Local or Private NPM module when deploying to Heroku - node.js

I have a node app that has a local npm module npm link ./local and I'm trying to deploy the app to heroku. Heroku runs npm install when I deploy, but npm link's aren't saved in package.json so my local module is missing.
I'm new to heroku and Procfiles, I'd like to run a script or just run npm link ./local before on the heroku box.
Alternatively I could put the module on github as a private repository and link it from there. But as far as I know Heroku isn't able to download private repo. Can I give Heroku access to my github repository via keys so that it could download it?
I'd love for somekind of solution! Anything!

I think you need yo put modules in node_modules folder and push that to heroku
Procfiles are easy to maintain and heroku will read that
I have sample Procfile like
web: bin/hubot -a campfire
Even heroku also says that best is to include node_modules into repo so you can just include your local packages into that.
See more here Heroku Node Deploy


Missing files in .bin folder when deploying Node App to Azure App Service

So I was trying to deploy my react app to an Azure Web App.
I used a Github Action to build and install the App and then ZIP Deploy it to Azure.
The Problem is that once I open up the WebApp Page it shows me an Application Error (react-scripts could not be found).
I found out that once I copy the react-scripts.cmd / ps1 (from local /node_modules/.bin) to the node_modules/.bin folder of the webapp "https://{WEBAPP-NAME}.scm.azurewebsites.net" it works.
Unfortunately I would have to do that after every build.
How can I come up with a solution to this error?
What I already tried:
Update node and npm
Remove package-lock
Thanks in advance
My package.json:
It looks like this issue: npm package.json scripts not being called
Try running npm run-script if you want to execute a script that is not executed by a built-in npm command.
So I found out, that react-scripts is only working in dev environments. But Azure uses a production env. Therefore the github action not only has to install the prod node_modules (npm install) but also the dev modules (npm install --only=dev).

How to deploy local node_modules folder onto heroku

I have done some changes inside node_modules folder inside a module and run NPM install again inside a module in node_modules. It's working fine on local.
Now, I want to deploy it on Heroku. But Heroku looks at the package.json file and installs all the NPM modules again.
So, Please let me know "How can I deploy local node_modules folder onto Heroku" and prevent Heroku to NPM install again.

How to install and deploy node.js application?

I'm new to node.js. After creating modularized project with express, tests, .nvmrc etc. it's finally time to deploy the app. How it should be done? in java you bundle your project into a single file, self containing and you put in into a server with some configuration. what about node.js?
Should i just copy the whole directory with sources and node_modules to production machine and use systemd, pm2 or other process manager to just run it? but i heard some of the dependencies might be system-dependend so they may work incorrectly
or should i copy only sources and run npm install --production on the production machine? but this way the deployment is only possible when npm repositories are online. also it takes time to build the application and it has to be done on all machines in the cluster. also what about quickly rolling back to previous version in case there is some bug? again, time and online npm repos are needed
another option is to build a docker image. but it seems awkward that the only way to easily and safely deploy the app is using third party technology
how it's being done in real life scenarios?
sure don't copy the whole directory especially node_modules.
all the packages installed on your system should be installed with --save option example: npm install --save express if you do so you will have in your package.json the dependencies required for your project whether they are dev dependencies or production dependencies.
I don't know what your project structure looks like, but as a node application you have to run npm init . in your project to setup the package.json file and then you can start adding your dependencies with --save.
usually we use git
version control system
to deploy to the server, first we push our code to a git repository then we pull from it to the server git
you have to add .gitignore in your project and ignore node_modules from being committed to your git repository.
then you can pull to your server and run npm install on the server. and sure you need to launch your web server to serve your application example ngnix
you can try Heroku for an easy deployment, all you have to do is to setup your project with Heroku, and when you push your code, Heroku manages the deployment . Heroku

How to get heroku to detect nodejs buildpack?

