Linux Window Manager Forces Window Size/Location - linux

We're using Red Hat Linux 6.4, and our application is built using Qt. The application has multiple windows and we support a layout system where our users can save the application layout and restore it later. The application is cross-platform, and on Windows, everything is fine. On Linux, we're having problems restoring windows when a window spans multiple monitors. Our configuration uses a single virtual X display spanning all monitors, and the users can manually position and size windows across the monitors as desired.
What we've found is that the window manager is enforcing a policy on windows that are programmatically set and forcing them not to span across divide between two monitors. When we attempt to restore a saved layout containing a window that spanned monitors, the window manager reduces its size and repositions at as it sees fit. Basically, as long as the user makes the change by dragging and resizing the window, the window manager respects it, but an application that programmatically sets it gets overridden. I'm sure someone somewhere thought this was a reasonable restriction, but our customers disagree.
A developer here has spent days searching and experimented trying to find a way to work around this behavior programmatically, or better yet, tell the window manager to stop doing that. We're using the GNOME desktop and Qt 4.8.x.
Any ideas?
Thank you,
Doug McGrath


I want to make sure that windows that are not directly selected in Windows 10 are never TOP of ALL

I wonder if you have a Windows 10 setup or software.
While viewing a browser or another window, the window is forced to switch if one program installation is complete, or if one game is completely loaded.
Is there a way to set the window so that it never changes forcibly unless I choose it?
I can't find any solution.

Capture invisible (i.e.locked) virtual desktop

For test automation I'd like to capture a virtual desktop which is not visible. It is not even accessible, as a secure desktop is shown.
I know it is possible to hook into the composite manager ("dwm") to capture each and every window on that desktop. And I kmow it is possible to send events to windows on that desktop. (I know that because otherwise the test tools wouldn't work)
Before I start to re-implement the composite manager: Is it possible to get the DesktopWindow from dwm, and if so how Do I force dwm to do its job even if a secure desktop is shown?
If I have to bite the bullet and need to implemrnt compositing myself, what is the fastest way to order all windows bottom to tom and to render them to some image?
Does the win10 capture api work for invisible desktops?
To answer the last question: No, the new win10 capture API doesnt't help. For example the program
cannot capture a locked desktop nor can it capture sub windows.
The above is the elaborate version of:
with handle being the desktop window (doent work when locked) or some other window handle (works when locked, but misses the subwindows).
So the only option is to traverse all windows in z order from bottom to top.

multi monitor public information display (4 monitor / each with one chrome/firefox window)

I've 4 monitors connected to a pc running CentOS 7. Each physical monitor/display should show a website in full screen and auto refresh it every x seconds.
I've tried:
opening from bash and moving with xdotool -> how can I distinguish between the 4 chrome or firefox windows? If I don't do it and apply to the last active this might become unreliable with other programs open.
researched devilspie, seems it has the same problem (can't distinguish between multiple chrome/firefox windows)
using DISPLAY variable -> does only find one display 0.0 -> does not work with extended workspace, contacted developer
I've only a xrandr bash script to rearrange the displays when they become connected (three of four may be switched off to save power).
I would use a firefox/chrome add on for the auto refresh functionality.
Maybe someone can give me a hint how to reliably do this?
In addition to the "easy auto refresh" chrome plugin. I have another idea for you, why not use a chrome extension for handling the positioning.
It is of course, only for chrome(maybe thats fine for you).
Background: We had related difficulties. Internal webapp that opens multiple documents in windows, and need to be placed in other monitors.
The javascript does not support this, for security reasons and only a native extension can properly work with the tabs/windows objects.
Therefore, we have created an open source chrome extension for doing exactly that: flexible windows position across multi-monitor setups.
In your case you can define for each monitor a website-rule that the window would appear there.
The chrome extension is called "MultiWindow Positioner" and its complete free. You can get it at the chrome store here
The actual source code you find in github in the project chrome-multiwindow-positioner
Disclaimer: I am the maintainer of the open source (MIT) github project. If there any interesting idea, or comments feel free to share them here.

