Using id-attribute in JSF 2 composite component with targets - jsf

I am trying to create a JSF 2.1 composite component for a button:
<html xmlns=""
<composite:attribute name="id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
<composite:attribute name="label" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
<composite:attribute name="action" method-signature="java.lang.String action()" targets="#{}" />
<a4j:commandLink id="#{}">
<span style="linkButton"><h:outputText value="#{cc.attrs.label}" /></span>
The problem I have with this code is that it gives the following exception when the page is rendered:
java.lang.ClassCastException: javax.faces.component.UINamingContainer cannot be cast to javax.faces.component.ActionSource2
at com.sun.faces.application.view.FaceletViewHandlingStrategy$MethodRetargetHandlerManager$ActionRegargetHandler.retarget(
at com.sun.faces.application.view.FaceletViewHandlingStrategy.retargetMethodExpressions(
at com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.jsf.CompositeComponentTagHandler.applyNextHandler(
at org.richfaces.view.facelets.html.BehaviorsAddingComponentHandlerWrapper.applyNextHandler(
at com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.jsf.ComponentTagHandlerDelegateImpl.apply(
When I replace the #{} in id and targets attribute with a defined String like myId then the component works as expected but this makes it not reusable in the same page and thus eliminates the wohle sense in creating a composite component in the first place.
Did I miss anything here?

In the JSF component tree, the #{} is already used by <cc:implementation> itself. You're not supposed to reuse any used component ID on another component. Your concrete functional requirement is unclear, the complaint "not reusable in the same page" makes really no sense as it works perfectly fine (have you actually tried it and investigated the produced HTML output?), so it's hard to understand what problem exactly you're facing. Perhaps you completely overlooked that composite components implicitly inherit from NamingContainer and already prepend their own id to those of children, like as <h:form>, <h:dataTable>, etc also do?
If your sole requirement is being able to reference the composite component from outside by ajax as in <f:ajax render="compositeId" />, then you need to wrap the body of <cc:implementation> in a plain vanilla HTML <span> or <div> as follows with the #{cc.clientId} instead:
<div id="#{cc.clientId}">
See also:
Rerendering composite component by ajax


composite attributes returns null in jsf custom components

I am implementing my custom component like below. Placed this file web-> resource folder
<composite:attribute name="width" default="300"/>
<composite:attribute name="height" default="400"/>
<h:inputText style="height: #{composite.attrs.height}px"></h:inputText>
<span> #{composite.attrs.height}</span>
but attrs.height return nothing.
Custom component is used like below
<my:mycustom height="40"></my:mycustom>
What i have done mistakes here. Anyone please help me to do this.
I have found the issue, used the namespaces as composite to get the attribute(#{composite.attrs.height})
But this is not correct it seems and used cc instead of composite and its returns correctly.
Little bit late I know but, I wanted to answer your question, because there's no valid answers here yet..
Even, you've found the null value reason, take this as answer an advice please..
What you've found: {cc.attrs.height} is right, you must reach the attributes via "cc" it does not change regarding the namespace, take it as a quick access keyword like "session", "request", etc.
Let me move on to my suggestion..
Your component definition has html and body tags. Which are generally not for component definitions. Because a component is a part of a page, it can be defined and used as below..
NOTE: You've put your file at the right place but I suggest making a folder "components" let's say in the resources folder. Then, it'll be available at any page via below namespace definition:
<ui:component xmlns=""
<!-- Your attributes goes here -->
<composite:attribute name="sampleAttributeName" default="#form"/>
<!-- Your implementation goes here -->

Component inside Composite referencing another component inside other component

I created a Composite Component to emulate the Primefaces's Column, which instead render to components, its renderize to (I also created other components to emulate Primefaces's PanelGrid and Row to use DIVs instead Table and TR). The code is the following:
<html xmlns=""
<cc:attribute name="id" type="java.lang.String" required="false"/>
<cc:attribute name="span" type="java.lang.Integer" required="false" default="1" />
<p:outputPanel id="#{}" layout="block"
<cc:insertChildren />
My problem happens when I use a outputLabel referrecing a component to an outside's component:
<ipem:column span="2">
<p:outputLabel value="#{msg['precadastro.titulo.nome_fantasia']}" for="fantasia"/>
<ipem:column span="10">
<p:inputText id="fantasia" size="80" maxlength="100"
value="#{preCadastroMB.preCadastro.nomeFantasia}" />
When I wrote this, I got the message Cannot find component with identifier "fantasia" referenced from "painelCadastro:j_idt80:j_idt82:j_idt84". I need remove the for attribute in outputLabel.
I found some questions here in StackOverflow which are near my doubt. For example, in How to make a grid of JSF composite component? we have an outputLabel in the parent page which references a component inside a composite. However, in my case, both label as inputText are inside its own composite. In How to create a composite component for a datatable column? the label and inputText are both in the same composite.
We don't have this problem Column's Primefaces. How do they manage this?
Rafael Afonso

