of the toolchain (editor, commandline, SDK, tools, etc.)
Or use all-Linux versions of the toolchain.
Also, though, be careful with Node specifically. You can install:
The Windows version of Node for when you are using Windows tools
The Linux version of Node for when you are using WSL tools
But when you are running in WSL/Linux, make sure that the Linux version of npm and node appear first in the path, before the Windows version. This is, again, because of the fact that the Windows version provides that shell script. If the Windows version comes before the Linux version in your Linux PATH, then you will continue to have issues since the Windows npm will get called under WSL (as it is now).

NVM for Windows successfully installed but CMD prompt informs my version of Node.exe not compatible with my Windows version

I'm on a Microsoft Surface Pro X (it features Windows 10 Home on ARM 64-bit processor) trying to install Node.js. I've decided to use NVM for Windows. I can successfully install and get NVM for Windows running correctly. To my understanding, I'm able to install different versions of Node (i.e. 16.16.0 and 16.13.1, for example, both LTS) as shown in below graphic. But when I try to run Node, I get the error "This version of C:\Program Files\Nodejs\node.exe is not compatible with the version of Windows you're running. Check your computer's system information and then contact the software publisher."
I am not clear on the why this is happening. Am I not downloading a version of Node that is compatible on my ARM 64-bit processor? I've read through several closed issues on the GitHub page but I haven't encountered someone bringing up this same error. I'm pretty confident it does NOT have to do with the integrity of my symlinks too, or my system environment variables. See below:
Your help and insight is appreciated. Thanks.

Missing mfc140u.dll when trying to run windows application using Wine in Ubuntu

I want to run a c++ application written in vs2017 in Ubuntu 16.04. I've installed Wine version 3.0.3 as well as Winetricks version 20140817. When trying to run the application using 'wine app_name.exe' command, i get an error saying
002e:err:module:import_dll Library mfc140u.dll (which is needed by L"path_to_my_application_library") not found
I tried to install mfc140u via Winetrichs GUI using 'Install a Windows DLL or component' option but it seems not to be listed anywhere on the list of the available packages. Does anyone know how to make it available?
Make sure you are using the most up-to-date version of Wine (currently Wine 4). You can check by running:
wine --version
If you need to upgrade Wine, check out the instructions here.
That dll is a part of Visual C++ redistributable. You'll need to install it so the application will work. Instructions are here.
I don't use Wine, so there could be additional steps, but in the interest of helping:
I believe you need the appropriate version of the VC++ redistributable (Visual Studio C++ runtime). You need to install the version that the application you try to run was compiled with. Just start with the latest one and install and then install older versions if need be. MSDN Forums.
from console run
wine uninstaller
uninstall any existing runtime version, then select "install" and browse for the vc_redist.x64.exe file, accept. Execute your Windows appplication

How to install Weechat?

I must admit i'm not much of a coder or computer scientist, but in the past a friend installed Weechat on my windows computer using Cygwin (via the Cygwin terminal of course). I have a new computer now thats running windows 8.1 and have installed Cygwin with all of the necessary packages, and downloaded the latest stable version of Weechat (1.2). I am stuck from there though and don't really know which direction to move in, the only thing I have done with Cygwin so far is moved the home terminal folder to a more easier accessible location. Would it be possible to get a step by step walkthrough of how the installation progresses after downloading both the Cygwin component and the Weechat files and scripts?
Before we you can start using WeeChat, there are a few other pieces of software you need to install with CygWin. WeeChat relies on them for its functionality, which is why they are called dependencies.
You can find a detailed list of dependencies and further instructions on this link:
Weechat on Windows
Feel free to ask for further help if the above guide wouldn't suffice.
WeeChat is currently available via the CygWin native repositories.
Simply search for weechat in the CygWin package manager.
I already have CygWin installed, what now?
No worries, simply rerun the setup-x86-64.exe* you've downloaded. This process won't remove any of your previously installed packages. At the end of the installation process you'll be able to look for and install WeeChat.
* (on 32-bit systems, the installer would be named setup-x86.exe)

Node JS ./configure + make fails unable to remap python lib-dynload/itertools.dll to same address as parent

This might be more of a CYGWIN question than a Nodejs but here goes.
I installed Cygwin yesterday and on the packages selection I just clicked next as it looked like most were pre-selected, and then today read this guide http://boxysystems.com/index.php/step-by-step-instructions-to-install-nodejs-on-windows/ on installing nodejs.
The ./configure had an error that it was unable to remap python lib-dynload/itertools.dll to same address as parent. As the process still completed I tried the make command, but it fails on the same error.
So, I opened cygwin setup.exe and this time I clicked the source checkbox for all the Python packages. But still get the same error. Should I now go to Cygwin and check all the source packages for the Make packages, delete it and reinstall from scratch using the above guide. Or something else?
Any help gratefull received/
Use the official 0.5.x windows build from http://nodejs.org/#download - you just have to download a .exe file and you can start it.
Versions 0.5.X have problems with Cygwin and because of developing clean Windows version Cygwin environment is now unsupported. Stable version 0.4.12 builds on Cygwin with no problems. If you want to use node.js unstable 0.5.X branch on Windows use windows build at official node.js site.
check this out:
Update Sept 1, 2011 -- as of today, v0.5.5 does not build on Cygwin (errors on make). Use v.0.5.4 (ie. follow instructions below and use "git checkout v0.5.4".
Cygwin build is no longer supported. Use native windows builds instead.
