PhpStorm wrap/surround selection? - twig

Often in coding and templating I need to wrap a certain part of text. Is there any shortcut to wrap the current selection, for example:
Hello World
"Hello World"
Hello World
{{ trans 'Hello World' }}
Im using PhpStorm 7 for Mac and PC. I found something similiar, with: ctrl+alt+j you can wrap with a html-tag but nothing else. Also ctrl+alt+- comments the current selection according to the current file format(php, twig, html, ...)

I know this is a little late answer, but I hope anyone who looks this question get helped.
In PhpStorm, almost everything can be configured but a little tricky and takes some learning curve.
It's very common behaviour that select a word and type single quote (or double quote) to surround it.
Hello World
'Hello World'
"Hello World"
To enable this, tick on checkbox of Preferences -> IDE -> Editor -> Smart Keys -> Surround Selection on typing quote or brace.
Another way, you select something (word, condition) and press Cmd + Alt + T (on Mac) , Ctrl + Alt + T (on Windows). Available Surround With options dialog box will be displayed.
Update (for PhpStorm8)
For PhpStorm Version 8, tick on checkbox of Preferences -> Editor -> General -> Smart Keys -> Surround selection on typing quote or brace.
Update (for PhpStorm 2016)
For PhpStorm Version 2016, use Cmd + Alt + S (on Mac) or Ctrl + Alt + S (on Win) to go to Settings. Tick on checkbox of Settings -> Editor -> General -> Smart Keys -> Surround selection on typing quote or brace`.

As of 2015-02-26 (PhpStorm 8) go to:
File > Settings... > Editor > General > Smart Keys > Surround selection on typing quote or brace

How to create a live template to easily change Hello World into {{ trans 'Hello World' }}:
Select something (word, condition) and press Cmd + Alt + T (on Mac) , Ctrl + Alt + T (on Windows). Available Surround With options dialog box will be displayed.
Select Configure live templates.
On the right bar there are a "+" to add either a group or live template.
In Edit part choose "Abbreviation", so you could see it in a menu later.
In "Template text" add following: {{ trans '$SELECTION$' }}
Click ok to save changes.
After that select Hello World and use step 1 from above, select a rule with your "Abbreviation"
This is just a more detailed answer than #Steve.NayLinAung .
Credit goes to #LazyOne

On a Mac, it's
PhpStorm > Preferences > Editor > General > Smart Keys > Surround selection on typing quote or brace.
You can also press command+, to open the Preferences menu.


Select text between quotes?

It drives me mad. I can found how to select text between quotes in mac.
I have not installed any plugins. But i can select text pressing -
Ctrl + Shift + Space
Combination - Ctrl + Shift + M - fro selection text between brackets works good.
Please help me.
There is a plugin specifically for this task: Expand Selection to Quotes. Simply put your cursor between two quotes and hit Ctrl' to select the text between the quotes. Hit it again and it will select the quote marks themselves.
You can use the Plugin BracketHighlighter to achieve what you want. First, you need to install this Plugin. Then, go to Preferences --> Key Bindings.
Add the following key bindings,
"no_outside_adj": null,
"keys": ["ctrl+alt+super+s"],
"command": "bh_key",
"lines" : true,
"type": ["__all__"],
"command": "bh_modules.bracketselect"
Then you can use the shortcut key Ctrl+Alt+Super+S to select texts between quotation marks.
Ctrl + Shift + Space
works for me - it selects the text in quotes WITH quotes. But it's not a problem since I then just start typing quotes, and then what's inside...
No relevant plugins installed. Windows 10.
I figured out this, you can use plugin BracketHighlighter for this task.
Sublime Text 3 (Build 4113) on OSX natively supports selecting many different kinds of text between quotes (ie, not just words, but also sentences, uuids, datetimes, and more) without selecting the quotes by clicking on the text inside the quotes that you want to select and using Selection > Expand Selection. Shortcut: ⇧ Shift + ⌘ + A.

