setPropertyActionListeners to composite component - jsf

I need to create composite component containing two h:commandLinks. And i want to pass f:setPropertyActionListeners from the client-code to be applied to both two commandLinks. Is this ever possible? I tried to use cc:insertChildren, but appropriate setters are not being fired.
<my:operationLink action="#{cc.attrs.bean.myAction}">
<f:setPropertyActionListener for="<!-- whats here? -->" value="#{cc.attrs.someAttrOne}" target="#{cc.attrs.bean.someAttrTargetOne}"/>
<f:setPropertyActionListener for="<!-- whats here? -->" value="#{cc.attrs.someAttrTwo}" target="#{cc.attrs.bean.someAttrTargetTwo}"/>
and my component:
<h:commandLink id="textLink" value="myTextLink"><ui:insert/></h:commandLink>
<h:commandLink id="imgLink"><h:graphicImage url="/images/my.gif"/><ui:insert/></h:commandLink>
i need to apply actionlisteners to both links ( into ui:insert)

You need to declare a <cc:actionSource> in the composite interface with the "event name" in name (e.g. actionEvent, this is fully arbitrary to your choice) and the client IDs of those command links space separated in the targets.
<cc:actionSource name="actionEvent" targets="textLink imgLink" />
Then you can use in the client:
<f:setPropertyActionListener for="actionEvent" ... />
Don't forget to remove <ui:insert>. This is indeed definitely not the right way.


h:message for JSF composite component with input

I'm often running into issues / unknowns regarding composite component behaviour for their intended use as value holders (with inputs). To summarise, where I have a composite component declared in the following way:
<cc:attribute name="value" required="true"/>
<h:inputText id="textInput" value="#{cc.attrs.value} />
and used:
<my:componentWithInput id="foo" value="#{someBean.value} />
My issue is with IDs. If I want to target the element with h:message, I'm not sure what structure I should be following, where ultimately what I want to achieve is:
<h:message for="foo" styleClass="error" />
<my:componentWithInput id="foo" value="#{someBean.value} />
I appreciate that given composite components are naming containers, this doesn't work, since the generated id of 'foo' in this case would resolve to the composite component id and not to the input.
I've been looking into cc:editableValueHolder etc. but am unclear as to the appropriate way to achieve this.
EDIT: To make my question more clear, I'm looking for a way of giving the component an ID, and for it to provide the input contained within with this ID, such that I can reference it externally without having to know (or indeed provide via an attribute) the ID of the input itself. In other words to emulate the behaviour of <h:inputText /> as a standalone component itself. If this is impossible, or that I misunderstand the purpose of composite components by this, then I am happy to accept that.

How to reference component inside a composite component when using a converter

I have a composite component that mainly consists of a selectManyCheckbox component. As it should be designed in a generic way I pass in selectItems, ajax handling etc. from the calling level using
This works quite well for most of the stuff. Now I need to use this composite component with a converter. As the converter (a kind of Omnifaces' ListConverter) is not needed all the time (sometimes I want to have the value-binding of concrete entities that back the select items, sometimes I don't), I'd like to pass it in as the parts mentioned before (e.g. selectItems, ajax event handling).
Given this it is necessary to use the converter tag's 'for' attribute to reference the component inside the composite component. At least that is what I understand.
Unfortunately I have no idea what value should be used. Do I have to include the name of the composite component (naming container)? Do I have to use the clientId? I have tried a lot of combinations but the converter has not been invoked. As soon as I put the converter tag inside the composite component definition, it works.
To make things easier, let's assume I have the following:
<composite:attribute name="value" required="true"/>
<h:selectManyCheckbox id="#{}" value="#{cc.attrs.value}">
This component should be used as follows:
<my:selectManyCheckbox id="myComponent" value="...">
<f:selectItems value="..."/>
<o:converter for="___" converterId="..."/>
Perhaps someone can give me a hint what value should be given to the 'for' attribute.
I found the answer myself. You can use the following
<composite:attribute name="value" required="true"/>
<composite:editableValueHolder name="input_component">
<h:selectManyCheckbox id="input_component" value="#{cc.attrs.value}">
The important part is the editableValueHolder tag. From the page using this composite component, you can now use
<o:converter for="input_component" converterId="id_of_converter" />
This is the solution that is working for me. I hope this helps others having the same problem.

Send parameter to request on every action for composite component

I have a composite component, which has an id I would like to send as a parameter when executing one of many posiible actions inside the composite component. I know I can use something like;
<h:form id="testForm">
<p:commandButton value="#{testReqBean.label}"
process="#this or #form" update="#form" ajax="true" >
<f:param value="#{}" name="CC-Id" />
now, imagine I have many forms or buttons with specific actions inside the composite component... is there a way to define the parameter I want to send in the request just once ? I mean not adding an f:param inside each form/button (depending on the process #form or #this) but one for the whole composite component?
Thanks in advance!
Maybe one solution would be to use viewparam but this only works if you can add a request parameter.
<f:viewParam value="#{your_bean.your_property_name}" name="request_param"/>
The only problem here is that whoever implements your composite component would have to set the above when needed, but it still an abstraction to this problem of having to set the same property for all components in same page.
I gather that the <h:form> is enclosed in the composite component itself.
Just use a plain HTML hidden input field.
<input type="hidden" name="CC-Id" value="#{}" />
<p:commandButton />
<p:commandButton />
<p:commandButton />
Unrelated to the concrete problem, having an entire form in a composite is kind of strange. This is then food for read: When to use <ui:include>, tag files, composite components and/or custom components?

