Error in checking an email id is valid using Mail::CheckUser - linux

I am creating a script for checking mail id inbox exist or not (mail probing), i am using Mail::CheckUser module for this.But when i execute the code with a mail id like "" it shows the mail id exist ,but it does not exist in reality.
could you please suggest any solution for this
the code i am usig is given below
use Mail::CheckUser;
use Data::Dumper;
my $res =Mail::CheckUser::check_email('');
print $res."\n\n\n";
my $res1 = Mail::CheckUser::last_check();
print Dumper($res1)."\n\n";
thanks in advance

Mail::Checker seems to be unfit for Yahoo
It seems that it is impossible to test existence of yahoo mailbox without sending a test message. Yahoo seems to reject messages to non existing user in reply to "the final dot" in SMTP session.
I have tried to send message to non existing (long random) mailbox with the following result (bounce message):
<>: host[] said: 554 delivery error: dd This user
doesn't have a account
( [0] - (in reply to end of DATA command)


impap_tools Mailbox.move showing MailboxExpungeError and UID Command Error (Python3)

I have part of a script that move emails from one folder to another folder within the same account. However, when I tried to move one email from one to the another, it's showing me the following errors below. There are two ways in which I've tried.
Option 1 (sending email one by one):
with Mailbox(email_server).login(email_account,email_password,email_folder) as mailbox:
for msg in mailbox.fetch():
res = mailbox.move(msg.uid, destination_folder)
Option 2 (send all emails):
with Mailbox(email_server).login(email_account,email_password,email_folder) as mailbox:
print(' - {}'.format(mailbox.move(mailbox.fetch(), '"{}"'.format(destination_folder))))
Additionally, may I check with you if mailbox.uids() still exist? Because I was also trying to move emails by IDs but there was an error message that it does not exist.

mail-listener2 - How to prevent function from reading wrong emails?

In my E2E test, I'am using the mail-listener2 to retrieve e-mails. It works fine, except one issue which is driving me crazy and just can't solve it... I have been searching and found different topics and issues regarding this library/package, but just couldn't really find the fix for that.
I use the function in more than one spec file (register, login, confirmation etc.), and this means that when retrieving the emails, I get from time to time the wrong one. In other words, the function reads the last e-mail in the Inbox which normally belongs to the first test.
Or sometimes the e-mail comes in the Inbox a little bit later that the function is reading them, so it reads the wrong one.
And as I do have an expectation in my it() function:
expect(email.subject).toEqual("subject for e-mail 1");
expect(email['headers'].to).toEqual( userEmail );
therefore the test breaks, and it get following error:
- Expected 'user registration' to equal 'user confirmation'.
- Failed: Cannot read property '1' of null
- Expected '' to equal ''.
- Failed: Cannot read property '1' of null
Is there a way how to force the function reads just the specific email per subject and per user?
Yes, you can find this documented on node-imap (which is used by mail-listener2). Search for the paragraph/bullet on search within that package, here's a snippet to help you find it:
For criteria types that require arguments, use an array instead of just the string criteria type name (e.g. ['FROM', '']).
Below that, they list several other search criteria you can use, they have to/from for your user criteria, and subject for that one. So applying this to mail-listener2, you would use this in the searchFilter property:
mailListener = new MailListener({
...(other options),
searchFilter: [['FROM', ''], ['SUBJECT', 'subject for e-mail 1']],
And if you need different search criteria for different tests, you can start a new mail-listener session for each test with the new searchFilter criteria.

