Cassandra 2.0 eating disk space - cassandra

I am using cassandra in my app and it started eating up disk space much faster than I expected and much faster than defined in manual. Consider this most simple example:
id ascii,
time timestamp,
value float,
PRIMARY KEY (id,time)
) WITH compression={'sstable_compression': ''}"
I am turning off compression on purpose to see how many bytes will each record take.
Then I insert few values, I run nodetool flush and then I check the size of data file on disk to see how much space did it take.
Results show huge waste of space. Each record take 67 bytes, I am not sure how that is possible.
My id is 13 bytes long at it is saved only once in data file, since it is always the same for testing purposes.
According to:
Size should be:
timestamp should be 8 bytes
value as column name takes 6 bytes
column value float takes 4 bytes
column overhead 15 bytes
TOTAL: 33 bytes
For testing sake, my id is always same, so I have actually only 1 row if I understood correctly.
So, my questions is how do I end up on using 67 bytes instead of 33.
Datafile size is correct, I tried inserting 100, 1000 and 10000 records. Size is always 67 bytes.

There are 3 overheads discussed in the file. One is the column overhead, which you have accommodated for. The second is the row overhead. And also if you have replication_factor greater than 1 there's an over head for that as well.


What is the byte size of common Cassandra data types - To be used when calculating partition disk usage?

I am trying to calculate the the partition size for each row in a table with arbitrary amount of columns and types using a formula from the Datastax Academy Data Modeling Course.
In order to do that I need to know the "size in bytes" for some common Cassandra data types. I tried to google this but I get a lot of suggestions so I am puzzled.
The data types I would like to know the byte size of are:
A single Cassandra TEXT character (I googled answers from 2 - 4 bytes)
A Cassandra DECIMAL
A Cassandra INT (I suppose it is 4 bytes)
A Cassandra BIGINT (I suppose it is 8 bytes)
A Cassandra BOOELAN (I suppose it is 1 byte, .. or is it a single bit)
Any other considerations would of course also be appreciated regarding data types sizes in Cassandra.
Adding more info since it seems confusing to understand that I am only trying to estimate the "worst scenario disk usage" the data would occupy with out any compressions and other optimizations done by Cassandra behinds the scenes.
I am following the Datastax Academy Course DS220 (see link at end) and implement the formula and will use the info from answers here as variables in that formula.
I think, from a pragmatic point of view, that it is wise to get a back-of-the-envelope estimate of worst case using the formulae in the ds220 course up-front at design time. The effect of compression often varies depending on algorithms and patterns in the data. From ds220 and
uuid: 16 bytes
timeuuid: 16 bytes
timestamp: 8 bytes
bigint: 8 bytes
counter: 8 bytes
double: 8 bytes
time: 8 bytes
inet: 4 bytes (IPv4) or 16 bytes (IPV6)
date: 4 bytes
float: 4 bytes
int 4 bytes
smallint: 2 bytes
tinyint: 1 byte
boolean: 1 byte (hopefully.. no source for this)
ascii: equires an estimate of average # chars * 1 byte/char
text/varchar: requires an estimate of average # chars * (avg. # bytes/char for language)
map/list/set/blob: an estimate
hope it helps
The only reliable way to estimate the overhead associated to something is to actually perform measures. Really, you can't take the single data types and generalize something about them. If you have 4 bigints columns and you're supposing that your overhead is X, if you have 400 bigint columns your overhead won't probably be 100x. That's because Cassandra compresses (by default, and it's a settings tunable per column family) everything before storing data on disk.
Try to load some data, I mean production data, in the cluster, and then let's know your results and compression configuration. You'd find some surprises.
Know your data.

