VIM: Change current highlighted search term matched with /search - vim

Is there any command equivalent to "delete until the end of the current highlighted search match and enter insert mode"?
For example, I search for a term with:
It finds the string ExampleElementExample, places the cursor on the E in Element, and highlights Element.
I would like a generic command that applies to all searches that is equivalent to c7l or ctE in this particular case. However, I also want to be able to easily repeat this command to the next match by pressing n, ..
c//e basically does what I want, but falls short because it replaces the current search buffer, so n no longer takes me to the next match. Right now I'm using ctE or visual mode, but I feel like there must be a better option.
What is the fastest and most efficient way to execute this command?

If your Vim is recent enough (7.3 with a patch-level above 6xx), you can use gn:
You can hit . to jump to the next foo and change it to vim in one go.
See :help gn.

I think the best option would be to use search and replace with the confirm flag.
If you leave the search string empty, it will automatically use the current search string. By the c flag, it asks you for permission to replace and upon decision, it will move to the next match. The g flag will find all matches, not just the first on a line, which I hope is what you are looking for.

You can use the following custom text object taken from Copy or change search hit on the Vim Tips Wiki:
" Make a simple "search" text object.
vnoremap <silent> s //e<C-r>=&selection=='exclusive'?'+1':''<CR><CR>
\:<C-u>call histdel('search',-1)<Bar>let #/=histget('search',-1)<CR>gv
omap s :normal vs<CR>


Vim Mode Plus Mark Occurrence for search

When I type /foo and then enter, is there a way to mark occurrence for all highlighted words? Right now, the /search seems pretty useless compared to the regular atom search, since it only highlights but doesn't let you replace.
The key / is used for searching, whereas :s for substitutions (i.e. replacements). So to replace foo with bar you can do:
Here % means look for replacements in the entire file, and the last gc are replacement flags. The Vim documentation provides a great explanation of the topic and it can be accessed by typing :help subs. To learn more about replacement flags: :h flags.
Some more suggestions for a good workflow (at least in Vim itself):
After using /foo to locate a match, and you only want to replace that one: As the cursor is at the start of the match, you can use ce, cE or more generally cgn (gn selects the current / next match; it's a recent addition in version 8.0).
If you want to replace all matches, you don't need to repeat the search pattern in the :substitute command; an empty {pattern} there will recall the search pattern. So, you can briefly write :%s//bar/g (+ c to interactively influence replacements).
It seems I can't mark occurrence if I press enter. However, I can do some things if I haven't pressed enter.
cmd-o marks all search occurrences
ctr-cmd-c waits for you to specify a range, and then changes all search occurrences

Easy motion vim plugin mapping issue

I have the vim EasyMotion plugin installed.
<Leader><Leader>f searches forward from the current line.
<Leader><Leader>F searches backward from the current line.
Is there a way to search the entire visible part of the buffer only using 'f'? I would ideally not want to use two different bindings for searching forwards and backward. One single binding to search the entire visible portion of the buffer would be most ideal.
You can try a mapping like this:
nnoremap <leader><leader>f :execute "/\\%>" . line('w0') . "1\\%<" . line('w$') . "l"<left>
That's a confusing syntax, so I'll unpack it.
line('w0') and line('w$') return the line numbers of the first and last visible lines in the buffer, respectively, so you use them to find the range for the visible part.
The / search command allows a range to be specified, but with an odd syntax. The format is /\%>Xl\%<Yl where X is the line to start from and Y is the line to end at.
It's not possible to just drop the results from line() into a normal / invocation, but we can build a string, using . to join segments together, and once the command is built, pass it in to :exec to make it happen.
Finally, there's the <left>. That's for cursor positioning. When you execute <leader><leader>f, the whole mapping fires as though you were typing it, so you end up with the full :exec command on the line, and it ends with a ", but you want to type inside those quotes. Alternatively, you could remove "<left> from the end of the mapping, but then you'll have to remember to close the quote after typing your search term.
I'm not familiar with EasyMotion, so this may not give you exactly what you were asking for (I realized this after I typed up the answer), but it will let you run a search in the currently visible part of a buffer only, and you can probably adapt it to EasyMotion's purposes without too much difficulty.

