How to use a yield expression in python - python-3.x

I'am trying to use yield expression in python to print the number: 0,2,4 .... with the code but I keep getting as print : <generator object some_f at 0x000000000252D240>
the code is:
fn= lambda n: 2*n
def Make_iterator(fn):
def some_f():
yield fn(i)
return some_f
iterator = Make_iterator(fn)
for i in range(4):

I think this is more what you are looking for.
fn = lambda n: 2*n
def Make_iterator(fn):
def my_iter():
while i<10:
yield fn(i)
return my_iter()
for i in Make_iterator():
You don't need the extra function wrapper and you need to make sure you iterate over your iterator, rather than just calling it a bunch of times.


Within a loop, what's the difference between calling a function that yields vs storing it in a variable?

For example, if I have:
def yield_range(x):
for i in range(x):
yield i
for x in yield_range(10):
yr_result = yield_range(10)
for x in yr_result:
I understand that yield returns a generator and generators evaluate lazily. Is there a difference between the above two?

Is the diction get() function implemented in micropython?

I was wondering if the diction get() function is implemented in micropython, or is there a way to use a dictionary to access multiple functions
#Below takes input from command line
Input_actual = sys.argv[2]
def fxn1(X):
X **2
def fxn2(X):
def fxn3(X):
outcomes = {input1: fxn1, input2: fxn2}
Executor= outcomes.get(Input_actual, fxn3)

Recursive function with kwargs

I want a function that takes in kwargs to recursively. How can I pass the kwargs on?
example of the code:
def recursion(a, b, **kwargs):
if a == 1:
print(a + b)
elif a == 2:
print(a + b + kwargs['name']
a = a/2
recursion(what to put in here?)
def re(a, b, **kwargs):
print(a + b, kwargs['name'])
if a == 0:
re(5,1,name='Hello World!')
This will give you the following output
6 Hello World!
5 Hello World!
4 Hello World!
3 Hello World!
2 Hello World!
1 Hello World!
Having been faced with a similar problem recently, I've come up with the following:
from functools import wraps
from inspect import currentframe
def recursive_kwargs(fun):
''' Persist keyword arguments through recursive calls '''
def wrapper(*args,**kwargs):
caller_name = currentframe().f_back.f_code.co_name
if caller_name is fun.__name__:
else: # Top of the recursive stack
fun.__kwargs__ = kwargs
return wrapper
You can then just decorate your function and presto, it ought to work by itself without passing any kwargs along:
def fib(n, codename='spam', password='eggs'):
print(codename, password)
if n == 1:
return 1
return fib(n-1) # Don't pass any kwargs
Now fib(3) returns spam eggs (3 times), and fib(3,codename='Vikings') does indeed return Vikings eggs (3 times).
This is lovely and convenient, but SLOW, both due to the #wraps and the currentframe lookup. Here are some timeit results:
fib: [3.69, 3.24, 2.82, 2.57, 2.56] us # As defined above
fib2: [1.45, 1.14, 1.15, 1.08, 1.08] us # With just the #wraps (but doing nothing)
fib3: [0.58, 0.66, 0.68, 0.54, 0.48] us # Just passing the kwargs along manually
TLDR: #Harish's answer is probably the way to do this unless you don't care about efficiency. For example if you are dealing with a shallow (constant depth, even) recursion stack where the bottleneck is the body of the function itself, not the recursion (aka definitely not the example I've used here).
Also; don't use recursion without memoisation for calculating Fibonacci numbers (see e.g. here for more information)