Cassandra Stress Test results evaluation

I have been using the cassandra-stress tool to evaluate my cassandra cluster for quite some time now.
My problem is that I am not able to comprehend the results generated for my specific use case.
My schema looks something like this:
CREATE TABLE Table_test(
ID uuid,
Time timestamp,
Value double,
Date timestamp,
PRIMARY KEY ((ID,Date), Time)
I have parsed this information in a custom yaml file and used parameters n=10000, threads=100 and the rest are default options (cl=one, mode=native cql3, etc). The Cassandra cluster is a 3 node CentOS VM setup.
A few specifics of the custom yaml file are as follows:
partitions: fixed(100)
select: fixed(1)/2
batchtype: UNLOGGED
-name: Time
size: fixed(1000)
-name: ID
size: uniform(1..100)
-name: Date
size: uniform(1..10)
-name: Value
size: uniform(-100..100)
My observations so far are as follows:
With n=10000 and time: fixed(1000), the number of rows getting inserted is 10 million. (10000*1000=10000000)
The number of row-keys/partitions is 10000(i.e n), within which 100 partitions are taken at a time (which means 100 *1000 = 100000 key-value pairs) out of which 50000 key-value pairs are processed at a time. (This is because of select: fixed(1)/2 ~ 50%)
The output message also confirms the same:
Generating batches with [100..100] partitions and [50000..50000] rows (of[100000..100000] total rows in the partitions)
The results that I get are the following for consecutive runs with the same configuration as above:
Run Total_ops Op_rate Partition_rate Row_Rate Time
1 56 19 1885 943246 3.0
2 46 46 4648 2325498 1.0
3 27 30 2982 1489870 0.9
4 59 19 1932 966034 3.1
5 100 17 1730 865182 5.8
Now what I need to understand are as follows:
Which among these metrics is the throughput i.e, No. of records inserted per second? Is it the Row_rate, Op_rate or Partition_rate? If it’s the Row_rate, can I safely conclude here that I am able to insert close to 1 million records per second? Any thoughts on what the Op_rate and Partition_rate mean in this case?
Why is it that the Total_ops vary so drastically in every run ? Has the number of threads got anything to do with this variation? What can I conclude here about the stability of my Cassandra setup?
How do I determine the batch size per thread here? In my example, is the batch size 50000?
Thanks in advance.
Row Rate is the number of CQL Rows that you have inserted into your database. For your table a CQL row is a tuple like (ID uuid, Time timestamp, Value double, Date timestamp).
The Partition Rate is the number of Partitions C* had to construct. A Partition is the data-structure which holds and orders data in Cassandra, data with the same partition key ends up located on the same node. This Partition rate is equal to the number of unique values in the Partition Key that were inserted in the time window. For your table this would be unique values for (ID,Date)
Op Rate is the number of actually CQL operations that had to be done. From your settings it is running unlogged Batches to insert the data. Each insert contains approximately 100 Partitions (Unique combinations of ID and Date) which is why OP Rate * 100 ~= Partition Rate
Total OP should include all operations, read and write. So if you have any read operations those would also be included.
I would suggest changing your batch size to match your workload, or keep it at 1 depending on your actual database usage. This should provide a more realistic scenario. Also it's important to run much longer than just 100 total operations to really get a sense of your system's capabilities. Some of the biggest difficulties come when the size of the dataset increases beyond the amount of RAM in the machine.

Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Table.CloudTable.ExecuteBatchAsync() truncates message

When I call this method with large EntityProperty (around 17Kb of text), it truncates the string.
I know that there is a limitation of 64Kb for a column and 1Mb for 1 entire row when it comes to Azure Table.
Any insights?
Apart from all these size restrictions, you forgot about the size restriction in an entity group transaction which is done by ExecuteBatchAsync method and that is:
The transaction can include at most 100 entities, and its total
payload may be no more than 4 MB in size.
Please ensure that your payload size is less than 4 MB.

Cassandra nodetool "compactionstats" meaning of displayed values

I cannot find documentation on the "compactionstats":
While using nodetool compactionstats, what do the numerical values on the completed and total columns mean?
My column family has a total data size of about 360 GB but my compaction status displays:
pending tasks: 7
compaction type keyspace column family completed total unit progress
Compaction Test Message 161257707087 2475323941809 bytes 6.51%
While I see the "completed" increasing slowly (also the progress;-).
But how is this "total" computed? Why is it 2.5 TB when I have only 360 GB of data?
You must have compression on. total is the total number of uncompressed bytes comprising the set of sstables that are being compacted together. If you grep the cassandra log file for lines containing Compacting you will find the sstables that are part of a compaction. If you sum these sizes and multiply by the inverse of your compression ratio for the column family you will get pretty close to the total. By default this can be a bit difficult to verify on a multi-core system because the number of simultaneous compactions defaults to the number of cores.
You can also verify this answer by looking at the code:
AbstractionCompactionIterable - getCompactionInfo() uses the bytesRead and totalBytes fields from that class. totalBytes is final and is computed in the constructor, by summing getLengthInBytes() from each file that is part of the compaction.
The scanners vary, but the length in bytes returned by CompressedRandomAccessReader is the uncompressed size of the file.

