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Closed 8 years ago.
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Hi I have questions about WebRTC.
I would like create one-to-many (1:N) connection with MCU server (because stream from source is too big (CPU,bandwidth...)), but I don't know how can I do that, exists some project for this? I found only EasyRTC, Licode etc. but I guess that is just for videoconferencing (many-to-many).
Thank you very much
Try WebRTC one-way broadcasting and one-to-many broadcasting experiments. Source codes are available as well.
In peer-to-peer scenario; max limit for peer connections per single chrome instance (tab/window) is 256.
Obviously, there will be huge bandwidth/CPU usage when number of peer connections increases.
A simple solution can be peer-to-server model (peer-to-media server-to-all other peers).
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Closed 8 years ago.
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Where is a good place to start with cyber security, not necessarily directly related to programming?
I'm looking to cover a wide range of issues:
Fire walls
Networking setup
SQL Injection
An then other things I don't know I don't know.
My current experience is some programming, some networking. I know to clean my user input before sending to a database, etc.
Where should I start? I'd like some print books to read, but other resources are also welcome.
As you're new to the topic and don't yet have specialised in a specific area of computer security, I highly recommend It offers a huge amount of free video based tutorials and other video material you can learn from. Especially you should go for the "Megaprimers" :)
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I need a Mailing System in my local network, and actually i don't prefer now to spend time on developing new one, can anybody suggest me a free JSF web mail application. Knowing that i am using a local James-3 IMAP server.
JavaMail API? It is part of Java EE.
See the JavaMail Third Party Products page.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am looking for DNS server software with statistics like all unqie IPs connected past 24hrs, top domain queries and etc...
Anyone know such software with free-license ?
This is not done through DNS. This is done with server logs. If you want big data there are plenty of tools, google it. google is even one of the answers.
Possible duplicate of:
Software to help in log analysis?
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Closed 8 years ago.
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Are there any pen-testing agencies that tests nodejs applications? And are there any good tools with wich you can do it yourself?
Regardless of what platform you choose a lot of the same vulnerabilities are found. I recommend the open source project skipfish or a service like Sitewatch. Skipfish doesn't have a JavaScript interpreter, so if you use client side js heavily then you should go with the open source Grendel-Scan.
Zaproxy, is a great tool for web application pentest
A bit late in the day, however specialise in app security scans like this.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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Do you guys know fine tutorials, sample codes for SSL socket programming with Jetty? I am going to implement some secured applications with Jetty.. :)
Have a look at the Jetty Ssl Socket Connector instead of the often use Socket Connector.
Its not that difficult. Just add the sslSocketConnector to your server (after configuring it) and after this your application should respond to https requests.