<Spring Batch> Why does making ItemReader thread-safe leads us to loosing restartability? - multithreading

I have a multi-threaded batch job reading from a DB and I am concerned about different threads re-reading records as ItemReader is not thread safe in Spring batch. I went through SpringBatch FAQ section which states that
You can synchronize the read() method (e.g. by wrapping it in a delegator that does the synchronization). Remember that you will lose restartability, so best practice is to mark the step as not restartable and to be safe (and efficient) you can also set saveState=false on the reader.
I want to know why will I loose re-startability in this case? What has restartability got to do with synchronizing my read operations? It can always try again,right?
Also, will this piece of code be enough for synchronizing the reader?
public SynchronizedItemReader<T> implements ItemReader<T> {
private final ItemReader<T> delegate;
public SynchronizedItemReader(ItemReader<T> delegate) {
this.delegate = delegate;
public synchronized T read () {
return delegate.read();

When using an ItemReader with multithreads, the lack of restartability is not about the read itself. It's about saving the state of the reader which occurs in the update method. The issue is that there needs to be coordination between the calls to read() - the method providing the data and update() - the method persisting the state. When you use multiple threads, the internal state of the reader (and therefore the update() call) may or may not reflect the work that has been done. Take for example the FlatFileItemReader using a chunk size of 5 and running on multiple threads. You could have thread1 having read 5 items (time to update), yet thread 2 could have read an additional 3. This means that the call to update would save that 8 items have been read. If the chunk on thread 2 fails, the state would due incorrect and the restart would miss the three items that were already read.
This is not to say that it is impossible to write a thread safe ItemReader. However, as your example above illustrates, if delegate is a stateful ItemReader (implements ItemStream as well), the state will not be persisted correctly with calls to update (in fact, your example above doesn't even take the ItemStream aspect of stageful readers into account).

If you want make restartable your job, with parallel execution of items, you can save item, that reader read plus state of this item by yourself.


Effects of swapping buffers on concurrent access

Consider an application with two threads, Producer and Consumer.
Both threads are running approximately equally frequent, multiple times in a second.
Both threads access the same memory region, where Producer writes to the memory, and Consumer reads the current chunk of data and does something with it, without invalidating the data.
A classical approach is this one:
int[] sharedData;
//Called frequently by thread Producer
void WriteValues(int[] data)
Array.Copy(data, sharedData, LENGTH);
//Called frequently by thread Consumer
void WriteValues()
int[] data;
Array.Copy(sharedData, data, LENGTH);
If we assume that the Array.Copy takes time, this code would run slow, since Producer always has to wait for Consumer during copying and vice versa.
An approach to this problem would be to create two buffers, one which is accessed by the Consumer, and one which is written to by the Producer, and swap the buffers, as soon as writing has finished.
int[] frontBuffer;
int[] backBuffer;
//Called frequently by thread Producer
void WriteValues(int[] data)
Array.Copy(data, backBuffer, LENGTH);
int[] temp = frontBuffer;
frontBuffer = backBuffer;
backBuffer = temp;
//Called frequently by thread Consumer
void WriteValues()
int[] data;
int[] currentFrontBuffer = frontBuffer;
Array.Copy(currentFrontBuffer , data, LENGTH);
DoSomething(currentForntBuffer );
Now, my questions:
Is locking, as shown in the 2nd example, safe? Or does the change of references introduce problems?
Will the code in the 2nd example execute faster than the code in the 1st example?
Are there any better methods to efficiently solve the problem described above?
Could there be a way to solve this problem without locks? (Even if I think it is impossible)
Note: this is no classical producer/consumer problem: It is possible for Consumer to read the values multiple times before Producer writes it again - the old data stays valid until Producer writes new data.
Is locking, as shown in the 2nd example, safe? Or does the change of references introduce problems?
As far as I can tell, because reference assignment is atomic, this may be safe but not ideal. Because the WriteValues() method reads from frontBuffer without a lock or memory barrier forcing a cache refresh, there no guarantee that the variable will ever be updated with new values from main memory. There is then a potential to continuously read the stale, cached values of that instance from the local register or CPU cache. I'm unsure of whether the compiler/JIT might infer a cache refresh anyway based on the local variable, maybe somebody with more specific knowledge can speak to this area.
Even if the values aren't stale, you may also run into more contention than you would like. For example...
Thread A calls WriteValues()
Thread A takes a lock on the instance in frontBuffer and starts copying.
Thread B calls WriteValues(int[])
Thread B writes its data, moves the currently locked frontBuffer instance into backBuffer.
Thread B calls WriteValues(int[])
Thread B waits on the lock for backBuffer because Thread A still has it.
Will the code in the 2nd example execute faster than the code in the 1st example?
I suggest that you profile it and find out. X being faster than Y only matters if Y is too slow for your particular needs, and you are the only one who knows what those are.
Are there any better methods to efficiently solve the problem described above?
Yes. If you are using .Net 4 and above, there is a BlockingCollection type in System.Collections.Concurrent that models the Producer/Consumer pattern well. If you consistently read more than you write, or have multiple readers to very few writers, you may also want to consider the ReaderWriterLockSlim class. As a general rule of thumb, you should do as little within a lock as you can, which will also help to alleviate your time issue.
Could there be a way to solve this problem without locks? (Even if I think it is impossible)
You might be able to, but I wouldn't suggest trying that unless you are extremely familiar with multi-threading, cache coherency, and potential compiler/JIT optimizations. Locking will most likely be fine for your situation and it will be much easier for you (and others reading your code) to reason about and maintain.

