delete project in android Studio 0.3.4 - android-studio

i have some old projects in my android studio ide.
I never need them.
When I right click on a project I can't find an option for deletion, is it elsewhere?
how i can delete a project in android studio 0.3.4 ?

Open the .idea/modules.xml, and delete you module, then right click on you module, you can see Delete....

You have to mark the project folder as excluded, once you've done this, you'll see the 'delete' option.
This method is explained with more detail in this link, which seems to be the same you're looking for
How to delete a module in Android Studio


How to open an existing Flutter Project in Android Studio

I might sound noob here but I can't see a clear way of opening existing Flutter Project in Android Studio 3.1.2.
I checked this but it didn't work. So I want to know if there is a standard IDE way of doing this? I also can't find any docs clearly mentioning it. Do I need to install a 3rd party plugin?
After opening it as an Existing Android Studio Project, I get the following error:
The error is solved by running Get Dependencies. Is it a normal behavior?
Install Flutter plugin for Android studio:
Open Android Studio
Open existing Android Studio project by using one of below methods:
EASIEST WAY: Drag your project folder and drop to Android Studio.
Other ways:
What works for me was to open existing Android Studio project like mentioned above, and then go to menu
Tools -> Flutter -> Flutter Clean
Then configuration window will open and ask you to locate flutter sdk. After locating the sdk, click OK and then the flutter functions will be available (Pub buttons, runs menu). After that you can proceed to get the dependencies (pub get).
It's basically cleaning the project folder of previous setting(s) which might conflicting with the system (android studio). But that won't happen if you get the project from source repository because all of the junk files wont be in the project folder.
The quickest way on macOS is
open -a Android\ Studio android when you are in the root project directory.
Alternatively, if you use the jetbrains toolbox, you can enable "Shell Scripts" in its settings. This will create a binary in the folder of your choice, so you have to add this folder to your PATH. Then, you can use studio . inside the Android folder, or studio android in the flutter project. The benefit of this, is it also works with other Jetbrains products (e.g. charm project_dir or clion project_dir. Unfortunately this method glitches out (for pycharm at least).
Looks like Android Studio can't load Android Application module from Flutter project automatically. I also have same problem, so in my situation Gradle can't be found, because of lack of Android project.
There's important note from official site:
Important: Do not use the New > Project from existing sources option for Flutter projects
I suggest, same is for Open option.
Just Open your project as normal, and then in [Android Studio > Preferences > Languages&Frameworks > Flutter > Flutter SDK path] select the path where you downloaded & unpacked Flutter SDK.
I know it's already late, but you can open an existing Flutter project in Android Studio by following these steps (make sure you have already installed Flutter & Dart plugin and Flutter SDK):
Click Open from File menu in Android Studio,
Go to the path of the project,
Click Open from the dialog,
When the project opens in Android studio, it will show an error of packages and dependencies. So, click on Get Dependencies on the top. Android Studio will automatically add all the required dependencies and packages.
There is a simple way of doing this in android:
Just Open your project as normal, and on the top right corner, click on Flutter Attach option, and voila!
See Attached screen grab!
Usually you can open your Flutter project in Android Studio simply when you right click on the android folder > Flutter > Open Android module in Android Studio but sometimes this option could be disabled, check this answer to enable..

Null in API version Android Studio preview

I updated from Android Studio 2.3 to 3.0 and now none of the previews on the XML editors are shown.
I can see a null in the top bar in the API level selector and it does not give me any option to pick
Any possible solution for that?
I tried Invalidate cache and restart but it does not seem to help.
Just press "Sync Project with gradle" and enjoy :)
Sync icon is present in the toolbar
I resolve this isuue by Syncing Project with gradle files.
In android studio from top toolbar.
choose first File option and click option Sync Project with gradle files.
choose first File option and click option Sync Project with gradle files. work for me

