How to redirect invitation received to certain folder in Lotus Notes? [closed] - lotus-notes

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Closed 9 years ago.
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In lotus notes, there is a option to add rule to a certain email but what I want is to redirect all invitations to single folder. Can you point out to the step-by-step procedure for this?
So far I'm stuck here:

In the QuickRule dialog there is just a subset of all possible options. Please goto Tools-Rules in the left Navigation pane. There you create a normal rule and have a lot more options. Check it out. There you will find a possibility to move invitations. (the form of Invitations ins "Notification")


Is it possible to see "hidden" documents without knowing they exist? [closed]

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Closed 11 months ago.
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is it possible to see all files that are theoretically viewable by a link but not linked on the main website?
For example:
Let's say the website has:
Is it possible to see the supersecretdocument.pdf know that the document exists without knowing that it's there?
If you're asking "Can I know a file exists without trying to GET (or HEAD) it?", the answer is "no."

How to view instagram profile picture in full-size? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I was able to view and download a person's full sized, high resolution profile picture on Instagram until even a few days ago. I usually remove the 's150x150' from the URL and it worked fine for me. But now when I try the same thing I get a error saying 'Invalid URL signature'. I don't know what's happened. Can someone find me a solution for this problem? Or an alternate method maybe?
replace "150x150" with 720x720 and remove /vp/ from the should work.
You can even set the prof. pic size to its high resolution that is '1080x1080'
replace "150x150" with 1080x1080 and remove /vp/ from the link.

Configure task cards on agile board in Youtrack to show more than 2 custom fields? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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How to configure cards in youtrack agile board to show more than 2 custom fields at the bottom line?
I want something like this:
It's not unfortunately possible at the moment.
As a workaround, you can switch to Edit issue mode on the board, by either double clicking the card or with F2 key.

When searching through emails in Gmail, how to always exclude hangouts (-in:chats) [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Every time I want to search through my email, it's slow as can be, because it's also searching through my hangouts history.. I receive hundreds of messages a day, and searching through mail has become quite the chore. Every time I'll have to append:
to the search terms. Is there any way for Gmail to stop searching through my hangouts, unless I specify it? in:chats?
Was struggling with similar problem. Then asked myself, the Search Function must be found in the Search box itself.
If you click in the search box, you will see an arrow on the right, click on it, and a small box appears.
"Don't include chats"
There you go !

instagram profile photo not saving / working? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I've uploaded a basic photo to use as my profile photo it is 180x180, I click "edit profile" I select the image from my iPhone, it show's the image in the circle view, I click "done", the profile is refreshed but then there is no profile image!
Do I have to do something else? I have tried logging in and out, and have also edited my profile information to make sure it is saving when clicking done.
Any help would be great
USE image in JPEG format, it'll work!!!
