How to get back from inside function syncronized in node.js? - node.js

function squre(val) {
console.log("squre = " + result); //returns 100 (2nd line of output)
return result;
console.log(squre(10)); // returns null (1st line of output)
I need 100 as output in both of the lines.

It rather depends on the nature of main.add(). But, by its use of a callback, it's most likely asynchronous. If that's the case, then return simply won't work well as "asynchronous" means that the code doesn't wait for result to be available.
You should give a read through "How to return the response from an AJAX call?." Though it uses Ajax as an example, it includes a very thorough explanation of asynchronous programming and available options of control flow.
You'll need to define squre() to accept a callback of its own and adjust the calling code to supply one:
function squre(val, callback) {
main.add(val, function (result) {
console.log("squre = " + result);
squre(10, function (result) {
Though, on the chance that main.add() is actually synchronous, you'll want to move the return statement. They can only apply to the function they're directly within, which would be the anonymous function rather than spure().
function squre(val) {
var answer;
main.add(val, function (result) {
console.log("squre = " + result);
answer = result;
return answer;

You can't, as you have the asynchronous function main.add() that will be executed outside of the current tick of the event loop (see this article for more information). The value of the squre(10) function call is undefined, since this function doesn't return anything synchronously. See this snippet of code:
function squre(val) {
console.log("squre = " + result);
return result;
return true; // Here is the value really returned by 'squre'
console.log(source(10)) // will output 'true'
and The Art of Node for more information on callbacks.
To get back data from an asynchronous function, you'll need to give it a callback:
function squre(val, callback) {
main.add(val, function(res) {
// do something
callback(null, res) // send back data to the original callback, reporting no error
source(10, function (res) { // define the callback here


Best Way to Chain Callbacks?

I have a question about the best way to chain callbacks together while passing data between them. I have an example below which works, but has the flaw that the functions have to be aware of the chain and know their position / whether to pass on a call back.
function first(data, cb1, cb2, cb3){
console.log("first()", data);
cb1(data,cb2, cb3);
function second(data, cb1, cb2) {
cb1(data, cb2);
function third(data, cb) {
function last(data) {
console.log("last() ", data);
first("THEDATA", second, third, last); // This work OK
first("THEDATA2", second, last); // This works OK
first("THEDATA3", second); // This doesn't work as second tries to pass on a callback that doesn't exit.
I can think of a number of ways around this, but they all involve in making the called functions aware of what is going on. But my problem is that the real functions I’m dealing with already exist, and I don’t want to modify them if I can avoid it. So I wondered if I was missing a trick in terms of how these could be called?
Thanks for the answers, and I agree that promises are probably the most appropriate solution, as they meet my requirements and provide a number of other advantages.
However I have also figured out how to do what I want without involving any extra modules.
To recap the specific ask was to:
chain together a number of functions via callbacks (this is so the first function can use a non-blocking I/O call the other functions are dependent upon),
while passing arguments (data) between them, and
without the existing functions having to be modified to be aware of their position in the callback chain.
The 'trick' I was missing was to introduce some extra anonymous callback functions to act as links between the existing functions.
// The series of functions now follow the same pattern, which is how they were before
// p1 data object and p2 is a callback, except for last().
function first(data, cb){
console.log("first()", data);
function second(data, cb) {
function third(data, cb) {
function last(data) {
console.log("last() ", data);
// And the named functions can be called pretty much in any order without
// the called functions knowing or caring.
// first() + last()
first("THEDATA", function (data) { // The anonymous function is called-back, receives the data,
last(data); // and calls the next function.
// first() + second() + last()
first("THEDATA2", function (data) {
second(data, function (data){
}); // end second();
}); // end first();
// first() + third()! + second()! + last()
first("THEDATA3", function (data) {
third(data, function (data){
second(data, function (data){
}); // end third();
}); // end second();
}); // end first();
Promises are the way to go as they provide following benefits :
Sequential callback chaining
Parallel callback chaining (kind of)
Exception handling
Easily passing around the objects
In general, a Promise performs some operation and then changes its own state to either rejected - that it failed, or resolved that its completed and we have the result.
Now, each promise has method then(function(result), function(error)). This then() method is executed when the Promise is either resolved or rejected. If resolved, the first argument of the then() is executed, with the result and if Promise gets rejected 2nd argument is executed.
A typical callback chaining looks like :
example 1 :
.then(function (result) {
// executed after the someMethodThatReturnsPromise() resolves
return somePromise;
}).then(function (result) {
// executed after somePromise resolved
}).then(null, function (e) {
// executed if any of the promise is rejected in the above chain
How do you create a Promise at the first place ? You do it like this :
new Promise (function (resolve, reject) {
// do some operation and when it completes
resolve(result /*result you want to pass to "then" method*/)
// if something wrong happens call "reject(error /*error object*/)"
For more details : head onto here
Best practice would be to check whether the callback you are calling is provided in the args.
function first(data, cb1, cb2, cb3){
console.log("first()", data); // return something
cb1(data,cb2, cb3);
function second(data, cb1, cb2) {
console.log("second()",data); // return something
cb1(data, cb2);
function third(data, cb) {
console.log("third()",data); // return something
function last(data) {
console.log("last() ", data); // return something
first("THEDATA", second, third, last); // This work OK
first("THEDATA2", second, last); // This works OK
first("THEDATA3", second);
This will work fine.
Alternatively there are many more options like Promises and Async library
Maybe you want to try it this way, yes right using "Promise" has more features, but if you want something simpler, we can make it like this, yes this is without error checking, but of course we can use try / catch
function Bersambung(cb){
this.mainfun = cb
this.Lanjut = function(cb){
var thisss = this;
return new Bersambung(function(lanjut){
} else {
//You can use it like this :
var data1 = "", data2 = "" , data3 = ""
new Bersambung(function(next){
console.log("sebelum async")
data1 = "MENYIMPAN DATA : save data"
if(data1 == ""){
return; // break the chain
console.log("sebelum async 2")
console.log("after async")
Okay this might not be ideal but it works.
function foo(cb = [], args = {}) // input a chain of callback functions and argumets
args.sometext += "f";
if (cb.length == 0)
return; //stop if no more callback functions in chain
cb[0](cb.slice(1), args); //run next callback and remove from chain
function boo(cb = [], args = {})
newArgs = {}; // if you want sperate arguments
newArgs.sometext = args.sometext.substring(1);
newArgs.sometext += "b";
if (cb.length == 0)
cb[0](cb.slice(1), newArgs);
//execute a chain of callback functions
foo ([foo, foo, boo, boo], {sometext:""})

