PHP file_get_contents Code Not Working, just creating a blank file - file-get-contents

I am Building a php filewhich write files into a server but its not working, it is just creating the file, any help ?
$htaccess = "";
$file = file_get_contents($htaccess);
$open = fopen("tools/.htaccess" , 'w');
if($open) {
echo "<br> [htaccess] => Has Been Created !";
} else {
echo "<br>[-] Error !";

How big is the file you are trying to write to the server? I had the same problem where it would just write the file and not write the data as the data was quite large.
I got around this by exploding the variable returned by file_get_contents on new lines. Looped through the array and wrote each line to the file.
//Get the contents of the file
$string = file_get_contents($localDirectory . $fileName);
//Create the file on the server as appendable type
$stream = fopen("ssh2.sftp://{$this->subCon}/." . $remoteDirectory . $fileName, 'a+');
//Split the file by new line characters
$stringArray = explode("\n", $string);
//Loop through the array and write each line to the file
foreach ($stringArray as $line)
fwrite($stream, $line);
//Close the file


How to Flatten / Recompile Excel Spreadsheet Using sheetjs or exceljs on Write

We use excel as a configuration file for clients. However, our processes only run on linux servers. We need to take a master file, update all the client workbooks with the new information, and commit to GitLab. The users then check it out, add their own changes, commit back to GitLab and a process promotes the workbook to Server A.
This process works great using nodeJS (exceljs)
Another process on a different server is using perl to pick up the workbook and then saves each sheet as a csv file.
The problem is, what gets written out is the data from the ORIGINAL worksheet and not the updated changes. This is true of both perl and nodejs. Code for perl and nodejs xlsx to csv is at the end of the post.
Modules Tried:
perl : Spreadsheet::ParseExcel; Spreadsheet::XLSX;
nodejs: node-xlsx, exceljs
I assume it has to do with Microsoft using XML inside the excel wrapper, it keeps the old version as history and since it was the original sheet name, it gets pulled instead of the updated latest version.
When I manually open in Excel, everything is correct with the new info as expected.
When I use "Save as..." instead of "Save" then the perl process is able to correctly write out the updated worksheet as csv. So our workaround is having the users always "Save as.." before committing their extra changes to GitLab. We'd like to rely on training, but the sheer number of users and clients makes trusting that the user will "Save AS..." is not practical.
Is there a way to replicate a "Save As..." during my promotion to Server A or at least be able to tell if the file had been saved correctly? I'd like to stick with excelJS, but I'll use whatever is necessary to replicate the "Save as..." which seems to recompile the workbook.
In addition to nodejs, I can use perl, python, ruby - whatever it takes - to make sure the csv creation process picks up the new changes.
Thanks for your time and help.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
use File::Basename qw/fileparse/;
use File::Spec;
use Spreadsheet::ParseExcel;
use Spreadsheet::XLSX;
use Getopt::Std;
my %args = ();
my $help = undef;
) or die pod2usage(1);
pod2usage(1) if $help;
pod2usage(-verbose=>2, exitstatus=>0, output=>\*STDOUT) unless $args{excel} || $args{sheet};
pod2usage(3) if $help;
pod2usage(-verbose=>2, exitstatus=>3, output=>\*STDOUT) unless $args{excel};
if (_getSuffix($args{excel}) eq ".xls") {
