C# WPF Navigate to FlowDocument in a Frame: Need to set ViewMode=Scroll - wpf-controls

When navigating to a FlowDocument in a Frame, the FlowDocumentReader defaults to ViewMode=Page. I need to get a reference to the FlowDocumentReader so that I can set the ViewMode property to Scroll.
I can get a reference to the FlowDocument object by casting the Frame's Content property to a FlowDocument, but I cannot find a reference to the FlowDocumentReader that is instantiated when I navigate to the document.
I understand that the user can easily click on the scroll view button in the FlowDocumentReader, but I should be able to do this programmatically.

I was barking up the wrong tree, literally! The answer to my question was that the FlowDocumentReader is part of the Visual tree. I had to go hunting for it. There are probably more elegant ways to do this, but this one worked:
static public void SetReaderModeToScroll(Visual myVisual)
for (int i = 0; i < VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(myVisual); i++)
// fetch the child
Visual childVisual = (Visual)VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(myVisual, i);
// attempt to cast it to a FlowDocumentReader
FlowDocumentReader reader = (FlowDocumentReader) childVisual;
// if we get this far, we've found the reader
reader.ViewingMode = FlowDocumentReaderViewingMode.Scroll;
// catch the exception if it doesn't work
catch (Exception e)
// Drill down another level and keep looking


Hololens2 Correct Usage of SpatialAnchors

I am trying to implement an Hololens 2 App using SpatialAnchors but it seems that I am not quite understanding the concept right. I am able to create, save and restore SpatialAnchors of the Windows.Perception.Spatial namespace, but whenever I restore them they are placed relative to the start position of the headset.
I use this snippet to create an anchor:
SpatialAnchor thisAnchor = SpatialAnchor.TryCreateRelativeTo(coord);
And this to get the relative SpatialCoordinateSystem (from this post)
public static bool UseSGIPSceneCoordinateSystem(out SpatialCoordinateSystem sGIPSceneCoordinateSystem)
// gain access to the scene object
SceneObserverAccessStatus accessStatus = Task.Run(RequestAccess).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
if (accessStatus == SceneObserverAccessStatus.Allowed)
Scene scene = Task.Run(GetSceneAsync).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
sGIPSceneCoordinateSystem = SpatialGraphInteropPreview.CreateCoordinateSystemForNode(scene.OriginSpatialGraphNodeId);
return true;
sGIPSceneCoordinateSystem = null;
return false;
I use this method to restore the SpatialAnchor I need:
public bool GetAnchor(string id, out SpatialAnchor anchor)
_anchors = _anchorStore.GetAllSavedAnchors();
foreach (var kvp in _anchors)
if(kvp.Key == id)
anchor = kvp.Value;
return true;
anchor = null;
return false;
And this to process the restored Anchor and get a place in the scene for it:
public void SomeOtherMethod(SpatialAnchor anchor)
SpatialCoordinateSystem showcaseCoordinateSystem = anchor.CoordinateSystem;
//get the reference SpatialCoordinateSystem
if (!UseSGIPSceneCoordinateSystem(out SpatialCoordinateSystem referenceCoordinateSystem))
_anchorMatrix = showcaseCoordinateSystem.TryGetTransformTo(referenceCoordinateSystem);
System.Numerics.Matrix4x4 _notNullMatrix = _anchorMatrix.Value;
Matrix4x4 unityAnchorMatrix = _notNullMatrix.ToUnity();
I think that I am using the wrong SpatialCoordinateSystem but canĀ“t find information on how to get a SpatialCoordinateSystem which the HoloLens2 generates for the physical spatial surrounding of the user that is persistent.
I am using:
Unity 2020.3.13f1
OpenXR Plugin 1.3.1
MRTK 2.7.3
MRTK-OpenXR 1.2.1
MRTK SceneUnderstanding 0.6.0
I am also confused of the amount of different SpatialAnchor-Systems, reference coordinatesystems and the documentation. Every post I find about SpatialAnchors seems to use a different approach. There seems to be SpatialAnchor-Systems for the Unity WLT, UnityEngine.VR.WSA with WorldManager, Azure Spatial Anchors,
UnityEngine.XR.WindowsMR.WindowsMREnvironment, etc.
And unless I havent overseen it, the microsoft documentation is not really clear about which one to use and how to use it right.
I would be really thankful if someone could bring some light into this issue.
I posted this question also on forum.unity.com

