Nokia 2330c how to get log file - java-me

I'm trying to create simple app and one of my phones for testing is Nokia 2330c. My question is - is there any way to get connected to this particular model(preferably using cable), get inside and read the log file (similar to android logcat)? And does this model support any GUI like LWUIT or Polsih?

If you are using LWUIT, you will find the Log class to help you to get log info from your code. There is not any program similar to Logcat, sorry.


Local Notifications/Alarms on iOS similar to AlarmManager from Android

I am new to iOS app and I would really appreciate your help.
I want to implement Notifications/Alarms that will run foreground and/or background for my iOS App.
I want to set multiple alarms and being appeared let's say every day.
I couldn't be able to find a proper solution, but I found the following:
Do you think that that will work in my case? Any comments will be helpful.
How can I avoid being rejecting from the Apple store?

Take panoramic photos in Android

I want to make an Android application that allows the user to take panoramic pictures... I have been searching for several hours for some library or some sample code or tutorial but I didn't find anything very interesting. Some applications like "Cardboard camera" or the standard Android camera can do this! Is there a way to call these application functions? Or some API? It still would be good if the app I want to make just would use an external app to take the photo. Please help me, thank you :)

Invoke a One Midlet from another Midlet

I’m working on J2ME Barcode Scanner using Zxing1.7 Library since 1.7 is the latest version which supports J2ME.
Since barcode functionality is already present as part of this Zxing, I need to call from my component Midlet.
As I’m very new to J2ME, I’m not getting how to invoke a ZxingMidlet from another Midlet.
Please provide your input/support If anyone has already worked on J2ME/has any experience on this.
It will be of great help to me.
The is just an example of how to use their library. You should copy the parts of the code you need into your own project, instead of trying to start another midlet from your midlet.

j2me polish PIM List

I have made an app for j2me Mobile, now I wanted to give it polish effects for which I copied Build.xml and resources folder and the issues were solved, but my project uses javax.microedition.pim.Contact; and I have written my whole code using that API.
When I clean & debug this project it gives error as below
error: package javax.microedition.pim does not exist
import javax.microedition.pim.Contact; //if it asks to import then there should be a way, but what?
I know polish offers its own PIM API as de.enough.polish.pim.PimContact, but I can't change my code for this. What I want to do is to apply polish css effects and run it as polish project but using the javax.microedition.pim.Contact for PIM operations.
There should be some way to use it and I guess there is, I did try to find something useful there but couldn't get it. I am new to polish and J2me so there is possibility of lack of knowledge. But I would love to find a satisfactory answer to this issue.
Strange that being so many users and developers of J2me and Nokia I didn't get the answer of a stupid mistake I was doing since long. I just had to select the PIM api from the selection of target API and devices when creating the object as we know that in all J2me or Nokia uses the Generic javax.microedition.PIM api. Sorry for answering my own question but I think it could be helpful for any other dumb like me. Thanks for bearing

Xcode iPhone SDK (5.x) - CocoaLibSpotify iOS, Loading and Viewing playlists

iOS Spotify API.
I read the documentation on the browse.m example which seems to contain what i am looking for.
But i really don't know how to use it.
When the list of the playlists is called how do i display it in a UITableView ?
If i could joust get started i can probably figure out and accomplish what i want.
So basically i need a "kickstart" help code, and i'll be on my way (Figure of speech).
( Btw, yes i have the AppKey.c needed and i successfully #imported the API)
See the sample projects included with CocoaLibSpotify for a general idea on how to interact with the library.
As for displaying playlists, well, playlists are stored in an NSArray and each have a name property, etc, so you'd put them into a table view just like you would any other list of data in the iOS SDK.
