PrimeFaces BlockUI does not work - jsf

I have a JSF page with one button. When button clicked I redirect another page after doing some database process. I want to use BlockUI because redirecting take some time. I added primeface BlockUI component but it do not work for me. I looked PrimeFaces showcase page but I can not do.
My JSF page (xhtml)
<h:form id="form1">
<div align="center">
<p:button id="btn1" value="database" outcome="database" />
<p:blockUI block="form1" trigger="btn1">
<p>Database process</p><br />
<p:graphicImage value=""/>
BlockUI worked after I changed p:button with p:commandButton
<p:commandButton id="btn2" value="database" action="#{class.func()}" />
and my func() is
public void func()
return "database.xhtml";

Try using p:commandButton instead p:button and you can add actionListener and in listener method you can add logic for redirection or simply return name of view component


Use PrimeFaces blockUI on navigation

I need an answer to exactly this question posted in 2013 please.
I have a PrimeFaces menuitem with a url attribute that calls an xhtml, that 'defines' content to go into a layoutUnit. When clicked, the entire page doesn't reload, just the layout unit.
How do I display a PrimeFaces Extensions blockUI component when the menuItem is clicked?
I've tried:
<p:menuitem value="Users" url="/users.xhtml" onstart="PF('blockUIWidget').block()" oncomplete="PF('blockUIWidget').unblock()"/>
where the blockUIWidget is:
<pe:blockUI widgetVar="blockUIWidget">
<h:panelGrid columns="2">
<h:graphicImage library="images" name="loading.gif"/>
<h:outputText value="Loading"/>
Note, this widget works as expected from a commandButton:
<p:commandButton value="Login" action="submit" onstart="PF('blockUIWidget').block()" oncomplete="PF('blockUIWidget').unblock()"/>

Calling p:dialog using JSF commandbutton/button doesn't work

I have this code:
<h:button value="SHOW" onclick="PF('myPanel').show()" />
<p:dialog header="MyPanel" widgetVar="myPanel">
<h:outputText value="Resistance to PrimeFaces is futile!" />
Clicking the button only flashes the dialog -- opens and immidiatelly closes it. Also tried using JSF commandButton with same result. Using a primefaces button works as expected, so what is JSF button missing here?
use <p:commandButton> instead.
<p:commandButton value="Basic" type="button" onclick="PF('dlg1').show();" />

JSF: Dynamic include page into primefaces dialog

I want to include the content of a primefaces dialog from another page with ui:include. The included page must be set dynamic depending on which button user clicked. I used the very helpful answer from BalusC from JSF dynamic include using Ajax request.
It works very fine as in the example. But problems come if I use a p:dialog instead of h:panelGroup:
<f:ajax render=":dialog">
<p:commandButton value="page1" action="#{productBean.setDialogPage('/page1.xhtml')}" oncomplete=""></p:commandButton>
<p:commandButton value="page2" action="#{productBean.setDialogPage('/page2.xhtml')}" oncomplete=""></p:commandButton>
<p:dialog id="dialog" widgetVar="dialogWidget" >
<ui:include src="#{productBean.dialogPage}" />
1st problem: Sometimes, I have to click a button several times before dialog appears. It seems not to follow any pattern but is a random effect. Sometimes I need to click twice, sometimes I need to click four times on the button.
2nd problem: Sometimes, the dialog appears not with the selected page but with the old one. When I close dialog and select again, the current page is loaded. It seems to be a random effect, too.
Why do I get this problems with dialog?
i don't know why you are using this mode to display dynamique dialog,
for me, i like use this mode:
<p:commandButton value="page1"
actionListener="#{productBean.setDialogPage('page1')}" oncomplete="PF('dialogWidget').show()" update="dialog"/>
<p:commandButton value="page2"
actionListener="#{productBean.setDialogPage('page2')}" oncomplete="PF('dialogWidget').show()" update="dialog"/>
<p:dialog id="dialog" widgetVar="dialogWidget">
<ui:include src="/#{productBean.dialogPage}.xhtml" />
<ui:composition xmlns=""
<!-- your code -->
it's working fine :)
If you reverse engineer existing tables with Netbeans 8 (generate entities + generate jsf pages), it will do something very similar out of the box; on the list page there is a create-button, which shows a dialog included from another page. You should try it, be sure to select "primefaces" in the last page in the guide for generating jsf pages. They do it like this:
<p:commandButton id="createButton" icon="ui-icon-plus" value="#{bundle.Create}" actionListener="#{kornstoranalyseStdController.prepareCreate}" update=":KornstoranalyseStdCreateForm" oncomplete="PF('KornstoranalyseStdCreateDialog').show()" />
Create.xhtml is included with <ui:include src="Create.xhtml"/> below </h:form> in the list-page.
Create.xhtml starts with:
<p:dialog id="KornstoranalyseStdCreateDlg" width="500px" widgetVar="KornstoranalyseStdCreateDialog" modal="true" resizable="true" showEffect="clip" appendTo="#(body)" header="#{bundle.CreateKornstoranalyseStdTitle}" hideEffect="clip" position="top">
<h:form id="KornstoranalyseStdCreateForm">
Hopefully you can tweak to suit your needs.