Golang: Best way to read from a hashmap w/ mutex

This is a continuation from here: Golang: Shared communication in async http server
Assuming I have a hashmap w/ locking:
//create async hashmap for inter request communication
type state struct {
*sync.Mutex // inherits locking methods
AsyncResponses map[string]string // map ids to values
var State = &state{&sync.Mutex{}, map[string]string{}}
Functions that write to this will place a lock. My question is, what is the best / fastest way to have another function check for a value without blocking writes to the hashmap? I'd like to know the instant a value is present on it.
MyVal = State.AsyncResponses[MyId]
Reading a shared map without blocking writers is the very definition of a data race. Actually, semantically it is a data race even when the writers will be blocked during the read! Because as soon as you finish reading the value and unblock the writers - the value may not exists in the map anymore.
Anyway, it's not very likely that proper syncing would be a bottleneck in many programs. A non-blocking lock af a {RW,}Mutex is probably in the order of < 20 nsecs even on middle powered CPUS. I suggest to postpone optimization not only after making the program correct, but also after measuring where the major part of time is being spent.

Best NHibernate multithreading pattern?

As we know, NHibernate sessions are not thread safe. But we have a code path split in several long running threads, all using objects loaded in the initial thread.
using (var session = factory.OpenSession())
var parent = session.Get<T>(parentId);
DoSthWithParent(session, parent);
foreach (var child in parent.children)
parallelThreadMethodLongRunning.BeginInvoke(session, child);
//[Thread #1] DoSthWithChild(child #1) -> SaveOrUpdate(child #1) + Flush()
//[Thread #2] DoSthWithChild(child #2) -> SaveOrUpdate(child #2) + Flush()
//[Thread #3] DoSthWithChild(child #3) -> SaveOrUpdate(child #3) + Flush()
// -> etc... changes to be persisted immediately, not all at the end.
One way would be a session for each thread, but that would require the parent object to be reloaded in each. Plus, the final method is also doing changes on the children and would run in a StaleObjectException if another session changed it meanwhile, or had to be evicted/reloaded.
So all threads have to use the same session. What is the best way to do this?
Use save queue in initial thread (thread safe implementation), which is polled in a loop (instead of EndInvoke()) from the main thread. Child threads can insert NHibernate objects to be saved by the main thread.
Use some callback mechanism to save/flush objects in main thread. Is there something similar possible to UI thread callback in WPF, Control.Invoke() or BackgroundWorker?
Put Save/Flush accesses into lock(session) blocks? Maybe dangerous, because modifying the NHibernate objects might change the session, even if not doing a Save()/Flush().
Or should I live with the database overhead to load the same objects for separate sessions in each thread, evict and reload them in the main thread and then do changes again? [edit: bad "solution" due to object concurrency/risk of stale objects]
Consider also that the application has a business logic layer above NHibernate, which has similar objects, but sends it's property values to the NHibernate objects on it's own Save() command, only then modifying them and doing NHibernate Save()/Flush() immediately.
It's important that any read operation on NHibernate objects may change the session - lazy loading, chilren collection change under certain conditions. So it is really better to have a business object layer on top, which synchronizes all access to NHibernate objects. Considering the database operations take only a minimum time of the threads (mainly occasional status settings), and most is for calculations, watching, web service access and similar, the performance loss by data layer synchronization is negligible.
Firstly, if I understand correctly, different threads may be updating the same objects. In that case, nHibernate or not, you're performing several updates on the same objects concurrently, which may lead to unexpected results.
You may want to tweak your design a bit to ensure that an object can be only updated by (at most) a single thread.
Now, assuming your flow may include having the same threads reading the same data (but writing different data), I'd suggest using different sessions- one per thread, and utilizing 2nd level cache;
2nd level cache is kept at the SessionFactory (rather than in the Session) level, and is therefore shared by all session instances.
The session object is not thread safe, you can't use it over different threads. The SaveOrUpdate in your sepperate threads will most likely crash your program or corrupt your database. However what about creating the data set you want to update and do the SaveOrUpdate actions in your main thread (were your session is created)?
You should observe the following practices when creating NHibernate
Sessions: • Never create more than one concurrent ISession or
ITransaction instance per database connection.
• Be extremely careful when creating more than one ISession per
database per transaction. The ISession itself keeps track of updates
made to loaded objects, so a different ISession might see stale data.
• The ISession is not threadsafe! Never access the same ISession in
two concurrent threads. An ISession is usually only a single

