Method call on page object does not return result - watir

I am having problem to use page object method call to return an object on the page.
Here is my example codes in test_log_in.rb
class TestLogIn < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_failed_log_in
puts #log_in_page.error_message
puts #log_in_page.get_error_message
My log in class is defined below:
class LogIn
include PageObject
h3(:error_message, :class => 'no-margin white-text')
def log_in (access_number, user_id, password)
self.access_number = access_number
self.user_id = user_id
self.password = password
def get_error_message
Why will the following lines returns no output?
puts #log_in_page.error_message
puts #log_in_page.get_error_message
Can you please help me?

My guess is that there is a timing issue due to the error message being displayed through javascript. It is likely that the error message element is always in the html of the page, but when login fails, the error message element's style is changed to be something visible.
When a page object (or watir) element returns its text, it only includes the visible text. So if the error message is not yet visible, you get no text.
Try waiting to ensure the element is visible to the user:
def get_error_message
when_present will wait up to 5 seconds for the element to become visible to the user and then return the text.
Update - Multiple h3s:
It looks like the actual problem is that there are multiple h3 elements that have that class. Watir always returns the first match, which in this case is the cookie error heading. Given that it is not being displayed, you get the blank text.
The solution would be to reduce the search scope so that you the first h3 is the one you want. This can be done by only looking in the error message list. I would define the page object as follows. Note that you do not need to specify the class of the h3 element since it is the only h3 element in the list.
class LogIn
include PageObject
div(:error_message_list, :id => 'errorMessageList')
h3(:error_message){ error_message_list_element.h3_element }
This will then find the right h3 element:
browser =
browser.goto ''
browser.button(:text => 'Login').click
page =
#=> "There were 3 errors on the page."


Selenium: Stale Element Reference Exception Error

I am trying to loop through all the pages of a website. but I am getting a stale element reference: element is not attached to the page document error. This happens when the script try to click the third page. The script got the error when it runs to Any suggestions?
while driver.find_element_by_id('jsGrid_vgAllCases').find_elements_by_tag_name('a')[-1].text=='...':
for link in links:
if ((link.text !='...') and (link.text !='ADD DOCUMENTS')):
print('Page Number: '+ link.text)
print('Page Position: '+str(links.index(link)))
You can locate the link element each time again according to the index, not to use elements found initially.
Something like this:
amount = len(driver.find_element_by_id('jsGrid_vgAllCases').find_elements_by_tag_name('a'))
for i in range(1,amount+1):
link = driver.find_element_by_xpath("(//*[#id='jsGrid_vgAllCases']//a)["+str(i) +"]")
from now you can continue within your for loop with this link like this:
amount = len(driver.find_element_by_id('jsGrid_vgAllCases').find_elements_by_tag_name('a'))
for i in range(1,amount+1):
link = driver.find_element_by_xpath("(//*[#id='jsGrid_vgAllCases']//a)["+str(i) +"]")
if ((link.text !='...') and (link.text !='ADD DOCUMENTS')):
print('Page Number: '+ link.text)
print('Page Position: '+str(links.index(link)))
(I'm not sure about the correctness of all the rest your code, just copy-pasted it)
I'm running into an issue with the Stale Element Exception too. Interesting with Firefox no problem, Chrome && Edge both fail randomly. In general i have two generic find method with retry logic, these find methods would look like:
// Yes C# but should be relevant for any WebDriver...
public static IWebElement( this IWebDriver driver, By locator)
public static IWebElement( this IWebElement element, By locator)
The WebDriver variant seems to work fine for my othe fetches as the search is always "fresh"... But the WebElement search is the one causing grief. Unfortunately the app forces me to need the WebElement version. Why he page/html will be something like:
<node id='Best closest ID Possible'>
<div>text i want</div>
<div>meh ignore this </div>
<div>More text i want</div>
<!-- same pattern ... -->
So the code get the closest element possible by id and child spans i.e. "//*[#id='...']/span" will give all the nodes of interest. This is now where i run into issues, enumerating all element, will do two XPath select i.e. "./div[1]" and "./div[3]" for pulling out the text desired. It is only in fetching the text nodes under the elements where randomly a StaleElement will be thrown. Sometimes the very first XPath fails, sometimes i'll go through a few pages, as the pages being might have 10,000's or more pages, while the structure is the same i'll spot check random pages as they all the same format. At most i've gotten through 20 consecutive pages with Chrome (ver 92.0.4515.107) or Edge (ver 94.0.986), both seem to be the latest as of now.
One solution that should work, get all the the span elements first, i.e. '//*[#id='x']/span' get my list then query from the driver like:
var nodeList = driver.FindElements(By.XPath('//*[#id='x']/span' ));
for( int idx = 0 ; idx < nodeList.Count; idx++)
string str1 = driver.FindElements(By.XPath("//*[#id='x']/span[idx+1]/div[1]")).GetAttribute("innerText");
string str2 = driver.FindElements(By.XPath("//*[#id='x']/span[idx+1]/div[3]")).GetAttribute("innerText");
Think it would work but, YUK! This is kind of simplified and being able to do an XPath from the respective "ID" located node would be preferable..

Selenium Stale Element Reference Errors (Seems Random)?

