Using getDocumentByKey: 'Undefined' is not a function - dominotogo

I'm trying to enter a notes document by using the getDocumentByUNID function. Running the following code snipped outputs an error:
var unid = (function() {
for (var x in e.row.children) {
if (e.row.children[x].content == "id") {
return e.row.children[x].text;
if (!unid) {
YN.exception("Function displayGeraet: Document ID could not be found!");
} else {
var Geraete_db = app.notes_db_geraete;
YN.log("Unid: "+unid); //Output: Unid: 22EC92ED5AF33138C1257BA30053E753
YN.log("URL: "+Geraete_db.baseURL); //Output: URL: http://MT04.wd.isernhagen/HKMT/Ticket/Geraete.nsf
var Geraete_doc = Geraete_db.getDocumentbyUNID(unid); //EXCEPTION: openGeraet, TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'db.getDocumentbyUNID(unid)')
Any suggestions what I'm missing?

do you have "Geraete_db.getDocumentByUNID(unid)" with "By" in uppercase or with lower case as in your code sample?
It should be getDocumentByUNID().


How to validate mongoose document by current field in existed doc in mongodb?

I have mongoose schema
const messageSchema = new mongoose.Schema({{
name: String,
code: String //enum ['start', 'waiting', 'complete']
for example - I will save an item:
name: 'firstItem',
code: 'start'
next time - when update this document I want to use validation function
function validateCode(value) {
if (existed.code === 'start' && value === 'waiting') {
return true;
if (existed.code === 'waiting' && value === 'complete') {
return true;
return false;
but How can I call existed item id db in validate function?
Big thx!
I'm fairly certain that validators don't get access to the object that is being updated, so what you are trying to do won't work with validators.
There are however different options for you. For instance you could use a instance method.
For the validation flow you described before, a instance method accomplishing the same would be this:
messageSchema.methods.updateCode = function(value){
const fromStart = this.code === 'start' && value === 'waiting';
const fromWaiting = this.code === 'waiting' && value === 'complete';
if (fromStart || fromWaiting) {
this.code = value;
else {
throw Error("Invalid code update");
With this method you would also be free to choose a more optimized way to handle the "invalid code update" case.
More on instance methods could be found in the mongoose docs

