An external site redirect the user to my platform passing some POST data. How can grab this information from my Bean and display its in a JSF page?
I've try a lot of solution but no one works. The following is a JSF testing page.
<f:viewParam name="auth" value="#{getResponse2.auth}" required="true"/>
<ui:define name="content">
An error occurred during transaction
#{getResponse2.auth}<br />
Here some attempt to grab POST data:
public class getResponse extends HttpServlet {
private String paymentId;
private String result;
private String auth;
private String ref;
private String traind;
private String trackid;
private String udf1;
private String responsecode;
private String host;
public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
paymentId = request.getParameter("paymentid");
result = request.getParameter("result");
auth = request.getParameter("auth");
ref = request.getParameter("ref");
traind = request.getParameter("tranid");
trackid = request.getParameter("trackid");
udf1 = request.getParameter("udf1");
responsecode = request.getParameter("responsecode");
System.out.println("response code: " + responsecode);
Another one:
public void getResponse() {
paymentId = ((HttpServletRequest) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequest()).getParameter("paymentId");
result = ((HttpServletRequest) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequest()).getParameter("result");
auth = ((HttpServletRequest) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequest()).getParameter("auth");
ref = ((HttpServletRequest) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequest()).getParameter("ref");
traind = ((HttpServletRequest) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequest()).getParameter("traind");
trackid = ((HttpServletRequest) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequest()).getParameter("trakid");
udf1 = ((HttpServletRequest) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequest()).getParameter("udf1");
responsecode = ((HttpServletRequest) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequest()).getParameter("responsecode");
I'm currently having trouble regarding the token generated by <protected-views> of JSF.
I added the page I want to protect in faces-config.xml
Then for example when I go the users page using an <h:link>
<h:link outcome="users" title="View">
<f:param name="user" value="#{}" />
the token generated in the URL is this
The page returns a ProtectedViewException
Then I found out that the correct token is actually:
The token was encoded in the URL, where % became %25. When I copy-paste the correct token into the URL, I get into the users page successfully.
Any help would be appreciated.
This is a problem with the versions 2.2.11 and above of Mojarra JSF Implementation, you can see the details about issue in and here
One of the alternatives to handle the problem is to create a CustomExternalContext to handle the double encoding.
First you need declare in faces-config.xml a CustomExternalContextFactory:
In the ExternalContextFactory you define the CustomExternalContext:
public class CustomExternalContextFactory extends ExternalContextFactory {
private ExternalContextFactory externalContextFactory;
public CustomExternalContextFactory() {}
public CustomExternalContextFactory(ExternalContextFactory externalContextFactory) {
this.externalContextFactory = externalContextFactory;
public ExternalContext getExternalContext(Object context, Object request, Object response)
throws FacesException {
ExternalContext handler = new CustomExternalContext((ServletContext) context,
(HttpServletRequest) request, (HttpServletResponse) response);
return handler;
The CustomExternalContext override the methods encodeBookmarkableURL and encodeRedirectURL:
public class CustomExternalContext extends ExternalContextImpl {
public CustomExternalContext(ServletContext sc, ServletRequest request,
ServletResponse response) {
super(sc, request, response);
public String encodeBookmarkableURL(String baseUrl, Map<String, List<String>> parameters) {
FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
String encodingFromContext =
(String) context.getAttributes().get(RIConstants.FACELETS_ENCODING_KEY);
if (null == encodingFromContext) {
encodingFromContext =
(String) context.getViewRoot().getAttributes().get(RIConstants.FACELETS_ENCODING_KEY);
String currentResponseEncoding =
(null != encodingFromContext) ? encodingFromContext : getResponseCharacterEncoding();
UrlBuilder builder = new UrlBuilder(baseUrl, currentResponseEncoding);
String secureUrl = builder.createUrl();
//Handle double encoding
if (parameters.size() > 0 && baseUrl.contains("javax.faces.Token")) {
try {
int beginToken = secureUrl.indexOf("javax.faces.Token");
int endToken = secureUrl.indexOf("&") - 1;
String doubleEncodeToken = secureUrl.substring(beginToken, endToken);
String encodeToken = URLDecoder.decode(doubleEncodeToken, currentResponseEncoding);
secureUrl = secureUrl.replace(doubleEncodeToken, encodeToken);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return secureUrl;
public String encodeRedirectURL(String baseUrl, Map<String, List<String>> parameters) {
FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
String encodingFromContext =
(String) context.getAttributes().get(RIConstants.FACELETS_ENCODING_KEY);
if (null == encodingFromContext) {
encodingFromContext =
(String) context.getViewRoot().getAttributes().get(RIConstants.FACELETS_ENCODING_KEY);
String currentResponseEncoding =
(null != encodingFromContext) ? encodingFromContext : getResponseCharacterEncoding();
UrlBuilder builder = new UrlBuilder(baseUrl, currentResponseEncoding);
String secureUrl = builder.createUrl();
//Handle double encoding
if (parameters.size() > 0 && baseUrl.contains("javax.faces.Token")) {
try {
int beginToken = secureUrl.indexOf("javax.faces.Token");
int endToken = secureUrl.indexOf("&") - 1;
String doubleEncodeToken = secureUrl.substring(beginToken, endToken);
String encodeToken = URLDecoder.decode(doubleEncodeToken, currentResponseEncoding);
secureUrl = secureUrl.replace(doubleEncodeToken, encodeToken);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return secureUrl;
You can find a working example in
I am studying a PrimeFaces AutoComplete demo. I shortenied it from the full showcase demo.