Conditionally render element's attribute in a composite component

I have the following composite component:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ui:component xmlns=""
<composite:attribute required="true" name="field" />
<composite:attribute required="true" name="value" />
<composite:attribute required="false" name="size"/>
<div class="wrapper">
<h:inputText value="#{cc.attrs.value}"
<h:messages for="#{}" styleClass="errorMessage"/>
The problem is that when I'm using this component without setting its size attribute, it still gets rendered as size=0 in the html input element.
What I want is to render the nested h:inputText's attribute only if it has a valid value (eg. not empty). Alternatively, I'd like to expose all attributes of the nested element if they are not overridden explicitly.
How would it be possible?
You can use JSTL <c:if> to build the view conditionally and <f:attribute> to specify an attribute separately:
<h:inputText ...>
<c:if test="#{not empty cc.attrs.size}">
<f:attribute name="size" value="#{cc.attrs.size}" />
An alternative is to specify a default for the composite component attribute:
<cc:attribute name="size" required="false" default="10" />
Additional to BalusC's post:
You must use
type="int" in the cc:attribute-tag :
cc:attribute name="maxlength" type="int"
I believe there is an alternate method for accessing attributes. I've used this with JSF 2 when accessing an attribute named with a java reserved keyword.

param reference to bean not being passed into composite component

i'm having a bit of trouble with a composite component in JSF 2.1 vanilla (on glassfish 3.1). the simplified version of my problem is here:
[composite component]
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns=""
<!-- INTERFACE -->
<cc:attribute name="value" required="true"/>
<cc:attribute name="title" required="false" default=""/>
<cc:editableValueHolder name="inputTarget" targets="labeledInputField"/>
<p:inputText id="labeledInputField"
[implemented in]
<!-- thisPerson is passed in via ui:param to the facelet containing this code.
it works in other (non-composite) components on the page -->
<f:validator for="inputTarget" binding="#{thisPerson.usernameValidator}"/>
<f:converter for="inputTarget" converterId="#{whiteSpaceTrimConverter}"/>
the problem is, the "thisPerson.usernameValidator" is evaluating to NULL, which then causes the com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.jsf.ValidatorTagHandlerDelegateImpl to then skip to the code that attempts to load the validator by "validatorID" which is not set because we're trying to send in the validator by "binding". is there a way to get the composite to evaluate the ui:param value, or a workaround that does not require reworking the validator (it's a huge anti-pattern and i don't have time to reverse the damage right now). assume the validator HAS to come in via binding.
i know the composite works because in a different facelet, i have the validator binding against a concrete bean reference, rather than a "soft" reference, and it works like a champ.
Without knowing your exact JSF implementation, I am going to assume Mojarra, you may be running into the following known bug.
Regardless if this is your exact problem or not, you can try to disable partial state saving and see if this resolves your issue. If it does then that means that you are facing this issue, which apparently was (fixed?) in later versions of Mojarra.
Another possibility would be to simply use renderFacet instead of insertChildren and insert your validators in the form of a facet.

How to create a composite of existing components in JSF?

I'd like to know if it's possible to compose my own component (or call it Widget, Object).
I mean, instead of (for example) using h:panelGroup and a h:outputLabel inside it, make my own h:panelMarkzzz, as a composition of panelGroup and outputLabel.
Is it possible on JSF?
Yes, it's possible to create a composition of existing components like that.
Kickoff example:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns=""
<cc:attribute name="label" type="java.lang.String" required="true" />
<h:outputLabel value="#{cc.attrs.label}" />
<cc:insertChildren />
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns=""
<foo:group label="Label value">
<h:outputText value="This will appear after label inside the panelgroup" />
The /foo folder name is free to your taste and you can reference it in XML namespace as The XHTML filename is the tag name.
That said, composite components have performance implications and they should only be used when the functional requirement is not achievable using a simple include or tagfile. In your specific case, you'd better use a tagfile instead. A composite component is only worthy when you actually need it for the <cc:interface componentType="...">.
See also:
When to use <ui:include>, tag files, composite components and/or custom components?
Our composite component wiki page
JSF tag documentation
Java EE 7 tutorial - Composite components
Java EE 7 tutorial - Advanced composite components
Perhaps you mean Composite Components?