my $file = File::Spec->rel2abs($args{excel});
if (-e $file) {
print _XLS(file=>$file, sheet=>$args{sheet});
} else {
exit 1;
die "Error: Can not find excel file. Please check for exact excel file name and location. \nError: This Program is CASE SENSITIVE. \n";
elsif (_getSuffix($args{excel}) eq ".xlsx") {
my $file = File::Spec->rel2abs($args{excel});
if (-e $file) {
print _XLSX(file=>$file, sheet=>$args{sheet});
else {
exit 1;
die "\nError: Can not find excel file. Please check for exact excel file name and location. \nError: This Program is CASE SENSITIVE.\n";
else {
exit 5;
sub _XLS {
my %opts = (
file => undef,
sheet => undef,
my $aggregated = ();
my $parser = Spreadsheet::ParseExcel->new();
my $workbook = $parser->parse($opts{file});
if (!defined $workbook) {
exit 3;
croak "Error: Workbook not found";
foreach my $worksheet ($workbook->worksheet($opts{sheet})) {
if (!defined $worksheet) {
exit 2;
croak "\nError: Worksheet name doesn't exist in the Excel File. Please check the WorkSheet Name. \nError: This program is CASE SENSITIVE.\n\n";
my ($row_min, $row_max) = $worksheet->row_range();
my ($col_min, $col_max) = $worksheet->col_range();
foreach my $row ($row_min .. $row_max){
foreach my $col ($col_min .. $col_max){
my $cell = $worksheet->get_cell($row, $col);
if ($cell) {
$aggregated .= $cell->value().',';
else {
$aggregated .= ',';
$aggregated .= "\n";
return $aggregated;
sub _XLSX {
eval {
my %opts = (
file => undef,
sheet => undef,
my $aggregated_x = ();
my $excel = Spreadsheet::XLSX->new($opts{file});
foreach my $sheet ($excel->worksheet($opts{sheet})) {
if (!defined $sheet) {
exit 2;
croak "Error: WorkSheet not found";
if ( $sheet->{Name} eq $opts{sheet}) {
$sheet->{MaxRow} ||= $sheet->{MinRow};
foreach my $row ($sheet->{MinRow} .. $sheet->{MaxRow}) {
$sheet->{MaxCol} ||= $sheet->{MinCol};
foreach my $col ($sheet->{MinCol} .. $sheet->{MaxCol}) {
my $cell = $sheet->{Cells}->[$row]->[$col];
if ($cell) {
$aggregated_x .= $cell->{Val}.',';
else {
$aggregated_x .= ',';
$aggregated_x .= "\n";
return $aggregated_x;
if ($#) {
exit 3;
sub _getSuffix {
my $f = shift;
my ($basename, $dirname, $ext) = fileparse($f, qr/\.[^\.]*$/);
return $ext;
sub _convertlwr{
my $f = shift;
my ($basename, $dirname, $ext) = fileparse($f, qr/\.[^\.]*$/);
return $ext;
var xlsx = require('node-xlsx')
var fs = require('fs')
var obj = xlsx.parse(__dirname + '/test2.xlsx') // parses a file
var rows = []
var writeStr = ""
//looping through all sheets
for(var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++)
var sheet = obj[i]
//loop through all rows in the sheet
for(var j = 0; j < sheet['data'].length; j++)
//add the row to the rows array
//creates the csv string to write it to a file
for(var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++)
writeStr += rows[i].join(",") + "\n"
//writes to a file, but you will presumably send the csv as a
//response instead
fs.writeFile(__dirname + "/test2.csv", writeStr, function(err) {
if(err) {
return console.log(err)
console.log("test.csv was saved in the current directory!")
The answer is its impossible. In order to update data inside a workbook that has excel functions, you must open it in Excel for the formulas to trigger. It's that simple.
You could pull the workbook apart, create your own javascript functions, run the data through it and then write it out, but there are so many possible issues that it is not recommended.
Perhaps one day Microsoft will release a linux Excel engine API for linux. But its still unlikely that such a thing would work via command line without invoking the GUI.

