How to make virtual machines see each other and host - linux

We have Virtual Machines operating within the KVM environment. We setup one as a dev server running apache etc and the other as a Windows development environment.
The two environments are setup and running fine. However, they cannot ping (see) each other. I am wondering if there is a clear solution to this.
This is what is happening.
From Host:
Cannot ping either of 2 VM's (one linux, one windows)
From Either of the VM's:
Cannot ping host
Cannot ping each other
From other network machines (for instance my laptop from within my company network)
Successfully ping host at
Successfully ping VM1 (Linux)
Successfully ping VM2 (Windows)
What sayeth the group ?
Jay Lepore


Connecting using TCP/IP from a virtualbox to another

I have 2 different machines running ubuntu on virtual box and i'm trying to run a server on one machine and connect with the client from another machine . However I am not able to connect due to the fact that the IP adress given from the virtual box machine is very strange that is 10.x.x.x . I am managing to run both programs one as ./server and the other ./client localhost 2017 on the same virtual box machine however not on different machines .. I am trying to run the client using ./client 10.x.x.x 2017 and the resulting error is error connecting . I should also add that both machines on virtual box are said to have the same IP address when I checked.. any help please ?
By default VirtualBox configures NAT networking.
You need to setup your addaptors in bridge mode and make sure your router can provide both VMs with IP addresses.
You can read more about it HERE.

One way communication between vm's?

We have 3 vm's set up in ESXi on one machine, and on another machine (host OS = MS Server 2012) we have 5 machines set up in VMware Workstation 11.
From the Workstation VM's I can ping and ssh into all 3 ESXi vm's, but from the ESXi vm's I can't ping or ssh to the Workstation VM's. I have tried this with the firewall enabled and disabled on the MS Server.
All vm's are running CentOS 6.x, the ESXi machines are full desktops, the Workstation machines are minimal installs.
All 5 Workstation vm's have 2 way comms with each other, as do all 3 ESXi vm's but comms only go one way between the two types.
Ned ideas for troubleshooting this, wide searches of the net yielded nothing helpful that I could find, nor did posting this problem on the VMware forums.
How is the networking setup for the Workstation VMs? Sounds like they may be NAT-ed, which would render them invisible.

how to ping the ip of linux running under vmware from window(host) of that same PC

I have window 7, and install Enterprises LINUX in vmware workstation, I have assign static IP I eth0 and eth1, and both are pinging from root as well as oracle user, but I cannot able to ping either of them from window of that same machine. Please help to advise how can i ping those static IP from my window 7 which is a host.
The answer depends on your VMWare networking setup for that virtual machine.
If the virtual machine is connected via a bridge or via a host-only network, you can just ping the VM's address.
If you're using NAT, then it's a problem since the VM has a private IP that's not seen by the host. The opposite ping should however work (if VMWare's NAT is smart enough) - you should be able to ping the host from the VM.

can't ping avahi alias from windows over LAN but can from other linux VMs

Context: i've set up a vm server for GIS testing and dokuwiki on the domain root. I'd like to serve the gis web apps on a subdomain so that dokuwiki url renaming will never conflict (and it just feels cleaner). I thought i had it solved with avahi-aliases, but then discovered...
Problem: I can't reach the subdomain from any windows pcs on the LAN. Linux VMs connect just fine. Am i trying the impossible or just doing it wrong? (i'm a DNS noob) Why would Linux find the subdomain but Windows not, even on the same LAN??
i can't change anything on the corporate routers/servers.
VMs are on different PCs on the same corporate LAN.
VM1 (virtualbox, hosted on windows PC1): Mint 13
VM2 (virtualbox headless server, hosted on windows PC2): ubuntu server 12.04, LAMP, samba, avahi, avahi-aliases.
primary domain: vm2.local
subdomain: gis.vm2.local (configured in apache and avahi-alias)
What works:
I can reach vm2.local AND gis.vm2.local from vm1 (via ping and browser).
I can reach vm2.local from any windows pc on LAN (via ping browser).
What doesn't work: I cannot reach gis.vm2.local from any windows pcs on the LAN.
Any ideas or advice is appreciated!
Sounds like either a firewall issue or Apache/IIS (whatever is hosting your web app) isn't listening to all traffic (If you are actually sharing networks). Try a traceroute/tracert from the machines to the destination and see what paths they take. It's a little hard to troubleshoot without actually seeing how your network looks.
You can also test if your hostname resolves by trying a ping on the PC's having issues.
If it says "Ping request could not find host . Please check the name and try again" - It's a DNS issue and you can address it quickly by providing the IP of the machine with its hostname in %WINDIR%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts

VBox network mode to test Win 2008 server?

I have 2 machines running on my VirtualBox, one is a Windows XP client the second one is a 2008 Server with DHCP and DNS installed and configured.
now i want to test my server setup with my client machine, i tried all the network mode in VirtualBox but none of them worked
NAT mode get dhcp setting from VirtualBox itself i think
Bridged mode get dhcp from my router
any idea what should i do ?
My first guess would be to configure both virtual machines to have a single virtual network adapter that is configured as "internal network" and set a static IP address on both virtual machines. That will effectively isolate both guests to their own private network for testing.
I suggest to you to set network adapters on both virtual machines in "Bridge Mode".
On Windows Server 2008 you must choose type: Intel PRO/1000 MT Server (82545EM)
In this way, your virtual machine will get an IP address on the same LAN of your host machine, and the three machines can communicate