What does threadsafe mean?

Recently I tried to Access a textbox from a thread (other than the UI thread) and an exception was thrown. It said something about the "code not being thread safe" and so I ended up writing a delegate (sample from MSDN helped) and calling it instead.
But even so I didn't quite understand why all the extra code was necessary.
Will I run into any serious problems if I check
Controls.CheckForIllegalCrossThread..blah =true
Eric Lippert has a nice blog post entitled What is this thing you call "thread safe"? about the definition of thread safety as found of Wikipedia.
3 important things extracted from the links :
“A piece of code is thread-safe if it functions correctly during
simultaneous execution by multiple threads.”
“In particular, it must satisfy the need for multiple threads to
access the same shared data, …”
“…and the need for a shared piece of data to be accessed by only one
thread at any given time.”
Definitely worth a read!
In the simplest of terms threadsafe means that it is safe to be accessed from multiple threads. When you are using multiple threads in a program and they are each attempting to access a common data structure or location in memory several bad things can happen. So, you add some extra code to prevent those bad things. For example, if two people were writing the same document at the same time, the second person to save will overwrite the work of the first person. To make it thread safe then, you have to force person 2 to wait for person 1 to complete their task before allowing person 2 to edit the document.
Wikipedia has an article on Thread Safety.
This definitions page (you have to skip an ad - sorry) defines it thus:
In computer programming, thread-safe describes a program portion or routine that can be called from multiple programming threads without unwanted interaction between the threads.
A thread is an execution path of a program. A single threaded program will only have one thread and so this problem doesn't arise. Virtually all GUI programs have multiple execution paths and hence threads - there are at least two, one for processing the display of the GUI and handing user input, and at least one other for actually performing the operations of the program.
This is done so that the UI is still responsive while the program is working by offloading any long running process to any non-UI threads. These threads may be created once and exist for the lifetime of the program, or just get created when needed and destroyed when they've finished.
As these threads will often need to perform common actions - disk i/o, outputting results to the screen etc. - these parts of the code will need to be written in such a way that they can handle being called from multiple threads, often at the same time. This will involve things like:
Working on copies of data
Adding locks around the critical code
Opening files in the appropriate mode - so if reading, don't open the file for write as well.
Coping with not having access to resources because they're locked by other threads/processes.
Simply, thread-safe means that a method or class instance can be used by multiple threads at the same time without any problems occurring.
Consider the following method:
private int myInt = 0;
public int AddOne()
int tmp = myInt;
tmp = tmp + 1;
myInt = tmp;
return tmp;
Now thread A and thread B both would like to execute AddOne(). but A starts first and reads the value of myInt (0) into tmp. Now for some reason, the scheduler decides to halt thread A and defer execution to thread B. Thread B now also reads the value of myInt (still 0) into it's own variable tmp. Thread B finishes the entire method so in the end myInt = 1. And 1 is returned. Now it's Thread A's turn again. Thread A continues. And adds 1 to tmp (tmp was 0 for thread A). And then saves this value in myInt. myInt is again 1.
So in this case the method AddOne() was called two times, but because the method was not implemented in a thread-safe way the value of myInt is not 2, as expected, but 1 because the second thread read the variable myInt before the first thread finished updating it.
Creating thread-safe methods is very hard in non-trivial cases. And there are quite a few techniques. In Java you can mark a method as synchronized, this means that only one thread can execute that method at a given time. The other threads wait in line. This makes a method thread-safe, but if there is a lot of work to be done in a method, then this wastes a lot of space. Another technique is to 'mark only a small part of a method as synchronized' by creating a lock or semaphore, and locking this small part (usually called the critical section). There are even some methods that are implemented as lock-less thread-safe, which means that they are built in such a way that multiple threads can race through them at the same time without ever causing problems, this can be the case when a method only executes one atomic call. Atomic calls are calls that can't be interrupted and can only be done by one thread at a time.
In real world example for the layman is
Let's suppose you have a bank account with the internet and mobile banking and your account have only $10.
You performed transfer balance to another account using mobile banking, and the meantime, you did online shopping using the same bank account.
If this bank account is not threadsafe, then the bank allows you to perform two transactions at the same time and then the bank will become bankrupt.