Unity Vuforia Google VR - Can't make onPointerEnter to GameObject change material for itself

I have two 3d buttons in my scene and when I gaze into any of the buttons it will invoke OnPointerEnter callback and saving the object the pointer gazed to.
Upon pressing Fire1 on the Gamepad I apply materials taken from Resources folder.
My problem started when I gazed into the second button, and pressing Fire1 button will awkwardly changed both buttons at the same time.
This is the script I attached to both of the buttons
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
using Vuforia;
using System.Collections;
public class TriggerMethods : MonoBehaviour, IPointerEnterHandler, IPointerExitHandler
Material _mat;
GameObject targetObject;
Renderer rend;
int i = 0;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1"))
public void OnPointerEnter(PointerEventData eventData)
targetObject = ExecuteEvents.GetEventHandler<IPointerEnterHandler>(eventData.pointerEnter);
public void OnPointerExit(PointerEventData eventData)
targetObject = null;
public void TukarMat()
Debug.Log("Value i = " + i);
if (i == 0)
else if (i == 1)
else if (i == 2)
i = 0;
void ApplyTexture(int i)
rend = targetObject.GetComponent<Renderer>();
rend.enabled = true;
switch (i)
case 0:
_mat = Resources.Load("Balut", typeof(Material)) as Material;
rend.sharedMaterial = _mat;
case 1:
_mat = Resources.Load("Khasiat", typeof(Material)) as Material;
rend.sharedMaterial = _mat;
case 2:
_mat = Resources.Load("Alma", typeof(Material)) as Material;
rend.sharedMaterial = _mat;
I sensed some logic error and tried making another class to only manage object the pointer gazed to but I was getting more confused.
Hope getting some helps
Thank you
TukarMat() is beeing called on both buttons when you press Fire1. If targetObject is really becoming null this should give an error on first button since it's trying to get component from a null object. Else, it'll change both as you said. Make sure OnPointerExit is beeing called.
Also, it seems you are changing the shared material.
The documentation suggests:
Modifying sharedMaterial will change the appearance of all objects using this material, and change material settings that are stored in the project too.
It is not recommended to modify materials returned by sharedMaterial. If you want to modify the material of a renderer use material instead.
So, try changing the material property instead of sharedMaterial since it'll change the material for that object only.