how to set the From field in an email

If I send an email from javascript, the email arrives at the destination address with the "From" field containing Anonymous%<Notes domain> I tried setting the fields "reply-to", "return-path", "From", "Sender", & "Principal" with what I want to appear in the "From" field.
But that often results in a bounce-back message because, I believe, it looks like the "From" address is being spoofed (which is actually is but for a good cause!). How can I modify the "From" field?
Here's the code using that's throwing the error:
function sendTestEmail(emailAddr){
print("enter sendTestEmail function");
print("emailAddr: "+emailAddr);
var mailboxdb:NotesDatabase = sessionAsSigner.getDatabase("<server>", "");
var emaildoc:NotesDocument = mailboxdb.createDocument();
emaildoc.replaceItemValue("form", "Memo");
emaildoc.replaceItemValue("sendTo", emailAddr);
emaildoc.replaceItemValue("subject", "testing email");
var body:NotesRichTextItem = emaildoc.createRichTextItem("body");
body.appendText(" testing from javascript. ");
emaildoc.replaceItemValue("SMTPOriginator", "");
emaildoc.replaceItemValue("From","\"\" <>");
emaildoc.replaceItemValue("Principal","\"\" <>");, false);
print("exiting sendTestEmail function");
Copy the mail into server's database instead of sending it and set fields "Principal" and "From" to your alternative address.
Have a look at this answer too.
Set the SMTPOriginator field to the address it should be from. You might still need to populate the From, Sender and Principal as well.
Just another idea, because to me the idea should be a last resort approach.
If the mail is always to be sent by the same person (e.g. support), you could prepare a draft mail somewhere, for instance in your current database, and have a signed, scheduled agent (LS, Java) that sends the mails out.
I once used a special Extension Manager DLL to rename certain fields in outgoing mails, but I'm not going to propose that idea here...

Cucumber "OR" clause?

Is it possible to specify some kind of "OR" (alternative) clause in Cucumber?
I.e. if I have two valid responses to some event I would like my test to pass if either of them happens.
Something like that:
"When I press a button"
"Then I should see the text 'Boo'"
"Or I should see the text 'Foo'"
My particular scenario is a login screen. When I try to log in with some random password, I should see an error message "invalid password" if the server is working or a message "network error" if it is not.
You can't really define OR functionality using the Gherkin but you can pass in a list and check that one of the values in the list matches what was returned.
Define list:
Then the greeting service response will contain one of the following messages
|Hello how are you doing?|
|Welcome to the front door!|
|How has your day been?|
|Come right on in!|
Check list:
#Then("the get messages service response will contain one of the following messages")
public void text_matching_one_of_the_following(List<String> greetingMessages){
boolean success = false;
for(String message : greetingMessages){
OR is not supported. You can use Given, When, Then, And and But. Please refer to
But perhaps you could make use of the But keyword to achieve what you are looking for.

