Cpanel does not run my cron jobs - linux

I have cron jobs in cPanel that are scheduled every night. Yesterday, I noticed that these cron jobs haven't run since 2 days ago. I checked the cron log in /var/log/cron, and it shows me errors when trying to access the file.
Nov 6 11:25:01 web2 crond[17439]: (laptoplc) ERROR (failed to change user)
Nov 6 11:25:01 web2 crond[17447]: (projecto) ERROR (failed to change user)
Nov 6 11:25:01 web2 crond[17446]: (CRON) ERROR (setreuid failed): Resource temporarily unavailable
Nov 6 11:25:01 web2 crond[17446]: (laptoppa) ERROR (failed to change user)
What could be the problem?

There could be several things caused this. Here are ways to debug your crons:
Run it manually from shell:
php yourcron.php
Add logging from your cron file, maybe by adding error_log('check if running'); to see if it is indeed running.
As suggested above it could be permission issue too. Add execute permission to your cron:
chmod 755 yourcron.php

Check whether any Zombie processes for these users exist using the below command.
ps -eLF |grep -i username
Try killing those processes and check whether cronjobs are running after that.
sudo ps -eLF |grep username |awk '{print $2}' |xargs sudo kill -9
Dont kill any important running process !

I had a similar problem today. The cron in /var/spool/cron/userXXX had a script for /home/userYYY (another user) and so this error occurred. I removed the line that had userYYY and this was resolved.


kthreaddk in postgres uses high cpu

I used Postgres in node.js project but my cpu is 100% in ubuntu server
I used this command
killall -9 kthreaddk
I stopped my project and stop postgresql service, after killing kthreaddk cpu is 0% but after 30 second kthreaddk run again and cpu will be 100% agian
what is khtreaddk and how to stopped it forever?
I try many ways that here is in stackoverflow but I can't solve it
kthreaddk is started by cron job. After it runs, it usually places its code in different directories and keeps updating crontab all the time.
To get rid of it follow these steps:
Identify which user crontab is running it.
$ cd /var/spool/cron/crontabs
# Preview each file here, e.g.
$ cat www-data
* * * * * /run/c8aaf4bea
The /run/c8aaf4bea looks weird, but do not remove it yet...
Block specific user from updating crontab (e.g. www-data). Edit cron.deny file
$ sudo vim /etc/cron.deny
and add a user name
Now the threaddk process is not able to edit crontab anymore.
Kill all the threaddk processes
$ sudo pkill -9 threaddk
Remove suspected line from the crontab
$ sudo vim /var/spool/cron/crontabs/www-data
* * * * * /run/c8aaf4bea <- remove this line
Remove the user from cron.deny file
It's miner. It use crontab for restart(start) itself.
crontab -u postgres -l
I have similar problem. Just remove job from crontab and restart server imidiatly
I had miner on my vps. My CPU usage was always 100%. First moment i was thinking i have memory leak in my java app or tomcat. I could kill process but it was starting another one in few seconds. In my case it was on user account which i didn't use. I killed all user processes with pkill -u username and then fast deleted user by sudo deluser --remove-home username before miner started its' processes. After this vps worked fine. Maybe it will help someone.

Cronjob running twice

All of my cronjobs seem to be running multiple times per day on my Synology NAS. I am not sure what is going on. I have already found this solution on SO but I am not sure how to fix the problem. I want to have crond log to a certain file so I have run crond -L /var/log/cron.log
In my Cron logs, they seem to only be running once but in my script outputs, they seem to be running multiple times (twice).
Here is the output of ps | grep cron
20726 root 3816 S /usr/sbin/crond
21937 root 3816 S crond -L /var/log/cron.log
28497 root 3768 S grep cron
Is have /usr/sbin/crond and my custom crond command the reason this is happening? How would I only have one instance of crond but also have it log to a specific file?

root user of linux spanning lots of processes of python script uncontrollably

I wrote a python script to work with a message queue and the script was launched by crontab. I removed from crontab but the root user of my linux system keeps launching it every 9 minutes.
I've rebooted system and restarted cron but this script keeps getting executed.
Any idea how to keep it from happening?
If you start a cron, service does not stop even if you delete the file in which you have specified the cron.
This link should help:
Also, you can also kill your cron by looking its PId, using: ps -e | grep cron-name, then kill -9 PId