NetSuite SuiteScript 2.0 disable field based on checkbox

I apologize if this is a dumb question, but I am new to NetSuite, and have noticed that their documentation is absolutely ridiculously horrifyingly and atrociously disgusting. All humor and bitterness aside though, I can't find the details that should exists in SuiteAnswers. I can find the type Field or Record, but it doesn't show me the options available for those types. It just shows what methods to call to return a field or record.
So I have it on the fieldChanged event as the training specifies, and below is what I have.
function fieldChanged(context) {
var customer = context.currentRecord
if (context.fieldId == 'custentity_apply_coupon') {
var field = record.getField("custentity_apply_coupon");
if (record.getValue("custentity_apply_coupon") == true) {
reord.getField("custentity_coupon_code").isDisabled = false;
reord.getField("custentity_coupon_code").isDisabled = true;
field.isDisabled = false;
Turns out that, and I never found this in the documentation, that once you get the field from currentRecord.currentRecord, you can set it to disabled via field.isDisabled. Took me forever to find out that isDisabled was a property of field, and then took a complete guess to see that isDisabled was a get/set call for ClientSide Scripts. Below is the code that ended up working.
function fieldChanged(scriptContext) {
var customer = scriptContext.currentRecord;
if(scriptContext.fieldId == "custentity_sdr_apply_coupon"){
var field = customer.getField("custentity_sdr_coupon_code");
field.isDisabled = !customer.getValue(scriptContext.fieldId);
customer.setValue(, "");
I hope this will help.
function fieldChanged(context) {
var currentRecord = context.currentRecord;
var approvalChkBox = currentRecord.getValue({
fieldId: 'supervisorapproval'
var memoField = currentRecord.getField("memo");
if (approvalChkBox)
memoField.isDisabled = true;
memoField.isDisabled = false;
Thats a good question, this is the simplest solution you are looking for. use getValue method and isDisabled to meet this requirement. the code is self explanatory. Good Luck.
function fieldChanged(context) {
var record = context.currentRecord;
var fieldname = context.fieldId;
var changedValue = record.getValue(fieldname); //getValue method is the key here
var couponid = record.getField('custentity_kld_coupon_code');
if (fieldname == 'custentity_kld_apply_coupon' && changedValue == true) {
couponid.isDisabled = false; //isDisabled helps you to enable or disable a field
} else {
couponid.isDisabled = true;
Totally agree. I think the SuiteScript 2.0 Student Guide could've been more helpful if they included a preview of their codes along the way.
For anyone else who is still following along, this code below worked for me. Thanks for everyone else that contributed in this post. Used your codes to create this too. I also included some other codes from the previous exercises (i.e. displaying a message when entering 'x' into the coupon code).
* #NScriptType ClientScript
* #NApiVersion 2.0
function() {
function fieldChanged (context) {
var customer = context.currentRecord;
if(context.fieldId = 'custentity_sdr_apply_coupon') {
var check = customer.getValue('custentity_sdr_apply_coupon');
var code = customer.getField('custentity_sdr_coupon_code');
if (check == true){
code.isDisabled = false;
} else {
code.isDisabled = true;
function saveRecord(context) {
var customer = context.currentRecord;
var empCode = customer.getValue('custentity_sdr_coupon_code')
if(empCode == 'x') {
alert('Invalid code value. Please try again');
return false;
return true;
return {
fieldChanged: fieldChanged,
saveRecord: saveRecord,
var objRec_Curr = scriptContext.currentRecord;
var TransferType = objRec_Curr.getCurrentSublistValue({sublistId:'xxxxxxxxxx', fieldId : 'xxxxxxxxxxxx'});
if(TransferType == 'ABC')
eval("nlapiDisableLineItemField('custpage_sublist_out', 'custpage_out_transfer_location', true)");
eval("nlapiDisableLineItemField('custpage_sublist_out', 'custpage_out_transfer_location', false)");

How can I pass object properties to onSyndicationSuccess event while using SMF.Net.WebClient dynamically

I'm trying to create a central function for dynamic web requests.
function makeWebRequest(remoteURL, requestString, callBackFunction) {
var myWebRequest = new SMF.Net.WebClient({
url : remoteURL,
httpMethod : "POST",
requestString : requestString,
requestHeaders : [
"Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"],
onSyndicationSuccess : callBackFunction,
onServerError : function (e) {
While calling makeWebRequest, passing a callBackFunction to it like;
var remoteURL = "";
var requestString = "category=news&type=world";
function callBackFunction(e) {
responseText = this.responseText;
if (responseText != null) {
parsedJSON = JSON.parse(responseText);
Application raises an error at line
responseText = this.responseText;
How can I pass myWebRequest itself to a function like that?
I used your codeLines. I just add a textButton to Page1, and it works fine both for Android and iOS .
In Global.js;
function makeWebRequest(remoteURL, requestString, callBackFunction) {
var myWebRequest = new SMF.Net.WebClient({
url : remoteURL,
httpMethod : "POST",
requestString : requestString,
requestHeaders : [
"Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"],
onSyndicationSuccess : callBackFunction,
onServerError : function (e) {
var remoteURL = "";
var requestString = "category=news&type=world";
function callBackFunction(e) {
var responseText = this.responseText;
if (responseText != null) {
parsedJSON = JSON.parse(responseText);
function Global_Events_OnStart(e) {
changeLang(Device.language, true);
include("BC.js"); //included for future BC support. Removing is not advised.
// Comment following block for navigationbar/actionbar sample. Read the JS code file for usage.
// Also there is a part of code block in Page1, which should be copied to every page for HeaderBar usage
header = new HeaderBar();
// Uncomment following block for menu sample. Read the JS code file for usage.
function Global_Events_OnError(e) {
switch (e.type) {
case "Server Error":
case "Size Overflow":
SES.Analytics.eventLog("error", JSON.stringify(e));
//change the following code for desired generic error messsage
title : lang.applicationError,
message : e.message + "\n\n*" + e.sourceURL + "\n*" + e.line + "\n*" + e.stack
In Page1.js;
function Page1_Self_OnKeyPress(e) {
if (e.keyCode === 4) {
function Page1_Self_OnShow() {
//Comment following block for removing navigationbar/actionbar sample
//Copy this code block to every page onShow
function Page1_TextButton1_OnPressed(e){
it works fine. Check your makeWebRequest function, must be on Global.js. Also define "responseText" variable with "var".