Postfix and save to sent mail dir

I know this might be a dummy question or a question that comes from lack of knowledge, but I hope someone can still answer it. I did try to read a lot of Postfix documentation but found no answer to this. I don't even know if it's a Postfix specific or mail servers general question.
So I have a mail server, just a clean Postfix install that delivers email.
I've defined my users and connected with IMAP and SMTP using Thunderbird.
When I went to Thunderbird account settings and disabled "place a copy", Postfix did not put a copy of the sent message in the user .Sent folder.
However, I've also connected my Gmail, Hotmail or Yahoo mail and disabled the "place a copy" and still have a copy in the sent items folder.
So in this case there are 2 options:
Something is wrong with my Postfix configuration
Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo put a copy in their sent folder as a different process on the server side
Just for the record, having searched around for a how to, and not finding one, I am posting it here:
The only (easy) way I've found to save sent emails is the sender_bcc solution (with it's attendant faults):
I am using postfix / dovecot / sieve / mysql virtual boxes
In /etc/postfix/ add:
sender_bcc_maps = mysql:/etc/postfix/
Create file /etc/postfix/
user = (database user)
password = (database password)
hosts =
dbname = (database databasename)
query = SELECT CONCAT_WS('',LEFT('%s', LOCATE('#', '%s')-1),'+sent#',SUBSTRING('%s', LOCATE('#', '%s')+1)) AS destination FROM virtual_users WHERE email='%s' AND autosent=1
You'll note in my query, I've added a (tinyint default 0) column to my virtual_users table so I can turn on/off this automatic sent items feature per user. This query takes the sender email address that postfix gives it, splits it in half at the # sign, and adds +sent to the address so it looks like sender+sent#domain.tld. This allows sieve in the next step to pick it up and drop it straight to sent items.
In /etc/dovecot/sieve/default.sieve add:
require ["fileinto", "mailbox", "envelope", "subaddress","imap4flags"];
if envelope :detail "to" "sent" {
addflag "\\Seen";
fileinto :create "Sent";
Also helpful to modify /etc/dovecot/conf.d/15-mailboxes.conf and add the auto subscribe to sent (and junk and trash and others for that matter):
mailbox Sent {
special_use = \Sent
auto = subscribe
I think that is all (I'm posting this the next day after doing it, so I think I got it all...)
Postfix itself does not place copies of sent messages anywhere; it receives messages and delivers them to the recipient. Saving sent messages to your own mailbox is the responsibility of your user agent (Thunderbird, in your case).
It's important to understand that Postfix (and other traditional Unix SMTP servers) don't have a "user" concept. Yes, if so configured it's possible to authenticate by supplying a username and a password, but Postfix doesn't use this identity information.
That said, it's not impossible to configure Postfix to do what you expected – sender_bcc_maps can be used to add a recipient to messages sent by you, and by adding yourself and using a filter in your mail client (or mail delivery agent like procmail) you can make sure that messages sent by you end up in the Sent folder.
I am running a Installation with automatic copies created by sender_bcc_maps. It's working fine. You have to check the sender, otherwise everyone can create sent mails in foreign sent folders.
I have solved it with two virtual domains. One for the user and one for the copy.
But there is a big problem with sender_bcc_maps. All bcc senders will be deleted in the sent copy. You cannot see anymore, who got a blind copy of this mail.
As 'ego2dot0' said above, you don't need any MDA filters (sieve etc.) to do this. It can be done using Postfix alone, although it took me a while to figure out how to do it.
You have to use sender_bcc_maps AND virtual_mailbox_maps features together.
You have to use a virtual domain dedicated specially for copies to self. If your actual domain is "your.domain.tld", you can use eg. subdomain "copyself.your.domain.tld". This subdomain does not have to actually exist, ie. be defined in the DNS (moreover, it's better that it isn't defined, so nobody accidentally sends mail to it from outside). It is a purely virtual domain that is recognized only by Postfix.
1) Configure sender_bcc_maps to BCC mail coming from user#your.domain.tld to user#copyself.your.domain.tld. You can do it for only a few selected users using a regular "hash" type map, or you can do it for all users at once using PCRE type map and regular expressions.
2) You have to define your virtual domain in virtual_mailbox_domains, like this:
3) Configure virtual_mailbox_maps so that the destination mailbox for address "user#copyself.your.domain.tld" is the actual "Sent" mailbox of the user "user". For example (assumed that you are using regular system users and Maildir format - like in my case) the path to "Sent" mailbox for user "user" will be "/home/user/Maildir/.Sent". So, you can define common part of the path as virtual_mailbox_base, eg.
and then in the virtual mailbox map enter the rest of the path like this:
user#copyself.your.domain.tld user/Maildir/.Sent/
(the trailing / is important to indicate the Maildir format).
Again, you can use PCRE type map to do this for all users.
4) To properly save mail to the mailbox, Postfix need to also know the proper UID and GID for the particular user, so you have to use virtual_uid_maps and virtual_gid_maps parameters as well. If you are using virtual users, it's probably enough to define "static" type maps specifying a single UID and GID of the system user that owns all the virtual mailboxes. However, if you are using system users like me, you need the proper actual UID and GID for any user. If you have only a few users, you can use a regular "hash" type map, with entries like these:
user#copyself.your.domain.tld 2001
or you can try to setup a pipeline with "pipemap" map type, that uses some PCRE maps and "unix:passwd.byname" map to obtain the UIDs and GIDs for all users (I haven't done this part, as my Postfix installation is compiled without "pipemap" type support).
So to sum everything up, use something like this:
In /etc/postfix/ file, add the following lines:
/etc/postfix/sender_bcc contains a bunch of lines like:
user#your.domain.tld user#copyself.your.domain.tld
/etc/postfix/copyself contains - respectively - lines like:
user#copyself.your.domain.tld user/Maildir/.Sent/
/etc/postfix/copyself_uids and /etc/postfix/copyself_gids contain - respectively - lines like:
user#copyself.your.domain.tld 2001
I have done this on my server and it works great for me.
