This webpage is not available - azure

I am newbie in Azure development ,I am migrating an existing application to be hosted as cloud service ,everything works just fine locally (on dev. AppFabric) but when I publish it on cloud and after I try to singin on my signin.aspx page it keeps giving me "This webpage is not available" error .
after that refreshing the page gives me "HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable." error
my signin page does a lot of stuff (calling db procedure ,setting user session) before redirecting to default page [I am using the free azure trial account]
what may cause the problem ,how can I debug ,why everything works fine on the emulator ?

Checking the event Viewer I found that the problem was in "Debugger.Break ();" inside a class it seems like that line just freaks the runtime out and causes it to lose control and recycle the Application Pool and stopping the service !!!!

You should set up a remote desktop connection to your web role instance and look at the Event Log for IIS. You will want this for development and testing independent of your current issue.


Getting 500 - Internal server error in Azure Website after restart

I have a web application in azure(App Service), recently i have restarted the app, after restaring i am getting:
500 - Internal server error.
There is a problem with the resource you
are looking for, and it cannot be displayed.
Please let me know what could be the issue. application was working fine till that time. I didnt change any other settings.
How to resolve this issue?
Go to the app service, then pick Monitoring -> App Service Logs. Then enable Application Logging (FileSystem) and save the changes. Now go into Monitoring -> Log Stream and watch the Application Logs while the site is starting up, this will most likely give the detailed error message.
There are a few things you can do step by step
Step 1: Use the KUDU console at Check if there are errors. More info about KUDU
Step 2: Have you turned on the detailed error message in the Diagnostics logs tab of the Azure portal. If not enable and see if you can track any error.This will give you a .zip file. Browse to LogFiles->DetailedErrors and here you should see some error pages.
Step 3: You can add Application Insights to your application and log those errors when you start the application
If nothing works, try restarting app service, or access it from a different location (because it happened to me earlier)

IIS 6 is throwing a "500 - Internal Server Error" for some users but not others

I had written a mini App in asp classic this week. It worked perfectly on the test server connecting to the test data base. Then yesterday evening I moved it from the test server to the live server updating the connection strings to the live db.
I published it as an application to the default website in the default app pool. Then I tested it and it worked perfectly.
This morning however both myself and another user receive a 500 -internal Server error when we try and save changes to the database(there appears to be no issue reading from the db) yet my two other collogues have no issue at all.
Even more odd is that the same thing is happening on the test server where the code hasn't been changed in weeks. But this morning I cannot commit to the db from there either.
I have attempt to enable more detailed error tracking and logging but the property options for the server are seem unavailable when i tried to set up custom Active Server Pages (ASP) error pages off online tutorials.
The server is used by a lot of people so I was wondering is their a permission issue depending on the user that restricts writting to the database. Or something else that may have changed to allow some users to write data and others to receive the error.
Im very knew to IIS so it may be something glaringly obvious that I haven't considered.
This article should help you:
In earlier versions of IIS, error messages from classic ASP scripts
were sent to a Web browser, by default. Because these error messages
might reveal sensitive information to malicious users, IIS 7 and above
disables this feature by default. When your classic ASP scripts
encounter an error in IIS, you receive the following error message by
An error occurred on the server when processing the URL. Please contact the system administrator.
If you are the system administrator please click here to find out more about this error.

XPages error when running in web browser and saving new document

So I've finally move my application from development(inaccessible through internet) server to production(accessible through internet) server and I got the following runtime error whenever I'm trying to save a document:
Error while executing JavaScript action expression
Script interpreter error, line=23, col=10: [TypeError] Exception occurred calling method not allowed to access or modify file: C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\notesC053A6\xsppers\22\DHRRDLYBXJ
not allowed to access or modify file: C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\notesC053A6\xsppers\22\DHRRDLYBXJ
I've done some testing to see where this would occur and found that it only happen when running the application in a web browser (including the Notes 9 web browser) and creating a new document and saving it.
If I run the application via XPiNC, create a new document and save, I'm able to save the document. And this document can later be edited and saved whether in XPiNC or web browser.
I'm not aware of this problem because during development I usually only test in notes client. When it come to web browser, I'll just create a local copy to test because the development server does not allow access through web browser.
Is there any server setting that I should change? I'm not admin but I could inform my boss to change. Thanks.
After further testing, I found that uploading a file could be causing the problem. My XPage has fileUpload control for user to upload attachment with the document. But since it worked on XPiNC I need to know why it doesn't work in web browser and the solution to this.
Check to see if the user running the service of the domino server has full access rights to the c:\windows\temp folder
If your server is running Windows 2008 and no specific user is added to run the service.
Make sure that both system and Services has full access to that folder.

Detailed errors in IIS 7

I'm trying to figure out why I'm getting 500 errors in setting up a website in IIS.
So far I've tried the following steps:
Enabled Failed Request Tracing (Doesn't write logs for this site, but
works for other sites)
Enabled detailed error messages. Still Getting the default 500 page
with no additional information.
Give app pool full permission to the project directory.
Made sure app pool was running on classic .NET 2 (old app)
Running the site under a permutation of (Classic/Integrated, .NET
Enabled anonymous authentication
So my thinking is, somehow, the site fails before the logging modules are ran.
I suspect this is the case because I see no new entities in Event Viewer, IIS Advanced Logs folder, Or in Failed Request Tracing folder. My only source of information (besides 500 error) is a new entry in the IIS log:
2012-12-04 13:06:05 GET / - 80 - Mozilla/5.0+(compatible;.....)
To verify this, is there a way to check which stage of the pipeline a request failed? Is it possible to run the logging modules before the failure occurs?
There is a trace event logger for HTTP.sys. With this you can determine if the request is even making it to the right app pool in IIS. Direction on usage
As a last resort, Microsoft offers a tool called Debug Diagnostic. When you have no other option, use this. It will produce a crash dump of the app pool of your choice. Not easy to go through, but it’s a lead. Direction on usage

"No OpenID endpoint found" on Azure Website

I have a strange issue with a MVC 3 app running as an Azure Website. I have had issues with Azure in the past, but the new Website concept works almost perfectly, except for this:
DotNetOpenAuth.Messaging.ProtocolException: No OpenID endpoint found.
This only happens with Google, only on Azure. Running locally it works fine, running on AppHarbor it works fine, but on Azure every attempt to use Google for OpenID login will result in a server error due to that exception (tracked using Airbrake).
See for yourself, try logging in with Google on my website and if you immediately get a server error page it means DNOA is throwing up. All other login methods work fine, including Yahoo and AOL which are also OpenID.
P.S.: Don't try it too many times though, AirBrake will happily spam my email address :<
Try adding this code to your web site before calling OpenIdRelyingParty.CreateRequest:
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Ssl3;
In some Azure configurations this has been shown to resolve the issue.
I had this function in global.asax:
After removing this line, all works perfectly.
I've added some areas in my app, this function was added automatically by VS2012.