Event firing continuously

I wrote a method which changes backcolor of the rows before painting gridview in devexpress. It works fine but I realized that my code begins slowing down. Then I've found that the event firing continuously. It never stops. How can I handle this? Is there any way to stop firing event manually after gridview painted or should I try to solve this problem with an another event or another method???
Here is my event:
private void gvStep_CustomDrawCell(object sender, DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Base.RowCellCustomDrawEventArgs e)
DataRowView drw = (DataRowView)gvStep.GetRow(e.RowHandle);
byte actionTypeID = (byte)drw.Row["ActionType"];
//string colorCode = (new DivaDs()).GetBackColor(actionTypeID);
string colorCode = divaDs.GetBackColor(actionTypeID);
Color backColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(colorCode);
e.Appearance.BackColor = backColor;
catch (Exception ex)
public string GetBackColor(byte actionTypeID)
string color = string.Empty;
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[DivaSqlSiteConnString].ConnectionString))
using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(#"Select BackColor from ActionTypes where ID = #actionTypeID"))
SqlParameter param = new SqlParameter("#actionTypeID", actionTypeID);
cmd.Connection = conn;
color = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
return color;
My best guess is that some part of your code is just really slow.
The event only fires for each visible cell in the grid. If you attempt to debug the event, focus will shift to the debugger, and when you return to the application the cells need to be redrawn, causing the event to fire again, thus giving the impression that the event fires continuously. It does not, however.
Here are some pointers to improve performance:
You are constructing a new DivaDs every time the event fires
Instead, consider reusing the same instance of the class as a member variable
What happens in the constructor?
Take a closer look at the GetBackColor method or ColorTranslator.FromHtml and see if any modifications can be made to improve performance.
It appears you are querying the database for each cell in the grid. This is a really bad idea.
A simple solution would be to preload all ActionTypes and their background colors (or at least the subset of ActionTypes that is displayed in the grid) before setting the grid's data source.
// member variable
private Dictionary<byte, Color> actionTypeColorDict;
void BuildActionTypeColorDictionary()
string connectionString = ConfigurationManager
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
using (SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand())
using (SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd))
// load all action type IDs and corresponding background color:
cmd.CommandText = #"SELECT ActionTypeID, BackColor FROM ActionTypes";
DataTable actionTypeTable = new DataTable();
// build a dictionary consisting of action type IDs
// and their corresponding colors
actionTypeColorDict = actionTypeTable.AsEnumerable().ToDictionary(
r => r.Field<byte>("ActionTypeID"),
r => ColorTranslator.FromHtml(r.Field<string>("ColorCode")));
Call the BuildActionTypeColorDictionary method before setting the data source of the grid. In the RowStyle or CustomDrawCell events, use the new dictionary member to determine the background color. See the following modified version of your RowStyle code:
private void gvStep_RowStyle(object sender,DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.RowStyleEventArgs e)
DataRow row = gvStep.GetDataRow(e.RowHandle);
if (row == null)
byte actionTypeID = row.Field<byte>("ActionImage");
// look up color in the dictionary:
e.Appearance.BackColor = actionTypeColorDict[actionTypeID];
catch (Exception ex)
How do you know it's firing continuously? Are you debbuging?
This code runs whenever the grid is redrawn, meaning whenever the form gets focus.
This event runs for each cell - so it will run quite a few times.
If you put a break-point in this event you'll never get out of it. It will break, you will debug, when it's done it will return focus to the form - causing the form to be redrawn using this event and the break-point is reached again.
And just a side note - Whenever I use that event I have to put e.Handled = true; in the code so that the cell isn't "drawn" by anyone but me :)
Finally, I found it. RowStyle event only fires same time with gridview's row count
private void gvStep_RowStyle(object sender, DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.RowStyleEventArgs e)
DataRowView drw = (DataRowView)gridView1.GetRow(e.RowHandle);
if (drw == null)
byte actionTypeID = (byte)drw.Row["ActionImage"];
string colorCode = divaDs.GetBackColor(actionTypeID);
Color backColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(colorCode);
e.Appearance.BackColor = backColor;
catch (Exception ex)

Is there a way to override the handler called when a user clicks a checkbox in a CListCtrl? (MFC)

I am trying to disable the user's ability to alter the state of a checkbox in a List Control. I am currently changing the state pragmatically. I already handle the LVN_ITEMCHANGED message, and trying to alter the state there isn't an option due to the layout of the rest of the program. I have also tried doing a HitTest when the user clicks in the List Control and simply resetting the checkbox there but that isn't giving me the exact results I am looking for.
Is there a specific message sent or a function I can override when the user clicks the checkbox itself? I would just like to override the handler or catch the message so that it doesn't go anywhere.
I ended up removing the LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES flag and created my own implementation. That way the there is only one way to change the icons. Reading the link from the previous question gave me an idea to set a "busy" flag, otherwise I would get stack overflow errors.
// In my dialog class
m_CListCtrl.SetImageList(&m_ImgList, LVSIL_SMALL); // Custom checkboxes (only two images)
// ...
void CMyDialog::OnLvnItemchangedList(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult)
if(busy) { return; }
// ....
// When calling the SetCheck function:
busy = TRUE; // Avoid stack overflow errors
m_CListCtrl.SetCheck(index, fCheck);
busy = FALSE;
// I derived a class from CListCtrl and did an override on the get/set check:
class CCustomListCtrl : public CListCtrl
BOOL CCustomListCtrl::SetCheck(int nItem, BOOL fCheck)
TCHAR szBuf[1024];
DWORD ccBuf(1024);
lvi.iItem = nItem;
lvi.iSubItem = 0;
lvi.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_IMAGE;
lvi.pszText = szBuf;
lvi.cchTextMax = ccBuf;
lvi.iImage = (int)fCheck;
return TRUE;
// Just need to determine which image is set in the list control for the item
BOOL CCustomListCtrl::GetCheck(int nItem)
lvi.iItem = nItem;
lvi.iSubItem = 0;
lvi.mask = LVIF_IMAGE;
return (BOOL)(lvi.iImage);
This is not as elegant as I had hoped, but it works flawlessly.

