How to find the first and second maximum number? - excel

I am trying to find first highest number and second highest number in excel. What shall i do for that. I did not find the right formula.
Note: I have already used the large and max formula.
edit: guys I know if i write 2 instead of 1 i will get the result but i have to click the mouse to see all result.

If you want the second highest number you can use
although that doesn't account for duplicates so you could get the same result as the Max
If you want the largest number that is smaller than the maximum number you can use this version

OK I found it.
=large(array, k)
Array Required. The array or range of data for which you want to determine the k-th largest value.
K Required. The position (from the largest) in the array or cell range of data to return.


Excel formula to sum an array of items from a lookup list

I'm trying to make my monthly transaction spreadsheet less work-intensive but I'm running up against problems outputting my category lookups as an array. Right now I have a table with all my monthly transactions and I want to create another table with monthly running totals. What I've been doing is manually summing each entry from each category, but I'd love to automate the process. Here's what I have:
=SUM(INDEX(Transactions[Out], N(IF(1,MATCH(I12,Transactions[Category],FALSE)))))
I've also tried using AGGREGATE in place of SUM but it still only returns the first value in the category. The N(IF()) was supposed to force INDEX to return all the matches as an array, but it's not working. I found that trick online, with no explanation of why it works, so I really don't know how to fix it. Any ideas?
Just in case anyone ever looks at this thread in the future, I was able to find a simpler solution to my problem once I implemented the Transactions[Category]=I12 method. SUM, itself will take an array as an argument, so all I had to do was form an array of the values I wanted to keep from Transactions[Out] range. I did this by adjusting the method Ron described above, but instead of using 1/(Transactions[Category]=I12 I used 1/IF(Transactions[Category]=I12, 1,1000) and surrounded that by a FLOOR(*resulting array*, .01) which rounded all the thousandth's down to zero and didn't yield any #DIV/0! errors.
Then! I realized that the simplest way to get the actual numbers I wanted, rather than messing with INDEX or AGGREGATE, was to multiply the range Transactions[Out] by the binary array from the IF test. Since the range is a table, I know they will always be the same size. And SUM automatically multiplies element by element and then adds for operations like this.
(The result is a "CSE" formula, which I guess isn't everyone's favorite. I'm still not 100% clear on what it means: just that it outputs data in a single cell, rather than over multiple cells. But in this context, SUM should only output a single number, so I'm not sure why I need CSE... A problem for another day!)
In your IF, the value_if_true clause needs to return an array of the desired row numbers from the array.
MATCH does not return an array of values; it only returns a single value which, with the FALSE parameter, will be the first value. That's why INDEX is only returning the first value.
One way to return an array of values:
will return an array of {TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,...} depending on if it matches.
You can then multiply that by the Row number to get the relevant row on the worksheet.
Since you are using a table, to obtain the row number in the data body array, you have to subtract the row number of the Header row.
But now we are going to have an array which includes 0's for the non-matching entries, which is not good for us as a row number argument for the INDEX function.
So we get rid of that by using the AGGREGATE function with the ignore errors argument set after we do change the equality test to 1/(Transactions[Category]=I12) which will create DIV/0 errors for the non-matchers.
Putting it all together
You may need to enter this with CSE depending on your version of Excel.
Also, if you have a lot of these formulas, you may want to change the k argument for AGGREGATE to use the INDEX function (non-volatile) instead of the volatile INDIRECT function.
If you have Excel/O365 with dynamic arrays and the FILTER function, you can greatly simplify the above to the normally entered:

(Excel) Giving the smallest value between 2 values

Excel data table
I am new to here. If I have any mistake in making new post, Please tell me and I am ready to correct my mistake.
For above pic, I want to extract the 2 smallest values in column D respectively between row 77 and row 84, and between row 84 and 97. The resulting values are shown in P77 and P84 respectively.
How should I write the excel formula for it? Or it needs VBA to code it?
Thanks a lot for your sincere help!
data set
above pic is another capture of my data set which filtered the day with "Bullish breaking candle/bearish breaking candle" only.
There are lots of functions/ways to calculate Minimum in addition to the MIN function and it is worth being familiar with them as you will require different ones according to your data.
So quick rundown of some of the main offerings:
SMALL function:
I would consider also the more versatile SMALL function
=SMALL(D77:D84,1) in cell P77
=SMALL(D84:D97,1) in cell P84
You put the array (the range of cells to compare) then the k-th smallest item in that range that you want to retrieve e.g. put 1 to get the smallest, as above, comparable to MIN function, or 2 to get the second smallest etc.
Official blurb below:
Returns the k-th smallest value in a data set. Use this function to
return values with a particular relative standing in a data set.
SMALL(array, k)
The SMALL function syntax has the following arguments:
Array Required. An array or range of numerical data for which you
want to determine the k-th smallest value.
K Required. The position (from the smallest) in the array or range
of data to return.
Consider the even more versatile AGGREGATE function which can cope with hidden rows in the range, errors etc. You can specify a host of additional requirements whilst still getting the minimum value
General syntax for first form:
AGGREGATE(function_num, options, ref1, [ref2], …)
Function 5 is Minimum. Options are viewable at link I gave but 7 is ignore errors and hidden rows. So, you could use:
The AGGREGATE option above is the only version that will still return the minimum correctly if there is an error in the range D77:D84 e.g. a DIV/0 error.
SUBTOTAL Function:
Similar to the AGGREGATE function is the SUBTOTAL function.
You can use SUBTOTAL(5, D77:D84) where 5 specifies you want the minimum for the range. This will not ignore errors. SUBTOTAL(105,D77:D84) will ignore hidden rows though.
Simply put the formula '=Min(D77:D84)' in cell P77
and '=Min(D84:D97)' in cell P84

