Aptana Search Project Ignoring Certain File Extensions - search

I've tried search for this but have been unable to find anything on this. Basically, I'd like to be able to search the project that I'm working on but only search files with certain file extensions. Currently it searches everything and this adds time to the search that will never return results for what I'm looking for. Is there a way to do this or am I just out of luck?

Does your search dialog not look like this?
Ctrl + H or Search > Search will bring up this dialog which allows you to put in a file name pattern to limit your search... what are you doing?


How to search a string in files partially matching "name"

I'm looking for a class which is defined in a Koin module file somewhere in my project. The filenames of all those Koin modules are "*Module.kt".
I could do cmd+shift+F to search for "TheClass" everywhere, but that gives me too many results and I don't want to go through all of them manually. I'd like to only search in files with the above mentioned filename pattern.
Another thing I could do is to use alt+F7 or cmd+B on the TheClass itself to see its usages, but again that leads to too many results.
Is there a way (using Android Studio) to search smarter for this?
I found out that when using "Find in Path" with cmd+shift+F you can put more in the file mask than just "*.kt". I've changed the file mask to "*Module.kt" and got the desired result.

is it possible to find which page and/or line number a given text was found using full text search and filestream?

I just started using the filestream and full text search technologies available on Microsoft Sql Server, I can index and search txt and pdf files, however, when I get the results I can't see the text, nor which page and/or line number that text was found inside the pdf for example, is it possible to at least retrieve the text from the document when a search is made? I believe it's not possible to return a "region" of text but maybe something I can use to look for in the file afterwards?
I'm trying to figure out the advantages of doing a search like this if I can't see the text that was found.
After doing a lot of research I concluded it isn't possible to search for a given page on an indexed pdf, so I decided to use solr instead and index the information the way I need to search later

SublimeText3 - Find all files without a string?

I've looked around quite a bit for an answer to this, but I cannot seem to find what I need. Is it possible with SublimeText3 > Find in Files to do a search for all files that DO NOT include a string?
I've tried toggling the Regular Expressions button beside "Find:" and entering a value, but I'm not a regex pro, so I may be doing it wrong?
For example, I want to find all files in a designated folder that DO NOT have the following string:
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Search for all files in your directory in question (for anything, like a space or the letter e...assuming every file has a space or letter e!), and copy all those file-paths to a new file.
Search for all files with the word, and paste that path-list into a second file.
Sort both files, then compare them to see which lines--which paths--are missing from the has-the-word file. Those are the ones you want.
As far as a single find-in-files search, I don't see how you would do that in Sublime or any other basic text editor. Here is some more information:
Find files that does not contain a string
How to find all files that do NOT contain specific string in windows environment Visual Studio or any other IDE?
Good luck!

SublimeText 2 - find all occurences and save in file

I need to find all occurences of expression in all project files and saved into a separate file. (I need complete list of occurences).
It's possible? (If not, please advice made unpaid simple similar editor with this functionality).
You can accomplish this by using Find In Files. Then paste the output in a separate file and save.

Fuzzy file searching by directory?

I'm attempting to use RubyMine, but there's one feature that's consistently killing my productivity. I use this all the time in Sublime.
Say I have a hundred index.html.haml files strewn across my view folder. In Sublime Text 2, I can search for /app/views/orders/index.html.haml by hitting Cmd+t, typing "order index" and hitting enter.
But in RubyMine so far, you can't type order because directories aren't included in the search index. You can type "index.html.haml", but then I see all of the index views, and order is down around #80.
I also really prefer being able to type a portion of a file name, like the first letter of each matching file. Sublime Text 2 and PeepOpen allow you to do this easily; I'd love to have it in RubyMine.
TL:DR; Can you search for files by directories in RubyMine / IntelliJ?
I use the feature "Search in Everywhere" in RubyMine.
Here http://mrhaki.blogspot.ru/2014/02/search-for-anything-with-search.html description.
