How do I limit log4j files based on size (only)? - log4j

I would like to configure log4j to write only files up to a maximum specified size, e.g. 5MB. When the log file hits 5MB I want it to start writing to a new file. I'd like to put some kind of meaningful timestamp into the logfile name to distinguish one file from the next.
I do not need it to rename or manipulate the old files in any way when a new one is written (compression would be a boon, but is not a must).
I absolutely do not want it to start deleting old files after a certain period of time or number of rolled files.
Timestamped chunks of N MB logfiles seems like the absolute basic minimum simple strategy I can imagine. It's so basic that I almost refuse to believe that it's not provided out of the box, yet I have been incapable of figuring out how to do this!
In particular, I have tried all incarnations of DailyRollingFileAppender, RollingFileAppender or the 'Extras' RollingFileAppender. All of these delete old files when the backupcount is exceeded. I don't want this, I want all my log files!
TimeBasedRollingPolicy from Extras does not fit because it doesn't have a max file size option and you cannot associate a secondary SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy (as it already implements TriggeringPolicy).
Is there an out of the box solution - preferably one that's in maven central?

I gave up trying to get this to work out of the box. It turns out that is, as the young folk apparently say, the bomb.
I tried getting in touch some time back to get the author to stick this into maven central, but no luck so far.


Node .fs Working with a HUGE Directory

Picture a directory with a ton of files. As a rough gauge of magnitude I think the most that we've seen so far is a couple of million but it could technically go another order higher. Using node, I would like to read files from this directory, process them (upload them, basically), and then move them out of the directory. Pretty simple. New files are constantly being added while the application is running, and my job (like a man on a sinking ship holding a bucket) is to empty this directory as fast as it's being filled.
So what are my options? fs.readdir is not ideal, it loads all of the filenames into memory which becomes a problem at this kind of scale. Especially as new files are being added all the time and so it would require repeated calls. (As an aside for anybody referring to this in the future, there is something being proposed to address this whole issue which may or may not have been realised within your timeline.)
I've looked at the myriad of fs drop-ins (graceful-fs, chokadir, readdirp, etc), none of which have this particular use-case within their remit.
I've also come across a couple of people suggesting that this can be handled with child_process, and there's a wrapper called inotifywait which tasks itself with exactly what I am asking but I really don't understand how this addresses the underlying problem, especially at this scale.
I'm wondering if what I really need to do is find a way to just get the first file (or, realistically, batch of files) from the directory without having the overhead of reading the entire directory structure into memory. Some sort of stream that could be terminated after a certain number of files had been read? I know Go has a parameter for reading the first n files from a directory but I can't find a node equivalent, has anybody here come across one or have any interesting ideas? Left-field solutions more than welcome at this point!
You can use your operation system listing file command, and stream the result into NodeJS.
For example in Linux:
var cp=require('child_process')
var stdout=cp.exec('ls').stdout

Linux add listener to the log file

Is there a better way to monitor for file log changes that using inotify? ( I have several software that writes to different log files and I want to go POST query every time the new line is added to the log.
Currently, my proposal is to set inotify to listen for file changes, get data that was changed since last visit and do post.
Things that are important:
Reaction to event (at least 1 second).
Low CPU and HDD consumption.
Keeping log file (i.e. I want it to be on the machine full, unmodified).
New lines are added once in 1 min.
Thanks for ideas.
Inotify is fine for getting notified about file events such as writing etc but how will you know how much data has been appended? If you know the log files in advance you might as well read until end of file and just sleep for a short while and try again to read (something like "tail -f" does). That way you still have the pointer to where you start to read the newly written data. You could even combine that with Inotify to know when to pick up reading. If you want to just use Inotify, you probably will have to store the pointers to the last read position somewhere.

Is there an appender/configuration for log4j or Logback that allows you to write to a GZIP file?