Threadsafe means that an object's state doesn't change if simultaneously multiple threads try to access the object.
You can get more explanation from the book "Java Concurrency in Practice":
A class is thread‐safe if it behaves correctly when accessed from multiple threads, regardless of the scheduling or interleaving of the execution of those threads by the runtime environment, and with no additional synchronization or other coordination on the part of the calling code.
A module is thread-safe if it guarantees it can maintain its invariants in the face of multi-threaded and concurrence use.
Here, a module can be a data-structure, class, object, method/procedure or function. Basically scoped piece of code and related data.
The guarantee can potentially be limited to certain environments such as a specific CPU architecture, but must hold for those environments. If there is no explicit delimitation of environments, then it is usually taken to imply that it holds for all environments that the code can be compiled and executed.
Thread-unsafe modules may function correctly under mutli-threaded and concurrent use, but this is often more down to luck and coincidence, than careful design. Even if some module does not break for you under, it may break when moved to other environments.
Multi-threading bugs are often hard to debug. Some of them only happen occasionally, while others manifest aggressively - this too, can be environment specific. They can manifest as subtly wrong results, or deadlocks. They can mess up data-structures in unpredictable ways, and cause other seemingly impossible bugs to appear in other remote parts of the code. It can be very application specific, so it is hard to give a general description.
Thread safety: A thread safe program protects it's data from memory consistency errors. In a highly multi-threaded program, a thread safe program does not cause any side effects with multiple read/write operations from multiple threads on same objects. Different threads can share and modify object data without consistency errors.
You can achieve thread safety by using advanced concurrency API. This documentation page provides good programming constructs to achieve thread safety.
Lock Objects support locking idioms that simplify many concurrent applications.
Executors define a high-level API for launching and managing threads. Executor implementations provided by java.util.concurrent provide thread pool management suitable for large-scale applications.
Concurrent Collections make it easier to manage large collections of data, and can greatly reduce the need for synchronization.
Atomic Variables have features that minimize synchronization and help avoid memory consistency errors.
ThreadLocalRandom (in JDK 7) provides efficient generation of pseudorandom numbers from multiple threads.
Refer to java.util.concurrent and java.util.concurrent.atomic packages too for other programming constructs.
Producing Thread-safe code is all about managing access to shared mutable states. When mutable states are published or shared between threads, they need to be synchronized to avoid bugs like race conditions and memory consistency errors.
I recently wrote a blog about thread safety. You can read it for more information.
You are clearly working in a WinForms environment. WinForms controls exhibit thread affinity, which means that the thread in which they are created is the only thread that can be used to access and update them. That is why you will find examples on MSDN and elsewhere demonstrating how to marshall the call back onto the main thread.
Normal WinForms practice is to have a single thread that is dedicated to all your UI work.
I find the concept of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reentrancy_%28computing%29 to be what I usually think of as unsafe threading which is when a method has and relies on a side effect such as a global variable.
For example I have seen code that formatted floating point numbers to string, if two of these are run in different threads the global value of decimalSeparator can be permanently changed to '.'
//built in global set to locale specific value (here a comma)
decimalSeparator = ','
function FormatDot(value : real):
//save the current decimal character
temp = decimalSeparator
//set the global value to be
decimalSeparator = '.'
//format() uses decimalSeparator behind the scenes
result = format(value)
//Put the original value back
decimalSeparator = temp
To understand thread safety, read below sections:
4.3.1. Example: Vehicle Tracker Using Delegation
As a more substantial example of delegation, let's construct a version of the vehicle tracker that delegates to a thread-safe class. We store the locations in a Map, so we start with a thread-safe Map implementation, ConcurrentHashMap. We also store the location using an immutable Point class instead of MutablePoint, shown in Listing 4.6.
Listing 4.6. Immutable Point class used by DelegatingVehicleTracker.
class Point{
public final int x, y;
public Point() {
this.x=0; this.y=0;
public Point(int x, int y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
Point is thread-safe because it is immutable. Immutable values can be freely shared and published, so we no longer need to copy the locations when returning them.
DelegatingVehicleTracker in Listing 4.7 does not use any explicit synchronization; all access to state is managed by ConcurrentHashMap, and all the keys and values of the Map are immutable.
Listing 4.7. Delegating Thread Safety to a ConcurrentHashMap.
public class DelegatingVehicleTracker {
