Check document status DocuSign - docusignapi

How can I check if a document is signed with DocuSign API? Exists any API service that lets me know the document status?
I tried to obtain all objects in "completed" folder but the response doesn't contains documentId and I can't know which of documents is each of the objects

DocuSign tracks Recipient status and Envelope status (but not Document status). In other words:
If Envelope status = Completed, you can safely assume that each
Recipient in the envelope workflow supplied all information that the
Sender marked as Required.
If Recipient status = Completed, you can safely assume that the
Recipient supplied all information that the Sender marked as Required
for him/her.
You have several options for determining the status of a Recipient or an Envelope:
Use the DocuSign REST API ( If you're wanting to query for the status of a single envelope-- the operation is: GET https://{{env}}{{version}}/accounts/{{acctId}}/envelopes/{{envId}}
Use the DocuSign SOAP API (
Use DocuSign Connect, such that Connect will notify your "listener" application about Envelope and/or Recipient statuses that you specify. See here
Finally, when querying for Envelope status using either the REST API or SOAP API, keep in mind the polling limitations that DocuSign imposes on the request status operations. These limitations are described in the API Best Practices guide


DocuSign Envelope Fields - status_changed_date_time and last_modified_date_time - Webhooks Response

We are using the DocuSign SDK (version 3.3.0) and utilizing webhooks to receive the various envelope and recipient events.
In the envelope, I need to retrieve the fields (status_changed_date_time and last_modified_date_time) in the XML message from the DocuSign Connect. But I identified that those fields are not being sent in the XML message.
Is there any way to include those above mentioned fields in the XML message from DocuSign connect?
The XML notification body is what it is. If it doesn't include the data your application needs, then make additional API calls to DocuSign to obtain the data you want. Doing so is a common pattern.
Note: It is important that you respond to DocuSign with a 200 status right away--all your processing should be done asynchronously on a different thread. Don't delay your 200 response.

How to determine the docusign recipient action taken on document

I am using Remote Signing with the DocuSign api, but I want to know how to determine what action the recipient took (i.e. they signed, declined to sign, viewed, etc). How do I do this?
You want the status of the envelopes you sent?
Best technique is to create a webhook and have DocuSign call your server when the envelope's status changes.
You can create DocuSign notification message subscriptions at either the account level or at the individual envelope level.
See this blog entry for more info. Ask additional questions on StackOverflow if you have any difficulties.

ListStatusChanges to get status based on the individual recipients

We have multiple recipients per envelope and the signing order is set. Can we get the envelope based on the status of individual recipients?. I don't see anything that we can do to achieve this through ListStatusChangesOptions. I know that we can achieve this by listRecipients but this did not give us an option to set parameters to limit the data, like ListStatusChangesOptions.
I want to reduce the API call limit, if there is an option to directly limit the data sent from DocuSign based on the status of the individual recipients.
Eg: Get all the Envelopes whose recipient1 status is completed.
Instead of getting more than required envelopes through listStatusChanges and limiting them by using listRecipients
No, there is no API call to fetch envelope details based on recipient status. Instead I would propose to use DocuSign Connect. It has trigger event of Recipient Signed, so once recipient has signed you will get a message from DocuSign with envelope details like envelopeId, which recipient Signed it etc, and this will save a lot of your API calls and DocuSign Connect is the recommended way from DocuSign instead of doing polling. You can learn more about DS Connect here,

How can we check docusign email status check and Notification?

Once any document is sent for signature, we can see that document status like in process, completed. Also email notification is coming to document sender mail. Are these features exposed by docusign rest API?
Yes, absolutely. The status updates are delivered to your program via a "webhook" -- you register a url with DocuSign and then DocuSign calls your app when a change occurs.
You can create a webhook subscription at the account level or for individual envelopes.
See the docs. Recipes are also available at the DocuSign Developer Center.
You can also determine the current status of your signing requests (your envelopes) by polling the DocuSign platform. However, this is actively discouraged, and in any case, you can't poll more than once per 15 minutes for a given envelope. The docs discuss this as well.

Can I get the url for managing an envelope from the Docusign API?

I'm able to create an envelope with the API which returns the envelopeId which looks like:
When I navigate to docusign in my browser and open the envelope the url is:
I don't see what that "ad05458248c54654a16a54195bf72ffe" id is. I've tried every envelope API in the documentation (many don't make sense, but I tried them anyways):
But that id isn't anywhere.
Is there a way to retrieve that URL id? and/or is there another way I can get the url for the envelope?
The ID that appears as part of any URL when you're using the DocuSign web console is an internal ID -- you cannot use it with the API in any way. The Envelope ID value that DocuSign returns in response to the "Create Envelope" API request is the ID that you'll want to use with any API request that requires an Envelope ID.
It's not exactly clear to me what you mean by "[url for] managing an envelope" -- but I'd suggest you explore the following operations in the DocuSign REST API Guide:
Post Envelope Correction (page 146)
Modify or Correct and Resend Recipient Information (page 137)
Post Sender View (page 149)
(I'd guess that "Post Envelope Correction" is likely what you're after.)
