How to grep within a grep - linux

I have a bunch of massive text files, about 100MB each.
I want to grep to find entries that have 'INDIANA JONES' in it:
$ grep -ir 'INDIANA JONES' ./
Then, I would like to find the entries where there is the word PORTUGAL within 5,000 characters of the INDIANA JONES term. How would I do this?
# in pseudocode
grep -ir 'INDIANA JONES' ./ | grep 'PORTUGAL' within 5000 char

Use grep's -o flag to output the 5000 characters surround the match, then search those characters for the second string. For example:
grep -ioE ".{5000}INDIANA JONES.{5000}" file.txt | grep "PORTUGAL"
If you need the original match, add the -n flag to the second grep and pipe into:
cut -f1 -d: > line_numbers.txt
then you could use awk to print those lines:
awk 'FNR==NR { a[$0]; next } FNR in a' line_numbers.txt file.txt
To avoid the temporary file, this could be written like:
awk 'FNR==NR { a[$0]; next } FNR in a' <(grep -ioE ".{50000}INDIANA JONES.{50000}" file.txt | grep -n "PORTUGAL" | cut -f1 -d:) file.txt
For multiple files, use find and a bash loop:
for i in $(find . -type f); do
awk 'FNR==NR { a[$0]; next } FNR in a' <(grep -ioE ".{50000}INDIANA JONES.{50000}" "$i" | grep -n "PORTUGAL" | cut -f1 -d:) "$i"

One way to deal with this is with gawk. You could set the record separator to either INDIANA JONES or PORTUGAL and then perform a length check on the record (after stripping newlines, assuming newlines do not count towards the limit of 5000). You may have to resort to find to run this recursively within a directory
awk -v RS='INDIANA JONES|PORTUGAL' '{a = $0;
gsub("\n", "", a)};
((RT ~ /IND/ && prevRT ~/POR/) || (RT ~ /POR/ && prevRT ~/IND/)) && length(a) < 5000{found=1};
END{if (found) print FILENAME}' file.txt

Consider installing ack-grep.
sudo apt-get install ack-grep
ack-grep is a more powerful version of grep.
There's no trivial solution to your question (that i can think of) outside of a full batch script, but you can use the -A and -B flags on ack-grep to specify a number of trailing or leading lines to output, resp.
This may not be a number of chars, but is a step further in that direction.
While this may not be a solution, it might give you some idea as to how to do this. Lookup filters like ack, awk, sed, etc. and see if you can find one with a flag for this kind of behaviour.
The ack-grep manual:
I think the sad news is, what you might think you're looking for is something like:
grep "\(INDIANA JONES\).\{1,5000\}PORTUGAL" filename
The problem is, even on a small file, querying this is going to be impossible time-wise.
I got this one to work with a different number. it's a size problem.
For such a large set of files, you'll need to do this in more than one step.
A Solution:
The only solution I know of is the leading and trailing output from ack-grep.
Step 1: how long are your lines?
If you knew how many lines out you had to go
(and you could estimate/calculate this a few ways) then you'd be able to grep the output of the first grep. Depending on what's in your file, you should be able to get a decent upper bound as to how many lines is 5000 chars (if a line has 100 chars average, 50+ lines should cover you, but if it has 10 chars, you'll need 500+).
You've got to determine the maximum number of lines that could be 5000 chars. You could guess or pick a high range if you like, but that'll be up to you. It's your data.
With that, call: (if you needed 100 lines for 5000 chars)
ack-grep -ira "PORTUGAL" -A 100 -B 100 filename
ack-grep -ira "INDIANA JONES" -A 100 -B 100 filename
replace the 100s with what you need.
Step 2: parse the output
you'll need to take the matches that ack-grep returns and parse them, looking for any matches again, within these sub-ranges.
Look for INDIANA JONES in the first PORTUGAL ack-grep match output, and look for PORTUGAL in the second set of matches.
This should take a bit more work, likely involving a bash script (I might see if I can get one working this week), but it solves your massive-data problem, by breaking it down into more manageable chunks.

grep 'INDIANA JONES' . -iR -l | while read filename; do head -c 5000 "$filename" | grep -n PORTUGAL -H --label="$filename" ; done
This works as follows:
grep 'INDIANA JONES' . -iR -l. Search for all files in or below the current directory. Case insensitive (-i). And only print the names of the files that match (-l), don't print any content.
| while read filename; do ...|...|...; done for each line of input, store it in variable $filename and execute the pipeline.
Now, for each file that matched 'INDIANA JONES', we do
head -c 5000 "$filename" - extract the first 5000 characters
grep ... - search for PORTUGAL. Print the filename (-H), but where we tell us the 'filename' we want to use with --label="$filename". Print line numbers too, -n.


