GnuPlot not plotting over the whole range - gnuplot

Basicaly, I have the following code:
binom(n,k) = n!/(k!*(n-k)!)
hyperge(N,K,n,k) = binom(K,k)*binom(N-K,n-k)/binom(N,n)
hypergge(N,K,n,k) = sum [i=k:K] hyperge(N,K,n,i)
set term png
set output "onedrop.png"
set xlabel "Decksize"
set ylabel "Chance of having one of four one-drops on turn 1"
plot [x=59:209] (hypergge(floor(x)-9,4,6,1) + (1-hypergge(floor(x)-9,4,6,1))*(hypergge(floor(x)-9,4,6,1)))*100 with lines notitle lw 2
(The only thing that might be really important about hypergge is that it use factorials, i.e. needs integers as arguments).
which produces the following output
So for some reason, gnuplot just stops drawing the plot at ~180, and I see absolutely no reason why it behaves like that...

170! is the last factorial which gnuplot can evaluate:
gnuplot> print 170!
gnuplot> print 171!


gnuplot: variable values and definitions in plot command

I just stumbled across the following:
According to the gnuplot manual a plot element may contain a definition.
plot {<ranges>} <plot-element> {, <plot-element>, <plot-element>}
Each plot element consists of a definition, a function, or a data source
together with optional properties or modifiers:
<definition> | {sampling-range} <function> | <data source>
| keyentry
{axes <axes>} {<title-spec>}
{with <style>}
Check the following example:
For the first graph y=x+1 is plotted because a=1 was defined earlier. As expected.
For the second graph and the first plot command it should be the same but y=2*x+1 is plotted instead (twice).
In the third graph when a=1 is explicitely specified it is plotted as expected.
Why is gnuplot ignoring a=1 for the second graph?
Have I misunderstood something?
### definitions in plot command
reset session
a = 1
b = 1
f(x) = a*x + b
set yrange[-40:40]
set multiplot layout 1,3
plot f(x)
plot f(x), a=2 f(x), a=3 f(x)
plot a=1 f(x), a=2 f(x), a=3 f(x)
unset multiplot
### end of code
Your diagnosis is slightly off. In the second panel the first, purple plot is superimposed with the a=3 plot rather than the a=2 plot.
Why? Because gnuplot accumulates all elements of the full plot before actually drawing any of them. This involves making two passes over the command line. One pass to parse and load data from any data sources mentioned (needed for example for autoscaling), then a second pass to evaluate any functions over the range (which might have determined by autoscaling). During the first pass here, a gets set to 2 and then to 3. At the start of the second pass a is still 3 and in the absence of an initial definition to change it that is what is used when f(x) is evaluated.

How to make dashed grid lines intersect making crosshairs in gnuplot?

I'm plotting some data and I want to use dashed grid lines.
Any dashed grid line would suffice, but I prefer a "long dash, short dash, long dash" format.
For example, given the following code
set grid lc rgb "#000000" lt 1 dt (50, 25, 20, 25)
plot x**2
I get this result
But I would rather the grid lines intersection to happen always at the middle of two dashes, like this
If I could make horizontal grid lines different to vertical grid lines and I could add some offset to each one, then I'd imagine there's a way to accomplish this. But I can't seem to do that either.
It looks like gnuplot cannot have two different dashstyles for x-grid and y-grid.
One workaround I see currently is to plot two identical plot on top of each other. One with appropriate x-grid lines and the other with appropriate y-grid lines.
If you want a dash pattern with proportions of (50-25-20-25), this correspond to (25-25-20-25-25-0) or (5-5-4-5-5-0) between two tics.
Furthermore, the dash and gap length numbers, e.g. in dt (50,25,20,25), seem to be in a fixed relation to the graph size. The "empirical" factor is 11 with good approximation (at least for the wxt terminal which I tested under gnuplot 5.2.6).
Edit: actually, the code below gives different results with a qt terminal. And it's not just a different factor. It's more complicated and probably difficult to solve without insight into the source code. So, the fact that the following seems to work with wxt terminal (maybe even just under Windows?) was probably a lucky strike.
With this you can create your dash lines automatically resulting in crosshairs at the intersections of the major grid lines.
Assumptions are:
your first and last tics are on the borders
you know the number of x- and y-intervals
You also need to know the graph size. These values are stored in the variables GPVAL_TERM..., but only after plotting. That's why you have to replot to get the correct values.
This workaround at least should give always crosshairs at the intersection of the major grid lines.
Edit 2: just for "completeness". The factors to get the same (or similar) looking custom dashed pattern on different terminals varies considerably. wxt approx. 11, qt approx. 5.6, pngcairoapprox. 0.25. This is not what I would expect. Furthermore, it looks like the factors slightly depend on x and y as well as graph size. In order to get "exact" crosshairs you might have to tweak these numbers a little further.
### dashed grid lines with crosshairs at intersections
reset session
TERM = "wxt" # choose terminal
if (TERM eq "wxt") {
set term wxt size 800,600
FactorX = 11. # wxt
FactorY = 11. # wxt
if (TERM eq "qt") {
set term qt size 800,600
FactorX = 5.58 # qt
FactorY = 5.575 # qt
if (TERM eq "pngcairo") {
set term pngcairo size 800,600
set output "tbDashTest.png"
FactorX = 0.249 # pngcairo
FactorY = 0.251 # pngcairo
set multiplot
set ticscale 0,0
Units = 24 # pattern (5,5,4,5,5,0) are 24 units
# set interval and repetition parameters
IntervalsY = 10
RepetitionsY = 1
IntervalsX = 4
RepetitionsX = 3
# initial plot to get graph size
plot x**2
gX = real(GPVAL_TERM_YMAX-GPVAL_TERM_YMIN)/IntervalsY/Units/FactorY/RepetitionsY
gY = real(GPVAL_TERM_XMAX-GPVAL_TERM_XMIN)/IntervalsX/Units/FactorX/RepetitionsX
# first plot with x-grid lines
set grid xtics lt 1 lc rgb "black" dt (gX*5,gX*5,gX*4,gX*5,gX*5,0)
unset grid
# second plot with y-grid lines
set grid ytics lt 1 lc rgb "black" dt (gY*5,gY*5,gY*4,gY*5,gY*5,0)
unset multiplot
set output
### end of code
Not really. The closest I can think of is
set grid x y mx my
set grid lt -1 lc "black" lw 1 , lt -1 lc bgnd lw 16
set ticscale 1.0, 0.01
set mxtics 4
plot x**2 lw 2
But that leaves the vertical grid lines solid.