Most "pythonic" way of populating a nested indexed list from a flat list

I have a situation where I am generating a number of template nested lists with n organised elements where each number in the template corresponds to the index from a flat list of n values:
S =[[[2,4],[0,3]], [[1,5],[6,7]],[[10,9],[8,11],[13,12]]]
For each of these templates, the values inside them correspond to the index value from a flat list like so:
A = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n"]
to get;
B = [[["c","e"],["a","d"]], [["b","f"],["g","h"]],[["k","j"],["i","l"],["n","m"]]]
How can I populate the structure S with the values from list A to get B, considering that:
- the values of list A can change in value but not in a number
- the template can have any depth of nested structure of but will only use an index from A once as the example shown above.
I did this with the very ugly append unflatten function below that works if the depth of the template is not more then 3 levels. Is there a better way of accomplishing it using generators, yield so it works for any arbitrary depth of template.
Another solution I thought but couldn't implement is to set the template as a string with generated variables and then assigning the variables with new values using eval()
def unflatten(item, template):
# works up to 3 levels of nested lists
tree = []
for el in template:
if isinstance(el, collections.Iterable) and not isinstance(el, str):
for j, el2 in enumerate(el):
if isinstance(el2, collections.Iterable) and not isinstance(el2, str):
for k, el3 in enumerate(el2):
if isinstance(el3, collections.Iterable) and not isinstance(el3, str):
return tree
I need a better solution that can be employed to accomplish this when doing the above recursively and for n = 100's of organised elements.
The timing function I am using is this one:
def timethis(func):
Decorator that reports the execution time.
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
start = time.time()
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
end = time.time()
print(func.__name__, end-start)
return result
return wrapper
and I am wrapping the function suggested by #DocDrivin inside another to call it with a one-liner. Below it is my ugly append function.
def unflatten(A, S):
for i in range(100000):
# making sure that you don't modify S
rebuilt_list = copy.deepcopy(S)
# create the mapping dict
adict = {key: val for key, val in enumerate(A)}
# the recursive worker function
def worker(alist):
for idx, entry in enumerate(alist):
if isinstance(entry, list):
# might be a good idea to catch key errors here
alist[idx] = adict[entry]
#build list
return rebuilt_list
def unflatten2(A, S):
for i in range (100000):
#up to level 3
temp_tree = []
for i, el in enumerate(S):
if isinstance(el, collections.Iterable) and not isinstance(el, str):
for j, el2 in enumerate(el):
if isinstance(el2, collections.Iterable) and not isinstance(el2, str):
for k, el3 in enumerate(el2):
if isinstance(el3, collections.Iterable) and not isinstance(el3, str):
return temp_tree
The recursive method is much better syntax, however, it is considerably slower then using the append method.
You can do this by using recursion:
import copy
S =[[[2,4],[0,3]], [[1,5],[6,7]],[[10,9],[8,11],[13,12]]]
A = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n"]
# making sure that you don't modify S
B = copy.deepcopy(S)
# create the mapping dict
adict = {key: val for key, val in enumerate(A)}
# the recursive worker function
def worker(alist):
for idx, entry in enumerate(alist):
if isinstance(entry, list):
# might be a good idea to catch key errors here
alist[idx] = adict[entry]
This yields the following output for B:
[[['c', 'e'], ['a', 'd']], [['b', 'f'], ['g', 'h']], [['k', 'j'], ['i', 'l'], ['n', 'm']]]
I did not check if the list entry can actually be mapped with the dict, so you might want to add a check (marked the spot in the code).
Small edit: just saw that your desired output (probably) has a typo. Index 3 maps to "d", not to "c". You might want to edit that.
Big edit: To prove that my proposal is not as catastrophic as it seems at a first glance, I decided to include some code to test its runtime. Check this out:
import timeit
setup1 = '''
import copy
S =[[[2,4],[0,3]], [[1,5],[6,7]],[[10,9],[8,11],[13,12]]]
A = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n"]
adict = {key: val for key, val in enumerate(A)}
# the recursive worker function
def worker(olist):
alist = copy.deepcopy(olist)
for idx, entry in enumerate(alist):
if isinstance(entry, list):
alist[idx] = adict[entry]
return alist
code1 = '''
setup2 = '''
import collections
S =[[[2,4],[0,3]], [[1,5],[6,7]],[[10,9],[8,11],[13,12]]]
A = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n"]
def unflatten2(A, S):
#up to level 3
temp_tree = []
for i, el in enumerate(S):
if isinstance(el, collections.Iterable) and not isinstance(el, str):
for j, el2 in enumerate(el):
if isinstance(el2, collections.Iterable) and not isinstance(el2, str):
for k, el3 in enumerate(el2):
if isinstance(el3, collections.Iterable) and not isinstance(el3, str):
return temp_tree
code2 = '''
unflatten2(A, S)
print(f'Recursive func: { [i/10000 for i in timeit.repeat(setup = setup1, stmt = code1, repeat = 3, number = 10000)] }')
print(f'Original func: { [i/10000 for i in timeit.repeat(setup = setup2, stmt = code2, repeat = 3, number = 10000)] }')
I am using the timeit module to do my tests. When running this snippet, you will get an output similar to this:
Recursive func: [8.74395573977381e-05, 7.868373290111777e-05, 7.9051584698027e-05]
Original func: [3.548609419958666e-05, 3.537480780214537e-05, 3.501355930056888e-05]
These are the average times of 10000 iterations, and I decided to run it 3 times to show the fluctuation. As you can see, my function in this particular case is 2.22 to 2.50 times slower than the original, but still acceptable. The slowdown is probably due to using deepcopy.
Your test has some flaws, e.g. you redefine the mapping dict at every iteration. You wouldn't do that normally, instead you would give it as a param to the function after defining it once.
You can use generators with recursion
A = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n"]
S = [[[2,4],[0,3]], [[1,5],[6,7]],[[10,9],[8,11],[13,12]]]
A = {k: v for k, v in enumerate(A)}
def worker(alist):
for e in alist:
if isinstance(e, list):
yield list(worker(e))
yield A[e]
def do(alist):
return list(worker(alist))
This is also a recursive approach, just avoiding individual item assignment and letting list do the work by reading the values "hot off the CPU" from your generator. If you want, you can Try it online!-- setup1 and setup2 copied from #DocDriven 's answer (but I recommend you don't exaggerate with the numbers, do it locally if you want to play around).
Here are example time numbers:
My result: [0.11194685893133283, 0.11086182110011578, 0.11299032904207706]
result1: [1.0810202199500054, 1.046933784848079, 0.9381260159425437]
result2: [0.23467918601818383, 0.236218704842031, 0.22498539905063808]

