Get file size of GIFs with node-canvas? - node.js

After much struggling, I've managed to get node-canvas installed on Windows.
When I try to read in the image size of a GIF, however, it just gives me back 0 for the width and height.
var FileSystem = require('fs');
var Canvas = require('canvas');
FileSystem.readdir(baseDir, function(err, files) {
files.forEach(function(filename) {
var path = Path.join(baseDir, filename);
FileSystem.readFile(path, function(err, buf) {
var img = new Canvas.Image;
img.src = buf;
console.log(path, img.width, img.height);
Is it not supposed to be able to read GIFs?

You must install giflib and reinstall node-canvas like is said in here and then you will be able to manipulate your gif file (retrieve width/height). But beware, the image processed with canvas will stop being animated.


How do i load google fonts on the sever side node js

I am using node js and canvas to create an API that writes text on a certain image. I successfully created a route such as -> /:sometext/:fontsize/:color/:position-x/:position-y and sends a static image with the text of the given font-size, color, and position on the canvas.
What I am unable to achieve is that I want to send the font family in the route and have that rendered on the screen. Plus, isn't there any other way that I can load at least google fonts without having to download the .ttf file.
What I have tried:
GetGoogleFonts npm package (which was a bad idea, since it was stuck at the installation)
WebFontLoader (Gives "Window is not defined" error)
Steps to Reproduce
Currently, I am using a ttf file to load the font
router.get('/thumbnail/:name/:fontsize/:color/:posx/:posy', function (req, res, next) {
let name =;
let fontsize = req.params.fontsize
let positionx = req.params.posx
let positiony = req.params.posy
let color = req.params.color
let myimage = 'static/image1.jpg'
const canvas = createCanvas(2000, 1000)
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d')
var str = "hi "+name
registerFont('AvenirNext.ttf', { family: 'Avenir Next' })
loadImage(myimage).then((image) => {
ctx.drawImage(image, 0 , 0, 2000, 1000);
ctx.font = fontsize + "px Avenir Next"
ctx.fillStyle = color
ctx.fillText(str, positionx, positiony);
const out = fs.createWriteStream(__dirname + '/test.jpeg')
const stream = canvas.createJPEGStream()
out.on('finish', () => console.log('The JPEG file was created.'))
If you don't want to host the ttf files on your own server you could try to use the Google Font Github repo.
// missing imports
const http = require('http');
const fs = require('fs');
const fontFamily = req.params.fontfamily; // example: ArchivoNarrow
// download font from github
const file = fs.createWriteStream(fontFamily + '.ttf');
const request = http.get('' + fontFamily.toLowerCase() + '/' + fontFamily + '-Regular.ttf?raw=true', function(response) {
registerFont(fontFamily + '.ttf', { family: fontFamily });
// delete font after the image is created
try {
fs.unlinkSync(fontFamily + '.ttf');
} catch(err) {
Font I used for this example: ArchivoNarrow
From the docs for registerFont
To use a font file that is not installed as a system font, use registerFont() to register the font with Canvas. This must be done before the Canvas is created.
emphasis not mine
You are calling it after you created your canvas.
// first register the font
registerFont('AvenirNext.ttf', { family: 'Avenir Next' });
// then create the canvas
const canvas = createCanvas(2000, 1000);
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
var str = "hi " + name;
But note that this will try to load a font that would be available on your server. If you want to make it target a font on :// server, you'd need to pass the full URI to the font file (not for the .css).
Also, you should wrap your family name inside quotes (") since it contains a space:
ctx.font = fontsize + 'px "Avenir Next"';