Vim - Find pattern on currently line ONLY

I'm wondering if there is a way to find a pattern, but restrict it to the current line. Basically, the equivalent of /PATTERN but restricted to the current line, rather than the entire document.
I've tried :s/PATTERN, but that deletes the pattern from the line and places my cursor at the beginning of the line, which is not at all what I need. I was hoping you could search without replacing...
I'm hoping to use this for a macro in order to place my cursor at the start of that pattern, as would happen when you do /PATTERN on the entire file, so anything that is macro-friendly is even better.
Any vim users out there that might have an idea?
EDIT: 0/PATTERN in a macro would work for my current need, but I'm hoping there's a more specific way to restrict the search.
ANSWER: There's a few ways posted in here so far, but the one I like best right now is using Shift+V to select the current line visually, followed by /\%V to search only in the visual selection. Then Shift+V again will turn off the visual mode.
My knowledge about macro is limited, but interactively, you can select current line with Shift + V, and then do /\%Vsearch (see\%V).
try to Find first character of the Pattern by typing
f <letter>
It's not exactly what you need but can help to solve the problem.
Where \%9 means line number 9.
Typing in the line number is still a bit lame. You can ctrl+r= followed by a vim expression and enter to evaluate the vim expression and insert its output. line('.') will return the line of the cursor.
In one complete step
For more help see:
:h /\%l
:h i_CTRL-R
Place the cursor on the line you want to search in
Select it with shift+v
Type / to begin searching
Prefix your term with \%V, e.g. \%Vabc to search for abc in only the visually selected blocks (in our case the single line)
You can search without replacing by using
Then press n to skip the replacement. If the pattern is not found, you won't even be asked.
You could also just highlight the current line or the range of lines.

VIM: use incremental search for file replace

I know that the incsearch setting controls how search in vim highlights as you type. I would like to have the same incremental search and highlight when using the replace command (:%s/foo/bar/ )
The easiest way to do that is to do a search like normal, using 'incsearch' to help ensure the pattern is matching what you want. Once you've got that nailed down, you can either
Leave out the search pattern in :%s//bar/. When there's no specified search pattern, the current value of the / register is used, which will be the search you just did.
Insert the search pattern into the :s command using Ctrl+r/ (see :help c_ctrl-r) or Ctrl+rCtrl+o/ (if the search contains control characters, like ^H). This is useful if you want to make some final tweaks to the pattern or if you want to have it in your command history so you can reuse it even after performing another search.
You could add c at the end of your command like that:
It will walk through all the instances of foo and ask for your confirmation (that's what the c stands for) before changing it to bar.
It's not exactly what you are after though.

Vim - Search and replace the results

I'm getting more and more comfortable with Vim after a few months.
BUT, there is only one simple feature I can't get any answer from the web. That is "Search and replace the results". The problem is that I know:
:/keyword to search, and hit enter "keyword" will be highlighted (of course with set hlsearch)
n, or N to navigate
:% s/keyword/new_keyword/g to replace all occurences of keyword with new_keyword.
BUT, I would think that there must be a way to search, and replace the matched keyword (highlighted) with any new_keyword WITHOUT doing ":% s/keyword/new_keyword/g", which is a lot of typing considering search & replace is such a day-to-day feature.
Any answers/comments will be greatly appreciated!
If you've already done a search you can do a substitution for the same pattern by simply leaving out the pattern in the substitute command. eg:
searchs for "keyword", and then:
will replace all occurrences of "keyword" with "new_keyword".
Searching and using the dot command (you didn't meantion you are using the dot command, that's why I highlight it) to repeat the last input action is my best bet here.
I use s///g for search and replace.
Well, since #keyword# and #new_keyword# account for most of the characters, and you need some way to differentiate between them (i.e., a character in vim, or tab between entry fields in dialog in a different editor), you're left with maybe four or five keystrokes beyond that.
So I think you're probably overestimating number of keystrokes and also forgetting that (1) it becomes very natural, and (2) working this way allows you also to naturally modify the action performed by specifying a different range or option flag.
But you can cut down on keystrokes. If you want you can map a key to automatically bring up the command line with '%s/' already in place. e.g.:
nmap s :%s/
The command above would remap 's' (I'm not recommending remapping to that key, but it gives the idea) and set you up to insert the keyword.
Also, you can set the 'gdefault' option to default to substituting multiple times per line. This lets you skip the ending '/g' in your keystrokes:
set gdefault
See ':h gdefault' for help section on that option.
In the end I would say just get used to the default way it works, because using it that way allows you to keep same basic operation when you want to specify different ranges or option flags, and creating a new special map is just another thing to remember. gdefault may be worth setting if you think you're going to want it majority of time, adding /g flag at end when gdefault is set has effect of turning /g off. . .
Move to the first highlighted word then record a macro for replacing the word and moving to the next one, e.g:
caw new_word^[