Phpspreadsheet : Download doesn't work for .csv and .pdf files

I work with the Symfony 4 framework. My goal is to be able to export data with different possible formats (xlsx, ods, csv, pdf).
In my controller, I did like this:
* Permet d'exporter des données.
* #Route("rh/export", name="rh_export")
public function export(Request $request, ExportService $exportService)
$exportExcel = new ExportExcel();
$form = $this->createForm(ExportExcelType::class, $exportExcel);
if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->isValid()) {
$spreadsheet = $exportService->export($exportExcel);
case "xlsx":
$writer = new Xlsx($spreadsheet);
case "csv":
$writer = new Csv($spreadsheet);
case "ods":
$writer = new Ods($spreadsheet);
case "pdf":
$writer = new Dompdf($spreadsheet);
$writer = new Xlsx($spreadsheet);
if($exportExcel->getExtension() === "pdf")
// Create a Temporary file in the system
$fileName = $exportExcel->getNomFichier().'.' . $exportExcel->getExtension();
$temp_file = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), $fileName);
// Create the excel file in the tmp directory of the system
// Return the excel file as an attachment
return $this->file($temp_file, $fileName, ResponseHeaderBag::DISPOSITION_INLINE);
return $this->render('rh/export.html.twig', [
'form' => $form->createView(),
I analyze the submission of the form.
I create the spreadsheet
Depending on the type of file desired, I initialize the $writer
Create a Temporary file in the system
Create the excel file in the tmp directory of the system
Return the excel file as an attachment
The strange thing is that when the file type is .xlsx or .ods, the file downloads correctly.
However if it is .csv or .pdf, then the file is not downloaded, and instead it opens in my browser
EDIT : I resolved my problem with :
Replace :
// Create a Temporary file in the system
$fileName = $exportExcel->getNomFichier().'.' . $exportExcel->getExtension();
$temp_file = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), $fileName);
// Create the excel file in the tmp directory of the system
// Return the excel file as an attachment
return $this->file($temp_file, $fileName, ResponseHeaderBag::DISPOSITION_INLINE);
$response = new StreamedResponse(
function () use ($writer) {
$fileName = $exportExcel->getNomFichier().'.' . $exportExcel->getExtension();
$response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/');
$response->headers->set('Content-Disposition', sprintf('attachment;filename="%s"', $fileName));
return $response;

Converting XLSX to CSV with Perl while maintaining the encoding

I'm a BI developer working with perl scripts as my ETL - I receive data over email, take the file, parse it and push it into the DB.
Most of the files are CSV, but occasionally I have an XLSX file.
I've been using Spreadsheet::XLSX to convert, but I've noticed that the CSV output comes out with the wrong encoding (needs to be UTF8, because accents and foreign languages).
That's the sub I'm using ($input_file is an Excel file), but I keep getting the data with the wrong characters.
WHAT am I missing?
Thanks a lot all!
sub convert_to_csv {
my $input_file = $_[0];
my ( $filename, $extension ) = split( '\.', $input_file );
open( format_file, ">:**encoding(utf-8)**", "$filename.csv" ) or die "could not open out file $!\n";
my $excel = Spreadsheet::XLSX->new($input_file);
my $line;
foreach my $sheet ( #{ $excel->{Worksheet} } ) {
#printf( "Sheet: %s\n", $sheet->{Name} );
$sheet->{MaxRow} ||= $sheet->{MinRow};
foreach my $row ( $sheet->{MinRow} .. $sheet->{MaxRow} ) {
$sheet->{MaxCol} ||= $sheet->{MinCol};
foreach my $col ( $sheet->{MinCol} .. $sheet->{MaxCol} ) {
my $cell = $sheet->{Cells}[$row][$col];
if ($cell) {
my $trimcell;
$trimcell = $cell->value();
print STDERR "cell: $trimcell\n"; ## Just for the tests so I don't have to open the file to see if it's ok
$trimcell =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; ## Just to make sure I don't have extra spaces
$line .= "\"" . $trimcell . "\",";
if ($line =~ /Grand Total/){} ##customized for the files
else {
print format_file "$line\n";
$line = '';
close format_file;
My knowledge is from using ETL::Pipeline and it uses Spreadsheet::XLSX for reading .xlsx-files.
But I know which fields are UTF-8
I wrote a Local ETL::Pipeline module to handle output for Excel files
use Encode qw(decode encode);
$ra_rec->{name} = decode( 'UTF-8', $ra_rec->{name}, Encode::FB_CROAK );