private final ConcurrentMap<String, Point> locations;
private final Map<String, Point> unmodifiableMap;
public DelegatingVehicleTracker(Map<String, Point> points) {
this.locations = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Point>(points);
this.unmodifiableMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(locations);
public Map<String, Point> getLocations(){
return this.unmodifiableMap; // User cannot update point(x,y) as Point is immutable
public Point getLocation(String id) {
return locations.get(id);
public void setLocation(String id, int x, int y) {
if(locations.replace(id, new Point(x, y)) == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid vehicle name: " + id);
If we had used the original MutablePoint class instead of Point, we would be breaking encapsulation by letting getLocations publish a reference to mutable state that is not thread-safe. Notice that we've changed the behavior of the vehicle tracker class slightly; while the monitor version returned a snapshot of the locations, the delegating version returns an unmodifiable but “live” view of the vehicle locations. This means that if thread A calls getLocations and thread B later modifies the location of some of the points, those changes are reflected in the Map returned to thread A.
4.3.2. Independent State Variables
We can also delegate thread safety to more than one underlying state variable as long as those underlying state variables are independent, meaning that the composite class does not impose any invariants involving the multiple state variables.
VisualComponent in Listing 4.9 is a graphical component that allows clients to register listeners for mouse and keystroke events. It maintains a list of registered listeners of each type, so that when an event occurs the appropriate listeners can be invoked. But there is no relationship between the set of mouse listeners and key listeners; the two are independent, and therefore VisualComponent can delegate its thread safety obligations to two underlying thread-safe lists.
Listing 4.9. Delegating Thread Safety to Multiple Underlying State Variables.
public class VisualComponent {
private final List<KeyListener> keyListeners
= new CopyOnWriteArrayList<KeyListener>();
private final List<MouseListener> mouseListeners
= new CopyOnWriteArrayList<MouseListener>();
public void addKeyListener(KeyListener listener) {
public void addMouseListener(MouseListener listener) {
public void removeKeyListener(KeyListener listener) {
public void removeMouseListener(MouseListener listener) {
VisualComponent uses a CopyOnWriteArrayList to store each listener list; this is a thread-safe List implementation particularly suited for managing listener lists (see Section 5.2.3). Each List is thread-safe, and because there are no constraints coupling the state of one to the state of the other, VisualComponent can delegate its thread safety responsibilities to the underlying mouseListeners and keyListeners objects.
4.3.3. When Delegation Fails
Most composite classes are not as simple as VisualComponent: they have invariants that relate their component state variables. NumberRange in Listing 4.10 uses two AtomicIntegers to manage its state, but imposes an additional constraint—that the first number be less than or equal to the second.
Listing 4.10. Number Range Class that does Not Sufficiently Protect Its Invariants. Don't do this.
public class NumberRange {
// INVARIANT: lower <= upper
private final AtomicInteger lower = new AtomicInteger(0);
private final AtomicInteger upper = new AtomicInteger(0);
public void setLower(int i) {
//Warning - unsafe check-then-act
if(i > upper.get()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Can't set lower to " + i + " > upper ");
public void setUpper(int i) {
//Warning - unsafe check-then-act
if(i < lower.get()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Can't set upper to " + i + " < lower ");
public boolean isInRange(int i){
return (i >= lower.get() && i <= upper.get());
NumberRange is not thread-safe; it does not preserve the invariant that constrains lower and upper. The setLower and setUpper methods attempt to respect this invariant, but do so poorly. Both setLower and setUpper are check-then-act sequences, but they do not use sufficient locking to make them atomic. If the number range holds (0, 10), and one thread calls setLower(5) while another thread calls setUpper(4), with some unlucky timing both will pass the checks in the setters and both modifications will be applied. The result is that the range now holds (5, 4)—an invalid state. So while the underlying AtomicIntegers are thread-safe, the composite class is not. Because the underlying state variables lower and upper are not independent, NumberRange cannot simply delegate thread safety to its thread-safe state variables.
NumberRange could be made thread-safe by using locking to maintain its invariants, such as guarding lower and upper with a common lock. It must also avoid publishing lower and upper to prevent clients from subverting its invariants.
If a class has compound actions, as NumberRange does, delegation alone is again not a suitable approach for thread safety. In these cases, the class must provide its own locking to ensure that compound actions are atomic, unless the entire compound action can also be delegated to the underlying state variables.
If a class is composed of multiple independent thread-safe state variables and has no operations that have any invalid state transitions, then it can delegate thread safety to the underlying state variables.