I know there have been several questions asked regarding stale elements, but I can't seem to resolve these.
My site is private so unfortunately can't share, but seems to always throw the error somewhere within the below for-loop. This loop is meant to get the text of each row in a table (number of rows varies). I've assigned WebDriverWait commands and have a very similar for-loop earlier in my code to do the same thing in another table on the website which works perfectly. I've also tried including the link click command and table, body, and tableText definition inside the loop to redefine at every iteration.
Once the code stops and the error message displays (stale element reference: element is not attached to the page document (Session info: chrome=89.0.4389.128)), if I manually run everything line-by-line, it all seems to work and correctly grabs the text.
Any ideas? Thanks!
link = WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.LINK_TEXT, "*link address*")))
table = WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(EC.visibility_of_element_located((By.ID, "TableId")))
body = tableSig.find_element(By.CLASS_NAME, "*table body class*")
tableText = body.find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, "tr")
rows = len(tableText)
approvedSigs = [None]*rows
for i in range(1, rows+1):
approvedSigs[i-1] = (tableText[i-1].text)
approvedSigs[i-1] = approvedSigs[i-1].lstrip()
approvedSigs[i-1] = approvedSigs[i-1][9:]
approvedSigs[i-1] = approvedSigs[i-1].replace("\n"," ")

How to show and update current page number in an input box palceholder Using Tabulator

I am trying to show the current page number in an input box as a place holder the issue is I can't figure out how to update the value when users go to another page.
Here is what I tried:
<input id="currentPage"/>
document.getElementById("currentPage").placeholder = tabulator_table.getPage();
Here is the first part of the question
Here is sample
You want to use the pageLoaded callback on the table instance.
When creating the table, you need to add a property for pageLoaded as a function with a parameter for the page number. This callback is triggered each time the page is loaded.
Here is a working example,
So you would do something like this, where #table is the element id for the table and input is a reference to your input element where you keep the page number value.
new Tabulator('#table', {
pageLoaded: (pageNumber) => {
input.value = pageNumber

Correct way to handle pagination with form submission?

I have a form for doing a search on a search page:
<form action="{{ url_for('searchresults') }}" method="get" name="noname" id="theform">
{{"hiddenpage") }}
... some form inputs
<button id = "mybutton" type = "submit" >Apply</button>
The form is a SearchForm, where
class SearchForm(Form):
page = HiddenField()
categories = SelectMultipleField(u'Text', validators=[Optional()])
# some other stuff...
The view for searchresults handles the form:
#app.route('/searchresults', methods=['GET'])
def searchresults():
form = SearchForm()
# handle the form and get the search results using pagination
page = int(request.args.getlist('page')[0])
results = models.Product.query....paginate(page, 10, False)
return render_template('searchresults.html', form=form, results=results, curpage=page)
The results in render_template will be the first 10 results of my query. In searchresults.html I display the results, along with a next and previous link for the other results. This page also contains the same search form which I re-instate as per the initial submission. Currently I'm handling the next and previous links using
So the next link re-submits the same initial form, but with the page value increased. I'm not really happy with this approach because when I hover over the next link I don't see the actual page I will be directed to. It also is starting to feel like a bit of a hack. Is there a more natural way to do this? When the form is initially submitted I could use it to create a long string of the desired parameters and use that string in the rendered page as href=" {{ url_for('searchresults') }}?mystring", but this also seems unnatural. How should I handle this?
You have your form configured to submit as a GET request, so you don't really need to force a re-submission through Javascript, you can achieve the same result by setting the next and prev links to URLs that include all the parameters in your form with the page modified to the correct next and previous page numbers.
This is really easy to do with url_for(). Any argument you add that do not match route components will be added to the query string, so you can do something like this:
One thing to keep in mind is CSRF. If you have it enabled in your form, then your next/prev URLs will also need to have a valid token. Or you can disable CSRF, which for a search form might be okay.
Take advantage of the fact that your form arguments are already present in the URL and use request.args to pass the URL parameters into your form:
form = SearchForm(request.args)
Then, if you make your page field an IntegerField with a HiddenInput widget instead of a string field:
from wtforms.widgets import HiddenInput
class SearchForm(Form):
page = HiddenField(widget=HiddenInput, default=1)
you can increment page before you pass the form off to your search results page: += 1
And then, in your page, you simply create the link to the next page:

Why is my Watir::Table not found?

I'm using Watir-5.0.0, selenium-webdriver-2.40 and testing on IE-8. When I execute the following code:
puts "#browser.tables.length=#{#browser.tables.length}"
#browser.tables.each { |t| puts t.to_s }
t=#browser.table(:class => "jrPage")
puts "jrPage=#{t}"
t.rows.each do |row|
# do something
I get the following results:
Selenium::WebDriver::Error::StaleElementReferenceError: Element is no longer valid
Any thoughts on why is table I explicitly locate, Watir::Table:0x39219d8, is not in the #browser.tables.each collection?
I can understand why I get the StaleElementReferenceError (table not found) but not why the table I explicit locate isn't in the tables list.
I can find this table in the HTML.
The code is calling to_s for the table object. Watir-webdriver does not specifically define this method for elements. Therefore, it calls Ruby's default Object#to_s method:
Returns a string representing obj. The default to_s prints the
object’s class and an encoding of the object id. As a special case,
the top-level object that is the initial execution context of Ruby
programs returns “main.”
As you can see, this is what Watir is doing - Watir::Table is the object's class and 0x39219d8 is an encoding of the object id.
When iterating through the tables or getting a table, you are retrieving the table from scratch. In other words, a new table object is created for each of these commands. Even if you run the collection again, you will see that you get 4 different table object ids each time.
Note that while the table objects you are seeing are unique, the jsPage is referring to one of the elements in the collection. You can use the == method to check if two objects are referencing the same html element.
For example, you can see this with:
# Get the specific jrPage
jrPage = browser.table(:class => "jrPage")
# Check which element in the collection is the jrPage
browser.tables.each { |t| puts t == jrPage }
#=> false
#=> false
#=> true
#=> false
#=> false
The above tells you that the jrPage is the 3rd table on the page.