I'm having issue with logging that is using up too much DiskIO and too much space when a large number of users are using a live system which has issues which only happen in live.
Is there a log4j or (preferably) LogBack appender/configuration that will allow writing directly to a GZIP compressed file?
This feature already exists in Logback. Take a look at appenders section, specifically at time based rolling policy.
Just like FixedWindowRollingPolicy, TimeBasedRollingPolicy supports automatic file compression. This feature is enabled if the value of the fileNamePattern option ends with .gz or .zip.
Also take a look at time and size based rolling policy.
You can setup rollover to occur after one log file hits a certain limit.
I don't believe writing directly to a GZIP compressed file for every log statement would be feasable, since this would create a pretty big performance overhead. Using a combination of existing features sounds reasonable to me.
The space issue is already solved by logback. It will compress your log files during rollover. The IO issue is quite a different one and I am afraid logback does not offer a solution.

Should AspBufferLimit ever need to be increased from the default of 4 MB?

A fellow developer recently requested that the AspBufferLimit in IIS 6 be increased from the default value of 4 MB to around 200 MB for streaming larger ZIP files.
Having left the Classic ASP world some time ago, I was scratching my head as to why you'd want to buffer a BinaryWrite and simply suggested setting Response.Buffer = false. But is there any case where you'd really need to make it 50x the default size?
Obviously, memory consumption would be the biggest worry. Are there other concerns with changing this default setting?
Increasing the buffer like that is a supremely bad idea. You would allow every visitor to your site to use up to that amount of ram. If your BinaryWrite/Response.Buffer=false solution doesn't appease him, you could also suggest that he call Response.Flush() now and then. Either would be preferable to increasing the buffer size.
In fact, unless you have a very good reason you shouldn't even pass this through the asp processor. Write it to a special place on disk set aside for such things and redirect there instead.
One of the downsides of turning off the buffer (you could use Flush but I really don't get why you'd do that in this scenario) is that the Client doesn't learn what the Content length at the start of the download. Hence the browsers dialog at the other end is less meaningfull, it can't tell how much progress has been made.
A better (IMO) alternative is to write the desired content to a temporary file (perhaps using GUID for the file name) then sending a Redirect to the client pointing at this temporary file.
There are a number of reasons why this approach is better:-
The client gets good progress info in the save dialog or application receiving the data
Some applications can make good use of byte range fetches which only work well when the server is delivering "static" content.
The temporary file can be re-used to satisify requests from other clients
There are a number of downside though:-
If takes sometime to create the file content, writing to a temporary file can therefore leave some latency before data is received and increasing the download time.
If strong security is needed on the content having a static file lying around may be a concern although the use of a random GUID filename mitigates that somewhat
There is need for some housekeeping on old temporary files.

Best solution for this signature generator?

Hey! i want to know the best solution for my problem.
I have a signature generator where people can upload their own images for the signature. The problem is that my storage will get full pretty fast if i dont somehow have a script that deletes the images when they are done with the signature.
What is the best solution for this?
My initial feeling on this would be to not save the uploaded files at all, but to just delete them as soon as the image is generated. However, some browsers might request the image again when the user tries to save the image -- I know this is true with Firefox's DownloadThemAll extension, for instance. So you'll probably have to store the files for a short amount of time, like #JustLoren suggests.
A quick Google search for "php delete temp files" turns up at least one script explaining exactly how to delete files after a certain amount of time. This would not have to be run as an external script or cron job; it could merely be tacked on to the upload script, for instance.
One flaw in the given script is that someone could rapidly upload many files in a row, exceeding your disk quota. You might want to expand on the linked script by deleting any files older than the last 50 or however many. To do that, just check the count of the matched files, sort by creation time, and delete any with index greater than 50.
Personally, I would have a script that runs every hour (or day, depending on volume) that checks the file's creation date and deletes it if the time is over an hour old. Realistically, users should save their images to their harddrives within 2 minutes of creating them, but you can't count on it. An hour seems like a nice compromise.