Design Pattern for multithreaded observers

In a digital signal acquisition system, often data is pushed into an observer in the system by one thread.
example from Wikipedia/Observer_pattern:
foreach (IObserver observer in observers)
When e.g. a user action from e.g. a GUI-thread requires the data to stop flowing, you want to break the subject-observer connection, and even dispose of the observer alltogether.
One may argue: you should just stop the data source, and wait for a sentinel value to dispose of the connection. But that would incur more latency in the system.
Of course, if the data pumping thread has just asked for the address of the observer, it might find it's sending a message to a destroyed object.
Has someone created an 'official' Design Pattern countering this situation? Shouldn't they?
If you want to have the data source to always be on the safe side of concurrency, you should have at least one pointer that is always safe for him to use.
So the Observer object should have a lifetime that isn't ended before that of the data source.
This can be done by only adding Observers, but never removing them.
You could have each observer not do the core implementation itself, but have it delegate this task to an ObserverImpl object.
You lock access to this impl object. This is no big deal, it just means the GUI unsubscriber would be blocked for a little while in case the observer is busy using the ObserverImpl object. If GUI responsiveness would be an issue, you can use some kind of concurrent job-queue mechanism with an unsubscription job pushed onto it. ( like PostMessage in Windows )
When unsubscribing, you just substitute the core implementation for a dummy implementation. Again this operation should grab the lock. This would indeed introduce some waiting for the data source, but since it's just a [ lock - pointer swap - unlock ] you could say that this is fast enough for real-time applications.
If you want to avoid stacking Observer objects that just contain a dummy, you have to do some kind of bookkeeping, but this could boil down to something trivial like an object holding a pointer to the Observer object he needs from the list.
Optimization :
If you also keep the implementations ( the real one + the dummy ) alive as long as the Observer itself, you can do this without an actual lock, and use something like InterlockedExchangePointer to swap the pointers.
Worst case scenario : delegating call is going on while pointer is swapped --> no big deal all objects stay alive and delegating can continue. Next delegating call will be to new implementation object. ( Barring any new swaps of course )
You could send a message to all observers informing them the data source is terminating and let the observers remove themselves from the list.
In response to the comment, the implementation of the subject-observer pattern should allow for dynamic addition / removal of observers. In C#, the event system is a subject/observer pattern where observers are added using event += observer and removed using event -= observer.
