VBA Excel - Faster Execute - Copy Sheet (with charts/objects) from closed file - excel

I am hoping to find a way to help this code run faster; so this is the path im following to try and achieve this -
current time - 23 seconds, most of it opening & closing files.
So I am attempting to pull data from files without opening them.
I've seen Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 but I have not idea how to use it to get the entire sheet, warts and all.
I've seen a lot of solutions that pull data from cells and gets sheet names -
I want my entire sheet, all objects on that sheet, its headers, footers, everything.
This is the macro I'd like to apply it to:
Sub DirPDF_Long_Sections(LongFolderPath As String)
' ####################################################################################
' Purpose
' This procedure assists the user to put all long sections from a folder into one
' PDF file. This makes it convieniet to share the long sections & print them.
' ####################################################################################
Dim LongFolder As String
Dim LongFile As String
Dim OpenLong As Workbook
Dim ExportWB As Workbook
'Dim FileSystemObj As New FileSystemObject
Dim count As Long
Dim DefaultPrinter As String
Dim DefaultSheets As Variant
Dim FirstSpace As Long
Dim LastSpace As Long
Dim start_time, end_time
' ####################################################################################
' optimise speed
start_time = Now()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
' Print the Files in the Folder:
DefaultSheets = Application.SheetsInNewWorkbook '// save default setting
Application.SheetsInNewWorkbook = 1 '// create a one worksheet workbook
Set ExportWB = Workbooks.Add
Application.SheetsInNewWorkbook = DefaultSheets '// re-set application to default
LongFile = Dir(LongFolderPath & "\*PipeLongSec*", vbNormal)
While LongFile <> vbNullString '// loop through all the files in the folder
FirstSpace = InStr(1, LongFile, " ") '// record position of first space character
LastSpace = InStr(FirstSpace + 1, LongFile, " ") '// record position of last space character
Set OpenLong = Workbooks.Open(LongFile) '// open the file
OpenLong.Sheets("Long Sections").Copy After:=ExportWB.Sheets(ExportWB.Sheets.count)
'// copy sheet into export workbook
ExportWB.Sheets(ExportWB.Sheets.count).Name = Mid(LongFile, FirstSpace + 1, LastSpace - FirstSpace - 1)
'// rename sheet we just moved to its pipe number
OpenLong.Close '// close the file
LongFile = Dir() '// get next file
' Delete the other worksheet in the temporary workbook
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
' Send Workbook to PDF - in save location
ExportWB.ExportAsFixedFormat xlTypePDF, LongFolderPath & "\" & "LongSectionCollection " & Replace(Date, "/", "-")
ExportWB.Close SaveChanges:=False
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Set OpenLong = Nothing
end_time = Now()
MsgBox (DateDiff("s", start_time, end_time))
End Sub

Add Option Explicit before any code at the top
Convert DefaultSheets to CLngPtr(DefaultSheets)
Convert Long data types to CLngPtr(variable)
Convert to CDate(Start_Time)
Convert to CDate(End_Time)

No worries. They should be defined in the dim statement if they would remain the same data type. If this data type changes throughout the code then use as variant in the dim statement and use the conversion functions found in the object browser to convert the data types as needed.


VBA started to ask to dimension variables that wasn't dimensioned previously in a code that was working before