Android Studio: Change inspection profile for one specific module in project

I have several modules in Android Studio project, and I would like to change inspections settings for one of these modules. More precise, I want to turn off all Android-related inspections in one module, but leave all general Java inspections in place.
I need this because I have a not Android-specific Java library module, and that module uses java.util.Properties, and it's load method was implemented in Android API level 9. Since that library is not Andoid stuff, I have not specified Android API level at all, and Studio warns me about that.
It offers adding Android annotation to ignore that inspection, but adding Android dependency to turn off Android warning seems bad.
I can edit the settings to shitch that warning off, but I don't want to turn API level warnings in the whole project.
As I found, in settings you can specify inspection setting either globally or for whole project, not for specific module.
Is there a way to change inspections settings for one module, or do some hack around?
I am using Android Studio 1.3.2.
The Studio should automatically understand that the Java module has nothing with Android, and stopped Android inspections (but they were not disabled, though): I went fix something in the code, rebuilt it several times, and when I returned to warning line, it was clean.
So, I don't actually know what's going on,
but I got some recomendations, that should help:
Sync your Gradle project, it will try to rebuild the project. Some dependencies and settings will only resolve after Gradle will do something internal.
If Gradle will fail, there might be errors in code that ruins interspections. Try to solve them.
If your project history is stored in VCS, try checkout the latest clear version and sync project again.
Check changes in .iml files manually. For some reason, Studio sometimes does weirds edits there, and if I rollback some of them, Studio works better.
Actually you can disable particular inspections being made by Android Studio. However this needs to be on all projects you have in Android Studio, and cannot be done in all modules you are currently developing.
To disable android inspections on your projects follow these steps:
Click on the File menu and Select Settings
Expand the Editor root node select Inspections
There you will have all the inspections which Android Studio checks when building a project (image below). You can expand the Android node and check what you wish to remove from your inspections.
Hope this helps :)

Android studio no main activity, no layouts on a new project

I installed new Android Studio. I created new Project and asked the wizard to create main activity. But there were no layouts, no main activity class, no nothing. Error on trying to make new Java class files. The new project tree looks like this:
No (main/java) folder.
No (res/layout) folder.
Other words project is useless.
From what i learned is that you may be picking the "no layout" option when prompted to pick one. Try picking the basic activity and the rest of the files will show
After creating the project, you need to go to File menu and then Import Project. Then browse to the location of your project and import it. Then you will see all of these files and folders. I had this problem too, and it seems to be something that they overlooked in the newer versions of Android Studio (which is quite pathetic if you ask me).
Empty Activity
Choose "Empty Activity" instead of "No Activity",
while creating a NEW PROJECT in Android Studio.
I don't know if anyone is having the same problem right now but i solved this issue by changing the Android Gradle plugin version and the Gradle version.
For doing this you have to open the project you're having issues with and click on
File->Project Structure->Project
and there you will see the two options.
Android Gradle Plugin Version 4.0.0 and Gradle version 6.1.1 worked for me. After that I went to the file directory, right click on the package folder "com.example.myProject" and manually created an empty activity. The layout folder with my new activity was created automatically after that.
I found it's because I changed the Java runtime version before through the Android Studio plugin Choose Runtime. I changed to JDK 8 from JDK 11 then the problem occured. It worked for me to change back to JDK 11 through plugin Choose Runtime.
Typing main activity (without quotes) in the search box and
Press enter.
For me it got restored. Search window is useful in finding many hidden tools quickly.
I created a new activity by right clicking on java then selected activity and the layout file was automatically written
When you open a new project, you can't select "empty project" you have to select and activity project. I just went through this had to delete my project and start a new one now everythings there.