How to comment or uncomment code in Textmate 2

How do I comment or uncomment code in Textmate 2?
I came across How do I use a shortcut to comment out code automatically in Textmate? , but it's for Textmate 1.x, and "Bundles" > "Source" > "Comments" doesn't have "Comment line".
I'm using TextMate 2.0-beta.7.1.
I recall disabling command + / because it was causing problems while working on Rails apps, but I assumed that would just disable the keyboard shortcut, not the ability to comment and uncomment lines.
In TextMate 2.0.19 you can comment, or uncomment, a line or selection with the shortcut Cmd (⌘) + /.
If this shortcut doesn't work for you, you can do it like this :
Select Bundles in the menu bar
Select Source
Select Comments
Select Comment line
Happy coding πŸ––
Define a new shortcut for comment or uncomment
If the native shortcut doesn't work for you, define a new one like this :
Select Bundles in the menu bar
Select Edit Bundles...
Select Source
Select Menu Actions
Select Comments
Select Comment Line / Selection
Click on Key Equivalent
Type your shortcut
Close the Bundles editor
A prompt will ask you to confirm your changes
Test it!
Others useful shortcuts
Insert Block Comment : Option (Alt, βŒ₯) + Cmd (⌘) + /
Insert Comment Banner: Select the word or text you want to use as a banner and Ctrl (βŒƒ) + Shift (⇧) + B
Insert Comment Header ( This will insert the name of the script and some useful details): You have to define it πŸ˜… because in my case it was empty... I defined it with Ctrl (βŒƒ) + Shift (⇧) + N
Use Help in TextMate πŸ˜‰
Select Help in the menu bar
type "comment"
This will brings you directly to the option comment line. I suggest doing that first because in most cases, you will find the answer.
Bundles -> Source -> Menu Actions -> Comments -> Comment Line
Is that what you're looking for?