I have a routine that replicates excel files from a consolidated. These excel files replicated are named by a list of names in a sheet. I use the "for" function to do it in a cycle from the first name until the last one in the list present in a sheet. Last year I used the code and vba wasn't asking to declare all the variables. And now, when I tried to use, it started to ask me to declare. I declared but something is missing in the code that I coundn't find an answer and vba is giving me a msgbox:
"Object variable or With block variable not set".
I never read something similar to this. Follow the code below and which line the problem is occuring:
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Dim destino As String, gestor, Arquivo2
Dim Arquivo As Workbook
Dim UltimaLinhaGestor As Integer, i, UltimaLinhaBases, UltimaLinhaArquivo, CC
CC = 8
destino = "C:\Users\arno\Documents\"
UltimaLinhaGestor = Sheets("Farol").Cells(Rows.Count, CC).End(xlUp).Row
For i = 3 To UltimaLinhaGestor
gestor = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Farol").Cells(i, CC).Value
'########## HERE ##########
Arquivo = "Orçamento 2021 - " & gestor
'########## HERE ##########
ThisWorkbook.SaveCopyAs (destino & Arquivo & ".xlsm")
Workbooks.Open (destino & Arquivo & ".xlsm"), False
Next i```
Create Workbooks From List
Adjust the values in the constants section as you see fit.
The variable names might be lame but the point is to make them descriptive. And my knowledge of Portuguese is what I learned using Google Translate to write this code.
The Code
Option Explicit
Sub consolidar()
' Constants
Const camArq As String = "C:\Users\arno\Documents\" ' File Path
Const orcAno As String = "Orçamento 2021 - " ' Budget/Year
Const extArq As String = ".xlsm" ' File Extensiom
Const nomePlanilhaFonte As String = "Farol" ' Source Worksheet Name
Const primeiraLinha As Long = 3 ' First Row
Const colunaFonte As Variant = 8 ' e.g. 1 or "A" ' Source Column
Dim livroFonte As Workbook ' Source Workbook Object
Set livroFonte = ThisWorkbook
' Define Source Worksheet (planilhaFonte).
Dim planilhaFonte As Worksheet
Set planilhaFonte = livroFonte.Worksheets(nomePlanilhaFonte)
' Calculate Last Row (ultimaLinha) containing data in Source Column.
Dim ultimaLinha As Long
ultimaLinha = planilhaFonte.Cells(planilhaFonte.Rows.Count, colunaFonte) _
' Speed up the code. You won't be able to see what the code is doing.
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
' Declare additional variables to be used in the "For Next" loop.
Dim livroDestino As Workbook, i As Long, gestor As String
Dim nomeCompleto As String
' In source column, loop from first to last source row of source workbook.
For i = primeiraLinha To ultimaLinha
' Define 'FullName' (nomeCompleto) of the to be created
' destination workbook, to be used with "SaveCopyAs" and "Open".
gestor = planilhaFonte.Cells(i, colunaFonte).Value
nomeCompleto = camArq & orcAno & gestor & extArq
' Save source workbook as current destination workbook.
' "DisplayAlerts" is used to overwrite the possible existing files
' without "Excel" 'complaining'.
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
livroFonte.SaveCopyAs nomeCompleto
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
' Open current destination workbook.
Set livroDestino = Workbooks.Open(nomeCompleto)
' Do stuff in current destination workbook.
With livroDestino
' e.g. Print name to Immediate window (CTRL+G).
Debug.Print .Name
' or:
'.Worksheets(1).Cells(1, 1) = "Test"
' ...
' Finally close current destination workbook.
.Close True ' True means save changes.
End With
Next i
' Stop speeding up the code and refresh screen.
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
' Inform user-
MsgBox "Sucesso"
End Sub

Split a macro enabled file as separate files based on the column values

Imagine I have a file that already has macros in it which is applied to the data. I want to split that file into multiple files based on the region column such a way that I have to keep all the macro functions in that split files also from the original file. Please tell me the way to do it in VBA.
Sub SplitEachWorksheet()
Dim FPath As String
FPath = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Sheets
Application.ActiveSheet.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF,
Filename:=FPath & "\" & ws.Name & ".xlsx"
Application.ActiveWorkbook.Close False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
But I don't know-how to split by keeping macro functionalities from original file. please tell me how to do that.
If you want to do that in VBA, I would suggest you write code to:
Find all the values from the Region column
For each region:
Make a full copy of the original file (including the macro's)
Delete all rows which don't belong to that region
You'll have to put the macro which does the splitting and copying in a separate workbook.
I will assume that the region is in the first column of the first Sheet, and that all relevant data is on the first sheet. You will have to change that in the code to match the position in your workbook
And I assume that the original workbook is not opened. You may want to close it in your code.
Sub kopieer()
Dim macro_wb As Workbook
Dim macro_ws As Worksheet
Dim orig_wb As Workbook
Dim orig_ws As Worksheet
Dim orig_range As Range
Dim origpath As String
Dim origname As String
Dim region_wb As Workbook
Dim region_ws As Worksheet
Dim region As String
Dim region_wb_name As String
Dim region_row As Integer
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
origname = "D:\Oefen\test\Test_0.xlsm"
' Use this workbook to find the regions
Set macro_wb = ThisWorkbook
Set macro_sheet = Sheet1
Set orig_wb = Application.Workbooks.Open(Filename:=origname)
origpath = orig_wb.Path
' Assuming the region is in first column of first Sheet
Set orig_ws = orig_wb.Sheets(1)
Set orig_range = orig_ws.Range([A2], [A2].End(xlDown))
orig_range.Copy (Sheet1.[A1])
' Now we have all regions in column 1 of first sheet
Sheet1.Range([A1], [A1].End(xlDown)).RemoveDuplicates Columns:=1, Header:=xlNo
' loop throught the regions
For row = 1 To Sheet1.[A1].End(xlDown).row
region = Sheet1.Cells(row, 1)
' Make a full copy of the original file (including the macro's)
region_wb_name = origpath + "\" + region + ".xlsm"
FileCopy origname, region_wb_name
' Delete all rows which don't belong to that region
Set region_wb = Application.Workbooks.Open(region_wb_name)
Set region_ws = region_wb.Sheets(1)
' We are deleting rows, so we should start at the bottom
For region_row = region_ws.[A2].End(xlDown).row To 2 Step -1
If region_ws.Cells(region_row, 1).Value <> region Then
End If
Next region_row
Next row
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Copying base data sheet along with selected sheets from source workbook to new workbook