How to save base64 file to the client using JavaScript?

I have the gotten a certain result from the Notes tab.
The link you see inside the iframe is the name of the file.
I have the DocumentBody from the annotation in some format that looks like base64.
How do I download it?
Perform a JQuery request to a URL like this
Xrm.Page.context.getServerUrl() + "XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData.svc/ActivityMimeAttachmentSet(guid'abc...')?$select=Body"
By specifying the select you will request only what you want.
Assign the result to a variable and prepend
From there you could display it inline as an HTML object or try to open it as a new window with
window.location or or document.location.href
I had already the base64 documentbody string extracted like this:
function getSla() {
// Define SOAP message
var objectId;
if (typeof crmForm === "undefined") {
objectId = parent.crmForm.ObjectId;
else {
objectId = crmForm.ObjectId;
var xml =
"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>",
"<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=\"\" ",
"xmlns:xsi=\"\" ",
"<RetrieveMultiple xmlns=''>",
"<query xmlns:q1='' ",
"<q1:ColumnSet xsi:type='q1:AllColumns' />",
"<q1:Values><q1:Value xsi:type=\"xsd:string\">",
var resultXml = executeSoapRequest("RetrieveMultiple", xml);
var result = filter(resultXml.getElementsByTagName("q1:filename"), function (element) {
return /master.*sla/i.test(element.text);
if (result.length == 0) {
return null;
else {
return result[0].parentNode;
function getSlaDocumentBody(sla) {
return sla.getElementsByTagName("q1:documentbody")[0].text;
}"data:application/pdf;base64," + getSlaDocumentBody(sla));
It opened a new window with the string data:application/pdf.......... in the address bar but did nothing. I would prefer that solution indeed.
Ended up using srasmussen solution in here:
var URL = serverUrl + "/userdefined/edit.aspx?etc=5&id=" + slaId;
$.get(URL, function (data) {
var WRPCTokenElement = $(data).find("[WRPCTokenUrl]");
if (WRPCTokenElement) {
var WRPCTokenUrl = WRPCTokenElement.attr("WRPCTokenUrl");
if (WRPCTokenUrl) {
URL = "/Activities/Attachment/download.aspx?AttachmentType=5&AttachmentId=" + slaId + "&IsNotesTabAttachment=undefined" + WRPCTokenUrl;;
return false;

Cannot convert lambda expression to type 'int' because it is not a delegate type

In this c# code I need to convert the userName value from string to int type.
Is anyone know please help me. I have got error as a compilation error "Cannot convert lambda expression to type 'int' because it is not a delegate type" like this.
ShoppingCartPartRecord cartRecord = null;
try {
cartRecord = _shoppingCartRepository.Get(r => r.Username == userName);
catch (InvalidOperationException ex) {
if (ex.Message == "Sequence contains more than one element") {
var badCarts = _shoppingCartRepository.Table.Where(x => x.Username == userName);
foreach (var shoppingCartPartRecord in badCarts) {
Thank you in advance.
Without the source to your repository we can only guess at what the methods do.
From the errors you are describing the get function expects either an index into an array or an integer primary key and so is the wrong function
You should be able to change the code as follows to achieve the desired effect
ShoppingCartPartRecord cartRecord = null;
try {
cartRecord = _shoppingCartRepository.Table.Single(r => r.Username == userName);
catch (InvalidOperationException ex) {
if (ex.Message == "Sequence contains more than one element") {
var badCarts = _shoppingCartRepository.Table.Where(x => x.Username == userName);
foreach (var shoppingCartPartRecord in badCarts) {