How to plot lines parallel to the x-axis with a certain offset given by data in an input file with gnuplot

I calculated the eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian for the 1D-hydrogen atom in atomic units with the Fourier-Grid-Hamiltonian method in a nice little Fortran program.
All the eigenvalues found between -1 and 0 (the bound states) are saved into a file line by line like this:
As the number of found eigenvalues differs depends on the stepsize my program uses, the number of entries in the file can vary (in theory, there are infinite ones).
I now want to plot the values from the file as a line parallel to the x-axis with the offset given by the values read from file.
I also want to be able to plot the data only up to a certain line number, as the values get really close to each other the further you come to zero and they cannot be distinguished by eye anymore.
(Here e.g. it would make sence to plot the first four entries, the fifth is already too close to the previous one)
I know that one can plot lines parallel to the x axis with the command plot *offset* but I don't know how to tell gnuplot to use the data from the file. So far I had to manually plot the values.
As a second step I would like to plot the data only in a certain x range, more concrete between the points of intersection with the harmonic potential used for the numeric solution V(x) = -1/(1+abs(x))
The result should look like this:
scheme of the desired plot (lookalike)
The closest I got to, was with
plot -1/(1+abs(x)),-0.5 title 'E0',-0.18 title 'E1', -0.11 title 'E2'
which got me the following result:
my plot
Hope you guys can help me, and I'm really curios whether gnuplot actually can do the second step I described!
As for the first part of your question, you can for example use the xerrorbars plotting style as:
set terminal pngcairo
set output 'fig.png'
unset key
set xr [-1:1]
set yr [-1:0]
unset bars
plot '-' u (0):($1<-0.1?$1:1/0):(1) w xerrorbars pt 0 lc rgb 'red'
The idea here is to:
interpret the energies E as points with coordinates (0,E) and assign to each of them an x-errorbar of width 1 (via the third part of the specification (0):($1<-0.1?$1:1/0):(1))
"simulate" the horizontal lines with x-errorbars. To this end, unset bars and pt 0 ensure that Gnuplot displays just plain lines.
consider only energies E<-0.1, the expressions $1<-0.1?$1:1/0 evaluates otherwise to an undefined value 1/0 which has the consequence that nothing is plotted for such E.
plot '-' with explicit values can be of course replaced with, e.g., plot 'your_file.dat'
This produces:
For the second part, it mostly depends how complicated is your function V(x). In the particular case of V(x)=-1/(1+|x|), one could infer directly that it's symmetric around x=0 and calculate the turning points explicitly, e.g.,
set terminal pngcairo
set output 'fig.png'
fName = 'test.dat'
unset key
set xr [-10:10]
set yr [-1:0]
unset bars
f(x) = -1 / (1+abs(x))
g(y) = (-1/y - 1)
plot \
f(x) w l lc rgb 'black', \
fName u (0):($1<-0.1?$1:1/0):(g($1)) w xerrorbars pt 0 lc rgb 'red', \
fName u (0):($1<-0.1?$1:1/0):(sprintf("E%d", $0)) w labels offset 0, char 0.75
which yields
The idea is basically the same as before, just the width of the errorbar now depends on the y-coordinate (the energy). Also, the labels style is used in order to produce explicit labels.
Another approach may be to get data from "energy.dat" (as given in the question) with system and cat commands (so assuming a Un*x-like system...) and select V(x) and E at each x via max:
set key bottom right
set yr [-1:0.2]
set samples 1000
Edat = system( "cat energy.dat" )
max(a,b) = ( a > b ) ? a : b
V(x) = -1/(1+abs(x))
plot for [ E in Edat ] \
max(V(x),real(E)) title sprintf("E = %8.6f", real(E)) lw 2, \
V(x) title "V(x) = -1/(1+|x|)" lc rgb "red" lw 2
If we change the potential to V(x) = -abs(cos(x)), the plot looks pretty funny (and the energy levels are of course not correct!)
More details about the script:
max is not a built-in function in Gnuplot, but a user-defined function having two formal arguments. So for example, we may define it as
mymax( p, q ) = ( p > q ) ? p : q
with any other names (and use mymax in the plot command). Next, the ? symbol is a ternary operator that gives a short-hand notation for an if...else construct. In a pseudo-code, it works as
function max( a, b ) {
if ( a > b ) then
return a
return b
This way, max(V(x),real(E)) selects the greater value between V(x) and real(E) for any given x and E.
Next, Edat = system( "cat energy.dat" ) tells Gnuplot to run the shell command "cat energy.dat" and assign the output to a new variable Edat. In the above case, Edat becomes a string that contains a sequence of energy values read in from "energy.dat". You can check the contents of Edat by print( Edat ). For example, it may be something like
Edat = "-0.11 -0.22 ... -0.5002"
plot for [ E in Edat ] ... loops over words contained in a string Edat. In the above case, E takes a string "-0.11", "-0.22", ..., "-0.5002" one-by-one. real(E) converts this string to a floating-point value. It is used to pass E (a character string) to any mathematical function.
The basic idea is to draw a truncated potential above E, max(V(x),E), for each value of E. (You can check the shape of such potential by plot max(V(x),-0.5), for example). After plotting such curves, we redraw the potential V(x) to make it appear as a single potential curve with a different color.
set samples 1000 increases the resolution of the plot with 1000 points per curve. 1000 is arbitrary, but this seems to be sufficient to make the figure pretty smooth.