Android Studio - How to Change Android SDK Path

When I open Android SDK Manager from Android Studio, the SDK Path displayed is:
I want to change this path. How do I do it?
From Android Studio 1.0.1
Go to
File -> project Structure into Project Structure
Left -> SDK Location
SDK location select Android SDK location (old version use Press +, add another sdk)
For projects default:
Close current Project (File->Close project)
You'll get a Welcome to Android Studio Dialog. In that:
Click on Configure -> Project Defaults -> Project Structure
Click on SDK Location in the left column
Put the path to the Android SDK in "Android SDK location" field.
(Example SDK location: C:\android-sdk; I have sub-folders like
add-ons, platforms etc under C:\android-sdk)
Click OK to save changes
Have fun!
Following steps were for older versions(<1.0) of Android Studio
In the middle column Click on Android SDK (with Android icon) OR click + on the top if you don't see an entry with Android icon.
Change SDK Home Path and select valid Target.
From the quick start window, choose Configure, then choose Project Defaults, and then choose Project Structure. Then on the left under Platform Settings choose SDKs. Then to the right of that choose the current android platform, mine was Android 4.2.2 Platform, and delete it using the red minus button at the top, then add a new android platform using the green plus button at the top and point it to your current SDK folder and that is it.
I Configured in this way
Welcome to Android Studio Screen
Click Configure Then
Project Defaults and then Project Structure
Android SDK and Selected the path to my current location of Android SDK
Changing the sdk location in Project Settings will solve the problem partially. When Android Studio is used to download a new SDK, it will place the new SDK in the internal SDK folder (inside Android Studio).
Existing android developers will already have a large sdks folder (hereinafter referred to as external SDK folder) containing all the SDKs downloaded before Android Studio came around.
For Mac/Linux users though there is a good way out. Soft links!
Exit Android Studio and perform the following steps:
cp -r <Android Studio>/sdk/ <external SDK folder>/
cd <Android Studio>/
mv <Android Studio>/sdk/ mv <Android Studio>/sdk.orig
ln -s <external SDK folder>/ sdk
And we're good to go. Launch SDK Manager after starting Android Studio, watch as it discovers all your existing SDKs like a charm :).
EUREKA I found it!
With the current Studio 1.3 each project has a file where you can edit the SDK!
Here's how you can change the android sdk path in Android studio:
Open your required android project in Android studio
Click on the main project folder and press F4
Now click on "SDKs" under Platform Settings (Left hand side of the dialog box)
You should now see a plus sign on the top, click it and choose "Android SDK"
Now you would be asked to choose the required SDK folder
Select the required build target(if necessary) and click "ok"
Now you should see the new entry in the list of SDKs
Click "Modules" under Project Settings
Select your project folder and in the Dropdown for "Module SDK", select the new SDK entry and click "apply"
Now click "OK" and your done.
Note: If changes do not take effect, restarting android studio should fix the problem.
Make your life easy with shortcut keys ctrl+shift+alt+S
by going to file->project structure:
it will open this window, where you can select your SDK
Try this way i try in Android Studio 2.0
Step 1: File->Settings
Step 2: Settings->SDK options
Step 3: Click Edit option in Sdk Location
Step 4: Show "SDK Components Setup"
Step 5: Click on Three "..." in "SDK Components Wizad"
Step 6: Select your new SDK Path
I noticed that the latest version of Android Studio doesn't seem to have the option "SDKs" path that's mentioned in many of the answers. I'm guessing that disappeared in one of the updates, somewhere down the line?
The way i solved this issue (osx) was:
Go to Project Settings (Cmd + ;)
In SDK Location make sure you're pointing to the correct SDK location (typically /Applications/Android then hit Apply
Most important step - hit "Sync Project with Gradle files"
I wasn't doing Step 3 and that was throwing me off. After a sync all your source r belong to us....
goto menu File->Project Strucurt or key Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S
and example
You can also create the environment variable (in Windows) ANDROID_HOME to the location of the Android SDK and Android Studio will use that.
Above answers are pretty correct, but some times Android Studio, does not like to refresh after SDK path change, a quick solution is to make some change in you Build file, and click on Sync. It will refresh you project.
Happy coding... :)
While first installation There are two situations either you have pre-installed Android SDK if you had used it in past or you have nothing at all, At a time of installation Installer always ask user how you want to configure SDK with your studio.