Capture and save image with robotjs

I tried to capture and save an image from screen with robotjs ( but when I open the file bitmap the image is not in a valid format. This is my code:
var robot = require("robotjs");
var fs = require("fs");
var size = 10;
var img = robot.screen.capture(0, 0, size, size);
Jimp supports converting Raw Pixel Buffer into PNG out-of-the-box and works a lot faster.
let robot = require("robotjs");
let Jimp = require('jimp');
const img = robot.screen.capture(0, 0, width, height).image;
new Jimp({data: img, width, height}, (err, image) => {
The image will be saved with the wrong colors. To fix it, you can use the following code:
function screenCaptureToFile2(robotScreenPic, path) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
try {
const image = new Jimp(robotScreenPic.width, robotScreenPic.height);
let pos = 0;
image.scan(0, 0, image.bitmap.width, image.bitmap.height, (x, y, idx) => {[idx + 2] = robotScreenPic.image.readUInt8(pos++);[idx + 1] = robotScreenPic.image.readUInt8(pos++);[idx + 0] = robotScreenPic.image.readUInt8(pos++);[idx + 3] = robotScreenPic.image.readUInt8(pos++);
image.write(path, resolve);
} catch (e) {
var pic = robot.screen.capture();
Note that your img.image Buffer from Robotjs is a raw buffer with pixels; not a BMP or PNG or any other format.
You should do some data conversion and probably save it using a library that supports writing to file (I do not see that in Robotjs).
Please look at this other question, which also uses robot.screen.capture and saves file to a PNG file using Jimp library. That code answers your question too.

How to resize base64 image using gm

I can't seem to make it work to resize. How can I resize base64 image using gm?
I have the following code:
var regexBase64ContentType = /^data:image\/\w+;base64,/;
var buffer = new Buffer(imgData.replace(regexBase64ContentType, ""),'base64');
gm(buffer, "img.png")
.resize(height, width)
.toBuffer('PNG', function(err, buf){
return buf;

Node JS canvas image data

I am trying to read a image and the result i want to get is the same when you use a HTML canvas "Uint8ClampedArray"? var imageData = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, width, height); I found a NPM lib canvas but i cant get it to install.
So is there a another way to go without using Canvas?
To strictly answer the question:
So is there a another way to go without using Canvas?
The issue is that, even if we can load an image binary data, we need to be able to parse its binary format to represent it as raw pixel data (ImageData/Uint8Array objects).
This is why the canvas module needs to be compiled when installed: it rely on and links to libpng, libjpeg and other native libraries.
To load a Uint8Array representing pixel raw data from a file, without canvas (or native library wrapper), will requires decoders running only in Javascript.
For e.g. there exist decoders for png and jpeg as third-party libraries.
Decoding PNG
Using png.js:
const PNG = require('png-js');
PNG.decode('./image.png', function(pixels) {
// Pixels is a 1d array (in rgba order) of decoded pixel data
Decoding JPEG
Using inkjet:
const inkjet = require('inkjet');
inkjet.decode(fs.readFileSync('./image.jpg'), function(err, decoded) {
// decoded: { width: number, height: number, data: Uint8Array }
Do not realy know what i did to get canvas to work. I used pixel-util to set image data.
var pixelUtil = require('pixel-util'),
Canvas = require('canvas');
var image = new Canvas.Image,
image.src = buffer;
canvas = new Canvas(image.width, image.height);
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0);
runImage(ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height));

Write text on existing PNG with Node.js

I'm trying to create a simple dynamic-badge (png) to embed in static pages to let know the status of my application.
I'd like so to use an existing PNG image and write on it some text with Node.js.
I've found lot of libraries but all of them use Imagemagick or Cairo as native dependencies, I'd like to avoid to install anything else on the server.
I've then found lwip, but I can't really understand how to write text on an image with it. How can I do?
You could use Jimp. It has a print method:
var Jimp = require("jimp");
var fileName = 'test.png';
var imageCaption = 'Image caption';
var loadedImage;
.then(function (image) {
loadedImage = image;
return Jimp.loadFont(Jimp.FONT_SANS_16_BLACK);
.then(function (font) {
loadedImage.print(font, 10, 10, imageCaption)
.catch(function (err) {
If you want to use a ttf file you can use gm
This will also align the text automatically so you don't have to keep track of your letter sizing / location.
const gm = require('gm').subClass({imageMagick: true});
.font("./font.ttf", 20)
.drawText(15, 10, "your text", 'southeast') //can be any location
.write("./output.png", function (err) {
if (!err) console.log('done');