Find files from a folder when a specific word appears on at least a specific number of lines

How can I find the files from a folder where a specific word appears on more than 3 lines? I tried using recursive grep for finding that word and then using -c to count the number of lines where the word appears.
This command will recursively list the files in the current directory where word appears on more than 3 lines, along with the matches count for each file:
grep -c -r 'word' . | grep -v -e ':[0123]$' | sort -n -t: -k2
The final sort is not necessary if you don't want the results sorted, but I'd say it's convenient.
The first command in the pipeline (grep -c -r 'word' .) recursively finds every file in the current directory that contains word, and counts the occurrences for each file. The intermediate grep discards every count that is 0, 1, 2 or 3, so you just get counts greater than 3 (this is because -v in grep(1) inverts the sense of matching to select non-matching lines). The final sort step sorts the list according to the occurrences for each file; it sets the field delimiter to : and instructs sort(1) to do a numeric-based sorting using the 2nd field (the count) as the sort key.
Here's a sample output from some tests I ran:
If you just want the filenames without the match counts, you can use sed(1) to discard the :count portions:
grep -m 4 -c -r 'word' . | grep -v -e ':[0123]$' | sed -r 's/:[0-9]+$//'
As noted in the comments, if matches count is not important, in this case we can optimize the first grep with -m 4, which stops reading the file after 4 matching lines.
The solution above works fine up to a certain extent if used with small numbers, but it does not scale well for larger numbers. If you want to filter based on an arbitrary number, you can use awk(1) (and in fact it ends up being much more clean), like so:
grep -c -r 'word' . | awk -F: '$2 > 10'
The -F: argument to awk(1) is necessary; it instructs awk(1) to separate fields by : rather than the default (whitespace and tab). This solution generalizes well to any number.
Again, if matches count doesn't matter and all you want is to get a list of the filenames, do this instead:
grep -c -r 'word' . | awk -F: '$2 > 10 { print $1 }'

get the first word as result of ls -l

I need to use ls -l and I would like to have as result just the first word of the file name for instance for a result like this
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 9 Sep 21 23:11 best file 1.txt
I would like to have only
as result because I need to put this value into a variable. It is ok as well if there is another way instead of using ls -l.
...sorry to bother you again...if the file is under a sub-directory, how can I hide the folder from the result? Thanks
You don't need to use ls -l (L).
Instead, use ls -1 (number one), that just outputs the names of the files, and then filter out the first column with cut:
ls -1 | cut -d' ' -f1
number one, not letter L
To store the value into a variable, do:
var=$(ls -1 | cut -d' ' -f1)
Note it is not a good thing to parse ls: the number of columns may vary, etc. You can read more about the topic in Why you shouldn't parse the output of ls
Note there is no even need to use -1 (one), ls alone suffices:
ls | cut -d' ' -f1
As BroSlow comments below, "because they are EOL (end of line) separated across a pipe".
If you have only one row to output, this will work fine:
var=`ls -l | awk '{ print $9 }'`
echo ${var}
Or you need to use grep to filter your output for the correct file.
set -- $(ls -l)
echo ${11} # Assumes the file is the FIRST one listed.
Should do the trick. But I'm not sure if that's really what you want. For one thing, ls -l also prints an extra header line. Why do you say that you need to use ls -l? If you could state the actual problem, maybe we can find a much better solution together...
awk can pick the first word for you;
ls | awk '{print $1}'
ls -al|awk 'NR==4{ print $9 }'
Row number 4 will have first line of files. $9 indicates column 9 which will have desired word.

grep a large list against a large file

I am currently trying to grep a large list of ids (~5000) against an even larger csv file (3.000.000 lines).
I want all the csv lines, that contain an id from the id file.
My naive approach was:
cat the_ids.txt | while read line
cat huge.csv | grep $line >> output_file
But this takes forever!
Are there more efficient approaches to this problem?
grep -f the_ids.txt huge.csv
Additionally, since your patterns seem to be fixed strings, supplying the -F option might speed up grep.
-F, --fixed-strings
Interpret PATTERN as a list of fixed strings, separated by
newlines, any of which is to be matched. (-F is specified by
Use grep -f for this:
grep -f the_ids.txt huge.csv > output_file
From man grep:
-f FILE, --file=FILE
Obtain patterns from FILE, one per line. The empty file contains zero
patterns, and therefore matches nothing. (-f is specified by POSIX.)
If you provide some sample input maybe we can even improve the grep condition a little more.
$ cat ids
$ cat huge.csv
hello this is 11 but
nothing else here
and here 23
$ grep -f ids huge.csv
hello this is 11 but
and here 23
grep -f filter.txt data.txt gets unruly when filter.txt is larger than a couple of thousands of lines and hence isn't the best choice for such a situation. Even while using grep -f, we need to keep a few things in mind:
use -x option if there is a need to match the entire line in the second file
use -F if the first file has strings, not patterns
use -w to prevent partial matches while not using the -x option
This post has a great discussion on this topic (grep -f on large files):
Fastest way to find lines of a file from another larger file in Bash
And this post talks about grep -vf:
grep -vf too slow with large files
In summary, the best way to handle grep -f on large files is:
Matching entire line:
awk 'FNR==NR {hash[$0]; next} $0 in hash' filter.txt data.txt > matching.txt
Matching a particular field in the second file (using ',' delimiter and field 2 in this example):
awk -F, 'FNR==NR {hash[$1]; next} $2 in hash' filter.txt data.txt > matching.txt
and for grep -vf:
Matching entire line:
awk 'FNR==NR {hash[$0]; next} !($0 in hash)' filter.txt data.txt > not_matching.txt
Matching a particular field in the second file (using ',' delimiter and field 2 in this example):
awk -F, 'FNR==NR {hash[$0]; next} !($2 in hash)' filter.txt data.txt > not_matching.txt
You may get a significant search speedup with ugrep to match the strings in the_ids.txt in your large huge.csv file:
ugrep -F -f the_ids.txt huge.csv
This works with GNU grep too, but I expect ugrep to run several times faster.