Asynchronous control flow - returning true after a for loop is completely done

I have the following method in Node.js:
var foo = function(items){
for (var i=0; i<items.length; i++){
var item = items[i];
return true;
I want foo to return true after all of the bar's have finished updating. How do I do that?
EDIT: I am looking for a way to do this without any external libraries if possible.
The definition of the for loop being "completely done" depends on whether or not bar is synchronous or asynchronous. If bar is synchronous--perhaps it is doing some long-running computation--then your code already returns when the loop is "completely done".
But based on the part of your question that says
after all of the bar's have finished updating
it seems to be a reasonable assumption that bar is asynchronous--perhaps it is making a network call. But currently it is missing any mechanism to report when it's done. Therefore, the first job is to redefine bar so it has an asynchronous interface. There are two basic kinds of asynchronous interfaces. The older, classical node approach is callbacks. A new approach is promises.
In either case, therefore, you need to start off by redefining bar in one way or another. You cannot use an interface asynchronously unless it is designed to be used that way.
After we have given bar an asynchronous interface, we can then use that from within foo to correctly report when the bars are "completely done".
In the callback case, we change the calling sequence for bar to bar(item, callback), giving it a way to report back when it is done. We will also need a callback on the foo routine, to be invoked when all the bar calls finish. Following your preference to not use libraries, the logic for this could look something like this:
function foo(items, callback) {
var count = items.length;
var results = [];
items.forEach(function(item, idx) {
bar(item, function(err, data) {
if (err) callback(err);
results[idx] = data;
if (!count--) callback(null, results);
This loops over the items, calling bar for each one. When each bar finishes, we place its result in a results array, and check if this is the final bar, in which case we call the top-level callback.
This would be used as
foo(items, function(err, data) {
if (err) console.log("Error is", err);
else console.log("All succeeded, with resulting array of ", data);
The above is essentially equivalent to using async.each, as suggested in another answer, as follows:
function foo(items, callback) {
async.each(items, bar, callback);
Waiting for each bar to finish
If you want to wait for each bar to finish before proceeding to the next one, with async it's pretty easy with eachSeries:
function foo(items, callback) {
async.eachSeries(items, bar, callback);
Non-library code would be a bit more complicated:
function foo(items, callback) {
var results = [];
function next(i) {
if (i >= items.length) return callback(results));
bar(items[i], function barCallback(err, data) {
if (err) return callback(err);
results[i] = data;
Here, the callback reporting that each bar is completed (barCallback) calls the next routine with incremented i to kick off the call to the next bar.
However, you are likely to be better off using promises. In this case, we will design bar to return a promise, instead of invoking a callback. Assuming bar calls some database routine MYDB, the new version of bar is likely to look like this:
function bar(item) {
return MYDB.findRecordPromise(item.param);
If MYDB only provides old-fashioned callback-based interfaces, then the basic approach is
function bar(item) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
MYDB.findRecord(item.param, function(err, data) {
if (err) reject(err);
else resolve(data);
Now that we have a promise-based version of bar, we will define foo to return a promise as well, instead of taking an extra callback parameter. Then it's very simple:
function foo(items) {
return Promise.all(;
Promise.all takes an array of promises (which we create from items by mapping over bar), and fulfills when all of them fulfill, with a value of an array of fulfilled values, and rejects when any of them reject.
This is used as
foo(items) . then(
function(data) { console.log("All succeeded, with resulting array of ", data); },