public class AutoCompleteBean {
private Query query;
private List<Query> queries = new ArrayList<Query>();
public void init() {
queries.add(new Query(0, "Afterdark", "afterdark"));
queries.add(new Query(1, "Afternoon", "afternoon"));
queries.add(new Query(2, "Afterwork", "afterwork"));
queries.add(new Query(3, "Aristo", "aristo"));
public List<Query> completeQuery(String query) {
List<Query> filteredQueries = new ArrayList<Query>();
for (int i = 0; i < queries.size(); i++) {
Query skin = queries.get(i);
if(skin.getName().toLowerCase().contains(query)) {
return filteredQueries;
public void onItemSelect(SelectEvent event) {
FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, new FacesMessage("Item Selected", event.getObject().toString()));
public Query getQuery() {
return query;
public void setQuery(Query query) {
this.query = query;
public class Query {
private int id;
private String displayName;
private String name;
public Query() {}
public Query(int id, String displayName, String name) { = id;
this.displayName = displayName; = name;
public int getId() {
return id;
public void setId(int id) { = id;
public String getDisplayName() {
return displayName;
public void setDisplayName(String displayName) {
this.displayName = displayName;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;
public String toString() {
return name;
I omitted a Convert class, which I think is not that relevant.
<p:growl id="msgs" showDetail="true" />
<h:panelGrid columns="2" cellpadding="5">
<p:autoComplete id="queryPojo" value="#{autoCompleteView.query}"
completeMethod="#{autoCompleteView.completeQuery}" var="query"
itemLabel="#{query.displayName}" itemValue="#{query}"
converter="queryConverter" forceSelection="true" />
<p:commandButton value="search" oncomplete="PF('dlg').show()"/>
I have three questions for this:
1) completeMethod="#{autoCompleteView.completeQuery}": completeQuery method is called without passing a parameter, but it's defined as completeQuery(String query). How does this work?
2) value="#{autoCompleteView.query}". Query is an object defined in AutoCompleteBean. How can this Query object take user input string as its value? Usually InputText's value is good for taking user's input, which is a String value.
3) Can I still add an attribute "action=..." to the p:autoComplete componenet?
The converter class that you omitted here plays the real game.... Lets see your questions
As you see converter class overrides 2 methods
getAsString and getAsObject
1)the value
gets refactred to
as you can find to string method in Query class.
2).as converter is defined for autocomplete it calls getAsString method to render on screen. when selected getAsObject method is called to convert string value to object(Query).
3)you can use ajax select event
<p:ajax event="select" listener="#{autoCompleteView.someMethod}">
or call a remoteCommand by onSelect attribute in p:autoComplete
<p:autoComplete id="queryPojo" value="#{autoCompleteView.query}" onSelect="someRemoteCommand();"
completeMethod="#{autoCompleteView.completeQuery}" var="query"
itemLabel="#{query.displayName}" itemValue="#{query}"
converter="queryConverter" forceSelection="true" />
<p:remoteCommand name="someRemoteCommand" update="queryPojo" actionListener="#{autoCompleteView.execute}" />
I'm using an <h:selectOneMenu>on the header of a template <p:layoutUnit position="north".../> as follows.
<h:selectOneMenu value="#{currencyRateBean.currency}" onchange="submit();">
<f:selectItems var="row" value="#{currencyBean.currency}" itemLabel="#{row}" itemValue="#{row}"/>
This list is populated using a List<String> representing a list of currencies. The list is stored in an application scoped bean, CurrencyBean.
The JSF managed bean involved is as follows.
public final class CurrencyRateBean implements Serializable
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private String currency;
private BigDecimal currencyRate;
public CurrencyRateBean() {}
private void init()
currencyRate=new BigDecimal(1);
public BigDecimal getCurrencyRate() {
return currencyRate;
public String getCurrency() {
return currency;
public void setCurrency(String currency) throws MalformedURLException, IOException
BufferedReader in = null;
URLConnection connection;
URL url = new URL(""+currency+"/1?k=FQRxs-xT2tk-NExQj");
connection = url.openConnection();
in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream()));
String jsonObject = "";
String line;
while ((line = in.readLine()) != null)
jsonObject += line;
this.currencyRate = new Gson().fromJson(jsonObject, BigDecimal.class);
this.currency = currency;
The setCurrency() method is invoked on changing a currency in <h:selectOneMenu> (onchange="submit();") which is a POST request as it should be.