Pass actionListener method to commandButton within a component

first, please forgive my ignorance and inability so use the search engine (i swear i have searched long and often but did not find any satisfying answer to this problem).
I have a bean implementing a action-listener compatible method:
#ManagedBean(name = "myBean")
class Bean{
public String myAction(ActionEvent event){
... = event.getComponent().getAttributes().get("something");
Then, i have a jsf component like this:
<composite:attribute name="actionBean" required="true"/>
<composite:attribute name="actionMethod" method-signature="void myAction(javax.faces.event.ActionEvent)" />
<p:commandButton actionListener="#{cc.attrs.actionBean[cc.attrs.actionMethod]}">
<f:attribute name="something" value="somevalue" />
It is called something like this:
<namespace:myComponent actionBean="#{myBean}" actionMethod="myAction" />
I know that this call is not working, and i wonder how to do it right!
My main intention is that i want to have a relatively generic jsf-component (would be nice to have it reusable later), that contains a button. On click to this button i want to pass an object (no simple string! in case of string i would just use action="..." and pass it via f:param). With the actionListener method i take the object via event.getComponent().getAttributes().get("something").
I think the signature void myAction(javax.faces.event.ActionEvent) is the problem that breaks passing the related method to the component, isnt it? Is it in general possible to pass method with any argument to jsf components (and if yes, how)?
So, i hope there is a possible solution to solve the general problem with altering the above strategy or maybe use something nice and different (in general i prefer not to use any hacks or workarounds, but like to use what is intended by the framework).
Thanks if somebody would find the time to point me the way! In case this question already exists, would be nice to get to the related post and have this deleted.
Try following:
<namespace:myComponent myAction="#{myBean.myAction}"/>
And composite component:
<composite:attribute name="myAction"
method-signature="void myAction(javax.faces.event.ActionEvent)"
<p:commandButton id="myAction">
<f:attribute name="something" value="somevalue" />
Check composite:attribute documentation. It has several options to pass listeners to composite component. I used targetAttributeName for this.

Seam validation question - check for at least one field filled

I have a situation in my form that the user must fill at least one of the fields. Using "required" command, i cannot do that. What is the best way to validate this in seam ? i dont want to use javascript.
Just let the required attribute depend its outcome on the presence of the other input fields in the request parameter map.
<h:form id="form">
<h:inputText id="input1" value="#{bean.input1}" required="#{empty param['form:input2'] and empty param['form:input3']}" />
<h:inputText id="input2" value="#{bean.input2}" required="#{empty param['form:input1'] and empty param['form:input3']}" />
<h:inputText id="input3" value="#{bean.input3}" required="#{empty param['form:input1'] and empty param['form:input2']}" />
Alternatively you could also make use of component binding and use UIInput#getValue() to check the value of the previous components and UIInput#getSubmittedValue() to check them for the yet-to-be-validated components (components are processed in the order as they appear in the component tree). This way you don't need to hardcode client ID's. You only need to ensure that binding names doesn't conflict with existing managed bean names.
<h:inputText binding="#{input1}" required="#{empty input2.submittedValue and empty input3.submittedValue}" />
<h:inputText binding="#{input2}" required="#{empty input1.value and empty input3.submittedValue}" />
<h:inputText binding="#{input3}" required="#{empty input1.value and empty input2.value}" />
JSF2 will let you do a form-level validation. For now, you'll have to make do with either:
Validate in a Bean after form
submission and populate a
FacesMessage to the user if it fails.
Add a validator to one field and in
that validator load in the other
fields and check their values.
If you dont want to use required attribute or javascript, then there are two ways.
One of them is creating a validator, but in my opinion that is too overkill.
I would just check if the input is null or empty in your bean.
if ("".equals(theFieldYouWantToCheck) || theFieldYouWantToCheck == null) {
//Either throw exception or return "false" so that you can handle it
If you are using RichFaces then you could perform the validation as follows (see
<h:form id="form">
<h:inputText id="input1" value="#{bean.input1}" />
<h:inputText id="input2" value="#{bean.input2}"
required="#{empty rich:findComponent('input1').submittedValue}"
requiredMessage="At least one of the fields input1 and input2 must be filled."/>
Note that the expression rich:findComponent('input1') is equivalent to uiComponent['input1']. The reason is that Seam provides the dynamic map uiComponent to look up UI components.