Getting edit box text from a modal MFC dialog after it is closed

From a modal MFC dialog, I want to extract text from an edit box after the dialog is closed. I attempted this:
CPreparationDlg Dlg;
CString m_str;
m_pMainWnd = &Dlg;
CWnd *pMyDialog=AfxGetMainWnd();
CWnd *pWnd=pMyDialog->GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT1);
pWnd->SetWindowText("huha max");
return TRUE;
It does not work.
The dialog and its controls is not created until you call DoModal() and as already pointed, is destroyed already by the time DoModal() returns. Because of that you cannot call GetDlgItem() neither before, nor after DoModal(). The solution to pass or retrieve data to a control, is to use a variable in the class. You can set it when you create the class instance, before the call to DoModal(). In OnInitDialog() you put in the control the value of the variable. Then, when the window is destroyed, you get the value from the control and put it into the variable. Then you read the variable from the calling context.
Something like this (notice I typed it directly in the browser, so there might be errors):
class CMyDialog : CDialog
CString m_value;
CString GetValue() const {return m_value;}
void SetValue(const CString& value) {m_value = value;}
virtual BOOL OnInitDialog();
virtual BOOL DestroyWindow( );
BOOL CMyDialog::OnInitDialog()
SetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT1, m_value);
return TRUE;
BOOL CMyDialog::DestroyWindow()
GetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT1, m_value);
return CDialog::DestroyWindow();
Then you can use it like this:
CMyDialog dlg;
CString response = dlg.GetValue();
Open your dialog resource, right-click on the textbox and choose "Add variable", pick value-type and CString
In the dialog-class: before closing, call UpdateData(TRUE)
Outside the dialog:
CPreparationDlg dlg(AfxGetMainWnd());
dlg.m_myVariableName = "my Value";
// the new value is still in dlg.m_myVariableName
DoModal() destroys the dialog box before it returns and so the value is no longer available.
It's hard to tell why you are setting m_pMainWnd to your dialog. To be honest, I'm not really sure what you are trying to do there. That's bound to cause problems as now AfxGetMainWnd() is broken.
Either way, you can't get the dialog box's control values after the dialog has been destroyed.
I often use
D_SOHINH dsohinh = new D_SOHINH();
With dsohinh is Dialog form that you want to get data to mainform .
After get data then call SetModifiedFlag(true) to set view data updated.
call UpdateAllViews(NULL) to Set data to mainform
This solution may seem long, meaning that so much code has been written for this seemingly small task.
But when we have a list or tree inside the child window where all the items are created in the child window
and the items have to be moved to the parent window,
then it makes sense.
This source code can easily create a window and transfer information from the window before closing to the parents.
//copy the two functions in your code
//1- bool peek_and_pump(void)
// template<class T,class THISCLASS>
//2- void TshowWindow(int id,T *&pVar,THISCLASS *ths)
//and make two member variable
// bool do_exit;
// bool do_cancel;
//in child dialog class.
//set true value in do_exit in child dialog for exit
CchildDialog *dlg;
template<class T,class THISCLASS>
void TshowWindow(int id,T *&pVar,THISCLASS *ths)
T *p=pVar;
p= new T;
delete p;
p= new T;
if(!(p->m_hWnd && IsWindow(p->m_hWnd)))
bool peek_and_pump(void)
MSG msg;
#if defined(_AFX) || defined(_AFXDLL)
return false;
long lIdle = 0;
return true;
void CparentPage::OnBnClick1()
dlg->m_temp_window.EnableWindow(FALSE);//enable or disable controls.
dlg->UpdateData(false);//for to be done enable of disable or else.
peek_and_pump();//wait for dlg->do_exit set true
if( dlg->do_cancel==false )
CString str1;
//or other member variale of CchildDialog
//after finish all work with dlg then destroy its.
void CchildDialog::OnBnClickedOk()
void CchildDialog::OnBnClickedCancel()