function(err) { console.log("Error is", err); }
Waiting for each bar to finish
If, with the promises approach, you want to wait for each bar to finish before the next one is kicked off, then the basic approach is:
function foo(items) {
return items.reduce(function(promise, item) {
return promise.then(function() { return bar(item); });
}, Promise.resolve());
This starts off with an "empty" (pre-resolved) promise, then each time through the loop, adds a then to the chain to execute the next bar when the preceding one is finished.
If you want to get fancy and use advanced async functions, with the new await keyword:
async function foo(items) {
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
await bar(items[i]);
As an aside, the presumption in another answer that you might be looking for an asynchronous interface to a routine (foo) which loops over some calls to bar which are either synchronous, or may be asynchronous but can only be kicked off with no way to know when they completed, seems odd. Consider this logic:
var foo = function(items, fooCallback){
for (var i=0; i<items.length; i++){
var item = items[i];
This does nothing different from the original code, except that instead of returning true, it calls the callback with true. It does not ensure that the bars are actually completed, since, to repeat myself, without giving bar a new asynchronous interface, we have no way to know that they are completed.
The code shown using async.each suffers from a similar flaw:
var async = require('async');
var foo = function(items){
async.each(items, function(item, callback){
var _item = item; // USE OF _item SEEMS UNNECESSARY
This will merely kick off all the bars, but then immediately call the callback before they are finished. The entire async.each part will finish more or less instantaneously, immediately after which the final function(err) will be invoked; the value of true it returns will simply go into outer space. If you wanted to write it this way, it should be
var foo = function(items, fooCallback){
async.each(items, function(item, callback){
fooCallback(true); // CHANGE THIS
but even in this case fooCallback will be called pretty much instantaneously, regardless of whether the bars are finished or whether they returned errors.
There are many options to solve what you want, you just need to define the nature of your funcions foo and bar. Here are some options:
Your original code doesn't need it:
Your foo and bar functions doesn't have any callback in their parameters so they are not asynchronous.
Asuming foo function is asynchronous and bar function is synchronous:
You should rewrite your original code using callbacks, something like this:
var foo = function(items, fooCallback){
for (var i=0; i<items.length; i++){
var item = items[i];
Using a Async:
You should install it at the beggining:
npm install async
You use async, like this.
var async = require('async');
var foo = function(items){
async.each(items, function(item, callback){
var _item = item;
return true;

How do I get data from setTimeout function in NodeJS

Sometimes in nodejs I have to make a request to other host. My function have to wait until the response of this request is completed but usually they comes to next line without any waiting for the finish.
To simplify problem, I make a simple snipp code and I want to know how to get data out from this function
function testCallback(){
var _appData;
var a = 100;
}, 200);
function getData(data){
_appData = data;
return _appData;
console.log('testCallback: ', testCallback());
console.log send out undefined, I want to know with this function how to get result is 100
Basically setTimeout is asynchronous, so the code keeps going, your code it becomes, virtually like this:
function testCallback(){
var _appData;
return _appData;
Which, yes, it is undefined, because you do not set anything.
What you have to do is use a callback in your function, so when the long task (setTimeout) is finished you return the data.
Something like this:
function testCallback(cb){
var a = 100;
}, 200);
function getData(data){
cb(null, data);
and when calling it you have to pass a function as an argument (callback standard has 2 parameters, (err, value).)
testCallback(function(err, value) { console.log(value); });