After this request is completed, there is a duplicate page submit on refreshing the page. To avoid this duplicate submit, a GET Http request should arise after this POST request is made.
How can this be made?
Please suggest, if there is a better, new, precise alternative for handling a multi-currency application.
Try this, and avoid onchange as much as possible.
<h:selectOneMenu value="#{currencyRateBean.currency}">
<p:ajax event="valueChange" update="here write the id(s) of component(s) or "#all" to rerender the whole page (which is really bad)" process="#this" partialSubmit="true"/>
<f:selectItems var="row" value="#{currencyBean.currency}" itemLabel="#{row}" itemValue="#{row}"/>
I have the following problem!
On one of my sites i have a button:
<h:commandButton value="IDA Analyzer Results" action="#{SelectionBean.monitoringLog()}"/>
The method it calls with some part of the bean:
#ManagedBean(name = "SelectionBean")
public class TableSelectionBean {
private List<String> analyzerLog = new ArrayList<String>();
public String monitoringLog() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException{
String fileName = "/opt/IDA2/Linux/bin/"+"filtered_"+selectionMonitoringData.get(0).getMonitoringName()+"_result.txt";
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileName));
try {
String line;
while ((line=br.readLine()) != null) {
} finally {
return "analyzerresult.xhtml";
After i click this button as you can see it navigates me to an other page:
<h:commandButton value="hi" action="#{AnalyzerBean.myMethod()}"></h:commandButton>
Here is the Bean:
#ManagedBean(name = "AnalyzerBean")
public class AnalyzerResultBean {
private List<String> analyzerLog;
public void myMethod(){
* #return the analyzerLog
public List<String> getAnalyzerLog() {
return analyzerLog;
* #param analyzerLog the analyzerLog to set
public void setAnalyzerLog(List<String> analyzerLog) {
this.analyzerLog = analyzerLog;
So when I'm trying to use this Managed property it says:
The scope of the object referenced by expression #{SelectionBean.analyzerLog}, view, is shorter than the referring managed beans (AnalyzerBean) scope of session but as you can see both of the is Session Scoped. What could be the problem?
If you use JSF 2.x and you want to navigate analyzerresult.xhtml page return analyzerresult
public String monitoringLog() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException{
return "analyzerresult";
.xhtml extension is not needed.
i am using jsf 2.1.1 and primefaces 3.0.M4. i have a sample jsf page that used to post country comments. i use f:viewparam tag with converter to view country pages. here are the codes:
<f:viewParam name="country" value="#{countryBean2.selectedCountry}" converter="countryConverter" required="true"/>
<h:form id="form">
<h:outputText value="#{countryBean2.selectedCountry.countryName}" />
<h:outputText value="Comment:" />
<h:inputText value="#{countryBean2.comment}" />
<p:commandButton value="Send" action="#{countryBean2.sendComment}" update="#this" />
public class CountryBean2 implements Serializable {
private EntityCountry selectedCountry;
private String comment;
public EntityCountry getSelectedCountry() { return selectedCountry; }
public void setSelectedCountry(EntityCountry newValue) { selectedCountry = newValue; }
public String getComment() { return comment; }
public void setComment(String newValue) { comment = newValue; }
EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("testPU");
public void sendComment() {
EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();
try {
FacesMessage msg = null;
EntityTransaction entr = em.getTransaction();
boolean committed = false;
try {
EntityCountryComment c = new EntityCountryComment();
committed = true;
msg = new FacesMessage();
msg.setSummary("Comment was sended");
} finally {
if (!committed) entr.rollback();
} finally {
public class CountryConverter implements Converter {
public static EntityCountry country = new EntityCountry();
EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("testPU");
public EntityCountry getAsObject(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, String value) {
EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();
Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT c FROM EntityCountry c WHERE c.countryName = :countryName")
.setParameter("countryName", value);
country = (EntityCountry) query.getSingleResult();
return country;
public String getAsString(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, Object value) {
EntityCountry c = (EntityCountry) value;
return c.getCountryName();
i want to call "setComment" setter without calling CountryConverter, when i am using commandbutton to post comment. how can i do that ?
Unfortunately, that's by design of the <f:viewParam> component. It will convert the request parameter and set the property on every HTTP request, also on postbacks. In order to change this behaviour, you would need to extend <f:viewParam> with a custom component which doesn't remember the initial request parameter in its state. It's relatiely simple, instead of delegating the setSubmittedValue() and getSubmittedValue() to StateHelper, you just need to make it an instance variable. This is described in detail in this blog.
public class UIStatelessViewParameter extends UIViewParameter {
private String submittedValue;
public void setSubmittedValue(Object submittedValue) {
this.submittedValue = (String) submittedValue;
public String getSubmittedValue() {
return submittedValue;
OmniFaces has an ready-to-use component for this in flavor of <o:viewParam>. Here is the live example.