I am trying to deploy a web app to heroku but keep getting this error:
`-----> Failed to detect app matching https://codon-buildpacks.s3.amazonaws.com/buildpacks/heroku/nodejs.tgz buildpack`
Here is a simplified look my app file structure:
The express server is the server.js inside the server directory and it will the entry way to my app.
It seems like this question has been asked many times before and I've read all the answers, here's what I have tried:
I am deploying from the root folder, myProject, which did not have a package.json file. I've tried npm init to set up a package.json so heroku can detect the app as nodejs. I've also made sure that package.json is being tracked by git. I've made a Procfile: web: cd server && npm run start. I have run the command in the cli to set buildpack: heroku buildpacks:set heroku/nodejs but so far none of it has worked. I've also tried buildpacks:clear after setting everything up to see if heroku can automatically detect buildpacks now that I have a package.json.
Any help is appreciated, thank you.
According to Heroku's relevant documentation on Node.js buildpacks:
The Heroku Node.js buildpack is employed when the application has a package.json file in the root directory.
Based on your Procfile content, web: cd server && npm run start, that looks like you ran npm init inside the server directory, not the root directory.
I think if you move package.json and the node_modules folder one directory down to the root, the buildpack issue will be resolved. Just make sure to change your Procfile to web: npm run start because it would be the same directory now.

How to compile Bootstrap from source as part of build process on heroku?

I am building a simple node app and using Bootstrap to style my frontend. I want to deploy the app to Heroku by loading it from the GitHub repository. I don't want to put any compiled CSS/JS files in the repository, which means that they need to be compiled on Heroku after the source is pulled from GitHub.
The problem: Bootstrap's default package.json has its build dependencies in devDependencies, so the dependencies will not be installed on Heroku, which runs npm install in production mode.
Specifically, the problem comes up in my postinstall script, which consists of cd node_modules/bootstrap && npm install && ../.bin/grunt dist. My own npm install command does not end up installing anything because the overarching npm install --production is ignoring Bootstrap's devDependencies.
What is the best workaround to get Bootstrap's dependencies to be installed locally? I'm open to changing my workflow as long as (1) I don't have to put compiled files in my source repository and (2) I can still run the main npm install in production mode.
EDIT: Unless someone can think of a better solution, I think my options at this point are as follows:
Build a custom Github fork of Bootstrap that has its dependencies in dependencies instead of devDependencies
Build a custom Heroku buildpack that somehow leaves Bootstrap's dependencies intact
Abandon principle and compile Bootstrap locally, and put the compiled files in my source
Just use Heroku in development mode (obviously not a good idea)
I think I'm going to try for option 1, and go for option 3 if that fails. I'd still be interested in hearing any other ideas that people come up with.
I would look into using postinstall. The official documentation is on Heroku here.
Since you're doing some build steps at deploy time, you need some devDependencies (bootstrap sources in your case), but heroku will only install in production mode, like you said.
When connected with the heroku toolbelt client, run :
heroku config:set NPM_CONFIG_PRODUCTION=false
You'll have your devDependencies and you'll be able to build.
You only have to do that once (no need to do that each time you deploy).
PS: I don't know about your project, but maybe you need to put the NODE_ENV to production, here is the command:
heroku config:set NODE_ENV=production
You don't need yo put back the NPM_CONFIG_PRODUCTION flag back to true, this is the purpose of making the build on heroku.
But if you prefer, here is the workflow you could use (you said you were opened to change workflow):
ignore dist folder from your source repo (it should already be ignored)
make dist folder a git repo & add the git remote of heroku in repo of the dist folder
cd dist
git init
git remote add origin git#heroku.com:project-name.git
git pull origin master
make sure your build routine doesn't remove this /dist/.git folder - you can use the following glob (if you're using rimraf or something like it with grunt/gulp or whatever) : ['/dist/**/*','/dist/!.git/**/*']
This way, your workflow will be:
build (with your tool)
cd dist
git add .
git commit -m "new version bundled"
git push origin master there, you are in dist folder where origin is the remote for your heroku
You might do the same kind of things with github pages ...
