Ability to have multiple programmers work on same project - visual-studio-2012

I am working with a small group of developers; we want the ability to be working on the same project at the same time over the internet. Is there a way to do this? I have read into Team Foundation Server but none of us have been successful in creating actual code files. Any suggestions? We are using Visual Studios 2012, C#.

As I pointed out in my comment, you can use Git or Subversion. I haven't used Visual Studio much lately, but you should be able to integrate Subversion with it pretty easily. I haven't tried Git with Visual Studio, but considering its popularity I bet it integrates rather easily also.
Both of them are means of source control. Subversion is a simpler interface with a smaller learning curve, but Git uses a distributed model and gives you finer control over the history and progress of your project. Git comes with some visualization tools (gitg, gitk, etc.). You can use a client like TortoiseSVN for Subversion.
Both of them support using external tools to compare files/projects (diffs), which is a bonus for most Windows users. You can use something like WinMerge for that.
That should be all you need :)


Does Visual Studio 2022 have the same ability to open a javascript/nodejs project folder in a WSL2 Linux as VS Code is able to do?

If I'm in my WSL2 Ubuntu filesystem I can simply navigate to a javascript/nodejs folder and type code . to open that project folder and thanks to VS Code's Remote extensions, I'm essentially remoting into the Linux environment and ready to code.
Now Visual Studio 2022 has been released, I was wondering if it too supports the same level of cross-platform IDE capability as VS Code?
How, for instance, when in my WSL2 Ubuntu project in Windows Terminal, can I open my javascript/nodejs project in the Linux filesystem using VS2022, or is this not supported because VS Code is the only cross-platform IDE that can do this?
So its not really possible to do how your thinking. The problem here is that you your not understanding the difference between a "Code Editor", and an "Integrated Development Environment (IDE)", which is totally understandable, as the line that separates the two has become blurred in recent years, and also a topic of debate. There was a far more explicit distinction between the 2 10-15 years ago, however, Microsoft has done a good job at separating the two, where JetBrains will release a piece of software that can be used as an IDE, but is more often than not, used as an editor, but will still call it an IDE, even though its not an IDE in a pure sense.
How is all this related to your question?
When you open your Node.js project in VSCode via the code . command, you are opening it in an editor that implements Intelli-code, as well as a wealth of other tools, but essentially, the editor, and all the tools extract the names & file extensions of your documents, parse them (usually turning much of the info into an AST, where many extensions will make use of that info to offer the various tooling capabilities/features. The point is at the end of the day, the editor just parses all of your code, gives you info, and you make any changes as needed to your code. And again, this is what your doing with code .
With Visual Studio 2022, you can't open a project with it, unless its a project type the IDE supports, and enables the IDE, to embed its-self into your project. This includes things like built in environment, built in cache, built in build system, the files needed to bootstrap its-self. With an IDE, the IDE is part of the project.
So then why does Visual Stdio 2022 work with Node?
It works with node, to create Node.js applications within a windows environment, and it offers the ability to access different Windows SDK features via Node. These are things you could never do using server-side Linux builds with Node. When you build a Cpp application for windows, you package the entire thing in a .sin file, I haven't built a windows app in node, but I know that Node also uses the .sin file build system, which requires Visual Studio & Windows SDK to do, and parts of Visual Studio/Windows to be embedded into the project, for the project to be able to work in a Windows OS, and take advantage of MS Windows features.
Long story short, V.S. Code is the right tool for what your doing, why would Microsoft invest in two identical tools any way? If you ever want to build something for Windows, or for MS mobile device using Node, you will probably want to change your environment, to VS2022.

Both TFS and VSS on a Single Project

We are a small development team working mostly on Visual Studio. Until recently, I was working from Office and we were using VSS for version control. Now, as I had to move to my native place, I am hundreds of miles apart from my team and I am using TFS Online to collaborate with the team. As the team is still working on VSS, there is always a problem when merging the codes from two different sources.
So, what I wanted to know is, what do you suggest for us.
Is there any tool that can help us achieve this?
Is it possible for us to use both TFS and VSS as version controls on a single machine for the project, so that a member can get the latest from VSS and checkin into TFS Online and vice-versa ?
Sorry for the naive question if it is, I am a noob.
P.S: Bosses dont want to spend on TFS Online licenses. :)
No it's not possible for the same Project / Solution to have different source control connection.
you could open 2 different solutions . i.e. the original on VSS and the copy on VSOnline and then manualy try and keep both solutions inline, but it would be a MANUAL Process.
As VSS is no longer supported in any way you should use the built in TFS tools to migrate all of your data to TFS on-premises.
Once there you can put TFS on http or https and access if just like VSO.