Crontab Permission Denied [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
CronJob not running
(19 answers)
Closed last month.
I'm having problem with crontab when I'm running a script.
My sudo crontab -e looks like this:
05 00 * * * /opt/mcserver/
10 00 * * * /opt/mcserver/
05 08 * * * /sbin/shutdown -r +1
11 11 * * * /opt/mcserver/ <--- This isn't working
And the looks like this:
screen java -d64 -Xincgc -Xmx2048M -jar craftbukkit.jar nogui
and have these permissions (ls -l output)
-rwxr-xr-x 1 eve eve 72 Nov 24 14:17
I can run the command from the terminal, either using sudo or not
But it wont start with crontab.
If i do
grep -iR "" /var/log
I get the following output
/var/log/syslog:Nov 27 11:11:01 eve-desk CRON[5204]: (root) CMD (eve /opt/mcserver/
grep: /var/log/btmp: Permission denied
grep: /var/log/lightdm/x-0-greeter.log: Permission denied
grep: /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log: Permission denied
grep: /var/log/lightdm/x-0.log: Permission denied
So my question is, why isn't it working?
And since my script run without using sudo, I don't necessarily need to put it in sudo crontab?
( and I'm using Ubuntu 12.10 )
Thanks in advance,
Answer to twalberg's response
1. Changed owner on craftbukkit to root, to see if that fixed the problem.
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12084211 Nov 21 02:14 craftbukkit.jar
and also added an explicit cd in my script as such:
cd /opt/mcserver/
screen java -d64 -Xincgc -Xmx2048M -jar craftbukkit.jar nogui
2. I'm not quite sure what you mean here. Should I use the following path in my file when i start java?
(output from which java)
3. When my server closes, screen is terminated. Is it a good idea to start screen in "detached mode" anyway?
Still got the same "Permission denied" error.
Problem solved!
By using the proper flag on screen, as below, it is now working as it should!
screen -d -m java -d64 -Xincgc -Xmx2048M -jar craftbukkit.jar nogui
Thanks a lot to those who answered, and especially twalberg!
Here are some things to check:
root obviously has read/execute permissions on, but what are the permissions on craftbukkit.jar - can root read it? You may also want to add an explicit cd /path/to/where/craftbukkit.jar/is in your script.
Is java in root's default path within cron? Note that this path is not necessarily the same as the one that you get via sudo, su or directly logging in as root - it's typically much more restricted. Use full path names to both java and craftbukkit.jar to work around that.
Since screen will not start with a terminal available, you may need screen -d -m ... instead. Hopefully, you intend to eventually attach to each screen instance and terminate it later, or you have arranged for it to terminate automatically when the script is done...
The /var/log/syslog entry shows that cron did in fact execute the script, so it must have failed for one of the above reasons (or something else I haven't noticed yet)
The other errors from grep are simply due to the fact your non-root user does not have permission to read those specific files (this is normal, and a good thing). is owned by "eve:eve" and your crontab is running as root.
You can solve this by running following command
chown root:root /opt/craftbukkit/
Your crontab will be running as root though.
Tip: When running bash in crontab always use absolute paths (it will make debugging a lot easier).
The log shows the user has no access to dir " /var/log/", You should set the log files' permition for the cron's owner.

Starting a service (upstart) from a shell script, from a cron job

I'm trying to use a cron job to call a healthcheck script I've written to check the status of a web app (api) I've written (a url call doesn't suffice to test full functionality, hence the custom healthcheck). The healthcheck app has several endpoints which are called from a shell script (see below), and this script restarts the bigger web app we are checking. Naturally, I'm having trouble.
How it works:
1) cron job runs every 60s
2) healthcheck script is run by cron job
3) healthcheck script checks url, if url returns non-200 response, it stops and start a service
What works:
1) I can run the script ( as the ec2-user
2) I can run the script as root
3) The cron job calls the script and it runs, but it doesn't stop/start the service (I can see this by watching /tmp/crontest.txt and ps aux).
It totally seems like a permissions issue or some very basic linux thing that I'm not aware of.
The log when I run as root or ec2-user (/tmp/crontest.txt):
Fri Nov 23 00:28:54 UTC 2012 api not running, restarting service!
api start/running, process 1939 <--- it restarts the service properly!
The log when the cron job runs:
Fri Nov 23 00:27:01 UTC 2012 api not running, restarting service! <--- no restart
Cron file (in /etc/cron.d):
# Call the healthcheck every 60s
* * * * * root /srv/checkout/healthcheck/ >> /tmp/crontest.txt
Upstart script (/etc/init/healthcheck.conf)- this is for the healthcheck app, which provides endpoints which we call from the shell script
description "healthcheck"
author "me"
env USER=ec2-user
start on started network
stop on stopping network
# We run our process as a non-root user
# Upstart user guide, 11.43.2 (
exec su -s /bin/sh -c "NODE_ENV=production /usr/local/bin/node /srv/checkout/healthcheck/app.js" $USER
end script
Shell script permissions:
-rwxr-xr-x 1 ec2-user ec2-user 529 Nov 23 00:16 /srv/checkout/healthcheck/
Shell script (
echo `date`
status_code=`curl -s -o /dev/null -I -w "%{http_code}" $API_URL`
if [ 200 -ne $status_code ]; then
echo " api not running, restarting service!"
stop api
start api
Add path to start/stop command to your script:
or your full path to start and stop commands:
/sbin/stop api
you can check path to them using whereis:
$ whereis start
Answer found in another question!
Basically the cron jobs operate in a limited environment, so in 'start [service]', the start command is not found!
Modifying the script to look like so makes it work:
