Error YUI Property 'fn' of object #<Object> is not a function - yui

YUI().use('node', 'event', function (Y) {
Y.on('change', function(){alert("called");},'#searchForAgent');
I get this error message saying TypeError: Property 'fn' of object # is not a function
I am not sure why. Can anyone please help me, I have been banging my head as to what is the problem in this simple code

Shouldn't you be using Y.delegate instead of Y.on in the case where the third argument is an element?
Y.on(type, fn, [context], [arg*])
The third argument of on is context and should be javascript object.
Y.delegate(type, fn, el, filter, context, args)
The third argument of delegate is el and should be a CSS expr or a node, like '#searchForAgent'.


Error: Call to undefined method CodeIgniter\Database\Postgre\Connection::select()

public function getLoad() {
$q = $this->conn->select('load.level_id, load.section_id, sub.subject_title, sub.subject_name')
->from('academics.tbl_teaching_load load')
->join('academics.tbl_subjects sub', 'sub.subject_id = load.subject_id')
->where('user_id', $this->request->getVar('user_id'))
echo json_encode($q);
As the title said, it returns an error: Call to undefined method CodeIgniter\Database\Postgre\Connection::select()
I am new too CI4 and trying to join a table. The only problem I encounter so far is this. I can't seem to find the solution for the problem. Any help or tips will do. TYIA
Call to undefined method CodeIgniter\\Database\\Postgre\\Connection::select()
The error above is pretty clear. You're trying to call the select(...) method which doesn't exist in the CodeIgniter\Database\Postgre\Connection class.
However, the select(...) method exists in the CodeIgniter\Database\BaseBuilder class. You can receive the BaseBuilder instance from the Connection instance through the inherited CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection::table(...) method.
In addition, I would recommend you to first join your table(s) before selecting columns using the ->select(...) method. That would be easier to read and interpret.
Hence, reorder and change your query to...
public function getLoad()
$q = $this->conn->table('academics.tbl_teaching_load load')
->join('academics.tbl_subjects sub', 'sub.subject_id = load.subject_id')
->where('user_id', $this->request->getVar('user_id'))
->select(['load.level_id', 'load.section_id', 'sub.subject_title', 'sub.subject_name'])
echo json_encode($q);

It's asking for the logShout console log so I input this but its not working

1) logShout(string) calls console.log() its one argument in all caps:
ReferenceError: toUpperCase is not defined
at logShout (file://index.html:11:15)
at Context. (test/index-test.js:18:5)
return string.toUpperCase()
function whisper(string) {
return string.toLowerCase()
function logShout (string) {
The code you post seems has some syntax error. Please have a check.
To quick answer toUpperCase is not defined at logShout, maybe you are calling toUpperCase on a non-string type of variable.

How to add custom property to Sprite object?

I want to add custom property to my sprite object but when I try to get id property it returns "undefined". Is there a Phaser library bug or am I doing something wrong?
My update function;
function update() {
//When I debug below line I can see property
game.physics.arcade.overlap(enemyTank.tank, mytank.tank, enemyTankHitPlayer, null, this);
Callback function;
function enemyTankHitPlayer(myTankSprite, enemyTankSprite) {
// is undefined!

Can javascript function name contain a space?

I copied the code from kraken. I don't understand why there is a space between get and app(). Can someone please explain what's going on here?
var kraken = {
get app() {
return this._app;
use: function (route, delegate) {
No, in javascript a function cannot contain spaces. The code you are showing is using the get keyword to bind a property to a object.
Binds an object property to a function that will be called when that property is looked up.
Have a look to getters and setters in javascript.
It's a getter.
Check out this link.
The function is get and it's exposing a property called app.

what is the different between obj.__proto__ = events.EventEmitter.prototype and obj.prototype.__proto__ = events.EventEmitter.prototype