Develop Windows applications with Linux tools

I like the Linux operating system and vim editor, but there are many companies that develop under Windows environment in Visual studio etc. There is a possibility that I will have to work for such a company in about a month.
I'd like to do my work on my Linux system and copy the files to them. I have experience with both developments and I found out that I don't want to work with MS products but I like programming and writing MS code is not such a pain.
Are you a similar developer? Could you give me some advice about your methodology to be most of the time on Linux platform, to create code and debug everything in vim on Linux and only when neccessary open Visual Studio with Windows forms and similar things and test the things that weren't possible to test in Linux environment?
I would see the work in creating small peaces of code on Linux, testing them and then move it to MS platform and integrate to the whole system. How do you debug and test your code? The development will be probably in C# or C++. I can't imagine Visual Basic.
Please write here your experience, style of work, if this has sence or there are too many troubles and I should rather give up.
So the question is: How to develop applications that run on Windows with Linux tools, without touching Visual Studio and browsing with Windows file manager etc.
thank you
Not sure, if this will help you or not but there is a Vim Emulation layer for Visual Studio 2010 called VsVim.
Check out : http://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/59ca71b3-a4a3-46ca-8fe1-0e90e3f79329
If I were you I'd install MinGW or Cygwin on your windows machine and just use gvim/vim anyway (or maybe just use the Win32 vim).
VS is just a big editor. You'll be building with the microsoft compilers ( perhaps using msbuild or nmake ) but probably are going to have to accept that you can only debug windows things with VS ( unless you build for MinGW or Cygwin and use gcc and gdb)
You can use vim as a code editor, you can even stick on Linux when developing software for the .NET platform. The people behind the Mono make this happen. Mono is a software platform designed to allow developers to easily create cross platform applications. It is an open source implementation of Microsoft's .Net Framework based on the ECMA standards for C# and the Common Language Runtime.
You can stick to the editor of your liking and use the tools that come with Mono to compile your stuff. There is a IDE called Mono Develop, but compared to Visual Studio it is pretty basic... and compared to VIM it lacks simplicity.
C# projects are plain text files so it's easy enough to edit them over an SMB share in whatever editor you wish from anywhere the sysadmins let you.
Testing however will be difficult without going back to the windows machine, and while Mono implements the framework, it's still a different environment if you're targeting Windows.

web developer tools linux

I started using Linux for PHP web development. What is a helpful toolset to use for web development (mostly PHP) available for the Linux platform. My Current IDE is netbeans and I am happy with it.
In no particular order, my perfect environment consists of:
vim - text editing
git - version control
screen - terminal management
This is all you really need to build a great app in any language, for that matter (baseline). Every language has its specifics, but the above will more than get you started.
The PDT project provides a PHP
Development Tools framework for the
Eclipse platform. This project
encompasses all development components
necessary to develop PHP and
facilitate extensibility. It leverages
the existing Web Tools Platform (WTP)
and Dynamic Languages Toolkit (DLTK)
in providing developers with PHP
You can have a try for eclipse.
Another one not mentioned in this thread (suitable for PHP and a lot of other dynamic languages):
Komodo Edit (free version of the Komodo IDE)
I really like using Netbeans and SqlSquirrel. Both of these tools are written in Java and they are cross platform compatible. Also an odd note about SqlSquirrel: It uses the Netbeans editor. Also, if you like there are many tutorials and articles on using PHP with Netbeans on their site. Overall, go with the toolset that you like the most. There isn't a single toolset that works with everyone, and for all problems.
I like Eclipse PDT, and it can be used both on Windows (which I use at work) and on Linux (which I use at home).
Features are quite the same as netbeans, I'd say ; especially, you've got nice stuff like graphical debugging, when used with Xdebug.
I'd say that, these days, when it comes to a modern full-IDE for PHP, that works on Linux, and is free, there are two choices : netbeans and Eclipse PDT. Which one you prefer is generally a matter of taste, as far as I can tell.
If you're happy with NetBeans, stick to that as you IDE. Learn to use Vim or emacs just for common knowledge. Use version control, Subversion and git are good choices.
The power of linux is in the command line. Whatever you do outside the IDE, learn to do it with command line. After a while you'll be comfortable with it and you'll discover that there's bunch of stuff you never want to do with GUIs anymore :)

Obfuscation tool with click-once support

I have found a lot of obfuscation tools with no clickonce support.
Could you provide vendors with click once support?
I would like to deploy obfuscated software at once without adding ANY extra line of code (pre-buid, post build etc)
p.s. I believe that is software related
I can't speak for other obfuscation products, but this has been a request of customers of Dotfuscator.
An integrated method for obfuscating ClickOnce applications is not currently available but will be coming in the next major release of Dotfuscator. I know this, because the task is currently assigned to me :) .
If there is anything in particular that you would like to see please feel free to let me know and I'll make sure to keep it in mind as I work on it.
You can create the manifests outside of Visual Studio using mageui (run mageui from the visual studio command prompt). It requires a little more work, but you can create the manifests with the dll's post-compile. If you want to make it easier after the initial setup, you can create a nant build file to do all the steps for you using mage (command line equivalent to mageui).
I produce a piece of software called ClickOnceMore which can be used to create ClickOnce manifests from obfuscated assemblies. Its more user friendly than Mage and MageUI and has a command line version that can be included as part of a build process. I have several customers who use it in conjunction with obfuscators, particularly Dotfuscator.
You can find the software here: http://www.clickoncemore.net
The Dotfuscator software included in Visual Studio 2010 will obfuscate your code and re-sign the manifests for you. Prior versions would obfuscate, but then you had to re-sign the manifests yourself.