Comment shortcut Android Studio

I'm searching for useful Android Studio keyboard shortcut for commenting code, as in Sublime Text or Eclipse.
When I press either cmd+/ or cmd+maj+/ nothing happens...
Mac With Numeric pad
Line Comment hold both: Cmd + /
Block Comment hold all three: Cmd + Alt + /
Line Comment hold both: Cmd + + =
Block Comment hold all three: Cmd + Alt + + =
Windows/linux :
Line Comment hold both: Ctrl + /
Block Comment hold all three: Ctrl + Shift + /
Same way to remove the comment block.
To Provide Method Documentation comment type /** and press Enter just above the method name (
It will create a block comment with parameter list and return type like this
* #param userId
* #return
public int getSubPlayerCountForUser(String userId){}
In spanish keyboard without changing anything I can make a comment with the keys:
cmd + -
cmd + alt + -
This works because in english keyboard / is located at the same place than - on a spanish keyboard
Be sure you use the slash (/) on right side of keyboard.
For Line Comment:
Ctrl + /
For Block Comment:
Ctrl + Shift + /
You can see all keymap in Android Studio: Help ➀ Default Keymap Reference
On Mac and Turkish Keyboard it is (both for commenting out and uncommenting)
line comment:
cmd +.
block comment:
cmd+alt +.
An Example for a Mac OS X 10.5+ with a German layout keyboard without NumPads:
Open Preferences
Search for "Keymap"
Expand "Main menu"
Expand "Code"
Delete all shortcuts (just a suggestion)
Add a shortcut for a single line comment (e.g. Ctrl++)
Add a shortcut for a block comment (e.g. Ctrl+alt +)
This way you can be sure that those keys are not mapped (except if you assigned them before to another function)
Reviewing and Changing Keyboard Shortcuts in Android Studio
Keyboard shortcuts can be configured (and reviewed) via the Settings dialog, accessible via File -> Settings.
Once this dialog appears, to review (and/or add) a shortcut, do the following:
Select Keymap in the list on the left. Note that there is a "Keymaps" option, and depending on the original selection, shortcuts assigned to a given feature differ based on the Keymap.
Type "comment" or text corresponding to the feature for which the keyboard shortcut is to be reviewed/assigned. Each match has a line entry in the list below, and keyboard shortcuts are shown right-justified along with the feature. For example, both CTRL+ALT+SLASH and CTRL+K, CTRL+C are the two assignments for creating a line comment.
To modify a shortcut:
Select the resultant line corresponding to the feature for which the keyboard shortcut is to be reviewed/assigned
Right-click, and select the desired Add or Remove option.
Comment method like pro developers:
Line Comment : Ctrl + /
Block Comment : Ctrl + Shift
Method Commenting:
Type `/**` and press `Enter Key`
it will add the comment snippet like we see in standard documentation, give it a try this once.
* #param addOpacity
public void setOpacityOnUserImage(boolean addOpacity) {
// Your business logic.
In Android studio CTRL + SHIFT + / for windows.
for German Layout (Deutsches Layout) the default is:
for line Comment:
strg + Numpad(/)
for block Comment:
I use this sequence (not a 'linear' shortcut but useful anyway):
alt+c then alt+b (holding alt) for block comment
alt+c then alt+l (holding alt) for line comment
(they use the android studio menu)
On PC it's by default set to Ctrl + /. This will toggle commenting a selection or current line.
I am working with a german keyboard and the slash (/) is on the 7 key, meaning access would be Ctrl + Shift + 7. However, this does not work as this is predefined as something with bookmark 7.
I went to settings (search for keymap) and deleted all existing shortcuts. I than added Ctrl + 7, confirmed deletion of bookmark shortcut and now can work well.
For Line Comment: Ctrl + /
For Block Comment: Ctrl + Shift + /
For multiline comment in android studio
select the statement that you want to commented then
use ctrl+shift+/
and for removing mutiline comment
select the statement that you want to uncommented then
use **ctrl+shift+/**
For single line comment
use ctrl+/
Ctrl + Shift + / works well for me on Windows.
1.Single line commenting. Ctrl + /
2.For block comment Ctrl + Shift + /
on mac, using uk english keyboard layout to reach quickcomment in android studio the key combination is:
cmd + alt(option) + /
Mac (French-Canadian Keyboard):
Line Comment hold both: Cmd + Γ‰
Block Comment hold all three: Cmd + Alt + Γ‰
"Γ‰" is on the same position as "?/" in english one.
Are you sure you are using / and not \ ?
On Mac I have found by default:
Cmd + /
Comments using // notation
Cmd + Opt + /
Comments using /* */ notation
If you are used with Eclipse, there is something in Settings>Keymap Keymaps: and you can pick Eclipse to keep the same shortcuts.
For Line Comment hold both:
Ctrl + /
For Block Comment hold all three:
Ctrl + Shift + /
Same way to remove the comment block.
In android studio you can do
single comment with (go to line then Ctrl+/)
block comment with ( select text then Ctrl+Shift+/)
Also if you want to change color of commented text
go to File->Settings->IDE settings->Editor->Color & fonts->Java->(Line comment or block comment) and change properties.
I prefer it to be green which is used in notepad++ editor.
In the Icelandic MAC keyboard: CMD + -
You can add three slashes.
/// Add comments
this can clear the "comment out code 2 lines" issues.
To comment/uncomment one line, use: Ctrl + /.
To comment/uncomment a block, use: Ctrl + Shift + /.
I noticed that command Ctrl + Shift + / works on Windows only in case if there is no indentation on the left. I.e. if you need to comment out an entire function or class, you must additionally press Enter at the top and bottom of the class/function.
It helped me.

