Compiling the sample GDK applications - google-gdk

I followed the directions (OSX, Eclipse Juno) and created the new android sample project.
Project got created, but the R wasn't generated and I wasn't able to build and run the application due to errors in the code. I tried to clean and build but no success. Every other aspect of the instructions worked well. DDMS perspective detected the glass device and the build target is Glass Development Kit Sneak Peek.
I also tried to open the project in Android Studio 0.3.6 but no luck.
Any help generating the R would be greatly appreciated.

No idea whether this will work well, but worked for me.
Delete all the Glassware projects with errors. Close Eclipse and restart it. Now create a new project with a "new name" which is not similar to the previous projects. While creating, make sure the Minimum and Target SDK are android 4.0.3. "Compile with" should be "Glass Development Kit". Now insert you code, import any missing packages and save it.
I did the same and it worked.

I did the same steps on my Windows work computer, and the R generated just fine.
So, guessing this is a Mac+Eclipse issue.


IntelliJ idea does not properly see modules of generated Ktor project. Android Studio does see them

.0. I imported a project to the PC (specifically here = generated Ktor project, although I've seen such behavior before with Compose Desktop projects)
Generated here
.1. IntelliJ Idea doesn't recognize it as a project
When I open the same project on Android Studio = it works fine
Here is how the project supposed to look in IntelliJ (this Ktor project I build manually with IDE and it worked):
.2. I was able to make the project folders visible to IDE:
Repair IDE->Rescan Project Indexes->Reopen Project
Now It look like this:
But IDE still doesn't see my modules properly
How do I properly configure the imported project?
Note: I've read IntelliJ does not show project folders
And tried methods described there. But a lot of answers are hard to replicate as IntelliJ interface changed.
Edit: I've fixed it with Manage Idea Settings->Restore Default Settings. Now projects are opened properly. Thank everyone for your time.
I've fixed the problem with Manage Idea Settings->Restore Default Settings. Now projects are opened properly. Thank everyone for your time.

Import old project into Android Studio?

I am trying relentlessly to import this project into Android studio as part of my Udacity Android development courses. I tried everything from forking on GitHub and cloning it into my Android studio to changing the Gradle settings, the Java version, following the recommended settings by android studio, etc.
Nothing seems to be working. I keep getting errors. Each time I fix the error I get another error. Can someone please guide me as to what exactly is the proper procedure for importing an older project into the android setting and updating the settings? I seem to be experiencing the same issue every time I am completing online courses. The existing projects appear to be completed through older versions of Java and Android studio. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thank you

How to resolve symbols #mipmap and #style in Flutter project?

A while ago my designed Flutter app was running like it should in simulation (virtual device) in Android Studio. After some updates of both Flutter as Android studio I am not able to get the app in simulation. I am new to Flutter and Android studio (have a little knowledge of Xcode, 2 apps in the store) so I have looked at stackoverflow first to find a solution. All tried suggestions did not worked for me and I am hoping somebody can help me.
I have an original version of the project which was running in simulation mode. Now I am working in a duplicated version to find out how to get things up and running again. It worked before but why does Flutter or Android Studio give an error now? The folders and content do exist. Perhaps it is a simple thing to solve but it is not in my knowledge.
What to do to solve the error message I get as shown in the screendump?
The problem seems to be with the resources,
this should help.
Android Studio error: cannot resolve symbol in Xml
Or try to run "flutter clean" (usually solves many problems)
Flutter studio sometimes does not resolve those (no idea why).
Try opening the same Android project in Android studio and check it from there.
Once back, try File->Invalidate Caches/Restart
If they exist and the name is right (without extension), then it could be it.

Error related to resources_ap after upgrading to Android Studio 3.4

I upgraded Android Studio 3.4 today. I am no longer able to run the the app. I have cleaned the project, restarted Android studio many times. I have also invalidated cache to no avail.
I am getting the following error when installing the app:
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':app:transformDexWithInstantRunSlicesApkForDebug'.
> java.lang.RuntimeException: E:\...\app\build\intermediates\instant_run_split_apk_resources\debug\instantRunSplitApkResourcesDebug\out\slice_1\resources_ap
Could anyone offer a tip on how to remedy this?
I have two projects with different behaviors related to this issue:
Project A initially had this issue. I disabled Instant Run per the answer, the problem was solved. I enabled Instant Run later, and Project A is still working fine.
Project B also had this problem that has been remedied by turning of Instant Run. However, its problem will occur as soon as Instant Run is turned on. I do not what difference between these two projects results in this. One suspect is library C project. Library C is a part of Project A (i.e. its source code, resources are in Project A). However, Project B uses the aar of Library C as a module.
Issue should be fixed in Android Studio 3.4.2.
EDIT: Here is my old answer on how to fix it in Android Studio 3.4.0 and 3.4.1:
Using Gradle 5.4 instead of 5.1.1 helped me with this error.
Update file with:
Please note I haven't tested older Gradle versions, so it's possible even (for example) 5.2 version will work. You can see all Gradle releases here -
Switching off Instant Run as a workaround (File/Settings/Instant Run) seems to eliminate the problem.
According to OP it is possible to turn Instant Run back on without the problem recurring for some projects.
There is no need to turn off Instant Run.
Just delete the '.gradle' directory in the project and build directory inside the 'app' module.
Perform Clean Project and Rebuild Project.
This will solve the issue.
This is caused by "instant run" feature in android studio 3.4 , you can disable it by:
Open the Settings or Preferences dialog. Navigate to Build, Execution, Deployment > Instant Run. Uncheck the box next to Enable Instant Run
Go to your project folder and move everything from ...\app\build\ to some other folder outside project. (to clear build folder with back up)
In my case clearing the build folder solved the probem, till then i was disableing the instant Run option for every new install.
I tried both "Gradle 5.4" and "Switching off Instant Run" solutions but they didnt work until I turned on "Wait for Debugger" option until "Developer Options" in my phone (Huawei Mate 10). I have confirmed that this is only working with "Instant Run" off as well.
This problem happened to me on Windows. I solved it by disabling instant run.
I also have the same Android Studio version on Linux and it works fine with instant run enabled.
This is fixed in 3.4.2. Just update to the latest version of Studio.
This same error happened when I updated to Android Studio 3.4.2, I updated the tools-build-gradle to 3.4.2 and the problem disappear.
Switching off Instant Run as a workaround (File/Settings/Instant Run) seems to eliminate the problem.