I am looking at building a master workbook which receives a monthly dump of data for all Cost Centres which will then populate a large number of worksheets within the workbook, and which then need to be split off and sent out to service heads. A service head will receive a selection of worksheets based on the first 4 characters of the sheet name (although this may change in due course).
eg 1234x, 1234y, 5678a, 5678b will produce two new workbooks named 1234 and 5678 with two sheets in each.
I have cobbled some code from various forum to create a macro that will work through a hard coded array defining the service head 4 character codes and create a series of new workbooks. And which seems to work.
However.. I also need to include the main data dump sheet within the source file (called "data") with the the array of files being copied over so that the links remain with the data sheet being copied over. If I write a line to copy over the data sheet separately, the new workbook still refers back to the source file, which service heads do not have access to.
So main question is: how can I add the "data" tab into the Sheets(CopyNames).Copy code so it is copied over with all the other files in the array at the same to keep the links intact?
Second question is if I decide it is the first two characters of the worksheet define the sheets that relate to a service head, how do I tweak the split/mid line of code - I've trialled around but am getting tied up in knots!
Any other tips to make the code more elegant much appreciated (there may be quite a long list of service head codes and I am sure there is a better way of creating a list for the routine to loop through)
Sub Copy_Sheets()
Dim strNames As String, strWSName As String
Dim arrNames, CopyNames
Dim wbAct As Workbook
Dim i As Long
Dim arrlist As Object
Set arrlist = CreateObject("system.collections.arraylist")
arrlist.Add "1234"
arrlist.Add "5678"
Set wbAct = ActiveWorkbook
For Each Item In arrlist
For i = 1 To Sheets.Count
strNames = strNames & "," & Sheets(i).Name
Next i
arrNames = Split(Mid(strNames, 2), ",")
'strWSName =("1234")
strWSName = Item
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
CopyNames = Filter(arrNames, strWSName, True, vbTextCompare)
If UBound(CopyNames) > -1 Then
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=strWSName & " " & Format(Now, "dd-mmm-yy h-mm-ss")
MsgBox "No sheets found: " & strWSName
End If
Next Item
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Option Explicit
Sub CopySheets()
With ThisWorkbook
Dim SheetIndex As Long
Dim ValidSheetNames() As String
ReDim ValidSheetNames(1 To .Worksheets.Count)
' Build a 1 dimensional array called ValidSheetNames, which contains every sheet in the master workbook other than DEDICATEDSHEET. '
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In .Worksheets
If ws.Name <> "DEDICATEDSHEET" Then
SheetIndex = SheetIndex + 1
ValidSheetNames(SheetIndex) = ws.Name
End If
Next ws
ReDim Preserve ValidSheetNames(1 To SheetIndex)
' Read all ServiceCodes into a 1-dimensional array '
Dim ServiceHeadCodes As Variant
ServiceHeadCodes = Application.Transpose(.Worksheets("DEDICATEDSHEET").Range("CCLIST[CC]").Value2)
Dim CodeIndex As Long
' Now loop through each ServiceHeadCode '
For CodeIndex = LBound(ServiceHeadCodes) To UBound(ServiceHeadCodes)
' Put all sheet names which contain the current ServiceHeadCode into an array called SheetsToCopy '
Dim SheetsToCopy() As String
SheetsToCopy = Filter(ValidSheetNames, ServiceHeadCodes(CodeIndex), True, vbTextCompare)
' Check if SheetToCopy now contains any sheet names at all. '
If UBound(SheetsToCopy) > -1 Then
' Add the name of the Data sheet to the end of the array '
ReDim Preserve SheetsToCopy(LBound(SheetsToCopy) To (UBound(SheetsToCopy) + 1))
SheetsToCopy(UBound(SheetsToCopy)) = "Data"
Dim OutputWorkbook As Workbook
Set OutputWorkbook = Application.Workbooks.Add
' Copy all sheets which are in SheetToCopy array to newly created OutputWorkbook '
.Worksheets(SheetsToCopy).Copy OutputWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
' Delete the default Sheet1, which should be at the end as copied sheets were inserted before it. '
' But suppress the Are you sure you want to delete this sheet.. message. '
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
' Re-enable alerts, as we want to see any other dialogue boxes/messages
' Not providing a full directory path below means OutputWorkbook will be saved wherever Thisworkbook is saved.'
OutputWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=ServiceHeadCodes(CodeIndex) & " " & Format(Now, "dd-mmm-yy h-mm-ss") & ".xlsx", FileFormat:=51
MsgBox "No sheets found: " & ServiceHeadCodes(CodeIndex)
End If
Next CodeIndex
End With
End Sub
Untested and written on mobile, sorry for bad formatting.
This approach proposes that you store all service head codes in a 1-column Excel table on a dedicated sheet that is referred to via Excel table nomenclature (which might be easier than ArrayList.Add for each new service head code).
I assume code is stored in master workbook ('thisworkbook'), which might not be true.
You could modify the serviceheadcodes table directly on the spreadsheet itself, if you later decide that SheetsToCopy will be determined by first 2, 3 or X characters -- or you could modify array itself with left$() function.
Hope it works or gives you some ideas.
Edit: This is my sheet and table layout (which I assume matches yours).
And this is what the code above gives me on my computer.