Showing that function for IF statement does not work the same way as IF statement

This is a question for a homework problem that I cant figure out:
Question Beginning
Q3. Let's try to write a function that does the same thing as an if statement:
def if_function(condition, true_result, false_result):
"""Return true_result if condition is a true value, and false_result otherwise."""
if condition:
return true_result
return false_result
This function actually doesn't do the same thing as an if statement in all cases. To prove this fact, write functions c, t, and f such that one of these functions returns the number 1, but the other does not:
def with_if_statement():
if c():
return t()
return f()
def with_if_function():
return if_function(c(), t(), f())
Question End
Heres what I figured out:
with_if_statement() does not evaluate f() if c() is true, but with_if_function() evaluates all 3 before checking if c() is true or not.
So, I thought of assigning a global variable in c(), and changing its value in f()
heres my code (which does not work):
def c():
global x
except NameError:
if x==1:
return True
return False
def t():
if x==1:
return (1)
return (0)
def f():
global x
if x==1:
return (1)
return (0)
can anyone help me figure out the answer? Thanks..!
The global statement shouldn't throw a NameError (and so you won't run x=1 in c()). I would try rewriting your code without using exceptions, they won't be necessary to solve this and are making it more complicated than it needs to be. Using a global variable and having side effects in your functions is certainly the right track.
def if_function(condition, true_result, false_result):
"""Return true_result if condition is a true value, and
false_result otherwise.
>>> if_function(True, 2, 3)
>>> if_function(False, 2, 3)
>>> if_function(3==2, 3+2, 3-2)
>>> if_function(3>2, 3+2, 3-2)
if condition:
return true_result
return false_result
def with_if_statement():
>>> with_if_statement()
if c():
return t()
return f()
def with_if_function():
return if_function(c(), t(), f())
The question requires that, write 3 functions: c, t and f such that with_if_statement returns 1 and with_if_function does not return 1 (and it can do anything else)
At the beginning, the problem seems to be ridiculous since, logically, with_if_statement and with_if_function are same. However, if we see these two functions from an interpreter view, they are different.
The function with_if_function uses a call expression, which guarantees that all of its operand subexpressions will be evaluated before if_function is applied to the resulting arguments. Therefore, even if c returns False, the function t will be called. By contrast, with_if_statement will never call t if c returns False (This paragraph from the UCB website).
def c():
return True
def t():
return 1
def f():
'1'.sort() # anything breaks the program is OK