Android Studio is installing old apk on device

I am developing an Android app using Android Studio (0.89 Build #AI-135.1404660, Built on Sept 3,2014) using both emulator and Nexus 4 device.
I had the same issue with a version prior to that.
The problem is that after I changed my code and resource files, I still get the old apk installed on the device or emulator.
What do I need to do to get it to run current code? Is it a building config?
Is it a known issue with Android Studio?
Or with a Nexus 4 device?
This is the second time it has happened, and I resolved it(then) after trying one of the steps below. They have not worked for me again.
Here is what I've tried
Build > Clean Project > Restart Android Studio > Run
Build > Rebuild Project > Run
Step 1 plus Uninstalling of apk on device
Step 2 plus Unistalling of apk on device
Adding erroneous resource entry then running.
I have read the following:
Android apk install: How to clear files from old version?
adb - How to reinstall an app, without retaining the data?
Device still has the old apk
Android build doesn't update code base or resources for target .apk on device
None has worked so far.
I had the same problem. After trying numerous methods that didn't work, I realized that I had accidentally changed an option in my "Run Configuration". Here's exactly what I did to fix the issue.
Run --> Edit Configurations
With your configuration selected on the left panel (mine says "app"), in the General tab on the right panel, there is a section called "Before launch". This section should have an option added called "Gradle-aware Make", but I had accidentally removed it.
I re-added it by pressing the "+", then clicking OK in the popup (leave the input box in the popup blank).
Click apply.
This fixed the problem immediately. Hope this helps someone!
Run / Debug Configurations / Miscellaneous TAB
[] Uncheck: Skip installation if APK has not changed
Android Studio doesn't always detect small changes in code.
The behaviour is erratic. I solved it by reviewing my code.It turned out that there was a resource file that was invalid. Try reverting back to the last working version of your code before the current changes... Probably a known issue that will be/was resolved out of Beta
Google thinks it is a feature, not a bug
Their proposed solution is to copy the apk(s) instead of manipulating the filename, as in e.g.
Copying APK file in Android Gradle project
I've spent way too many hours to keep this to myself. The way I fixed it was that I noticed some hours later that I was using different layout version in res/ .... I have actually two versions of layout (layout-v26) and (layout). All this time I was modifying the other one and uploading different one. Maybe its just a newbie mistake but I hope somebody will find it useful.
The reason why there are 2 version was because of " autofillHints="" -> quickfix -> create new version of layout "
image of my tree
I am using android studio for building flutter app, I was facing the same issue untill I did the following:
From Android Studio, go to Tools-Flutter-FlutterClean
It resolved my problem as of now.
Check Your Layout Files.
I ran into the same problem and I realized, it gives some problem if you have same layout in multiple orientations(portrait and landscape). If one is changed other remains unchanged and then it creates a conflict. So android studio installs the one with the previous layout
PS: This was happening in my case.
The problem occurred on my Android 11 devices. I guess ART ran old code dex2oated.
Run / Debug Configurations - General - Always install with package manager (disable deploy optimization on Android 11 and later), and check the option.
I was also facing this issue and get solution by deleting build folder manually because some time ide cannot be able to delete this. So go to the app folder and find build folder delete this and after clean and build project and run again.
You should select "Deploy default APK" option in Run/Debug Configurations. After that Android Studio will upload and install new apk to your emulator/device when you run application.
In android studio. at right side. see gradle option. click it. and then press circular arrows button shown in red square.
Same problem, none of the solutions mentioned here had any effect. I had to disable the "Allow parallel run" in "Menu > Run > Edit configurations...".
You can read more about this option here: How to run the same project multiple times in IntelliJ IDEA?
The solution to this issue is actually very simple.
Android studio is actually not detecting some small changes that you have made to the application. That is why it is installing the previous builds.
The solution is easy -> Remove the previous builds.
In the right side, go to gradle tab.
Expand Tasks. Find "clean" or "cleanCache" task or any task that starts with "clean". Double click to run that task.
Expand "app". and do the same.
Then File> Invalidate cache and restart.
Enjoy!! Your problem is solved...
My devices also ran old states - dont know from where in my git it has taken these.
I created a new configuration (default is "app") and it worked.