Node.js: Making a call to asynchronous parent function from within asynchronous child function's callback

I'm trying to call an asynchronous function (the 'child') from within another asynchronous function (the 'parent'). To make things complicated, the parent function exposes a dual API (callback + promise). This is done using the Q library's defer() and nodeify(), like so:
var parent = function(p_arg, callback) {
var deferred = Q.defer();
child(arg, function(err, cb_arg) {
//If a callback was supplied, register it using nodeify(). Otherwise, return a promise.
return deferred.promise;
Note that the child function doesn't return a promise. Now depending on the value of the argument passed to the child's callback (cb_arg), I might decide to make a fresh call to parent, albeit with a modified argument (p_arg). How do I do this keeping in mind the dual nature of the parent's API?
This is what I've been able to come up with so far:
child(arg, function(err, cb_arg) {
else if(cb_arg.condition) {
/*Make a fresh call to parent, passing in a modified p_arg*/
parent(p_arg + 1, callback);
deferred.promise = parent(p_arg + 1);
^ Is this the correct way to do this?
My goal is to return the promise returned by the fresh parent() call,
so how about I just assign it to the current parent() call's deferred.promise?
UPDATE: Okay, I just had a moment of clarity regarding this problem. I now think that what actually needs to be done is the following:
child(arg, function(err, cb_arg) {
else if(cb_arg.condition) {
/*Make a fresh call to parent, passing in a modified p_arg*/
parent(p_arg + 1, callback);
parent(p_arg + 1)
.then(function(p_ret) {
}, function(p_err) {
This pattern seems to work for my particular use case. But do let me know in case there are any glaring async-related errors with this approach.
How do I do this keeping in mind the dual nature of the parent's API?
Don't. Just always use promises when you have them available.
Btw, you can use Q.ncall instead of manually using a deferred. And you don't need to test explicitly for callbacks, nodeify will handle it if you pass undefined.
deferred.promise = parent(p_arg + 1);
Is this the correct way to do this?
My goal is to return the promise returned by the fresh parent() call,
so how about I just assign it to the current parent() call's deferred.promise?
You would use .then() and return a new promise from the callback to chain the actions, getting a new promise for the result of the last action.
var promise = child().then(function(res) {
if (condition(res))
return parent(); // a promise
return res; // just pass through the value
Update: […] This pattern seems to work for my particular use case.
That's a variation of the deferred antipattern. You don't want to use it. In particular, it seems to leave a dangling (never-resolved) deferred around with a callback attached to it, in the case that there is a callback passed.
What you should do instead is just
function parent(p_arg, callback) {
return Q.nfcall(child, arg)
.then(function(cb_arg) {
if (cb_arg.condition) {
return parent(p_arg + 1, callback);
return cb_arg;

Retrieve stdout to variable

I’m trying to run child process in next code:
run = function (cmd, callback) {
var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
var command = spawn(cmd);
var result = '';
command.stdout.on('data', function (data) {
result += data.toString();
command.on('exit', function () {
execQuery = function (cmd) {
var result = {
errnum: 0,
error: 'No errors.',
body: ''
run(cmd, function (message) {
result.body = message;
return result;
After execution execQuery('ls') result.body is always empty, but console.log is contain value.
I ran a quick test and the command's exit event is firing before all of stdouts data is drained. I at least got the output captured and printed if I changed your exit handler to look for command.stdout's end event.
command.stdout.on('end', function () {
That should help a bit. Note there are existing libraries you might want to use for this and a truly correct implementation would be significantly more involved than what you have, but my change should address your current roadblock problem.
Random tip: it is the node convention to always reserve the first argument of callback functions for an error and your snippet is inconsistent with that convention. You probably should adjust to match the convention.
Oh sorry, let me address your question about result.body. The run function is ASYNCHRONOUS! That means that your return result; line of code executes BEFORE the run callback body where result.body = message; is. You can't use return values like that anywhere in node when you have I/O involved. You have to use a callback.
