Freeze particle effect in Sprite Kit iOS - sprite

Is there a way to freeze a particle node in Sprite Kit for iOS? Basically freeze each of the particles in the particle node exactly where they are.

To pause the particle node:
particle.paused = YES;

particle.paused = YES;
This is also useful in order to speed up performance when an emitter is offscreen and doesn't need to be emitting particles.


Slowly scaling Rect (pygame)

I am building a Star Fox like game. The player needs to control a ship in order to move trough gaps in the walls. Here are my problems:
I need to somehow detect collision with wall (if any)
How do I make the wall (Rect) slowly get bigger until it reaches a point?
Full code
If the solution can be done with classes, that would be great!
Here's the documentation for the pygame.Rect class:
To detect collision, the pygame.Rect class has methods to detect collision between Rects. There are a few there, so you could use collidelist() to check if the player's ship's Rect collides with any of the wall Rects.
The class also has two methods inflate() and inflate_ip which can be used to increase the size of any Rects.

SDL2 / Surface / Texture / Render

I'm trying to learn SDL2. The main difference (as I can see) between the old SDL and SDL2 is that old SDL had window represented by it's surface, all pictures were surfaces and all image operations and blits were surface to surface. In SDL2 we have surfaces and textures. If I got it right, surfaces are in RAM, and textures are in graphics memory. Is that right?
My goal is to make object-oriented wrapper for SDL2 because I had a similar thing for SDL. I want to have class window and class picture (has private texture and surface). Window will have it's contents represented by an instance of the picture class, and all blits will be picture to picture object blits. How to organize these picture operations:
Pixel manipulation should be on surface level?
If I want to copy part of one picture to another without rendering it, it should be on surface level?
Should I blit surface to texture only when I want to render it on the screen?
Is it better to render it all to one surface and then render it to the window texture or to render each picture to the window texture separately?
Generally, when should I use surface and when should I use texture?
Thank you for your time and all help and suggestions are welcome :)
First I need to clarify some misconceptions: The texture based rendering does not work as the old surface rendering did. While you can use SDL_Surfaces as source or destination, SDL_Textures are meant to be used as source for rendering and the complimentary SDL_Renderer is used as destination. Generally you will have to choose between the old rendering framework that is done entirely on CPU and the new one that goes for GPU, but mixing is possible.
So for you questions:
Textures do not provide direct access to pixels, so it is better to do on surfaces.
Depends. It does not hurt to copy on textures if it is not very often and you want to render it accelerated later.
When talking about textures you will always render to SDL_Renderer, and is always better to pre-load surfaces on textures.
As I explained in first paragraph, there is no window texture. You can either use entirely surface based rendering or entirely texture based rendering. If you really need both (if you want to have direct pixel access and accelerated rendering) is better do as you said: blit everything to one surface and then upload to a texture.
Lastly you should use textures whenever you can. The surface use is a exception, use it when you either have to use intensive pixel manipulation or have to deal with legacy code.

Sprite Collision with Rectangle

I'm developing a game in j2me. I have a sprite and a rectangle moving around. how to check the collision between the sprite and rectangle.. ?
LCDUI Sprite class has the collidesWith methods. You should use one of them.
There is a good sample at this other answer: J2ME 2D - collisions detecting

Artifacts in Managed DirectX 9 - any idea?

I have this artifacts when drawing meshes (box, cylinders) but also at intersections of trianglelists. Any idea?
Seems like your objects are positioned quite far from the camera, at distance about 900-1000, and that you have 16-bit Z-buffer. Try increasing nearplane, for example, set nearplane=100. Generally it is recommended to try to keep the farplane/nearplane ratio as low as possible, depending on your scene geometry.

SDL: FPS problems with simple bitmap

I am currently working on a game in SDL which has destructible terrain. At the moment the terrain is one large (5000*500, for testing) bitmap which is randomly generated.
Each frame the main surface is cleared and the terrain bitmap is blitted into it. The current resolution is 1200 * 700, so when I was testing 1200 * 500 pixels were visible at most of the points.
Now the problem is: The FPS are already dropping! I thought one simple bitmap shouldn't show any effect - but I am already falling down to ~24 FPS with this!
Why is blitting & drawing a bitmap of that size so slow?
Am I taking a false approach at destructible terrain?
How have games like Worms done this? The FPS seem really high although there's definitely a lot of pixels drawn in there
Whenever you initialize a surface, do it the following way:
SDL_Surface* mySurface;
SDL_Surface* tempSurface;
tempSurface = SDL_LoadIMG("./path/to/image/image.jpg_or_whatever");
/* SDL_LoadIMG() is correct name? Not sure now, I`m at work, so I can`t verify it. */
mySurface = SDL_DisplayFormat(tempSurface);
The SDL_DisplayFormat() method converts the pixel format of your surface to the format the video surface uses. If you don`t do it the way I described above, SDL does this each time the surface is blitted.
And always remember: just blit the necessary parts that really are visible to the player.
That`s my first guess, why you are having performance problems. Post your code or ask more specific questions, if you want more tipps. Good luck with your game.
If you redraw the whole screen at each frame your will always get a bad FPS. You have to redraw only part of the screen which have changed. You can also try to use SDL_HWSURFACE to use hardware but it won't work on every graphical card.
2d in SDL is pretty slow and there isn't much you can do to make it faster (on windows at least it uses GDI for drawing by default.) Your options are:
Go opengl and start using textured quads for sprites.
Try SFML. It provides a hardware accelerated 2d environment.
Use SDL 1.3 Get a source snapshot it is unstable and still under development but hardware accelerated 2d is supposed to be one of the main selling points.
