Immediate and deffered evaluation EL - jsf

Let we have some facelet 1.xhtml that contains
<h:inputText id="prop" value="#{MyBean.myProperty}"/>
and facelet 2.xhtml that contains
<h:inputText id="prop" value="${MyBean.myProperty}"/>
Quote from official tutorial:
Immediate evaluation means that the expression is evaluated and the result returned as soon as the page is first rendered.
I dont understand at what specific phase immediate expression is evaluate? At Render Response phase or Update model values or Apply request or what?

The tutorial is talking about legacy JSP. When using JSF on JSP, the ${} is always evaluated during view build time, regardless of where it's declared. It's like as how JSTL, taghandlers and id/binding attributes work in JSF. See also JSTL in JSF2 Facelets... makes sense? for some in depth explanation.
In JSP's successor Facelets, however, the ${} is treated exactly the same way as #{}. So ${} evaluation is also deferred. To avoid confusion among yourself and the future maintainers of your Facelets code, it's strongly recommended to abandon usage of ${} in Facelets and stick to #{} all the time.
The deferred expression is evaluated every time when its result is needed during runtime. In case of UIInput components, that's one time during validations phase (to check if the submitted value has changed as compared to (old!) model value, before triggering all value change listeners) and one time during render response (to generate HTML output with (new!) model value). If it were evaluated immediately, setting and obtaining the new model value wouldn't have worked.
See also:
Difference between JSP EL, JSF EL and Unified EL
Why JSF calls getters multiple times
Debug JSF lifecycle


Why does the distinction between view build time and render time exist?

in JSF we have the well-known problems that originate from the distinction between taghandlers and components, which manifest for example in the question why JSTL-tags in datatables do not work as expected.
My question is, is there an intrinsic reason why this distinction had to be made? Why cannot we have e.g. a datatable implemented as a taghandler so that every row exists as a component in the JSF-Tree?
I am just wondering why so many people have to fall into the pits created by this distinction.
My question is, is there an intrinsic reason why this distinction had to be made? Why cannot we have e.g. a datatable implemented as a taghandler so that every row exists as a component in the JSF-Tree?
Efficiency. Imagine that your table has 100 rows and that there are 10 column components which in turn have 2 child components. You'd bump from 30 components to 3000 components. Ugh. The server memory wouldn't be happy with it.
... which manifest for example in the question why JSTL-tags in datatables do not work as expected.
Just don't use JSTL tags if you rely on variables which are only available during view render time. Use the rendered attribute instead.
General advice for starters in JSF: do not use JSTL until you understand the distinction between view build time and view render time. Only when you understand it, you're going to highly appreciate the powers of JSTL. It will save you from among others programmatically creating components in beans.
See also:
JSTL in JSF2 Facelets... makes sense?
JSTL c:if doesn't work inside a JSF h:dataTable

EL variable resolution in JSF: is there a way to control when it happens?

I often face the following problem. I have a JSF application and a facelet where I write EL expressions, like this:
<h:outputText value="#{}">
As long as myBean, as a variable, has a life long enough, there's no problem to evaluate at any given time, but if myBean is a variable that references some bean within a short period of time, when is evaluated it might be too late, so that JSF complains that myBean resolves to null. This is something well-known, but the problem is that it is not clear to me what to expect in different situations.
Concrete example n. 1: if you try the following with PrimeFaces OrderList:
<p:orderList value="#{bean.myValue}" var="item">
<p:commandLink action="#{bean.doSomething(item)}" />
This is not going to work, because when doSomething is called, the item variable is no longer defined (although the object it references is still alive) and hence it's resolved to null. It's a known issue. However the same pattern works fine with <p:dataTable>, for instance. Anyway, I'm not interested right now in this specific problem, I just want to explain my doubt.
Concrete example n. 2: I have written a composite component with a backing bean. The backing bean extends UINamingContainer and uses its StateHelper to retain a model object. This composite allows to write child tags and I would like to write something like this:
<myns:myCc var="myVar">
<h:inputText value="#{}" />
With "myVar" I want to give a name to the model object. To make this work, I tried to store the model object in the request map at the beginning of encodeChildren method and remove it afterwards: this works for rendering, but if I then process the input with a commandButton action, it does not work because when the action gets executed it says that myVar can't be resolved: in other words, it tries to resolve the entire expression too late. I then tried to "permanently" save the model object in the view scope map, but it doens't work either. However, if I change this to:
(assuming modelObject is the property field in the backing bean that stores my model object)
it works. So, it is not a problem in my model, but in the way I try to make the model object available to EL expressions for child tags.
Concrete example n. 3: I often use the <ui:param> tag to give beans a shorter name and to ease templating. For instance:
<ui:param name="bean" value="#{longNamedAndPageSpecificBean}" />
So that, in the remainder of the page I can just use #{} instead of #{}. This works fine even for actions passed to command buttons. However, if I pass a method expression like #{bean.myActionMethod} to a composite component attribute declared with method-signature, when this method expression is actually invoked I receive an error that bean resolves to null... The reason why it works in one case (with commandButton actions) and not in the other (with actions used by the composite component) is a big source of confusion for me.
I would appreciate if someone can help me to understand better this JSF aspect and suggest better approaches/workarounds with the aforementioned concrete examples.
Your question looks too large, but i could say that, during the build time only Session and request scoped values are avaiaible.
The same thing is true for the Execution phase.
Only the render phase should ensure the avaibility of temporal vars "myVar".
The best way to understand what its realy hapening is to debug because its depends on the component implementation

When to use parameterized method invocations introduced with EL 2.2 (especially in JSF 2.x )?