obj.prototype.__proto__ = events.EventEmitter.prototype
I have seen the code above sometimes, and I google about it, they say this line copy all of the EventEmitter properties to the obj. And I also see the code like this:
obj.__proto__ = events.EventEmitter.prototype
So I am wondering if they are the same?
I saw the first usage in this article, in which the author gives the exapmle:
var events = require('events');
function Door(colour) {
this.colour = colour;; = function()
Door.prototype.__proto__ = events.EventEmitter.prototype;
var frontDoor = new Door('brown');
frontDoor.on('open', function() {
console.log('ring ring ring');
And he explains:
This line: Door.prototype.__proto__ = events.EventEmitter.prototype; Copies all of the EventEmitter properties to the Door object.
As to the second way, I saw it in the source of hexo, in the init.js, there are code:
var hexo = global.hexo = {
get base_dir(){return baseDir},
get public_dir(){return baseDir + 'public/'},
get source_dir(){return baseDir + 'source/'},
get theme_dir(){return baseDir + 'themes/' + config.theme + '/'},
get plugin_dir(){return baseDir + 'node_modules/'},
get script_dir(){return baseDir + 'scripts/'},
get scaffold_dir(){return baseDir + 'scaffolds/'},
get core_dir(){return path.dirname(dirname) + '/'},
get lib_dir(){return dirname + '/'},
get version(){return version},
get env(){return env},
get safe(){return safe},
get debug(){return debug},
get config(){return config},
get extend(){return extend},
get render(){return render},
get util(){return util},
get call(){return call},
get i18n(){return i18n.i18n},
get route(){return route},
get db(){return db}
hexo.cache = {};
// Inherits EventEmitter
hexo.__proto__ = EventEmitter.prototype;
// Emit "exit" event when process about to exit
process.on('exit', function(){
The statements are not the same.
Rather than obj.prototype.__proto__ = events.EventEmitter.prototype, I'd expect to see something like Constructor.prototype.__proto__ = events.EventEmitter.prototype, (where Constructor is any kind of constructor function, so could have any name. They're often capitalized.) because the prototype property is typically only available on functions, and does not have any special meaning when defined as a property of a regular (non-function) object.
In other words, obj in first line of code given should be a (constructor) function to make sense, and it's very uncommon to see a function have such a generic variable name as obj.
If you'd share the source where you find the exact first statement, this may clear things up.
The second example is the simplest. There's no constructor involved. hexo is a plain object created with an object-literal. The author wants the EventEmitter methods to be available through the hexo method, so he assigns EventEmitter.prototype to the __proto__ property, which actually changes the prototype of hexo.
The first code example is somewhat more complex. Here the author wants to ensure that any objects that are constructed by the Door function will provide access to the EventEmitter methods. Any object constructed by the Door function will get Door.prototype as its prototype. This particular prototype now has the EventEmitter as its prototype, so the EventEmitter functions are accessible by going two steps up the prototype chain.
"Copies all of the EventEmitter properties to the Door object." - this particular comment is misleading. No properties are copied. The only that happens is this.
door = new Door
door.on("open", function() { console.log("door has opened")})
The prototype of door is now Door.prototype. If a property (in this case on) is not found when trying to access it, the JS engine will look at this prototype. The prototype of door - Door.prototype - has no on defined either, so the JS Engine will see if Door.prototype has a prototype. It does, in the form of events.EventEmitter.prototype. And this object does have an on property defined.
Hope this makes things somewhat more clear. Javascript prototypical inheritance is quite tricky.
See also Confusion about setting something.prototype.__proto__
The prototype property is generally found on constructors, that is, Functions that create new objects. The prototype of a constructor is the object that is used as the prototype for the newly instantiated object.
The __proto__ property of an object points to the object which was used as a prototype, when the object was first instantiated. It is non-standard, so there's no guarantee that your JavaScript engine will support it.
In your examples, you can see that they refer to Door.prototype and hexo.__proto__. The crucial difference here is that Door is a constructor, whereas hexo is an instance of an object.
However, Door.prototype is an instance of an object, so to get its prototype, you need to use __proto__.
In both instances, the RHS of the assignment is a constructor, so refers to prototype.
In summary, if you want the prototype that will be used by a constructor, use prototype. If you want the prototype of an instantiated object, you may be able to use __proto__.
In truth, you may better off just using Object.getPrototypeOf.
Everything in JavaScript is object. And every object, it may be a function, {}, new Object(), in JavaScript has an internal property called [[Prototype]].
[[Prototype]] is the very reason for prototype inheritance in JavaScript. This internal property is exposed to the programmer through __proto__. This is a non-standard. Not all JS environments support this.
How does an object we create using constructor functions gets its [[Prototype]]?
Only objects whose [[Class]] is Function gets the property prototype. What it means is that every function declared when executed by the JS engine, it creates an object. Its [[Class]] is set to Function and a property prototype is attached to this function object.
By default this prototype is an object with one property constructor pointing to the function object.
When the above function is invoked as part of new operator like new constructorFn(), the JS engine creates an object, its [[Class]] property set to Object and [[Prototype]] property set to the object pointed to by the [[Prototype]] of the constructor function.
Since this new created object is of class Object, it does not have the prototype property.
In nutshell, __proto__ exists in every object. prototype exists, by default, only in objects whose [[Class]] is Function. What this means is only functions (created via function statement, function expression, Function constructor ) will have this property.