Excel VBA: Copy data from multiple passwordprotected workbooks in a folder into one worksheet in another workboo

I have written a code that opens a password protected workbook in a folder, copy some values out of it and paste the values in active woorkbook. This works fine.
My problem is that I have 16 password protected files in this folder, and I need a loop that does the same thing with every file. Below you can find the code, and I think all my problems should be properly explained with comments inside the code. Please ask if anything is unclear. In advance, thanks for any help!
Sub Bengt()
Dim sPath As String
Dim vFolder As Variant
Dim sFile As String
Dim sDataRange As String
Dim mydata As String
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim WBookOther As Workbook
Dim myArray As Variant '<<does the list of passwords have to be array?
sPath = ThisWorkbook.Path & Application.PathSeparator
sDataRange = "Budsjett_resultat'!E2" '<<every file I want to open has data in this sheet and range
sFile = "BENGT.xlsm" '<< how to make sFile be every file in folder?
' here I want a loop that opens every woorkbook in the folder M::\SALG\2016\Budsjett\
Set WBookOther = Workbooks.Open(sPath & sFile, Password:="bengt123")
' all passwords starts with filename + three numbers after as you can see
' here I want to make excel find the password out of a list of passwords in range B100:B116
mydata = "='" & sPath & "[" & sFile & "]" & sDataRange
'mydata = "='M:\SALG\2016\Budsjett\Bengt.xlsmBudsjett_resultat'!E2:E54" '<< change as required
'link to worksheet
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Range("T2:T54")
'in this case I want the loop to find "BENGT"(which is the filename) in cell T1, and paste the values in range T2:T54.
'For the other files, I want the loop to find the filename (of the file it opened) in row 1,
'and paste the values in range ?2-?54 at the column with the same name as the filename
.Formula = mydata
.Value = .Value
WBookOther.Close SaveChanges:=False
End With
End Sub
For the password array I have tried following code:
Sub passord()
Dim myArray As Variant
myArray = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Range("B100:B116")
On Error Resume Next 'turn error reporting off
For i = LBound(myArray, 1) To UBound(myArray, 1)
Set wb = Workbooks.Open("M:\SALG\2016\Budsjett\BENGT.xlsm", Password:=myArray(i, 1))
If Not wb Is Nothing Then bOpen = True: Exit For
Next i
End Sub
I have tried to implement the last sub into the first sub, but I can't figure out how to make it work.

Automate creation of charts in multiple excel files?