In the past I used a lot of getter and setter methods to move as much boolean logic as possible from facelet files to JSF backing beans.
This way, the interface of a view was given by the getter and setter methods of its backing bean as well as by the action methods of the backing bean.
An advantage of this approach is that the facelet files are rather logic-free and ,therefore, all logic is within the backing beans and can be unit tested.
But with EL 2.2 another programming style became possible. In EL 2.2 you can invoke methods with expressions like
Is the usage of rather complex expressions like parameterized method invocations good style now or do you rather advise against using such expressions?
Is there a rule of thumb when to use the new method invocation expressions and when not?
The major guideline is the following: reduce as much 'model' logic from the view as possible and leave only the 'view' logic. EL 2.2 made possible some model simplification and reduced the need for creation of artificial properies of JSF beans. Invocation of methods with parameters also enables to pass the necessary information from the view to the controller which would be tedious without that opportunity.
You can call arbitrary methods to access the model from the view that the view part relies on, but you should never call methods that modifies the model from the view.
Let me elaborate on that.
Some legal examples:
evaluate non-accessor methods when building view:
render UI components based on some conditions like rendered="#{request.isUserInRole('administrator')}";
make collection modifications where necessary like <ui:repeat value="#{bean.set.toArray()}" ... >
conditionally evaluate UI component / HTML element attributes like class="#{'special') ? 'special' : ''}";
output non-accessor data like there are #{bean.list.size()} elements.
pass information to the controller in action methods or listeners:
execute action methods with currently iterated variables like var="data" and action="#{bean.action(data)}" with public String action(Data data);
pass additional data, like current iteration index, in listeners like varStatus="status" and actionListener="#{bean.action(status.index)}" with public String action(int index).
Some to-be-avoided examples:
use EL operators when possible:
use #{not empty bean.list} instead of #{bean.list.size() gt 0}.
use method call with parameters instead of extending the model:
use #{'special')} instead of #{bean.special} with public boolean isSpecial() {return name.contains("special");}.
prefer leaving view logic in view for plain rendering of the right things and create model logic in case it applies purely to the model:
in case you need to perform some calculations to change the appearance of an object, do that in view directly without changing the model, in case some property is inherent to the model itself, introduce it directly in the model and refer to it from the view.
Some illegal examples:
modify the model from the view:
do not use EL 2.2 possibility of calling methods with parameters to break the MVC paradigm, i.e. do not call #{bean.list.add(element)} from the view side.
Of course, all things said apply to the cases that your goals don't contain targeting at the older servers without EL 2.2 support.
As a bigger picture, I'd recommend to also see BalusC's explanation of what MVC architecture represents within the context of JSF.
Personally, i prefer using "complex" EL expressions when really needed, and take any bit logic/traitement to the correspondant managed-beans.
For example: the first example you put is the only one that i may sometimes use directly, the two others however should be for me put in action methods with void/String returning type according to the need.
Use El 2.2 to reduce our JSF code, e.g. setPropertyActionListener is made redundant, see
JSF Core Tag :setPropertyActionListener vs attribute vs param

EL function not found in validator attribute

El function cannot be found using within validator attribute, which is dependent on dynamic or repeated values?
Function 'el:min' not found
#{el:min(a + b, c)}
<f:validateLongRange maximum="#{el:min(, 10)}"/>
Just printing out the value is working where it is not working in the validator.
The error message Function 'el:min' not found was so misleading.
The problem was never the construct but it was an underlying NullPointerException on the nested property.
Since in one case the value was depending on a different component selection it was updated via ajax and the default value was null. Since the default value was null this misleading exception was thrown.
The value was a nested property, so it was not catched within the el function
Solution: disable the validator on default
<o:validator validatorId="javax.faces.LongRange" maximum="#{el:min(, 10)}"
disabled="#{foo eq null}"/>
This construct should work just fine. The problem is most likely the scope of the variables which you've there and the timing (i.e. when do you need them? when are they "behind the scenes" changed?).
You need to understand that taghandlers like <f:xxx> run during view build time (like JSTL <c:xxx>). So their attribtues are resolved during view build time and would be filled with bean's default values. Perhaps you're performing some business logic on them while submitting the form and expecting that they would be reflected into the taghandler attribute. But this is not true. They were already evaluated during view build time and won't re-evaluate the values during processing the form submit.
If this is indeed the case, then you've basically the same problem which is already outlined and answered with various possible solutions in this answer: How to set converter properties for each row of a datatable? Apart form homegrowing a Validator for this, you could use OmniFaces <o:validator> for this:
<o:validator validatorId="javax.faces.LongRange" maximum="#{el:min(a + b, c)}" />

Jsf always remove last element from ArrayList

I have an ArrayList in a backing bean and his rendering in JSF page with c:forEach. When iI remove the ArrayList element by index, jsf, no matter what index is, always removes the last element. Why happening this?
Remove button in JSF is :
<a4j:commandButton immediate="true" action="#{bean.removeEntry}" ...
So i use immediate attribute. I think problem is because immediate skips Apply request phase in JSF Life Cycle. Is possible?
If yes, than how run Apply request phase in this case ?
Are you using Facelets (.xhtml pages)? If so, you may be running into some common misconceptions about JSTL tags like <c:foreach>. Here's a good article on it:
Basically, <c:foreach> is processed only when the view is initially built; it does not become part of the component tree, and can have some behavior you don't expect when the backing collection is changed. You may be better off using <ui:repeat> instead.
little more code would have helped, but immediate on command button is basically used for navigating away from current page as actionlistener or action will execute in apply request phase, typical case cancel button. This means you will not get updated value there.
If your logic depends on some other uiinput make that immediate and you can hook things in valuechangelistener.
But I doubt what you are trying to achieve can be done in better way, have a look at this link # SO
I was having the similar issue. I was using 'tr:iterator' to iterate over ArrayList'<'Customer'>'(); 'ui:repeat' solved my problem.
