Which DLL will support pan tilt and zoom in c# - c#-4.0

Here by i created a windows application in c# by using directshowlib. dll and dshow.dll.. camera i am using logitech Webcam Pro 9000 ..it does not support pan tilt and zoom ..so pl hereby help me which dll mostly supports all cam..
help me thanks in advance

VisioForge Video Capture SDK .Net
Or using IAMCameraControl in your code.
P.S. Not all cameras support this interface fully, all DirectShow software support is using IAMCameraControl interface (usually) or specific vendor interfaces (sometimes).


How to use(or convert) this NATIVE BLE DFU library for Xamarin?

I'm making app with using Xamarin.forms (PCL project).
I'm making app like FITBIT and its wearable device.
I'm using nrf51822 MCU from Nordic.
Someone has done lots of work for syncing with ble device for Xamarin.Forms and fortunately it's working great.
Now, I need to use DFU OTA library to support firmware-update for users.
Nordic provided great examples and source code.
dfu lib for iOS : https://github.com/NordicSemiconductor/IOS-DFU-Library
full project(iOS) : https://github.com/NordicSemiconductor/IOS-nRF-Toolbox
dfu lib for Android : https://github.com/NordicSemiconductor/Android-DFU-Library
And How can I convert this library for using it on Xamarin?
What documents or technique should I look?
Any tips will help me. (It might be lots of pain?)
Nordic says they didn't even start to look Xamarin, So there are only three guys(including me) are looking for these binding project.
discusion here : https://forums.xamarin.com/discussion/comment/214516
you can read this documentation Xamarin.Android supports the use of native libraries via the standard PInvoke mechanism. You can also bundle additional native libraries which are not part of the OS into your .apk.
the same for
Regards. I hope this help you.

Is it possible to make software from autocad? use its sdk in own application development

I am about to start develop application for machnic tools and drawings. Is there any existing sdk so i can use it with my application? are Audodesk, 3D Max or solidworks provide to build code to develop software from there sdk.
Please help me if anyone knows regarding my query
Yes, all packages you mentioned have SDK:
AutoCAD ObjectARX
SolidWorks API
3ds Max SDK Programmer's Guide
You may also want to consider OEM programs to expands the standard capabilities under your branding:
SolidWorks OEM Program

Does linux support multi-touch screen

I'd like to develop my own app based on a arm-linux system, using QT.
I'd like my app to support multi-touch functions. And I'd like to know if it is possible. If so ,please let me know which version of Linux kernel I should use.
Linux started supporting Microsoft's Multi-touch protocol from kernel 3.8 onwards.
The reference is here:
has arm multi-touch tutorial for iPhones but it applies equally to Android.
The hid-multitouch in linux supports a whole bunch of panels:
for details
Addendum 2
Multi touch support has been somewhat there since 2.6 Ubuntu had multi touch support in its distribution in 2010.
Microsoft Multi-touch protocol support started in 3.8. Chrome OS support started in kernel v3.9. X.org server had multi touch support built into it in 2011.
Run command:
chromium --enable-pinch
for context menu
create shortcut application (.desktop)
/home/"your user"/.local/share/applications
support all aplications
multi touch compiz plugin

does xamarin supports coreBluetooth for iOS?

I am new to Xamarin, and performing a feasibility study.
I am not sure if Xamarin provides a Common API for Bluetooth Low energy across platforms including iOS, android, Windows? In iOS, this API is coreBluetooth.
Please provide details; I couldn't find any good information when searching the net.
Yes Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android do support Bluetooth.
No, they do not supply a common API
For my Sphero hacking - I wrote a cross platform BlueTooth Sphero-specific module https://github.com/slodge/BallControl/tree/master/Cirrious.Sphero.WorkBench/Plugins/Sphero
On iOS this module used ExternalAccessory rather than CoreBLuetooth - just because that is the way Sphero works, but on the other platforms Sphero uses Bluetooth SPP
If you need some CoreBluetooth sample code, then I wrote and tested some code in http://forums.xamarin.com/discussion/comment/7576/ and Solving 'CBConcreteCentralManager is not powered on' in Core Bluetooth in MonoTouch

how to draw charts using rhomobile

Can anybody please suggest if it is possible to draw graphs using rhomobile ? Theoretically since it uses java script i was wondering if i use the raphael.js to plot graphs would it work on all devices. I have to build a mobile app which will plot charts. This app should work on iphone, android phones, RIM and symbian mobiles.
RhoMobile uses a WebView, which has the same capabilities as the devices browser, so yes, you could use any JavaScript charting library. However, you will be limited to the devices capabilities (e.g. you will run into issues with older BlackBerry models)
