Compare last modification dates of local and remove files - linux

I can get a last modification date of the remote file using
curl --head http://url 2>/dev/null | grep -Po '(?<=^Last-Modified:\s).*$'
This gets me date/time such as
Wed, 04 Sep 2013 19:53:18 GMT
For local file I can use
find /path/file -exec stat \{} --printf="%y\n" \;
and it gets me date/time such as
2012-01-09 09:50:30.000000000 -0500
How can I compare this dat/time with last modification date of the local file? Please note that time zone may be different for remote and local file.

You can actually use date -d to parse the string, as #fedorqui says. Try running the below commands:
$ date -d "$(<your curl command grepped>)" +%s #+%s gets you timestamp.
$ date -d "$(<your find command>)" +%s
To actually compare, you can subtract the timestamps, something like:
$ echo $(( $(date -d "$(<curl cmd>)" +%s) - $(date -d "$(<find cmd>)" +%s) ))


LC_TIME="en_GB.utf8" not more working since March

On German Linux-system I run script to grep information by date from English document.
LC_TIME="en_GB.utf8" grep -a "\[$(date -d "yesterday" +%b\ %d)" file.log
Since March script don't grep information anymore. Before it worked fine over months.
Manual I see the problem, that not "Mar" but German "Mär" is in search string:
LC_TIME="en_GB.utf8" echo $(date -d "yesterday" +%b\ %d)
Mär 27
Following LC_TIME="en_GB.utf8" is not more working correct.
What can I do?
You are changing LC_TIME for grep and for echo not for date.
echo $(LC_TIME="en_GB.utf8" date -d "yesterday" +%b\ %d)
grep -a "[$(LC_TIME="en_GB.utf8" date -d "yesterday" +%b\ %d)"

Linux Script to remove lines that match dates

I have a log file that includes lines that are formatted like the following below. I am trying to create a script in Linux that will remove the lines older then x days from the current date.
Wed Jan 26 10:44:35 2022 : Auth: (72448) Login incorrect (mschap: MS-CHAP2-Response is incorrect): [martin.zeus] (from client CoreNetwork port 0 via TLS tunnel)
Wed Jan 16 10:45:32 2022 : Auth: (72482) Login OK: [george.kye] (from client CoreNetwork port 5 cli CA-93-F0-6C-7E-77)
I think you should take a look at logrotate and Kibana & Elastic search to parse and filter the logs.
Nevertheless, I made a simple script that prints only the entries from the day that you pass as an argument until the current date,
E.g. This will print only the logs since the last 5 days. bash log.txt 5
#!/usr/bin/env bash
epoch_days=$(date -d "now -${days} days" +%s)
while read line; do
epoch_log=$(date --date="$(echo $line | cut -d':' -f1,2,3)" +%s)
if [ ${epoch_log} -ge ${epoch_days} ]; then
echo ${line}
done < ${file}

How to convert the date in a http header to an accepted input date for the linux command

I am currently grabbing the date from an http header using this command:
wget --no-cache -S -O /dev/null 2>&1 | sed -n -e 's/ *Date: *//p' -eT -eq
It's output is: Thu, 26 Oct 2017 20:19:57 GMT
I then need to convert this output to an accepted input that the BusyBox date command will accept, i.e.:
date --set="YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS"

Print the path of a file a day before and a day after in Shell script

I am having a shell script like below
TIMESTAMP=`date "+%Y-%m-%d"`
echo filePath=$path
In this script I want to print the path of the failed logs for that particular timestamp.
Now I am able to get the echo to print the path.
How do I print a day before and day after the timestamp? Is it possible to do that?
How Can I do that in a single line of code? Can we do that?
To get tomorrow's data, you can do:
date -d '+1 day' "+%Y-%m-%d"
To get yesterday's data, you can do:
date -d '-1 day' "+%Y-%m-%d"
To use it in script:
nextDate=$(date -d '+1 day' "+%Y-%m-%d")
prevDate=$(date -d '-1 day' "+%Y-%m-%d")

Offset of a given timezone from GMT in linux shell script

Is there a way to get the offset of a given timezone (identifier like EDT or America/New_York) from GMT in linux shell script?
Export your TZ environment variable and print date with %z for timezone offset.
export TZ=":Pacific/Auckland"
date +%z
This is a roundabout way to do it but it works (loosely based on this):
TIME=$(date +%s --utc -d "12:00:00 $ZONE")
UTC_TIME=$(date +%s --utc -d "12:00:00")
echo - | awk -v SECS=$DIFF '{printf "%d",SECS/(60*60)}'
Save that as tzoffset, make it executable, and run it like this:
tzoffset PST
This script in its current form only handles abbreviated timezones.