PrimeFaces dialog lazy loading (dynamic="true") does not work?

I have recently changed all my beans from RequestScoped to ViewScoped. Suddenly, the lazy loading of dialogs does not work. I am using PrimeFaces JSF library.
<p:commandButton id="addId" value="Add" title="Add" type="button" onclick=";"/>
<p:dialog header="Dialog" widgetVar="dlgMultiFileSelect" modal="true" resizable="true" dynamic="true">
<ui:include src="/dialogs/media_browser.xhtml"/>
Seems like dynamic="true" does not work since the backing bean in media_browser.xhtml gets initialized immediately, and not when button is clicked.
Am I doing something wrong?
Using PrimeFaces 3.5.0.
have found some pretty easy workaround:
Let's quote BalusC's answer on this other question:
Skip executing <ui:include> when parent UI component is not rendered
The <ui:include> runs as being a taghandler during the view build time, while the rendered attribute is evaluated during the view render time.
Regarding his first proposal:
Use a view build time tag like <c:if> around the <ui:include> part.
So first add some new method to your bean. (may even be useful in some application scoped bean for reuse)
public boolean isAjaxRequest() {
boolean val = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getPartialViewContext().isAjaxRequest();
return val;
Then enclose your <ui:include> inside following <c:if>:
<p:dialog id="yourDlg" header="Dialog" widgetVar="dlgMultiFileSelect" modal="true" resizable="true" dynamic="true">
<c:if test="#{applicationBean.ajaxRequest}">
<ui:include src="/dialogs/media_browser.xhtml"/>
So at page load time, the request isn't ajax... and on other ajax requests on base page, the dialog won't be updated...
But if you trigger your dialog
<p:commandButton id="addId" value="Add" title="Add" type="button"
oncomplete=";" update=":yourDlg"/>
and update it's content, it will finally be rendered!
Please note following changes: The p:dialog id, p:commandButton update and p:commandButton oncomplete
Facelet tag ui:include will get processed earlier in the cycle and hence it is getting initialized. If you want to update the content of the dialog on button click, you need to do so using the update="id of the dialog" on your commandButton. You can use for your ui:include so that the page is not loaded initially.

How to open new window with backing bean?

I am using JSF for my project front end.
How I can I open a new window with backing bean?
Set target="_blank" on the <h:commandLink> or <h:form>.
<h:commandLink value="Open in new window" action="#{bean.action}" target="_blank" />
<h:form target="_blank">
<h:commandButton value="Open in new window" action="#{bean.action}" />
In addition to BalusC answer.
Kind of hacky solution in situation when:
commandLink cannot be used in UI (because of page styling or any other reason)
target of the form cannot be changed
<!-- Group and render them together.-->
<h:panelGroup rendered="#{mybean.showButton}">
<!-- Visible and clickable commandButton. No action, just onclick js event.-->
<h:commandButton value="My Commandbutton"
<!-- Invisible link. Action, target _blank.-->
<h:commandLink id="realTargetBlankLink" action="#{myBean.myDesiredAction}"
