Trim cells before comparison - excel

I am using a formula to sum a certain word from a filtered list on another sheet. I have the following formula and example of the data I am looking for:
So what this formula does is go to the 'Outage' sheet and read a filtered Column R and looks for rows that have the word "Birds" and sums the occurrence and finally outputs it to a cell.
The problem I am having is that the data in Column R can have extra spaces in between. So for example, "Birds" would be " Birds" or "[newline]Birds". I am getting the data from a HTML page so there can be extra spaces.
When Excel executes SUMPRODUCT, "[newline]Birds" does not equal "Birds" so it doesn't increment my count, which I need it to do. I have tried:
=SUMPRODUCT((SUBTOTAL(3,OFFSET('Data'!R1,1,0)))*(TRIM('Outage Data'!R:R)="Birds"))
But it is not working.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

TRIM will only remove whitespace at the start and end of the cell data. You need to use CLEAN to remove non-printable characters.
It may be that you need to use both if your data has newline and spaces.
Office Ref - CLEAN
So in theory the following should work for you:
=SUMPRODUCT((SUBTOTAL(3,OFFSET('Data'!R1,1,0)))*(TRIM(CLEAN('Outage Data'!R:R))="Birds"))


reformat excel text column to specific format

I have a column in my excel that includes authors name and it looks as follows:
My goal is to remove the dates + the last comma from all of these rows to make it something like this:
Is there a way I can do it in excel?
Based on your example, in which there are multiple commas in one cell, I would go with determining the position of the last comma first (in order to know where to slice the content of said cell). Then it's a matter of IF formula based on condition in which the last 4 characters in the cell are digits:
FYI: The "#" substitution is targeted at knowing exactly where the last comma occurs in the cell. Any other unique, not-appearing-in-the-string character would have done the same job.
I've tested the formula on below examples:

Excel: How to copy specific cell data (zip codes) into a new column

I have two columns of cells that have irregularly formatted addresses.
I need:
1) just the zip codes to be copied into a new column;
2) the rows that do not contain zip codes to be either highlighted or empty so that I can easily identify which ones are missing.
This seems like it would be simple to do, but I can't figure out how to have Excel just find all instances of 5 consecutive numbers. Currently they are formatted as text so that the zero's are displayed. Any help greatly appreciated.
Here's what it would be to start with:
Here's what it would look like when done (highlighting optional):
You don't have Regular Expression in normal Excel. You would have to go into VBA to do that. However, for your case, there's an easy pattern: notice how the zip code is after the last space, and it's always 5 digits long? The challenge then become finding the index of this last space and extract the 5 characters that follow it. It will be clearer if you split them into 2 formula
// C3 (index of last space character):
=FIND("|",SUBSTITUTE(B3," ","|",LEN(B3)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(B3," ",""))))
// D3, the 5 characters after that.
// Return an empty string if the address doesn't match the pattern
Another approach to what Zoff Dino wrote is to break it out a bit as shown below:
In cell C3 enter the formula you see in the formula bar
Drag that down the row set and over 1 column (so it runs for column B as well)
In column use this formula: =IF(AND(C3="",D3=""),"",IF(C3="",D3,C3)) and drag it down.
This will account for all possible situations you have shown and not error out on you (unless other patterns emerge).
You can then use conditional formatting to highlight the rows with no zip code as shown in the picture:

Excel VBA/Formula to search Column

I need to search a column for 5-9 digit ID's that follow the term ^v_cusip= and are separated by commas. From first glance it seemed that the ID's were followed by ^v_sort_order so I tried:
However, what follows ^v_cusip= varies. Is there another formula or a VBA code I can use to search the rows? I cannot repeatedly use MID/FIND as there are thousands of rows with numerous variations of what can follow ^v_cusip=.
This will show only the part between ^v_cusip= and the next ^ character.
You can further split the string by comma.
What does the rest of cell details look like? Is there only '=' sign in each row? If so, perhaps you could do a text to columns and use the '=' sign as the delimiter.
Once it's split should put the ID in a predictable column.

Remove Duplicates with or without sorting

I have a large column of texts (5 digit integers concatenated with two letters, like: 12345AB ) and values (up to 8 digit positive integers, like: 12345678) . The list is around 12,200 total and when I do remove duplicates, it reduces to 7015 total. If I sort the result and then do another remove duplicates, I am left with 6324 entries. On the other hand if I sort first and then do remove duplicates, I am left with 6324 entries.
Is this a common issue that when number and text are mixed up that removing duplicates works only after sorting.
I can upload my file if this is not a common issue and is a problem with my file. I'm guessing if the row starts with numbers (text) then the excel search algorithm only goes down the column till such a point that it stops seeing numbers (text) and we miss out on the duplicates that show up later?
I shudder at the thought that I've been using remove duplicates incorrectly all this while.
Please help. Thanks.
EDIT To Include the actual file I am working with:
Link here
seems like you want to ensure is that they're all the same type, no? an easy way to coerce a cell to be text is:
=A1 & ""
and a number is:
=A1 * 1
I was able to accomplish this by using the Text to Columns option.
Select column (B)
Select Text to Columns on the Data Tab
Select delimited click next
Click next as there are no delimiters
Under column data format select Text
Then remove duplicates
I ran into this issue with VLookup before as well it ensures proper formatting of all data in the column.

