Increase length and spacing of underline in pie chart title - excel

I have a title in a pie chart in Excel 2007 whose text is underlined.
Can I make the line space between text and the underline larger and make the underline longer than the text itself?
I tried to add space before and after the text but the underline does not extend out with the white space.
This is what I have right now:
This is what I want:
VBA solutions are also welcome!

This can be achieved with 'normal' text editing. Add a line break (to allow a wider than normal gap between text and underline), fill the width with sufficient text (eg lots of .s), set the font of this added text to the same colour as its background and change the underline colour to suit (probably black) in Font after right-clicking on the Title box.
Edit re clarification request


Reduce the verticle text line spacing in a Chart Title that has two lines

Using VBA, how would you decrease the spacing between two lines of text in the Chart title? I generated a chart title using VBA but the vertical spacing is too large.
Also, is it possible to change the Chart title box height and width using VBA, which may fix the problem?
Unfortunately this is not possible.

Sublime Text 3 Find - highlight all results, rather than white outline

Find in Sublime Text 3 highlights one of the results, and a white outline of the other results. The white outline (any color outline) is very hard to see. Is there a way/package to highlight all search results?
Don't know if there's a way to have all the matches highlighted, but you can make them a lot easier to see by changing the colour and making the box thicker.
To do this, create your own colour scheme by adding a new .sublime-color-scheme file to the correct folder. For me (on linux) the simplest way is to copy the default color scheme file at ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/Color Scheme - Default/Monokai.sublime-color-scheme to ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/User/my_colors.sublime-color-scheme
Then add the following lines to the 'global' section:
"highlight": "var(orange3)",
"selection_border_width": "2",
To use your new colour scheme, select Color Scheme from the Preferences menu - there should now me a new scheme available called 'my_colors'.

How to center text within label in a map chart in spotfire?

How to center the text within a label in a map chart in Spotfire? I tried the labels option but it doesn't have an option to align the text.
sadly, there is no feature to align text inside of a label, and the label formatting features are a bit limited. this goes for all of the other chart types that support labels, too.
one really silly idea I just thought of and haven't tried would be to change the label to use a monospace font like Courier New, and then calculate how many spaces you'd need to place on the left to make the text appear centered, but herein lies only madness and I wouldn't seriously recommend this approach to anyone.

Can the background color of Text Editor be changed in Tableau?

I do have a dark themed tableau dashboard where the fonts will be white in color. whenever I try to edit the text in textbox, the editor pops with white as its background color (font color is also white so I cant see the text). Is there any option that I can change the background color of the text editor ?
Can you post a screenshot? When I change the color I get the same matching color in the text boxes:

SSRS, chart Title.... can I format part of title differently (color, style). Use \x00B0C chars

I'm trying and learning how to make my chart title meet specs, so need to BOLD some words in title, put diff color for some words, use special html chars into it....
For now I learned in hard way that I can't do this (note that chart title works differently then text in SSRS text box).
Do you think it's still possible? let say do this in my title?
My report is kinda of dashboard style, it has only chart that's it, nothing else is permited, no headers, no tablix..
I found this greate resource here and it's didn't help me in chart title.
Tx all
If anyone else has this problem, you can add more than one title to a chart and format them differently. So if you need a Big Bold Title with a smaller summary/descriptive line underneath you would require two independently formatted titles.