I just spent a significant amount of time creating identical graphs in several dozen excel files (all containing identically formatted data,) and believe there has to be a more efficient way of completing what I've just done.
To simplify things, consider 50 excel documents with data in the same format. Does there exist a method of automatically:
Creating a simple line graph
Adding axis labels, a chart label, removing horizontal grid lines
Including a trend line/R^2 value
Saving the new workbook to a certain location with "_graphed" appended to the filename
Would this be something that an Excel VBA could be used for?
For this sort of problem I would start by recording a macro of the steps you take manually into a personal macro workbook. You can then look at the code produced by Excel and you may find that you don't need to make too many changes for this to be useful as a generic procedure.
After testing, if you wanted to take the automation one step further you could write a little procedure to loop through all of the Excel files in a directory and call your chart procedure for each file when it is open. I can dig out come code I wrote doing something similar if it will help.
Here is a thread where I have provided some code to loop through all of the files containing some given text (in this example ".pdf" but could just as easily be ".xls" to cover xlsx, xlsm etc).
Also this example prints out a list of the files it finds to a worksheet. This is a good start to test the results, but once this is okay you would need to replace the line:
Range(c).Offset(j, 0).Value = vFileList(i)
With some code to open that workbook and call your code to generate the chart. Let me know if you get stuck.
Further Update
I have reviewed the code referred to above and made a few improvements including an additional parameter for you to specify the name of a macro that you want to run against each of the workbooks opened (that meet the condition specified). The macro that you use in the call must exist in the workbook that you are calling all of the other workbooks from (e.g. if the chart macro is in your personal workbook then the code below should also be placed in your personal macro workbook):
Option Explicit
Sub FileLoop(pDirPath As String, _
Optional pPrintToSheet = False, _
Optional pStartCellAddr = "$A$1", _
Optional pCheckCondition = False, _
Optional pFileNameContains = "xxx", _
Optional pProcToRunOnWb)
On Error GoTo PrintFileList_err
' Local constants / variables
Const cProcName = "FileLoop"
Dim vFileList() As String ' array for file names
Dim i As Integer ' iterator for file name array
Dim j As Integer ' match counter
Dim c As String
' variables for optional param pProcToRunOnWb
Dim vFullPath As String
Dim vTmpPath As String
Dim wb As Workbook
vFullPath = Application.ThisWorkbook.FullName
vFileList = GetFileList(pDirPath)
c = pStartCellAddr
j = 0
For i = LBound(vFileList) To UBound(vFileList)
' if condition is met (i.e. filename cotains text or condition is not required...
If pCheckCondition And InStr(1, vFileList(i), pFileNameContains, vbTextCompare) > 0 _
Or Not pCheckCondition Then
' print name to sheet if required...
If pPrintToSheet Then
Range(c).Offset(j, 0).Value = vFileList(i)
j = j + 1 ' increment row offset
End If
' open wb to run macro if required...
If pProcToRunOnWb <> "" Then
Application.DisplayAlerts = False ' set alerts off so that macro can run in other wb
vTmpPath = pDirPath & "\" & vFileList(i)
Set wb = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=vTmpPath)
Application.Run "'" & vFullPath & "'!" & pProcToRunOnWb
wb.Close (True) ' save and close workbook
Application.DisplayAlerts = True ' set alerts back on
End If
End If
Debug.Print vFileList(i)
Next i
' clean up
Set wb = Nothing
Exit Sub
Debug.Print "Error in ", cProcName, vbCrLf, "Err no: ", Err.Number, _
vbCrLf, "Err Description: ", Err.Description
Resume Next
End Sub
Function GetFileList(pDirPath As String) As Variant
On Error GoTo GetFileList_err
' Local constants / variables
Const cProcName = "GetFileList"
Dim objFSO As Object
Dim objFolder As Object
Dim objFile As Object
Dim c As Double ' upper bound for file name array
Dim i As Double ' iterator for file name array
Dim vFileList() As String ' array for file names
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(pDirPath)
c = objFolder.Files.Count
i = 0
ReDim vFileList(1 To c) ' set bounds on file array now we know count
'Loop through the Files collection
For Each objFile In objFolder.Files
'Debug.Print objFile.Name
i = i + 1
vFileList(i) = objFile.Name
'Clean up!
Set objFolder = Nothing
Set objFile = Nothing
Set objFSO = Nothing
GetFileList = vFileList
Exit Function
Debug.Print "Error in ", cProcName, vbCrLf, "Err no: ", Err.Number, _
vbCrLf, "Err Description: ", Err.Description
Resume Next
End Function
You can call this from another macro or from the immediate window (ctrl+G) with the parameters required e.g. to get all files containing '.xls', and run a macro named 'your_macro_name_here' the code would be:
call FileLoop("C:\Users\Prosserc\Dropbox\Docs\Stack_Overflow\Test", False, "", True, ".xls", "your_macro_name_here")
Obviously change the path in the first parameter to point to the directory containing the files that you want to run the macro against.
There is a library called Xlsxwriter for both python and perl which allows for the automation of chart generation. For some sample python code, see my post here.