How to remove a single Leading space in the numeric column in Excel 2013

I really tried a LOT with in-built functions and also with google search but none of the ways doesn't worked out for expected result.
My exact problem is:
I've few numeric columns which i got from a website and copied directly into excel.
In those columns there is a SINGLE Leading space at the beginning of each number in the cell of the entire column. Example 523946.00. In this number there is a single space before the digit 5.
I tried a lot with TRIM and SUBSTITUTE in-built functions but nothing able to resolve my problem of removing spaces.
And also my expectation is when i select two or multiple cells in the same column(spaces removed) then automatically Excel should show or display the AVERAGE: <Average value> SUM: <total Sum> COUNT: <count value> at the below status bar or bottom ribbon.
Say, AVERAGE: 175.49 COUNT: 2 SUM: 350.98
This type of information is not showing at the bottom. Only i'm able to see COUNT: 2 alone....why?
I want in General Format only. No any special formats.
I'm using MS Excel 2013
You can actually just use find and replace.
Copy one of the trouble cells.
Select all the cells containing non break space, and select find and replace.
Paste the copied cell into the find bar, delete everything but the last character (asuming that is the non breaking space).
Leave the replace bar empty and press replace all.
This removes all non breaking spaces. :)
**Old Solution:**You can add nothing with paste special to the whole column where the spaces occur.
First copy an completely empty cell. (! remember this step)
Then select all cells in the column and right click and select paste special.
Then select "add" almost at the bottom (see picture) and press ok.
This will make excel reevaluate the values as if you had modified in and entered the value manually. Excel then correctly converts them to numbers. :)
First make sure you have the column Formatted as you would like. Make sure it is a number with 2 decimal places (or how ever many you need), then also make sure that there is no Indents (Maybe you think the Indent is a space?) And that you have it Aligned to the Left, Or where you want the Data To be. This alone should take care of your issue.
If that doesn't work here a list of possible solutions.
=Value(Trim(A1)) ' Removes all white space before and after the text in A1
=Value(Clean(A1)) 'Removes all non printable Charactersin A1
=Value(SUBSTITUTE(I3," ","")) 'Substitutes(Replaces) all instances of " "(Space) with ""(nothing)
'****Note: With Substitute you can also specify how many
' Substitutes(Replaces) to make of the value
=Value(SUBSTITUTE(I3," ","",1)) ' Same as above but with only remove the FIRST space
=Value(Trim(Clean(A1))) ' Removes all white space before and after the text
' after removing all Non-Printable Characters
=Value(Trim(Clean(Substitute(A1," ","")))) ' Removes all white space before and after the
'after removing all Non-Printable Characters
' And after replaceing all spaces with nothing
=Value(Right(A1, Len(A1)-1)) ' This takes the End of your text by the number of characters
' in the value Except the First (In your case should be the Space)
=Value(SUBSTITUTE(I6,CHAR(160),"")) 'To help with the non breaking spaces also.
If nothing works could you please share Why you would like to remove the space? As in what you are trying to do with the data? As maybe that will open more solutions
With Ole Henrik Skogstrøm's Suggestion added Value around the functions to get the result as a value.
It may be Excel is treating your cells as text data. Is the fun Green Triangle present?
This is a common problem in excel. Forcing numeric is easier than text. Just format a column as number or General and then put in the function value() into the cells.
Things can be cleaned up from there with Copy/Paste Special values and then remove the original column.
Using Excel 2007
brettdj answered this for me. This is what worked for me and it was SIMPLE!!
To remove the CHAR(160) directly without a workaround formula go to
Find & Replace
in the Find What hold ALT and type 0160 using the numeric keypad
then Leave Replace With as blank and select Replace All
In your case, since you always have a string of numbers, where you want to remove just the first character (a space), this formula should work:
The numbers can vary in length, important is only, that you want to remove just 1, (or 2, or 3 etc) characters. It will still work. {If you had 2 empty spaces in front, then you would use in the formula -2, if three -3, etc)
However, if you had always a different amount of blanks in your string of numbers, like I had, you could use this formula, which worked for me:
,assuming that the issue you are facing is code "160".
That you can find by typing: =code(A1), which in my case gave me the result "160". Therefore char(160) in the formula above.