wxMaxima + gnuplot = Mathematica-like densitymap with a twist

I would like to plot the frequency-domain response of a filter in a similar manner to how the pole-zero plots are on the Wikipedia's "Chebyshev filter" page: . In particular, what I would like is to cut the plot in half along the Y axis and to make the cut stand out as representing the frequency response.
So far I have managed to get this:
The maked seam can be seen but it doesn't stand out, as if freshly welded. I hope the meaning gets to you because I can't find a better explanation now.
Now, what I have, so far, with wxMaxima's draw3d() function, is this:
/* cbrange=[0.05,100.95], */ view=[0,0],yv_grid=101,xu_grid=101,
where Hs(s) is defined earlier, say:
I don't know how to make the frequency response stand out, the order of printing doesn't seem to matter. Does anyone know if it can be done and, if so, how?
I don't know how to achieve that with maxima, but here is a solution with gnuplot only. This uses the + pseudo filename to create the 1D-plot for x=0 with splot. Complex numbers are specified with brackets, {x,y}, i.e. i = {0,1}:
set terminal pngcairo size 1000,800
set output 'chebyshev.png'
N = 501
set isosamples N
set samples N
set pm3d interpolate 3,3
set palette gray
set cbrange [*:10]
set xrange [-1:0]
set yrange [-3:3]
set logscale z
set autoscale zfix
set view 120,278
unset key
set grid
Hs(s) = 0.0248655/((s+0.210329)*(s**2+0.12999*s+0.521695)*(s**2+0.340319*s+0.22661))
splot abs(Hs(x+{0,1}*y)) w pm3d, \
'+' using (y = ($0/(N-1.0) * 6 - 3), 0):(y):(abs(Hs({0,1}*y))) w l lw 3
The result with 4.6.3 is:

Fit exception on gnuplot

I try to plot a data with an exponentiel regression :
set terminal postscript enhanced color
set output ''
set logscale y
set logscale x
set format y "10^{%L}"
set format x "10^{%L}"
set key inside right top
set xlabel " lines "
set ylabel " Time(nanoseconds)"
f(x) = a + b*exp (x)
fit f(x) 'fichier.csv' using 16:17 via a, b
plot 'fichier.csv' using 16:17 with points title "title" lw 3 pt 4 linecolor rgb "#FF0000", f(x) with lines title "regtitle" linecolor rgb "#000000" lw 3
I have this error :
Max. number of data points scaled up to: 3072
Undefined value during function evaluation
and i run on gnuplot 4.4
how to resolve problem ?
The message Max. number of data points scaled up to: 3072 has nothing to do with the fit error, see also Gnuplot : How to set max number of data points for fit
Your fit error likely is due to faulty data or badly set initial values of the parameters. If you don't set the variables at all before the fit, gnuplot initialises them with 1.0, which might be totally off. Exponential fits are notoriously unstable with bad starting values. You might use gnuplots stats command to find out a bit more about your data before fitting.