Change browser window size programmatically

I am developing a responsive website. For each and every change I made in javascript, css & html file, I need to test it in all possible screen size in portrait and landscape mode. Normally we used to test it in 3 to 5 different browser window size, and in portrait & landscape. I felt changing screensize and orientation again and again is a tedious job. So planned to write a tool, which will open multiple browser windows in a different screen size with the given url loaded in it. Any idea, or advice how to start this?
PS. If you are voting for deleting this question, please consider commenting with some suggestion how I can start, or is there any free tool available for this.
Thanks in advance.
There are number of great tools and services for helping test a website in just about every possible OS/browser/size these days. allows you to pull up your website on nearly every combination of OS/browser/size and use the site to see how elements and features perform. There are other many other services that do this.
Another option would be a browser extension/plugin like Chrome's Window Resizer. It allows you to quickly toggle between common (and custom) window sizes. This is the most manual of the three options here, and the only free option.
One final option is Adobe's Edge Inspect. This app allows you to connect several devices to your computer and simultaneously browse a site across each of the devices. It also allows you to remote inspection on each of the connected devices.
Tools like Selenium can drive browsers and resize them as needed. Depending on the language of your choice, google for something like: selenium resize browser (language of your choice)

How to create a simple desktop environment?

I want to know how to create a simple desktop environment, such as KDE, Gnome and LXDE, for Linux, or specifically, Ubuntu/Kubuntu, but I do not know how to begin and how complex it is.
I want to create a simple, efficient and lightweight desktop and to reproduce some good features from KDE, Gnome and Windows XP. I do not want to reinvent the wheel, I want to design the graphical interface and main dialogs.
I could use C++ with Qt, or maybe with X11 calls. A simple desktop like TWM would be the first step, then I could add taskbar, start menu, new features and play with new ideas.
I have installed icewm and I think it is what I need to begin. On the login screen, I can choose if I use KDE (desktop environment) or icewm (window manager). I do not understand what a window manager actually is.
I have downloaded icewm source code and I am confused. There are some concepts that I have to understand, such as, what happens after the login screen when the desktop is loaded, how a window works, etc.
Edit 2
I think I need a good tutorial. I have to understand how a Window Manager or Desktop Environment work. There are some concepts that I have to know.
This is no simple feat but by no means impossible.
Other people have done it, there are plenty of DE or WM out there so there is no reason that you, with patient, skill and lots coffee couldn't do something great.
Learn the difference between DE and WM.
Test different DE and WM, maybe one does exactly what you want it to do?
Make your own custom DE
Here is a guide to get you started creating your own custom DE
After doing all this you should be better equipped to figure out what you actually want to do.
Fork a project and get started.
These are all open source projects, so I suggest you grab one of the simpler window managers and rummage around in its source code. I should warn you, though: this kind of project is not for the faint-hearted, and the likelihood of your little toy project becoming a mainstream desktop is low, so don't go into this imagining it's going to be anything more than a learning exercise (and if it does become something more, you'll be pleasantly surprised).
Strategically, your best bet is to fork an existing WM, rather than trying to build a brand new one from scratch.
One final point: Qt is a windowing framework for C++ that sits on top of a window manager. It isn't a window manager, per se, like Gnome/TWM/etc. are. And, as #ptomato rightly points out, Gnome is actually a desktop environment that itself sits on top of a window manager, which is selectable, but defaults to Mutter.
I would use X calls and learn how to boot to a CLI (command line interface). Booting to a CLI allows you to switch between window managers / desktop environments. Then I would design a window manager. And finally finish off with a desktop environment.
It starts with frame buffers. These are how 80's graphics worked.
Then you have the X window system. This however doesn't show you multiple windows at once. Only one at a time.
A window manager is the program that controls where your windows go. This allows for multiple X windows to take up one screen.
A desktop environment then builds on that to add things like a task bar, start menu and desktop icons.