Search all the occurrences of a string in the entire project in Android Studio

I've just started using Android Studio (IntelliJ), and I now look for the feature to find the occurrence of a string in any of the files in my project. For example: I want to find all the files that contain the string ".getUuid()"
The search at the top right doesn't give me the correct results, and I don't think I can find this feature under Edit > Find.
Could anybody point me at the right direction?
TLDR: βŒƒβ‡§F on MacOS will open "Find in path" dialog.
First of all, this IDEA has a nice "Find Usages" command. It can be found in the context menu, when the cursor is on some field, method, etc.
It's context-aware, and as far as I know, is the best way to find class, method or field usage.
Alternatively, you can use the
Edit > Find > Find in path…
dialog, which allows you to search the whole workspace.
Also in IDEA 13 there is an awesome "Search Everywhere" option, by default called by double Shift. It allows you to search in project, files, classes, settings, and so on.
Also you can search from Project Structure dialog with "Find in Path…". Just call it by right mouse button on concrete directory and the search will be scoped, only inside that directory and it's sub-directory.
In Android Studio on a Windows, macOS or Linux based machine use shortcut Ctrl + Shift + F to search any string in whole project. It's easy to remember considering Ctrl + F is used to search in the current file. So just press the Shift as well.
Press Shift twice and a Search Everywhere dialog will appear.
Use Ctrl + Shift + F combination for Windows and Linux to search everywhere, it shows preview also.
Use Ctrl + F combination for Windows and Linux to search in current file.
Use Shift + Shift (Double Tap Shift) combination for Windows and Linux to search Project File of Project.
You can open the Find in Path dialog by pressing:
Ctrl + Shift + F
Android Studio 3.3 seems to have changed the shortcut to search for all references (find in path) on macOS.
In order to do that you should use Ctrl + Shift + F now (instead of Command + Shift + F as wrote on the previous answers):
To replace in path just use Ctrl + Shift + R.
Android Studio Version 4.0.1 on Mac combination is for me:
Shift + Control + F
And for all of us who use Eclipse keymaps the shortcut is Ctrl+H. Expect limited options compared to eclipse or you will be disappointed.
In Android Studio on a Windows or Linux based machine use shortcut Ctrl + Shift + R to search and replace any string in the whole project.
What you want to reach is that, I believe:
cmd + O for classes.
cmd + shift + O for files.
cmd + alt + O for symbols. "wonderful shortcut!"
Besides shift + cmd + f for find in path && double shift to search anywhere.
Play with those and you will know what satisfy your need.
use ctrl + shift + f on windows
Press SHIFT 2 times and you can search Every-where , both Class and Method() in the project.
Ctrl + N for finding only Class name.
Ctrl + E for Recent Files.
Use Ctrl + Alt + F combination in Ubuntu.
On a mac use shift + cmmd + f
To get rid of the screen press esc
I use IntelliJ IDEA
version: 2019.2.3 (Community Edition)
Build #IC-192.6817.14, built on September 24, 2019
Runtime version: 11.0.4+10-b304.69 x86_64
In Android 3.6 on a Mac if you want to export the results to a text file then do the following
Command+Shift+F then enter the text you want to search
Then on Bottom Right click on "Open In Find Window"
Then Right Click On Found Occurrences
Then Export To Text File
Once in text file you can find and replace to remove, sort lines etc... please see screenshots for assistance.

How to search inside a specific block of code in IntelliJ IDEA?

How I can search within a specific block of code or selection in IntelliJ IDEA?
I got used to using this feature in Eclipse. In Eclipse you can just double click on the beginning of a curly bracket, and it'll highlight the entire block of code. After which you could do Command+f
(Ctrl+f on Windows) to search ONLY in the highlighted block, or you could just highlight whatever you need and search just that block of code.
Go to Settings | Keymap, search for the Find... action in the Other group. This action should have the following description:
Find a string in active editor, shows
modal dialog
Assign a keyboard shortcut to this action (you need to make a copy of default keymap to modify it), for example Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F.
When in editor, select any block of text, then press this shortcut, a dialog will open with the Scope automatically set to Selected text:
To quickly select the method body while standing on the opening curly brace use Ctrl+W.
As of 2020, I'm able to perform find in selection on PhpStorm
Select the block of text and hit Cmd + F on MacOS / Ctrl + F on other platforms
On the find toolbar (that appears on top) there's an In Selection button; use that to limit search scope to the selected text only
Here's the link to my original answer on JetBrains support forums
I'm using
PhpStorm 2020.1.2
Build #PS-201.7846.90, built on June 3, 2020
First select some text and press ctrl+R to open the dialog, then check the "in selection" option :
In current version, 2020.2, default for Find In Selection is Ctrl+Alt+E.
On IntelliJ in Mac:
In a file select the specific block in which we want to find something
Press CMD + F
Notice that the cursor has automatically landed in the find toolbar's text field
Type in what is intended to be found
Press enter to move the cursor to the first occurrence.