Empty PHPExcel file using liuggio/ExcelBundle in Symfony

I have some code that iterates over the rows and columns of an Excel sheet and replaces text with other text. This is done with a service that has the excel file and a dictionary as parameters like this.
$mappedTemplate = $this->get('app.entity.translate')->translate($phpExcelObject, $dictionary);
The service itself looks like this.
public function translate($template, $dictionary)
foreach ($template->getWorksheetIterator() as $worksheet) {
foreach ($worksheet->getRowIterator() as $row) {
$cellIterator = $row->getCellIterator();
$cellIterator->setIterateOnlyExistingCells(false); // Loop all cells, even if it is not set
foreach ($cellIterator as $cell) {
if (!is_null($cell)) {
if (!is_null($cell->getCalculatedValue())) {
if (array_key_exists((string)$cell->getCalculatedValue(), $dictionary)) {
return $template;
After some debugging I found out that the text actually is replaced and that the service works like it should. The problem is that when I return the new PHPExcel file as a response to download, the excel is empty.
This is the code I use to return the file.
// create the writer
$writer = $this->get('phpexcel')->createWriter($mappedTemplate, 'Excel5');
// create the response
$response = $this->get('phpexcel')->createStreamedResponse($writer);
// adding headers
$dispositionHeader = $response->headers->makeDisposition(
$response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet');
$response->headers->set('Pragma', 'public');
$response->headers->set('Cache-Control', 'maxage=1');
$response->headers->set('Content-Disposition', $dispositionHeader);
return $response;
What am I missing?
Your code is missing the calls to the writer.
You only create the writer, but never use it, at least not in your shared code examples:
$objWriter = new PHPExcel_Writer_Excel2007($objPHPExcel);
$response = $this->get('phpexcel')->createStreamedResponse($objWriter)
Another thing is the content type: Do you have the apache content types setup correctly?
$response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/; charset=utf-8');

Webforms in excel instead of e-mail

A client of mine asked me if i can find a solution for this problem.
His website (still a WIP) has a form. The form obviously uses a sendmail script to send the form to e-mail. From thereon he manually copy/pastes all the submissions to excel.
What he wants is that the forms online automaticcaly are added to an excel document to save him a lot of work.
Now i am not a programmer, but a designer.. I think this can be done, but i have absolutely no clue how. I googled alot for it and the only thing i found was a dreamweaverplugin.
Is there a way to do this, if so, how?
Not a programmer's response, but...
I think an easy solution is to use Google docs. You can set-up a Google Spreadsheet and associate a form to it. Whenever a user fills the form , his data is added to the spreadsheet.
Your client may download that anytime.
There are some other providers on the market, some free, some not. E.g:
Found the answer myself. I wrote a PHP code snippet which actually stores the fields comma seperated in a CSV file and sends an email to a desired adress with the filled in fields.
$pakket = $_POST['pakket'];
$extragidsen = $_POST['extragidsen'];
$naambedrijf = $_POST['naambedrijf'];
$err = '';
$err .= '-Please enter a name';
$err .= '-Please enter an email address';
$err .= '-Please enter a comment';
echo $err;
$filename = 'file.csv';
$somecontent = $pakket . ',' . $extragidsen . ',' . $naambedrijf . "\n";
// Let's make sure the file exists and is writable first.
if (is_writable($filename)) {
// In our example we're opening $filename in append mode.
// The file pointer is at the bottom of the file hence
// that's where $somecontent will go when we fwrite() it.
if (!$handle = fopen($filename, 'a')) {
echo "Cannot open file ($filename)";
// Write $somecontent to our opened file.
if (fwrite($handle, $somecontent) === FALSE) {
echo "Cannot write to file ($filename)";
//--------------------------Set these paramaters--------------------------
// Subject of email sent to you.
$subject = 'Inschrijving welkom';
// Your email address. This is where the form information will be sent.
$emailadd = '';
// Where to redirect after form is processed.
$url = '';
// Makes all fields required. If set to '1' no field can not be empty. If set to '0' any or all fields can be empty.
$req = '0';
// --------------------------Do not edit below this line--------------------------
$text = "Results from form:\n\n";
$space = ' ';
$line = '
foreach ($_POST as $key => $value)
if ($req == '1')
if ($value == '')
{echo "$key is empty";die;}
$j = strlen($key);
if ($j >= 20)
{echo "Name of form element $key cannot be longer than 20 characters";die;}
$j = 20 - $j;
for ($i = 1; $i ';
} else {
echo "The file $filename is not writable";
Maybe the code aint that clean as it can be, but eh it works.
Feel free to clean up the code if you want to :)
I guessed I would answer this myself for the community...
BTW u need to set "write" rights to "file.csv"