You can simply give a path here or browse folder where sdk is available in local system. If you already have SDK, Another option as shown in below picture at Left down corner there is a nice option for download SDK, by clicking it you can download SDK with latest release right from there,You can also use third option see in right down corner setup Android SDK for me by clicking it you can step by step set your sdk.
Although you can also set it up when Android shows you list of available projects, a starting prompt window shown below
That's pretty easy, and also sometime if you want to change your SDK you can always change it right in your Android Studio from
On windows system
File --> Project Structure and then you will see SDK Location Option and from there you can set it up by providing a path or by browse it.
Or if you are on MAC system then from Platform settings.
In Android Studio 2.2.3 I think you can change default SDK location for all projects from the top menu:
File -> Project Structure...
A window like below shows up:
in windows press ctrl+shift+alt+s which will open project properties where you can find first option named SDK Location click on it and there you can change SDK path, JDK path and NDK path also
This may not be what you want, but being an eclipse user I had the same problem having duplicate sdk folders which were eating all my ssd space. Currently you can only change sdk path inside android studio project wide which is annoying. What I did instead was I copied all the previous android sdk files that I was using with eclipse to /Android Studio/sdk/ and then just changed the sdk path inside eclipse.
Now both android studio and eclipse are happy.
Here is some ways, as far as I know now.
Android Studio 3.3.2 (testing is OK)
method: 1
just following steps of the official docs, as bellow link shows
method: 2
following steps of the screen shortcuts, as bellow shows
method: 3
following steps of the screen shortcut, as bellow shows
Tap --> file --> close current project.
You'll Android Studio home page
Click on Configure -> Project Defaults -> Project Structure
Click on SDK Location in the left column and copy the path.
Paste the path in My computer --> Right Click -> Properties -> click on Advanced system settings -> Environment variables and change the android home path.
click on 'OK' to save the session.
Add tools and platforms tools in path and save the changes.
Open command prompt[window+R] and type adb + enter.
In Android Studio you can set the general Android SDK path in the file: %Home%.AndroidStudio2.1\config\options\jdk.table.xml
Click on File menu.
Select Project Structure.
Edit the path in SDK Location text box.
From the next time Android Studio will use this location for all your projects.
N.B.: Avoid having spaces in the path as it may sometimes lead to issues.
This is how its done,in Android Studio for windows
For Android Studio 3.1.2:
Tools>> SDK Manager>> Edit "Android SDK Location" to new location
After that, Set environment variable $ANDROID_HOME to your new SDK location
I had the same problem, but with the sdk path pointing to a mounted drive. I found, that simply quit Android Studio, unmount the device and restart Android Studio made it ask for the sdk location, because it had none (Android Studio Beta 0.8.7).
Therefore I guess if you just quit Android Studio, delete \android-studio\sdk or move it somewhere else and start Android Studio again, it should ask for the sdk location aswell.
Though many of the above answers serve the purpose, there is one straight forward thing we can do in project itself.
In Eclipse, go to Window->Preferences, select "Android" from left side menu. On the right panel you will see "SDK Location". Provide the path here.
Good luck.
In Android studio 1.2.2 you can simply changes project based SDK,
Right click on Module and select Open module setting or press F12
Select SDK location from left hand side
Now you can change SDK location as well as JDK location from this page
When I ran into trouble with this on Android Studio 3.1.4 the solution was to go into the app dropdown on my project, then Edit Configurations > Defaults > JAR Application where there is a JRE box on the initial Configuration tab. Setting that to my JRE path solved the problem for me.
Simple Answer Work For Sure...
Step 1: Right Click On The Project>> Select Open Module Setting -->
Step 2: Select SDK Location From the Right Side below image
Step 3: Now browse the SDK location from your computer as show below...
Step 4: Click on OK.
I'm guessing from the responses that people aren't understanding your question... If I'm right in that you want to have ~\Desktop\github\ then changing the SDK location isn't what you're after.
From Android Studio 3.2.1:
From the new project dialog, choose
Configure -> Preferences -> Tools -> Terminal -> Start Directory
Put the folder you want as your project default in the field.
e.g. Mine is set to
since all my work is in
Just go to
(Main Menu) File > "Sync Project With Gradle Files"
click ok on the popup, it will change your sdk directory.