Linux: sorting a 500GB text file with 10^10 records

I have a 500GB text file with about 10 billions rows that needs to be sorted in alphabetical order. What is the best algorithm to use? Can my implementation & set-up be improved ?
For now, I am using the coreutils sort command:
sort -k2,2 --field-separator=',' --buffer-size=(80% RAM) --temporary-directory=/volatile BigFile
I am running this in AWS EC2 on a 120GB RAM & 16 cores virtual machine. It takes the most part of the day.
/volatile is a 10TB RAID0 array.
The 'LANG=C' trick delivers a x2 speed gain (thanks to 1)
By default 'sort' uses 50% of the available RAM. Going up to 80-90% gives some improvement.
My understanding is that gnu 'sort' is a variant of the merge-sort algorithm with O(n log n), which is the fastest : see 2 & 3 . Would moving to QuickSort help (I'm happy with an unstable sort)?
One thing I have noticed is that only 8 cores are used. This is related to default_max_threads set to 8 in linux coreutils sort.c (See 4). Would it help to recompile sort.c with 16 ?
I used Chris and your suggestions below.
As the data was already generated in batches: I sorted each bucket separately (on several separate machines) and then used the 'sort --merge' function. Works like a charm and is much faster: O(log N/K) vs O(log N).
I also rethinked the project from scratch: some data post-processing is now performed while the data is generated, so that some un-needed data (noise) can be discarded before sorting takes place.
All together, data size reduction & sort/merge led to massive reduction in computing resources needed to achieve my objective.
Thanks for all your helpful comments.
The benefit of quicksort over mergesort is no additional memory overhead. The benefit of mergesort is the guaranteed O(n log n) run time, where as quicksort can be much worse in the event of poor pivot point sampling. If you have no reason to be concerned about the memory use, don't change. If you do, just ensure you pick a quicksort implementation that does solid pivot sampling.
I don't think it would help spectacularly to recompile sort.c. It might be, on a micro-optimization scale. But your bottleneck here is going to be memory/disk speed, not amount of processor available. My intuition would be that 8 threads is going to be maxing out your I/O throughput already, and you would see no performance improvement, but this would certainly be dependent on your specific setup.
Also, you can gain significant performance increases by taking advantage of the distribution of your data. For example, evenly distributed data can be sorted very quickly by a single bucket sort pass, and then using mergesort to sort the buckets. This also has the added benefit of decreasing the total memory overhead of mergesort. If the memory comlexity of mergesort is O(N), and you can separate your data into K buckets, your new memory overhead is O(N/K).
Just an idea:
I assume the file contents are generated for quite a large amout of time. Write an application (script?) which would periodically move the up-till-now generated file to a different location, append its contents to another file, perform a sort on that different file, and repeat until all data is gathered.
That way your system would spend more time sorting, but the results would be available sooner, since sorting partially-sorted data will be faster than sorting the unsorted data.
I think, you need perform that sort in 2 stages:
Split to trie -like buckets, fit into memory.
Iterate buckets according alphabeth order, fetch each, sort, and append to output file.
This is example.
Imagine, you have bucket limit 2 lines only, and your input file is:
on the 1st iteration, you read your input file "super-bucket, with empty prefix", and split according 1st letter.
There would be 3 output files:
As you see, bucket with filename/prefix 7 contains only one record 000, which is "7000", splitted to 7 - filename, and 000 - tail of the string. since this is just one record, wil do not need to split this file anymore. But, files "0" and "5" contains 4 and 3 records, what is more than limit 2. So, need split them again.
After split:
As you see, files with prefix "5" and "7" already splitted. so, need just split file "00".
As you see, after splitting, you will have set of relative small files.
Thereafter, run 2nd stage:
Sort filenames, and process filenames according sorted order.
sort each file, and append resut to output, with adding file name to output string.