How to make grep to stop searching in each file after N lines?

It's best to describe the use by a hypothetical example:
Searching for some useful header info in a big collection of email storage (each email in a separate file). e.g. doing stats of top mail client apps used.
Normally if you do grep you can specify -m to stop at first match but let's say an email does not contact X-Mailer or whatever it is we are looking for in a header? It will scan through the whole email. Since most headers are <50 lines performance could be increased by telling grep to search only 50 lines on any file. I could not find a way to do that.
I don't know if it would be faster but you could do this with awk:
awk '/match me/{print;exit}FNR>50{exit}' *.mail
will print the first line matching match me if it appears in the first 50 lines. (If you wanted to print the filename as well, grep style, change print; to print FILENAME ":" $0;)
awk doesn't have any equivalent to grep's -r flag, but if you need to recursively scan directories, you can use find with -exec:
find /base/dir -iname '*.mail' \
-exec awk '/match me/{print FILENAME ":" $0;exit}FNR>50{exit}' {} +
You could solve this problem by piping head -n50 through grep but that would undoubtedly be slower since you'd have to start two new processes (one head and one grep) for each file. You could do it with just one head and one grep but then you'd lose the ability to stop matching a file as soon as you find the magic line, and it would be awkward to label the lines with the filename.
you can do something like this
head -50 <mailfile>| grep <your keyword>
Try this command:
for i in *
head -n 50 $i | grep -H --label=$i pattern
1.txt: aaaaaaaa pattern aaaaaaaa
2.txt: bbbb pattern bbbbb
ls *.txt | xargs head -<N lines>| grep 'your_string'

Linux using grep to print the file name and first n characters

How do I use grep to perform a search which, when a match is found, will print the file name as well as the first n characters in that file? Note that n is a parameter that can be specified and it is irrelevant whether the first n characters actually contains the matching string.
grep -l pattern *.txt |
while read line; do
echo -n "$line: ";
head -c $n "$line";
Change -c to -n if you want to see the first n lines instead of bytes.
You need to pipe the output of grep to sed to accomplish what you want. Here is an example:
grep mypattern *.txt | sed 's/^\([^:]*:.......\).*/\1/'
The number of dots is the number of characters you want to print. Many versions of sed often provide an option, like -r (GNU/Linux) and -E (FreeBSD), that allows you to use modern-style regular expressions. This makes it possible to specify numerically the number of characters you want to print.
grep mypattern *.txt /dev/null | sed -r "s/^([^:]*:.{$N}).*/\1/"
Note that this solution is a lot more efficient that others propsoed, which invoke multiple processes.
There are few tools that print 'n characters' rather than 'n lines'. Are you sure you really want characters and not lines? The whole thing can perhaps be best done in Perl. As specified (using grep), we can do:
grep -l "$pattern" "$#" |
while read file
echo "$file:" $(dd if="$file" count=${n}c)
The quotes around $file preserve multiple spaces in file names correctly. We can debate the command line usage, currently (assuming the command name is 'ngrep'):
ngrep pattern n [file ...]
I note that #litb used 'head -c $n'; that's neater than the dd command I used. There might be some systems without head (but they'd pretty archaic). I note that the POSIX version of head only supports -n and the number of lines; the -c option is probably a GNU extension.
Two thoughts here:
1) If efficiency was not a concern (like that would ever happen), you could check $status [csh] after running grep on each file. E.g.: (For N characters = 25.)
foreach FILE ( file1 file2 ... fileN )
grep targetToMatch ${FILE} > /dev/null
if ( $status == 0 ) then
echo -n "${FILE}: "
head -c25 ${FILE}
2) GNU [FSF] head contains a --verbose [-v] switch. It also offers --null, to accomodate filenames with spaces. And there's '--', to handle filenames like "-c". So you could do:
grep --null -l targetToMatch -- file1 file2 ... fileN |
xargs --null head -v -c25 --