Find location of NEW number in list

I'm looking for a way to find where a RAND() number lies on a list of irrational (effectively RAND() as well) numbers from 0 to 1.
So I have a list of numbers 0.1003, 0.1984, 0.3895, 0.4506, 0.4724, 0.4856, 0.5602, 0.8542 in A1:A8
Then I have a RAND() number to check against the list. Now I've tried RANK.AV(RAND(),A1:A8), but the rank functions require your lookup value to be in the list.
A simple solution would be to place my RAND() at the bottom of the list (A9) and use RANK.AV(A9,A1:A9), so my number is included on the list, however I would have to do this for every number in my array of thousands of rand numbers, so impractical.
Perhaps there is some way I can join another cell onto an array without actually placing it adjacent?
Eg, for a RAND() in B1, I could write in C1:
=RANK.AV(B1,ARRAY.JOIN(A1:A8,B1)), but I've tried a few ways (&,+) and can't achieve this array joining function, so I thought I'd ask for help! Perhaps a macro or UDF is required?
Sorry #Chris, I'm sure this is what you meant in your comment:-
where your new random number is in B1 and your existing list in A1:A10, sorted in ascending order. Where the new number is less than the first entry in the list, this would be a special case: otherwise, you could allow for it by placing a zero in A1 and moving the pseudo-random numbers down which would simplify the formula to
If you wanted to allow for ties, you could correct for it:-
or just
with a zero in A1.
I'm assuming that ranking is from 1=smallest to 8=largest if there are 8 numbers: you can easily change it by subtracting the rank from count(A$1:A$10)+2 or count(A$1:A$10)+1 if the zero is included.
This could do your trick:
This ranks a random choice out of random numbers.

Excel - find the biggest gap between numbers in rows

I have an excel file with >12500 rows in one column.
It contains such random strings with 20 digits:
I need to know whats the biggest gap between rows where a number hasn't repeated. For example - I search for any number (e.g 59) and I need to know what's the largest gap between two rows where number 59 hasn't repeated.
In this example it's 4 row gap between 59's.
Hope that I make myself clear.
Seems like a fun problem which admits a simple but not quite obvious answer. First -- make sure that the data is in 20 columns (use the text to columns feature under the data tab). Using your example, I came up with a spreadsheet that looks like:
V1 holds the target number. The formulas are in columns U.
In U1 I entered:
This formula uses MATCH to test if the value in V1 lies in the range to the left of it. If it doesn't the match function returns #N/A. The function ISNA checks for this error value. IF it is present, the overall formula returns 1 (since there are now 1 consecutive row without the target number) otherwise it returns 0.
The formula in U2 is similar with a little twist:
The same basic logic -- but rather than returning 1 if the target number isn't present it adds 1 to the number above. The formula is then copied down the rest of the range. It has the effect of keeping a running total of consecutive rows without the target value. This running total is reset to 0 whenever a row with the target value is encountered.
The final ingredient requires no comment. In U14 I just have
which is the number you are looking for (assuming that the maximum number of consecutive rows without the target number is what you are looking for, even if this occurs either at the top or bottom of the data. If you want the largest gap that is literally between two rows where the number occurs, the logic would need to be made more complex).

Using MIN function in excel when using mm:ss.00 fields and ignoring 00:00.00

Does anyone know how I can get excel to look at the following fields, all formatted in mm:ss.00 and return the lowest time. I am using this to calculate PB's - personal best times - in a sports club race sheet.
The formula I am using is
The problem I have at the moment is that it is including 00:00.00 values in the cells and returning a MIN value of 00:00.00.
Any suggestions would be welcomed.
many thanks
Use the following:
COUNTIF counts the amounts of 0 (you maybe need to adjust this value based on your formatting, but it should work). SMALL returns the n-smallest number of the given matrix, with n being the counted value + 1.
Therefore if no 0 is in the matrix, you get the 1st-smallest (aka the smallest), with one 0 you get the 2nd-smallest and so on. Maybe you need to add a check if every value is 0, if that could happen, as in that case SMALL would try to retrieve the value on position list_size+1 of the list, which of course isn't present.
